Course Reviews

by hof1991 on Jul 16, 2016 at 1:03pm

:tldr didn't enjoy it, won't be back.

A small course alright. The first three holes are entirely blind, with no way of knowing where the holes are. Third time around you'll remember.

So you are throwing blind and as long as you land in the fairway, you're OK. But the fairway is about as wide and curvy as a bike path, so even a good throw might well land elsewhere.

Remember, the landing spot is blind and you can't see where your disc landed, even on a perfect throw. Most likely in the scrub off the narrow fairway. Which is full of poison ivy. OK, just wander around in there for a while. That will be mildly challenging.

After that, the course gets boring. 4,6,7,8 and 9 are basically throwing on a soccer field. #5 manages to tuck the hole away in the woods, so you can find more poison ivy.

In the spring and fall, this might be enjoyable enough, but all summer, not so much.

I have sympathy for the challenges of trying to put a course in a flat park designed around a soccer field. The more courses the better. I have a number of reviews of area courses. This is the only one I will not play again. Even Mead is more enjoyable.

by mklimbach on Jul 13, 2016 at 2:36pm

This course is a nice, small course with some mildly challenging blind fairway hooks and small, wooded greens in part of the course. It's definitely a great beginner course. My only complaint is the tees are dirt and have eroded from use to the point of being unusable on some holes.

A note: The holes are out of order compared to the map posted here. The map here makes more sense than the actual course layout, but I'd say it's quiet enough that you can throw it any way you like.