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Sample Disc Golf Club Charter

Courtesy of The Stark County Disc Golf Association


The ˜ABC' Golf Club is an association of disc golfers formed to represent their collective disc golf interests. The club represents members from the ˜XYZ' course located in YOUR PARK in YOUR TOWN.


The Club's purpose is to:

Coordinate the members' efforts in matters of:

  • Course development, improvement, and maintenance,
  • Program and event scheduling and development,
  • Communication with members, recreational disc golfers, the community, the respective park departments and other clubs.

Provide club members an organization:

  • To promote disc golf membership and participation locally and regionally,
  • To voice their opinions and participate in a disc golf organization,
  • To provide credibility with park departments, potential sponsors, and the PDGA,
  • To expand disc golf in the area.



I admit that I am a disc-golf-a-holic. I confess that I am a ˜Hacker' and have an uncontrollable desire to play disc golf. I will be fair, honest, and respect the course, the game, and my fellow disc golfers at all times. I will represent all that is good and fun about disc golf to the best of my abilities.

Membership Types:

(some clubs only offer one type of membership at one price with one set of benefits “ often including an annual disc or shirt)

Charter Membership

  • Full membership with a permanent council voting status.
  • Must be a continuously involved club member for over 10 years.
  • Must have held club office, run events, and help grow disc golf
  • Must maintain ACE membership status.

Ace Membership

  • Full membership with full responsibilities and voting rights.
  • Must pay dues and fulfill responsibilities.
  • Must hold office and/or run a major event each year.
  • Entitled to full benefits and discounts and attendance to board meetings.

Birdie Membership

  • Full membership with voting rights and limited responsibilities.
  • Must pay dues and fulfill minimal responsibilities.
  • Entitled to full benefits and discounts.

Sandbagger Membership

  • Partial membership with minimal responsibilities and no voting rights.
  • Must pay dues and fulfill minimal responsibilities.
  • Entitled to limited benefits and discounts.

Group Memberships

Special memberships with or without voting status for special groups that want assistance, want input on course planning and/or affiliation with the Club. Dues shall be established based on benefit, participation, and responsibility arrangement.


  • One year membership in the ˜ABC' Club.
  • A membership card / club bag tag with a permanent member number.
  • Free ˜ABC' Club mailings and newsletters.
  • Discounts from selected club merchandise and participating businesses.
  • Charter, Ace, and Birdie members get $1 discounts on entry fees for official, non-sanctioned ˜ABC' Club events.

Dues Schedule:

Charter and Ace: $15 / year (If you run programs, you deserve a benefit)
Birdie: $25 / year
Sandbagger: $10 / year


Minimal: (All membership levels)

  • Maintain active club status and dues.
  • Support the Club, its sponsors, and its members and friends.
  • Assist with course maintenance and clean-up. (Min. of twice/year)
  • Give assistance to new players and visitors.
  • Abide by PDGA rules of courtesy, integrity, and responsibility.

Limited: (Charter, Ace, and Birdie Memberships)

  • All ˜Minimal' responsibilities.
  • Must vote on all official Club issues.
  • Must vote for Board of Directors each year.
  • Provide assistance on club projects and events. (min. of 3 / year)

Full: (Charter and Ace Memberships)

  • All ˜Limited' responsibilities
  • Entitled to attend Board meetings
  • Must direct or co-direct an event or program (minimum of 1 / year)
  • (Only Charter members and the Board of Directors are allowed to vote at board meetings)

Suspension of Membership:

A member may be suspended by the Director for any of the following:

  • Repeated unsportsmanlike conduct, such as: cursing, throwing objects in anger (other than discs), excessive displays of anger, overt rudeness, threats or willful physical harm to anyone present.
  • Willful destruction or harming of park property, plant life, or wildlife.
  • Cheating: A willful attempt to circumvent the rules.
  • Activities that are in violation of the law, park regulations, or Club rules.

The suspension shall continue until the next regularly scheduled club meeting. The suspended member may address the Club. A 2/3 quorum must be present at the meeting and a positive simple majority vote will be required for reinstatement. During a suspension, the suspended party loses all Club privileges and voting rights. There will be NO reimbursement of Club dues. A suspended member that is denied reinstatement may reapply the following year but is subject to the same voting approval requirement at that time.

Operational Procedures

Operating Protocol

The Club shall conduct meeting and business in a parliamentary manner with voting members electing a Board of Directors who then conduct club business based on the input from the club membership.

  • A quorum of 40% or 10 voting club members minimum must be present in order to conduct a vote. A quorum can also be met by the presence of 2/3 of the standing Club officers.
  • A simple majority is required to pass or deny a resolution.
  • A 2/3 club majority is required to pass or deny a Referendum, amend the Charter, or to reinstate a suspended member or officer.

Club Meetings and Elections

  • Quarterly Meetings: The Club shall meet at the park (weather permitting) (Jan, Mar, June, & Oct)
  • Annual Meetings: The Club shall meet in October for the annual meeting. The annual meeting shall consist of the election of officers, voting for Referendums or Charter changes, membership polls, and events scheduling and planning. (Elected officers shall take office at the first scheduled meeting of the following January.)
  • Council Meetings: Supplementary quarterly meetings of the Club officials and Charter members to discuss long range goals, appointments, special projects, or emergency situations.
  • Special Elections: Special Elections may be called requiring a 2/3 quorum at a monthly meeting to replace or add an officer during the year. The Chairman may appoint a temporary officer if needed.
  • Absentee Voting: Members who are unable to attend a meeting may submit an absentee vote for matters of interest to them by submitting their opinion / vote to the Chairman in writing prior to the meeting. This does not replace the member's duty to attend meetings.


Some Club business may be too important to decide at a monthly meeting and may require a vote of the entire membership at the annual meeting or at a special meeting. These Referendums must be voted on by a 2/3 quorum and be approved by a 2/3 majority.



All official Club operations shall be overseen by a Club officer. It shall be the duty of all elected officers to do their best to serve the Club and to fulfill their responsibilities. Officers are required to attend Club and Board meetings. Only active members may be elected and hold office. An officer may be removed from office by a 2/3 vote by the Club. All Club officers shall be PDGA members. All terms shall be for one year periods.


Chairman of the Board

The Chairman shall preside over meetings and direct overall Club operations. The Chairman shall review applications and volunteer appointments. The Chairman shall be a PDGA member and official. The Chairman shall be Sergeant-at-Arms and administer all judgments related to Club rules. The Chairman may appoint temporary replacements for officials who can not complete their terms. The Chairman is to be a standing Director elected by the Board of Directors.

Vice-Chairman of the Board

The Vice-Chairman shall assist the Chairman and shall be second in charge when ever the Chairman is not available. The Vice- Chairman shall be a PDGA member and official and is to be a standing Director elected by the Board of Directors.

Director of Finance

The Finance Director shall manage, account, and disperse all common Club funds. This officer shall provide financial status reports at each monthly meeting and at the annual meeting.

Director of Membership/Communication

The Membership Director shall oversee all aspects of membership including but not limited to: collection of dues, maintaining a club database, correspondence with members, and regular projects to help grow the Club. This officer shall oversee the Club web site and maintain the Club email address. The Club shall pay for all service charges.

Director of Promotions

The Promotions Director shall be responsible for Club public relations. This includes notifying media of special events and contacts with the respective Parks departments. This officer shall coordinate fund raising efforts with Event Directors for specific events and shall accept applications and appoint leaders and staff for special clinics and promotions.

Director of Programming

The Program Director shall oversee all Club disc golf events. This officer shall coordinate scheduling (within the club and with other clubs), organization and leadership of club events including but not limited to: all sanctioned and non-sanctioned tournaments, leagues, weekly doubles, all fund raisers, and all special events. The Programming Director shall accept applications and appoint Event Directors and help recruit volunteers.

Director of Facilities

The Facilities Director shall be responsible for course maintenance, course improvements and course development. This officer shall conduct monthly clean-up and maintenance projects covering all courses as well as coordinating work with the respective parks departments. All course modifications must be approved by a referendum vote by the membership.

Appointments and Committees

All Directors are encouraged to create committees, receive applications and make appointments for special assignments for their respective positions. It is not the intent that the Director does all the work but that the work gets done. This also helps to develop future club leaders and officers. Appointments shall be reviewed by the Chairman of the Board as a check and balance.

All appointments and committees shall be selected from volunteers and members may not be drafted for the position. All appointees and committee members must be members in good standing with the Club.

A person may be elected to more than one directorship. If one of the directorships goes unfilled, the duties of that position are to be divided among the other standing directors.

Each member of the Board and each Charter member will have one vote per person during Board meeting. The Chairman may cast the additional deciding vote in the event of a tie.