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Joaquin Esquivel #268920

Joaquin Esquivel #268920

Player Info

Ratings Detail

Richmond Hill Disc Golf - Campus Clash (Shorts); 18 holes; Par 62; 6,453 ft.
Richmond Hill Disc Golf - Campus Clash (Longs); 18 holes; Par 67; 8,273 ft.
Savannah Harbor - Savannah Harbor Mixed League ; 18 holes; Par 62; 7,266 ft.
Savannah Harbor - Red; 18 holes; Par 57; 5,379 ft.
Savannah Harbor - Red; 18 holes; Par 57; 5,379 ft.
Savannah Harbor - Savannah Harbor, League Blue; 18 holes; Par 54; 6,892 ft.
Richmond Hill Disc Golf - Gold (Long Layout) 9/20/23; 18 holes; Par 61; 6,286 ft.
Richmond Hill Campus Clash 2024C20-Apr to 21-Apr-2024MA3176728YesNo
Richmond Hill Campus Clash 2024C20-Apr to 21-Apr-2024MA3281804YesYes
Savannah Harbor PDGA Handicap League IIL27-Jan to 30-Mar-2024MA1478810YesYes
Savannah Harbor Shootout at the Westin ResortC9-Dec to 10-Dec-2023MA4166805YesYes
Savannah Harbor Shootout at the Westin ResortC9-Dec to 10-Dec-2023MA4267794YesYes
Savannah Harbor PDGA Handicap League L11-Nov to 13-Jan-2024MA1674818YesYes
RH Flex Start Frenzy 11/4C4-Nov-2023MA3168784YesYes