Mike Haney
Mar 15 2016, 09:49 AM
I have a question. I am running a non-sanctioned league. A group played a par 5 hole from a much shorter pad. One of the players on the card would normally get an eight or nine on the hole. From the short pad he got a three. If I only stroke him two penalty strokes, (three for the throws and two penalty = five) he will come out three or four ahead. This is not fair to the other players. What say you?

Mar 15 2016, 05:55 PM
It's the rule (score+2) and sometimes it might bounce in your favor. Remember that the other three players in the group were also at fault and could have prevented this player from getting this theoretically better score if they had played the correct tee. At Am Worlds in 2010, some junior players played the wrong tees and they got score plus 2 on several holes. In some cases, a few got better scores/ratings than if they had played the long tees like they were supposed to.