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PDGA State Coordinators

PDGA State Coordinators

PDGA Election season is here.

The annual PDGA Elections take place from July 1 through July 31 every year where members vote for the PDGA Global Board of Directors, the PDGA Europe Board of Directors and the PDGA State & Provincial Coordinators.

Full Information on PDGA Elections

Get to know the candidates this year before the ballot arrives in your inbox in July:

Now is the time to get involved.

A call for candidates for the upcoming PDGA Elections is underway through the month of May and there are spots on the PDGA Global Board of Directors, and the PDGA Europe Board of Directors, as well as PDGA State and Provincial Coordinator positions, available.

Board Candidates Sought for 2022 PDGA Election »

Now is the time to get involved.

A call for candidates for the upcoming PDGA Elections is underway through the month of May and there are spots on the PDGA Global Board of Directors, and the PDGA Europe Board of Directors, as well as PDGA State and Provincial Coordinator positions, available.

Board Candidates Sought for 2022 PDGA Election »

The July 31st election deadline is approaching fast. Vote Now!!!

The PDGA Board formed the Nominating Committee at the 2011 Spring Summit. The overall goal of the committee is to enhance the quality of the election pool for the Board, ultimately improving the effectiveness of the elected Board.

The principal motivation for this new effort is the realization that the responsibilities of PDGA Board members have become significantly more demanding as the organization and the sport has grown larger and more complex. Additionally, there is the concern that there are qualified candidates within our membership who might need additional motivation and information in order to consider running for a Board position.