Jan 18 2004, 11:18 AM
New fantasy golf league for disc golfers. Everyone is free to join. Go to Yahoo Fantasy Sports, the private group ID is 7927, and the password is innova. No disrespect to the discraft crowd. See you there.
Jan 18 2004, 02:22 PM
Without going to Yahoo first, what is it, dimple crushing golf or plastic chucking?
Im mre than certain, its Ball Golf.....
fantasy golf?
An I thought Fantasy Baseball sounded retarded, when i first heard of it....
Jan 19 2004, 01:27 PM
Fantasy Disc Golf.
Again this year.
Details Coming VERY soon. (late Jan.)
Jan 25 2004, 01:59 PM
The players wanted it, so here it is...fantasy NASCAR. At Yahoo Fantasy Sports as usual. League ID# is 10526, and the password is again innova. Just keeping it simple. Please feel free to join us, and let any discers you know who might be interested how to find us and join. We have 18 teams currently signed up for the ball golf league which is league ID# 7927, and the password is...you guessed it: innova. Hope to see you there.
geez! Where are we going to draw the line on this fantasy thing? I mean really, NASCAR... :p
and yes that does look infected.. you should have it checked out as soon as possible :eek:
Whats next, fantasy disc golf?
Woops, didn't read the above post. I guess its been done already.
Jan 26 2004, 10:12 AM
Geez, WTF?
If you don't like fantasy leagues, don't look at this thread.
Jan 26 2004, 10:40 AM
You tell them Trim! Now hurry up and sign up so we can push you around again.
What the hell is wrong with you Trim? I mean really, is that all the better you can do? I've come to expect so much more from you.... you're getting soft! come on! Give 'em the old Trim thrashing...BTW how the hell did you get a star? Did your boyfriend sign up and vote for ya? :eek:
Jan 26 2004, 08:16 PM
Respect for the Mothaboard, b itch!
Don't hate on Trim... RESPECT NC MoFO!
Oh I have plenty of respect for NC...MoFo ;)
Besides, I love trim... :eek:
Jan 27 2004, 09:54 AM
that's right
it's a TRIM world after all!
Ball golf was almost too far of a stretch for me, but NASCAR definately is way too far over the edge, for me to get into.
I may live in the south, but i dont live and breath NASCAR like half the rednecks do.
Jan 27 2004, 03:07 PM
Shut the [*****] up, *****! Like I said before, stay the [*****] off this thread if you don't like it.
And I ain't no redneck,
I'm just a good ol boy....
You're a discgrace to the south!
Byte my ***! I am in the fantasy golf, and football, but NASCAR is too much of a stretch. its fun to watch occationally, but Im not THAT into it....
so stop talking so [*****] much.
oh yeah! :eek:
Now that's the Trim we all know and love :D
Not a redneck? pretty much anyone in the south is, even if they dont like Country Music. (Metalhead here)
unless you stay indoors all the time.....
good to see all your homies backing you up, but i still dont give a **** about them either....
This was never intended to be personal, so calm the hell down.....
Not a redneck? pretty much anyone in the south is, even if they dont like Country Music. (Metalhead here)
WOW. Thats a huge steriotype there buddy. I like country music but I'm pretty **** far from a redneck. Just what exactly do you consider a redneck? You're from Texas... so you are a redneck right? :eek:
I disagree with both Schmack and BoFa. I'm from Texas and I am definatly not a redneck. Schmack, how could mostly everybody in Texas be a redneck if we have some of the biggest urban areas in the U.S. as well as some of the biggest minority populations. You know **** well that the Mexican and African American people in Texas aren't rednecks. "They might call us country but we only southern".
We all heard of Jeff Foxworthy but here are some real ways to tell if your a redneck: You got the confederate flag hanging up in your house or vehicle and your really a racist, you have the confederate flag hanging up and you listen to country music and live the country life, and last but not least, you have the confederate flag hanging up and you joined a fantasy nascar league.
Jan 28 2004, 01:47 PM
I believe BoFa was being sarcastic there Nerd... Just a thought
I believe they both were.
OK OK, I USED to take offence if anyone refered to me as a redneck, then one of my frineds, who DOES like Country music, told me I am one, whether I admit it or not. Granted, Hispanics and Blacks arent as likely to have a red neck. but I have known hispanics, to have a neck that is physically red.
In School, redneck was just a term for country music types.
most every discgolfer I know has a red neck, due to extended hours in the sun, playing this game we all love so much. (often fades to brown after a few days)
Also, I am in a even larger metropolitan(urban) area then you, and rednecks are in the cities too.
Jeff Foxworthy is a funny SOB, the first 10 times you hear his one liners, and most of us know at least one person, you can fit into his "you might be a redneck" jokes.
I dont actually label every person in the "South" a redneck, because so many people take offense to it. (perfect example here)
though, in one way or another, nearly every one of us can qualify under one of the thosand stereotypes.
Good to get all this feedback and opinion!!
You're dead (but were the greatest).
Feb 16 2004, 06:48 PM
Started off in like 15th and now i am in 5th in fantasy golf soon I will be in first.
Feb 16 2004, 07:04 PM
And first place would be held by... :confused:
Feb 16 2004, 07:26 PM
Enjoy it for now.
Feb 16 2004, 07:59 PM
Now and at the end of the season baby! :D
fantasy disc golf?
here it is
[email protected]
my friend is running it and althought a little rough around the edges, it is workable and the season starts this weekend.
Feb 16 2004, 10:21 PM
Actually, it is:
But close enough. And he is right, it does start this weekend with the Memorial.
Feb 26 2004, 12:32 PM
Batter Up! It's time for fantasy baseball. If interested come join other discers at Yahoo! Sports, then fantasy blah blah. If you are reading this, you know how to get there. The League ID# is: 75101, and the password is: innova.
See you there. Draft happens on the 20th. Sign-up now to edit your draft list preferences. 14 slots currently available. :cool:
First Place in Fantasy Ball Golf!!!!!!!
Amazing.....Im locked out of my account right now, siunce I shitcanned my DSL, so maybe if it isnt fixed by wednesday, you guys will get the lead back!!
(since you had to dig deep to find any players worth a ****, who werent playing in the match play championships)
Mar 01 2004, 04:39 PM
And then Maggert withdrew! :eek: :(
Yeah, Maggert was on my squad too.....
Well, I will be earning ZERO points this week, and have already lost the lead.....
(assuming those Yahoo asswipes get it strraightened out before NEXT wednesday....)
@#$^&*()* :mad:
Mar 05 2004, 10:33 AM
Well there's always baseball season for you! :D
Yep, Ill be in that one too.....
GO ASTROS!!!!!!!
Mar 05 2004, 02:51 PM
Well, I will be earning ZERO points this week, and have already lost the lead.....
(assuming those Yahoo asswipes get it strraightened out before NEXT wednesday....)
@#$^&*()* :mad:
Just exactly how did you get locked out of your Yahoo! account?!?
Mar 08 2004, 12:05 AM
Baseball is gradually filling up. 14 of 20 slots already taken. Can you beat Team Trim? How about teaminconsistent? DGschmack? The Aviars? A girl? :DJoin in at:
League ID# is: 75101
Password is: innova
Mar 09 2004, 11:45 AM
We had another person join yesterday, so we now have five slots to fill. Draft is on the 20th, so sign-up now and edit your draft list before then. :)
Mar 09 2004, 05:14 PM
Just signed up to play!!! (SA discgolfer)
Mar 09 2004, 09:00 PM
Outstanding James! :DWelcome aboard! :)
Alright people that makes 16 teams, and therefore only four slots remain. Who else dares step into the breach?
<font color="red"> http://fantasysports.yahoo.com/
League ID# is: 75101
Password is: innova
Mar 10 2004, 10:07 AM
Standings Member List
Rank Team Points
1 Ellicott Racing 746
2 Tight In Loose Out 721
3 Disc Golf 720
4 SilverWolf Racing 713
5 Triple "S" Racing 682
6 My car has no muffler 679
7 tywesmas 640
8 TeamInconsistent 639
9 eagle Inc. 549
10 Team Trim 486
11 BeginnersLuck 448
12 hydrophase 0
While it's somewhat embarassing to be in a NASCAR fantasy league, and knowing nothing about the sport, first place is still first place! :D
Mar 10 2004, 04:04 PM
Standings Member List
Rank Team Points
1 Ellicott Racing 746
2 Tight In Loose Out 721
3 Disc Golf 720
4 SilverWolf Racing 713
5 Triple "S" Racing 682
6 My car has no muffler 679
7 tywesmas 640
8 TeamInconsistent 639
9 eagle Inc. 549
10 Team Trim 486
11 BeginnersLuck 448
12 hydrophase 0
While it's somewhat embarassing to be in a NASCAR fantasy league, and knowing nothing about the sport, first place is still first place! :D
Just goes to show you how mindless NASCAR racing is, when a newbie who knows nothing about the sport can hold first place. Then again, Jason Haas won my fantasy football league!
I was indeed embarassed for you guys when you formed the fantasy NASCAR league. That is until I joined a fantasy Arena Football league. Is there anything worse? :D
Mar 10 2004, 04:11 PM
No there isn't. :D
Mar 10 2004, 05:50 PM
<font color="red">WHEN WILL THIS MADNESS END :eek: </font>
Okay, Yahoo! has a NCAA tourney game. Who thinks they can fill in the best brackets? Come join yet another custom league.
Disc Golfers (ID# 12280)
password is: innova
Mar 10 2004, 06:37 PM
<font color="red">WHEN WILL THIS MADNESS END :eek: </font>
Okay, Yahoo! has a NCAA tourney game. Who thinks they can fill in the best brackets? Come join yet another custom league.
Disc Golfers (ID# 12280)
password is: innova
Here's an easier link:
Disc Golfers (ID# 12280)
password is: innova
Anybody on here play fantasy baseball offer on mlb.com? They have several to choose from, but I play the free one. If anyone else does play on there, maybe we can set up a league of our own. PM me if you are interested or if any of you have already formed a league.
Mar 11 2004, 12:22 AM
Thanks for the assist Jeff! :)
Troy if the mlb.com thing doesn't happen for you, feel free to join us at Yahoo! Info is a few posts above.
Mar 13 2004, 06:21 PM
<font color="red">ONLY THREE SLOTS LEFT!! :eek: </font>
<font color="blue">Don't Be Thrown Out At First! :( </font>
Disc Golfers Fantasy Baseball at Yahoo!
League ID# 75101
Password: innova
<font color="green">Also 12 Players Now Signed Up For NCAA Tourney League :) </font>
League ID# 12280
Password: innova
Mar 14 2004, 11:02 PM
<font color="purple">LAST CALL FOR BASKETBALL! :cool:</font>
<font color="blue"> http://fantasysports.yahoo.com/
<font color="green">League ID# 12280
Password: innova </font>
Sure it's no NASCAR League ;) but hey it's college basketball! /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
Missed the baseball draft, but computer picked OK for me....
Now that I have access to my yahoo account again, Ill be climbing back up the ranks in the golf!!!
Mar 26 2004, 01:52 PM
it don't make no matter. teaminconsistent will be a force to be reckoned with.
Mar 26 2004, 02:04 PM
Fantasy Baseball, blecch!!!
I am a proud particpant in Fantasy Golf and Fantasy Arena Football, now there is some true excitement!
Mar 26 2004, 02:12 PM
Fantasy Arena Football
And people mocked us for having a NASCAR league.
Fantasy Baseball, blecch!!!
I am a proud particpant in Fantasy Golf and Fantasy Arena Football, now there is some true excitement!
Arena Football??
Love watching it, but we dont have a H-town team anymore....
Mar 26 2004, 03:53 PM
Fantasy Arena Football
And people mocked us for having a NASCAR league.
I think we have found a winner! Can you find anything more ridiculous than Fantasy NFL Europe?
I haven't signed up...
May 24 2004, 06:35 AM
Overview: Maryland Amateur Tour
Season Standings
Rank Team W-L-T WPct GB Last Week Waiver Moves
1 Ellicott Aviars 86-44-10 .650 - 17-3-0 17 26
2 Troy's Twisters 84-45-11 .639 1.5 5-12-3 3 1
3 teaminconsistent 80-46-14 .621 4 17-3-0 13 11
4 CE Eagles 75-46-19 .604 6.5 10-8-2 18 6
5 rainman 72-49-19 .582 9.5 9-5-6 11 7
6 ASSTROS 73-54-13 .568 11.5 13-5-2 15 21
7 Torchers 65-51-24 .550 14 12-5-3 6 8
8 BrokeBustedDisgusted 68-58-14 .536 16 16-4-0 14 8
9 Virginia Chain Gang 68-60-12 .529 17 8-11-1 10 9
10 Piranha's Pics 68-62-10 .521 18 11-8-1 20 25
11 Sportznut's Slammers 64-59-17 .518 18.5 7-8-5 12 9
12 BeginnersLuck 66-62-12 .514 19 3-17-0 5 1
13 Mississippi Pimps 63-65-12 .493 22 11-9-0 8 -
14 Sour Diesels 61-67-12 .479 24 8-7-5 19 18
15 SA discgolfer 60-71-9 .461 26.5 5-13-2 16 13
16 wolverines 53-72-15 .432 30.5 8-10-2 7 7
17 Megawaste 42-78-20 .371 39 5-9-6 2 3
18 DiscJockey 47-83-10 .371 39 4-16-0 1 3
19 salty dogs 35-90-15 .304 48.5 9-11-0 9 -
20 TeamTrim *****! 31-99-10 .257 55 3-17-0 4 2
May 24 2004, 11:37 AM
breathin' down yo neck mofo!!! 4 games ain't nuttin'!
May 24 2004, 12:27 PM
I smelled the stale stankness, and wish you would stop grabbing my hips from behind!
Remember you have to be in the top four to make the playoffs!
I'm thinking football will be sixteen teams only due to bye week problems etc.
May 24 2004, 02:20 PM
I'm thinking football will be sixteen teams only due to bye week problems etc.
I've been in a few NFL fantasy football leagues over the years and have some suggestions for you if you don't mind. In my opinion, 16 teams is way too many and you should be shooting for 8-12 owners. More owners than 11 or 12, and some unlucky soul gets stuck with Andre Davis as his No. 1 receiver. (Fantasy veterans and Cleveland Browns fans know that's not a good thing.) There is only so much good talent in the NFL to go around and with too many owners you can get stuck with a bunch of waterboys on your team. You may even have to use players that aren't starters, and it's just no fun to find out on Sunday night that your guy didn't even play and you got zero points for him that week.
Conversely, having fewer owners than 8 allows everyone to stockpile a roster full of Pro Bowlers, and that's just silly. Most owners should have one or two marquee players, a bunch of regular workhorses and a few unknowns; the fun is in finding those "sleepers."
Once again, I highly recommend setting a maximum of 10 or 12 teams.
My $0.02 -Jeff
May 24 2004, 02:59 PM
Ideally I'd like to have 15 teams so everyone would have to play each team once. Unfortunately that doesn't work scheduling wise. :( Yahoo sets the default at 12 teams, but as you said that allows managers to have a team of superstars. I will be limiting the number of bench positions so that teams can't horde talent. I will also minimize starting QB's and RB's to one, so with 16 teams, every team has a back-up QB or RB that is probably starting somewhere. It's a 32 team league now. Our Baseball league is set up with only 2 bench slots, and two DL positions, so there are decent players out there in waiver/free agency land even with 20 teams in our league. Same with basketball when that comes around. Five guys and a couple of bench players. Much more realistic.
May 24 2004, 03:51 PM
No, having a fantasy football league with only 6 or 7 teams results in all Pro Bowlers on every team's roster. Having a league with 10 or 12 teams results in an equal distribution of talent over all the teams.
I still think having more than 12 is a mistake. One guy will get lucky and draft either Priest or LT AND either Randy Moss or Marvin Harrison and have such an unfair advantage. I can't imagine what it would be like to have the 15th or 16th pick in that draft - you'd get stuck with Marcel Shipp as your number one RB (fantasy veterans and Arizona Cardinals fans know that's not a good thing)
Out of curiosity, have you run the fantasy football league with 16 teams for many years? How successful has it been? Have people returned year after year to play it again?
May 24 2004, 04:13 PM
No I've always stuck to Yahoo's 12 team format, but the fact that Marcell Shipp has to be with somebody reflects reality. Whoever is the 16th pick also is the 17th pick, and the #1 is also the 32nd. It averages it fairly well.
May 25 2004, 03:45 PM
teaminconsistent will be leading fantasy baseball come monday!
teaminconsistent will also kick butt in fantasy football no matter what the format. your "wife" is not allowed to have a team this time hawk :D
May 25 2004, 03:57 PM
Paul still bitter about getting beaten in the playoffs by a womans team made up entirely of players whose name starts with B! :D
May 25 2004, 04:17 PM
bitter indeed! you would be to if you dominated all season, then lost in a fluke.
PS... for what it's worth (hardly anything), i did outscore you in that week and the final week /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
May 25 2004, 04:47 PM
All I seem to remember is the Ellicott Spiders ending up league champs. We'll be back to defend the title this season. Better not dawdle signing up!
Ill be kicking all your asses in Football, and as you, sneaking up on you in Baseball too....
and a NOOB to boot!!!!
May 25 2004, 05:54 PM
Not worried. :D
May 25 2004, 09:46 PM
MUCH better pic there Hawk!!!!
May 26 2004, 06:35 AM
I had this poster as a kid. I "loved" this poster. :D
I dont thik LOVED, is quite right, unless its all crikled and sticky, but we get the idea.....
Jun 01 2004, 10:12 AM
Rank Team W-L-T WPct GB Last Week Waiver Moves
1 teaminconsistent 99-47-14 .663 - 19-1-0 12 12
2 Troy's Twisters 92-54-14 .619 7 8-9-3 20 5
3 CE Eagles 83-54-23 .591 11.5 8-8-4 17 6
4 Ellicott Aviars 88-59-13 .591 11.5 2-15-3 16 30
5 Torchers 81-54-25 .584 12.5 16-3-1 5 8
6 Virginia Chain Gang 83-62-15 .566 15.5 15-2-3 9 12
7 ASSTROS 82-62-16 .563 16 9-8-3 14 21
8 rainman 79-59-22 .563 16 7-10-3 10 7
9 BrokeBustedDisgusted 81-64-15 .553 17.5 13-6-1 13 9
10 Mississippi Pimps 79-66-15 .541 19.5 16-1-3 7 -
11 Sour Diesels 73-73-14 .500 26 12-6-2 19 20
12 Piranha's Pics 74-74-12 .500 26 6-12-2 18 30
13 Sportznut's Slammers 67-75-18 .475 30 3-16-1 11 10
14 BeginnersLuck 67-81-12 .456 33 1-19-0 4 1
15 wolverines 60-84-16 .425 38 7-12-1 6 7
16 SA discgolfer 61-87-12 .419 39 1-16-3 15 14
17 Megawaste 54-85-21 .403 41.5 12-7-1 2 3
18 DiscJockey 57-90-13 .397 42.5 10-7-3 1 3
19 salty dogs 43-98-19 .328 53.5 8-8-4 8 -
20 TeamTrim *****! 37-112-11 .266 63.5 6-13-1 3 2
the cream always rises! :D
Jun 01 2004, 10:33 AM
I told Rich and Shark yesterday at the Hill that it would be a long Tuesday for me. :D
Jun 01 2004, 10:39 AM
I smelled the stale stankness, and wish you would stop grabbing my hips from behind!
Remember you have to be in the top four to make the playoffs!
don't forget this come playoff time old man! :D
Jun 01 2004, 12:07 PM
I told Rich and Shark yesterday at the Hill that it would be a long Tuesday for me. :D
i see you've decided to follow my fantasy baseball strategy as well. no surprise here... copying is the sincerest form of flattery. :D
Jun 01 2004, 02:48 PM
Yes I have been evaluating your theory, and concur on the value of it. Perhaps for slightly different reasons, but the underlining principle is sound. Unfortunately I am speaking vaguely so as to not tip off the rest of the competition. :D
TeamIncontinence wont be there for long, I am sure....
Jun 01 2004, 10:15 PM
No worries. He's choked before...football 2003 :D
Jun 22 2004, 10:31 AM
Overview: Maryland Amateur Tour
Season Standings
Rank Team W-L-T WPct GB Last Week Waiver Moves
1 teaminconsistent 126-73-21 .620 - 13-5-2 11 15
2 CE Eagles 117-71-32 .605 3.5 15-4-1 15 8
3 Troy's Twisters 121-75-24 .605 3.5 9-7-4 17 6
4 Mississippi Pimps 121-79-20 .595 5.5 17-2-1 7 -
5 Virginia Chain Gang 120-80-20 .591 6.5 11-6-3 18 14
6 rainman 115-78-27 .584 8 6-11-3 9 9
7 Torchers 109-77-34 .573 10.5 5-13-2 5 8
8 ASSTROS 111-85-24 .559 13.5 10-7-3 20 22
9 Ellicott Aviars 112-87-21 .557 14 7-10-3 14 37
10 BrokeBustedDisgusted 106-97-17 .520 22 7-12-1 12 11
11 Sour Diesels 101-99-20 .505 25.5 12-7-1 16 23
12 DiscJockey 90-106-24 .464 34.5 15-5-0 1 3
13 wolverines 85-105-30 .455 36.5 5-12-3 6 11
14 Piranha's Pics 90-113-17 .448 38 2-17-1 19 42
15 BeginnersLuck 87-120-13 .425 43 8-12-0 4 1
16 Megawaste 72-107-41 .420 44 12-8-0 2 4
17 Sportznut's Slammers 80-116-24 .418 44.5 4-15-1 10 10
18 SA discgolfer 79-121-20 .405 47.5 12-5-3 13 15
19 salty dogs 67-120-33 .380 53 7-9-4 8 -
20 TeamTrim *****! 49-149-22 .273 76.5 5-15-0 3 2
Jun 22 2004, 11:03 AM
The Fantasy Golf season is half over and it's anybody's to win.
Torch has a slim 28 point lead on Piranha, but 7 other players are also lurking within 70 points of the leader.
With 20 tournaments remaining, many of the top managers have started the same players week in and week out - will that strategy come back to bite them when they run out of starts near the end of the season?
By occasionally starting players from the European Tour, the Amish Porn Stars have more starts available. The smart money is on them!
Jun 22 2004, 04:00 PM
I just spent 20 minutes watching Jeff's avatar.
The Porn Stars have already won with the best team name!
Chris Hysell
Jun 22 2004, 04:02 PM
Only 20 minutes? Slacker. It took me 45 minutes to break the spell.
Jun 25 2004, 01:16 PM
Lets get it started, b itches!
Jul 06 2004, 10:59 PM
Yahoo! Fantasy Football is up. Let's get our leagues formed.
Jul 06 2004, 11:35 PM
I'm giving current baseball, racing and golf players first crack. Check our league(s) for the info. First come first served. 15 slots open as of right now! If not full by Monday I will post info publicly here. I suspect we'll fill quickly.
Jul 07 2004, 12:03 AM
All potential fantasy football commissioners should visit the following URL with advice on how to run a good league.
Starting a league (http://fantasysports.yahoo.com/analysis/news?slug=startingaleague&prov=tsn&type=lgns&league=nfl)
The most important part is to keep the number of owners in a league to 10-12. A league with 15 owners is NOT a good idea.
My $.02
GO CHARGERS!!!!!!!! :D :D :D
this may sound like a stupid question but how do you play fantasy football.could someone like me who knows nothing about it have a chance of doing good ?
Jul 07 2004, 05:44 PM
Preacher Man,
Fantasy Football is actually quite easy to particpate in. You'll "draft" a team of NFL players and then choose a lineup each week during the NFL season, receiving points for their actual performances in NFL games.
Check out the following link (http://www.fantasyasylum.com/modules/wfsection/article.php?articleid=1313) for more information on how it all works.
i don't know about that jeff it all seems pretty perplexing to me,i'll have to study it a little while :confused:
2 new features:
The commish has the option to either have sole control over vetoing trades OR he can set it so that the league votes. :eek:
The Cant Cut List is now an optional feature.
Jul 07 2004, 09:05 PM
2 new features:
The Cant Cut List is now an optional feature.
Thank God! I got stuck with Michael Vick all last year. You couldn't cut him, and no one would trade for him since it was obvious he was returning late in the season. He wasted an extremely valuable bench spot on my roster all season. And then when he finally does come back, he rushes for 141 yards and a touchdown against Carolina and of course I didn't start him.
Jul 10 2004, 10:45 AM
Yahoo! Fantasy League for Disc Golfers...
Eight spots still open.
League ID is: 3862
Password is: innova
Come kick md21954's butt! :D
Jul 11 2004, 09:24 AM
Down to seven open spots.
League ID is: 3862
Password is: innova
This is a new Yahoo Fantasy Football league (created today):
Entry fee: 1 premium-plastic disc. You will ship this to me before the season starts, and I will ship out the discs to the winners (6 discs to 1st,4 discs to 2nd,2 discs to 3rd) at the end of the season. More details on this on our league's message board.
12 Teams
All default settings. No screwy scoring.
This league is set for a live draft on Sun Aug 1 11:00pm EDT.
You do not have to sit at your computer during this time to draft your team. You can pre rank players and your team will be auto-drafted based on your rankings (or you can use Yahoo's rankings) if you forget or decide not to take part in the live draft. Draft order will be randomly created by the computer 30 minutes before the draft. It is suggested that you log in to the league 15 minutes before the draft.
League ID#: 142138
Password: Ace
If you have any questions, send me a message here.
Jul 18 2004, 04:36 PM
Forgiven One,
Try the following link. (http://www.sportsline.com/fantasy/university) It's a little whorish in trying to get you to sign up for their services, but it also explains fantasy sports pretty well, too.
Jul 21 2004, 03:01 PM
I am running a FF league and have had 5 teams drop out because of overextending themselves plus some just dont return emails - I would like to expand right away to 12 teams. Instead of charging a big fee would anyone be interested in paying with Premium Discs 2 per team. They would have to be sent to me before the beginning of the draft. Payout would be 12 for 1st, 8 for 2nd and 4 for 3rd.
The rules have been updated if you need to see all the rules Click Here Disc Golf Fantasy Football Rules (http://football4.myfantasyleague.com/2004/options?L=30090&O=26)
Meant to post this here a while back:
League ID: 65829
Pass: football
All Discgolfers leage, free to join.............
Yahoo, of course......
Jul 24 2004, 10:09 AM
Why would you run the draft on August 1? The final cuts won't even have been made yet for each team in the NFL. I'd prefer to wait until the rosters are final before making my late selections, wouldn't you?
Jul 27 2004, 03:29 PM
Why would you run the draft on August 1? The final cuts won't even have been made yet for each team in the NFL. I'd prefer to wait until the rosters are final before making my late selections, wouldn't you?
I agree 100%. Not to mention injuries during the preseason.
I wouldn't worry about that Aug. 1 deadline anyway; the league only has 5 entrants at this point and I doubt that it will fill before then.
Aug 02 2004, 11:40 AM
Come on People!!!
Are there any interested partys in the 2 disc league? All the information is below - You must have your discs to me at least 3 days before the draft email me here to find out where to send the discs
[email protected]
1st - 12 Discs
2nd - 8 Discs
3rd - 4 Discs
League Name: Premium Disc Golf League ID# is 285232
Password: pinhighace
Draft Type: Live Draft
Draft Time: Wed Aug 25 7:30pm PDT
Max Teams: 12
Scoring Type: Head-to-Head
Start Scoring on: Week 1
Can't Cut List Provider: Yahoo! Sports
Max Moves: No maximum
Max Trades: No maximum
Trade Reject Time: 2
Trade End Date: November 26, 2004
Trade Review: League Votes
Waiver Time: 2 days
Post Draft Players: Free Agents
Playoffs: Week 15 and 16 (4 teams)
Roster Positions: QB, WR, WR, WR, RB, RB, TE, K, DEF, BN, BN, BN, BN, BN, BN
Stat Categories: Passing Yards (25 yards per point)
Passing Touchdowns (6)
Interceptions (-2)
Rushing Yards (10 yards per point)
Rushing Touchdowns (6)
Reception Yards (10 yards per point)
Reception Touchdowns (6)
Return Touchdowns (6)
2-Point Conversions (2)
Fumbles Lost (-2)
Offensive Fumble Return TD (6)
Field Goals 0-19 Yards (3)
Field Goals 20-29 Yards (3)
Field Goals 30-39 Yards (3)
Field Goals 40-49 Yards (4)
Field Goals 50+ Yards (5)
Point After Attempt Made (1)
Sack (1)
Interception (2)
Fumble Recovery (2)
Touchdown (6)
Safety (2)
Block Kick (0)
Points Allowed 0 points (5)
Points Allowed 1-6 points (3)
Points Allowed 7-13 points (2)
Points Allowed 14-20 points (1)
Points Allowed 21-27 points (0)
Points Allowed 28-34 points (-1)
Points Allowed 35+ points (-3)
Or The Pay League (http://football4.myfantasyleague.com/2004/home/30090) - no transaction fees - $60 Franchise Fee ($5 from each team pays for software)
Top 3 pay out
1st - 50% = $330
2nd - 30% = $198
3rd - 20% = $ 132
Aug 02 2004, 01:32 PM
<font color="green">SURVIVAL FOOTBALL </font>
Yet another fantasy game! This one wasn't set up by me, but I'm in it, and I don't want to be one of two playing. In essence you have to pick the winner of one game each week. I don't believe there's any point spread involved. If your pick wins that game, then you move on. If your team loses you are eliminated. Best record(s) at the end win...or something. Okay maybe it's cheesy, but it's two minutes each week.
Yahoo Fantasy Sports.
ID# 10113
Password: ace
D-ZAMN.....too many people joining too many leagues, and we get not enough participation......
once again
League ID: 65829
Pass: football
At the moment its all Discgolfers, and I woudl like to to stay that way, but I will make it public if we dont get more people soon.....
100% free, and if we fill with discgolfers, we can later vote if people want to put a few pieces of that plastic crap we toss around on the line.....
I have set up a free league through Yahoo:
Aug 10 2004, 12:47 AM
Still looking for people for a Pay League http://football4.myfantasyleague.com/2004/home/30090 - no transaction fees - $60 Franchise Fee ($5 from each team pays for ;eague site)
Top 3 pay out
1st - 50% = $330
2nd - 30% = $198
3rd - 20% = $ 132
We also have 2 disc league? All the information is below - You must have your discs to me at least 3 days before the draft email me here to find out where to send the discs
[email protected]
1st - 12 Discs
2nd - 8 Discs
3rd - 4 Discs
League Name: Premium Disc Golf League ID# is 285232
Password: pinhighace
Draft Type: Live Draft
Draft Time: Wed Aug 25 7:30pm PDT
Max Teams: 12
Scoring Type: Head-to-Head
More info on each of the sites
Aug 11 2004, 10:23 AM
Yet another fantasy game! This one wasn't set up by me, but I'm in it, and I don't want to be one of two playing. In essence you have to pick the winner of one game each week. I don't believe there's any point spread involved. If your pick wins that game, then you move on. If your team loses you are eliminated. Best record(s) at the end win...or something. Okay maybe it's cheesy, but it's two minutes each week.
Yahoo Fantasy Sports.
ID# 10113
Password: ace
Shockingly nine players have signed up so far. The more the merrier and better, so why don't you?
So far its all Discgolfers, have 7 teams so far, max of 12.....
Should be TONS of fun, if you are even a casual Football Fan......
League ID: 65829
Password: football
CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP!!! (http://football.fantasysports.yahoo.com/f1/65829)
2 open slots on a FREE Discgolfer Fantasy Football!!!!!
Draft will occur within the next 2-3 days, so sign up now!!!!
ID: 65829
Pass: football
CLICK HERE TO JOIN!!! (http://football.fantasysports.yahoo.com/f1)
Sep 29 2004, 11:13 PM
Standings Member List
Rank Team Points
1 Ellicott Aviars 4,838
2 The Billy Burule 4,835
3 Piranhadisc 4,831
4 westymas 4,766
5 Big Up 4,755
6 The Amish Porn Stars 4,703
7 SW Big Birds 4,684
8 Torch of Rapid River 4,664
9 hfds006 4,471
10 grandmofo 4,392
11 DG Schmack 4,087
12 teaminconsistent 3,310
13 BeginnersLuck 1,372
14 BrokeBustedDisgusted 1,311
15 TeamTrim 1,299
16 Birdies 2 Bogies 1,204
17 I need a mulligan 1,151
18 69UnderPar 1,092
19 UWSPdiscer 1,076
20 Birdie Blute 954
21 the throwers 0
The long slow climb is over. Now to cling on! :D
Who's ready for Fantasy Basketball?
12 team league. ALL DEFAULT SETTINGS!
League ID# 11488
Password: ace
All members must pay fee: Premium disc (champion, etc.) with local stamp + $2 for shipping
1st= 6 discs
2nd= 3 discs
3rd= 2 discs
4th= 1 disc
Oct 01 2004, 05:45 PM
<font color="red">Fantasy Basketball </font>
I wanted to hold off advertising this one, but since someone has already thrown out the raw meat. :D
We're at Yahoo Fantasy Sports.
League ID# 411
Password: innova
No fee to get in. Just playing for fun and games. Hope to see you there.
Oct 04 2004, 12:11 PM
<font color="blue"> Fantasy Basketball </font>
Eight of 20 slots currently filled. Don't be left out.
Yahoo! Fantasy Sports.
League ID# 411
Password: innova
Oct 05 2004, 09:07 AM
MD AM TOUR Fantasy Baseball Final Results
CE Eagles
Sour Diesels
the teaminconsistent would like to thank--
-johan santana for coming in as a free agent and pitching some serious heat on the way to his first cy young.
-the yankees for being the teaminconsistent's inspiration to win without one of those child molesting SOBs sullying the teamiconsistent's roster the entire season.
-TeamTrim for raising the bar of meaningless smacktalk.
-va chain gang for raising the bar for pre-mature predictions.
-miguel tejada for proving to teaminconsistent and the o's why he was their #1 off season priority and leading the majors in RBIs. he was afterall the teaminconsistent's #1 overall pick.
the teaminconsistent would also like to thank everyone not mentioned above for being the weak-minded, head up your butt, lousy managers that you were as the teaminconsistent left you in the teaminconsistent's dust.
and lastly and most importantly, the teaminconsistent would like to thank md21954 for being such a masterful fantasy baseball manager.
you are all the teaminconsistent's b!tches. see you in '05.
Oct 05 2004, 10:57 AM
<font color="purple"> YAHOO! FANTASY BASKETBALL LEAGUE </font>
11 of 20 slots are filled.
League ID# 411
password: innova
Oct 06 2004, 11:36 PM
<font color="orange"> YAHOO! FANTASY BASKETBALL </font>
13 out of 20 slots now filled.
This is your chance to defeat The Teaminconsistent! :D
ID# 411
Password: Innova
This is our 3rd year,Piranha has won both years,help us defeat him,ID-8860
pass-3discheads Serious managers only
Oct 07 2004, 11:19 AM
Once again, I question whether a 20-person league distributes the talent too much. Doesn't the one guy who drafts both Kevin Garnett and another elite player (Tracy McGrady, Tim Duncan, Kobe Bryant, Predrag Stojakovic, etc.) always win? Wouldn't a 10 or 12-person league be more fair?
With a 20-person league, you end up with 49-year old Sam Cassell as your starting point guard!
Oct 07 2004, 12:11 PM
It may not be your cup of tea, but our football league which you bailed on is getting rave reviews from the participants:
Kudos to the commish
by: Dropin4s (jdlush1) Sep 28 8:15am
I've got to say that a 9 way tie for second place with no unbeaten/untied teams in week 3 makes for an interesting season. Looking forward to sticking it to Pokerintherear and smacking the cheats around to take over 1st in the next 2 weeks.
I guess some players have the skills to win without a team of superstars.
Oct 07 2004, 12:38 PM
Latest Update:
<font color="green"> 15 of 20 slots taken.</font>
<font color="blue"> League ID# 411</font>
<font color="red"> Password: innova</font>
If Casell puts up numbers similar to last year, I'll take him.
While it's possible that someone will draft a really strong team, that's the same if you have 10 or 20 teams. In theory with 20 teams each team should have only one top 20 player. That s^cks if you get number 20, but that's luck of the draw. Finding the right filler players is the challenge of fantasy sports. If I get Duncan and you get Garnett and we just sit back and watch their stats, what's so fun about that.
Oct 07 2004, 03:58 PM
Also remember if you get pick #20 you also get pick #21 while the Team with the #1 pick has to wait until #40! ;)
Now Hawkgammon, shouldn't what's posted on the FFL board, stay on the the FFL Board? I talked smack and wound up with 13 points last week. 13!!!!!
I was really really tempted to say something along the lines of, "Hey, look who got his furry [*****] handed to him after he talked crap about PokerInDaRear, and look who's currently in first place, in no small part thanks to the weakness of the Dropin4s."
But I didn't.
Oct 07 2004, 05:21 PM
It may not be your cup of tea, but our football league which you bailed on is getting rave reviews from the participants:
Kudos to the commish
by: Dropin4s (jdlush1) Sep 28 8:15am
I've got to say that a 9 way tie for second place with no unbeaten/untied teams in week 3 makes for an interesting season. Looking forward to sticking it to Pokerintherear and smacking the cheats around to take over 1st in the next 2 weeks.
I guess some players have the skills to win without a team of superstars.
The last thing I want is for every team to have all superstars! But you should still be able to start legitimate fantasy producers and not scrubs or backups who may not even play that week. When you have a fantasy league with the right amount of teams (10-12) then the talent is spread equally amongst all teams.
Furthermore, in your ridiculous 16-team fantasy football league, I bet you that any free agent that has a good game Sunday afternoon is picked up by early evening that night. I bet you that the waiver wire is scoured instantly; unless you have a high waiver pick, you can never pick up players dropped. And I'm 100% sure that some managers have the awful Miami or Dallas running backs as their starting running backs, or atrocious Atlanta or Carolina wide receivers as their starting wide receivers. In smaller leagues, you never need to resort to such low depths! I'm also sure that sometimes managers are forced to start backups who may never even see the ball that week, resulting in a big fat zero on Monday morning.
Oct 07 2004, 05:27 PM
Actually each team only has one starting RB...sort of like real life. I don't believe anyone is using Eddie George or any of the Dolphins cast. Nice try though.
Oct 07 2004, 09:50 PM
<font color="green"> Discers & Dunkers </font>
<font color="red">17 </font> of <font color="blue"> 20 </font> Slots Filled! :)
We'd like to welcome our latest entry's:
A Mystery Woman :cool:
& Gimp Edwards :)
<font color="purple"> League Id: #411</font>
<font color="brown">Password: innova </font>
Hawk, can you get Jeff some hand lotion or something? He appears to have a lot of pent up stress inside.
Oct 07 2004, 11:05 PM
I've got a 55 gallon drum down on the loading dock ready to ship out tonight.
Oct 08 2004, 09:15 AM
Actually each team only has one starting RB...sort of like real life. I don't believe anyone is using Eddie George or any of the Dolphins cast. Nice try though.
the teaminconsistent is all superstars sucka! eat the teaminconsistent's dust!
Oct 08 2004, 10:06 AM
Hawk, can you get Jeff some hand lotion or something? He appears to have a lot of pent up stress inside.
There's no lotion available, Dan has got the market cornered!
I'm just trying to help these guys out and show them why they run their leagues bass ackwards. We made these same mistakes 5 years ago and learned from them.
Oct 08 2004, 10:09 AM
There's no lotion available, Dan has got the market cornered!
c'mon jeff! you can do better than resort to the old "i know you are, but what am i" drivel, can't you? :p
Oct 08 2004, 12:45 PM
<font color="blue"> ONLY ONE SLOT LEFT!!! </font>
<font color="red"> Sign Up Quickly Before Jeff Grabs It! </font>
<font color="purple"> League ID# 411 </font>
<font color="green">Password: innova </font>
Oct 08 2004, 11:05 PM
<font color="blue"> ONLY ONE SLOT LEFT!!! </font>
<font color="red"> Sign Up Quickly Before Jeff Grabs It! </font>
For reasons explained thoroughly before, I have absolutely no interest in a fantasy basketball league that features a ridiuclous 20 managers, possibly leaving members of the Charlotte Bobcats on my starting roster!
Oct 08 2004, 11:12 PM
Sarcasm apparently lost on young Jeff, who apparently is advocating the contracting of the NBA down to a total number of something less than 20 teams. :)
All slots currently filled. :cool:Thanks to everyone for signing up.
Oct 08 2004, 11:16 PM
Sarcasm apparently lost on young Jeff
"Young Jeff?" I'm 31 years old, how about you, punk?
Oct 08 2004, 11:30 PM
39 you whiner.
Oct 11 2004, 04:02 PM
The Fantasy Football All Bust Team, through 5 weeks
QB-Michael "If only I was as good in real life as in my new commercial" Vick. (Kerry "I should go back to drinking" Collins honorable mention)
RB-Michael "I think I have a slight tear in my vagina" Bennett.
RB- Kevan "Why couldn't my Mom just named me Kevin" Barlow.
WR- Santana "Yesterday I had cramps" Moss. PMS?
WR- Peerless "What do you call a reciever that gets big bucks who can't catch?" Price -less.
TE- Boo "Hoo" Williams.
K- Ryan "Even though I have the perfect name for a kicker, my offense sucks this year" Longwell.
DT- Miami- We are good but our stinking offense has us playing 55 minutes of the game. (and Special Teams on the field for another 3 minutes)
Oct 12 2004, 12:21 AM
Your team sucks worse than every team in my league, sorry.
PS. I hope that you are bringing your coaching skills into FBB this year.... at least I can beat you.
Oct 12 2004, 08:10 AM
That's not my personal team, it's the Fantasy Football All Star Busts, assjack!
Oct 12 2004, 09:23 AM
let's hear it for the teaminconsistent! first place after week five (and the teaminconsistent even has one of jeff l's all bust team).
<table border="1"><tr><td>Rank Team Name W-L-T WPct Pts Streak Waiver Moves
</td></tr><tr><td> 1 teaminconsistent 4-1-0 .800 260 W-2 12 6
</td></tr><tr><td> 2 QuickSilver 4-1-0 .800 219 W-3 16 10
</td></tr><tr><td> 3 I\'m JB *****! 3-1-1 .700 282 W-3 6 1
</td></tr><tr><td> 4 Ellicott Spiders 3-2-0 .600 246 W-1 13 18
</td></tr><tr><td> 5 Texans 3-2-0 .600 241 W-2 8 9
</td></tr><tr><td> 6 CE Eagles 3-2-0 .600 237 L-1 4 4
</td></tr><tr><td> 7 brokebusteddisgusted 3-2-0 .600 236 W-1 2 3
</td></tr><tr><td> 8 Dropin4s 3-2-0 .600 224 W-1 10 6
</td></tr><tr><td> 9 PokerInDaRear 3-2-0 .600 218 L-1 3 14
</td></tr><tr><td> 10 Team TRIM ***** 2-2-1 .500 284 L-2 14 8
</td></tr><tr><td> 11 The Birdie Train 2-3-0 .400 253 L-1 11 8
</td></tr><tr><td> 12 Warwick Animals 2-3-0 .400 220 L-2 5 -
</td></tr><tr><td> 13 Babylon Crackers 2-3-0 .400 210 W-2 15 11
</td></tr><tr><td> 14 Atreau3 2-3-0 .400 194 L-3 7 1
</td></tr><tr><td> 15 TEAMSMACK 0-5-0 .000 173 L-5 1 -
</td></tr><tr><td> 16 The_Cheats 0-5-0 .000 109 L-5 9 -
This is our 3rd year,
3 Discs to enter
pass-3discheads Serious managers only
Oct 29 2004, 02:46 PM
I know people get busy with family, work, and other committments, but there are several managers in the five fantasy football leagues I am in that field lineups every week with players on bye and empty slots. More so than in any other fantasy sports game, this totally throws off the league integrity. For example, my team may face one of the top teams and get beaten, while all the other top teams may face one of the negligent owners with players on bye week and coast to an easy victory. Of course, after several weeks of absenteeism, the negligent owner will return just in time and submit a full roster for their matchup against my team!
It takes 5 minutes of your life (sometime between Tuesday morning and Sunday morning at 12:45 PM, is that too much to ask?) to login, check, and submit a valid roster. Maybe when I am married and have small children I will understand, but for now I ask that negligent owners consider next year whether they can commit this minimum of effort to their fantasy football team.
My $.02
Oct 29 2004, 02:59 PM
Too bad you bailed on our league. Quality solid competition week after week. :D
Oct 29 2004, 04:41 PM
Are the FF participants the same as in our Discgolfers Fantasy Golf League? Because of the original 21 that signed up for that league, only 12 still bother to put in a lineup. Even of those, a few regularly "[*****] the bed" and fail to enter a lineup; Torch and Big Up were the most recent to do that.
BTW, I'm counting on the Ellicott Aviars to triumph! :D
Oct 29 2004, 06:12 PM
Well Jeff I certainly appreciate your support, but unfortunately I am 4-3 and mired in sixth place. There are some carryovers, but so far everyone is staying active.
I think people just go bored with the golf. I prefer player exclusivity in some kind of draft vs. everyone can use a player x number of times. I think I'm done with golf and Nascar once those seasons end this month.
One of the weekly problems in Hawks FFL is that with small rosters, and 16 teams, sometimes you are forced to start a guy on a bye week because you don't have a bench replacement and if you put a decent player on waivers to pick up a replacement he's gone quickly. It makes for a different strategy than your average league. I'm currently lying in wait in 11th just waiting to make my move.
Oct 30 2004, 01:22 AM
That's yet another reason I opted out of Hawks FFL league. I can't stand leagues with small rosters/number of bench spots. Yahoo! defaults to 6 bench spots, that's just too few. 7 should be the minimum, with 10 the maximum to prevent a manager from stockpiling good players that he has no intentions of starting but is keeping other managers from using them.
Jim, I wish you guys were in the Aceholes league; there's no chatter there this year. I remember a lot of ball busting last year between you, me, Dan, and Haas. And at least you guys put in a valid roster each week.
Jeff, the short bench & small rosters just make the decision process more difficult. There was some pretty good preseason trash talk (teamimconstipated) but it's been pretty quiet since everybodys teams are mediocre at best (until Randy Moss gets healthy and Tony Gonzalez actually catches a friggin pass, 56 points last week and he makes the highlights for his outstanding blocking :()
Save the trash talking for FDR and Monkey Paw (are you going?).
Nov 08 2004, 11:49 AM
New approach: public shaming.
Here's the lineup submitted by Atreau3 (Erick Simonds) this week:
<table border="1"><tr><td>Pos</td><td>Player</td><td>Opp
</td></tr><tr><td>QB</td><td>B. Favre (GB - QB)</td><td>Bye
</td></tr><tr><td>WR</td><td>D. Bennett (Ten - WR) </td><td>Bye
</td></tr><tr><td>RB</td><td>C. Portis (Was - RB)</td><td>@Det
</td></tr><tr><td>RB</td><td>R. Johnson (Cin - RB)</td><td>Dal
</td></tr><tr><td>TE</td><td>I. Mili (Sea - TE) </td><td>@SF
</td></tr><tr><td>WR/TE</td><td>L. Fitzgerald (Ari - WR)</td><td>@Mia
</td></tr><tr><td>WR/RB</td><td>T. Fisher (GB - RB) </td><td>Bye
</td></tr><tr><td>K</td><td>R. Longwell (GB - K)</td><td>Bye
</td></tr><tr><td>DEF</td><td>Kansas City (KC - DEF)</td><td>@TB
</td></tr><tr><td> </tr></td></table>
Players Atreau3 left on his bench: Jake Delhomme, (299 yards passing, 3 TDs) Isaac Bruce, (59 yards receiving, 1 TD) Marshall Faulk, (66 yards rushing, 22 yards receiving, 2 PT conversion) Lee Suggs, (56 yards rushing) and Keary Colbert. (42 yards receiving)
Nov 08 2004, 04:05 PM
Thanks Jeff!
I told you yesterday that i forgot! Truth is, at work, they just blocked yahoo sports (along with many other great sites). If there is a time where i would remember to update my roster, it would be at work...
Next week is a different story... i'll try.
Nov 08 2004, 04:38 PM
I'd like to see some more chatter too. Last week I posted a message asking where people were from -- no response.
Is it that they can't deal with me kicking their asses?
Nov 08 2004, 05:51 PM
Is it that they can't deal with me kicking their asses?
Hey MK and your broken bones, all that matters is the playoffs, buddy! And besides, the only reason you are leading the league is because every week you play someone like Chunks (Thong Le) who submits a lineup like this:
<table border="1"><tr><td>Pos</td><td>Player</td><td>Opp
</td></tr><tr><td>QB</td><td>M. Vick (Atl - QB)</td><td>Bye
</td></tr><tr><td>QB</td><td> C. Pennington (NYJ - QB)</td><td>@Buf
</td></tr><tr><td>WR</td><td>P. Burress (Pit - WR) </td><td>Phi
</td></tr><tr><td>WR</td><td>R. Woods (SF - WR)</td><td>Sea
</td></tr><tr><td>WR</td><td>W. Chrebet (NYJ - WR) </td><td>@Buf
</td></tr><tr><td>RB</td><td>D. Staley (Pit - RB) </td><td>Phi
</td></tr><tr><td>RB</td><td> G. Jones (Jac - RB)</td><td>Bye
</td></tr><tr><td>TE</td><td>F. Jones (Ari - TE)</td><td>@Mia
</td></tr><tr><td>WR/TE</td><td>B. Franks (GB - TE)</td><td>Bye
</td></tr><tr><td>WR/RB</td><td>E. Smith (Ari - RB)</td><td>@Mia
</td></tr><tr><td>K</td><td>D. Akers (Phi - K)</td><td>@Pit
</td></tr><tr><td>DEF</td><td>Oakland (Oak - DEF)</td><td>@Car
</td></tr><tr><td> </tr></td></table>
It's tough to lose when your opponent submits a roster with three players on bye week!
Nov 08 2004, 09:09 PM
Yeah, I've been loading up for the playoffs. It's true that my record is totally crazy because I'm playing people who aren't really playing. However, have you noticed I'm also leading in points by nearly 200?
Also, even if Chunks had submitted his best line-up, he would have only scored 82 points to my 165.
I didn't even realize when I signed up for the league that things would be so weirdly weighted towards quarterbacks.
Anyway, maybe we should move this smack talk over to the league's msg board and try to get people fired up.
Nov 09 2004, 08:38 AM
Indeed you lead in total points, which is the true measure of fantasy prowess.
You can try, but it's tough to fire up people that are already dead.
I found the worst one of them all. PhillyFan (m8ymike, Mike Morano) not only has bye week players, but two guys on injured reserve!
<table border="1"><tr><td>Pos</td><td>Player</td><td>Opp
</td></tr><tr><td>QB</td><td>J. Harrington (Det - QB) </td><td>Was
</td></tr><tr><td> QB</td><td>B. Leftwich (Jac - QB) </td><td>Bye
</td></tr><tr><td> WR</td><td>An. Johnson (Hou - WR)</td><td>@Den
</td></tr><tr><td> WR</td><td>P. Price (Atl - WR) </td><td>Bye
</td></tr><tr><td> WR</td><td>R. Curry (Oak - WR) </td><td>@Car
</td></tr><tr><td> RB</td><td>K. Barlow (SF - RB) </td><td>Sea
</td></tr><tr><td> RB</td><td>D. Davis (Hou - RB)</td><td>@Den
</td></tr><tr><td> TE</td><td>B. Troupe (Ten - TE) </td><td>Bye
</td></tr><tr><td> WR/TE</td><td>P. Warrick, IR (Cin - WR) </td><td>Dal
</td></tr><tr><td> WR/RB</td><td>Q. Griffin, IR (Den - RB) </td><td>Hou
</td></tr><tr><td> K</td><td>J. Kasay (Car - K)</td><td>Oak
</td></tr><tr><td> DEF</td><td>New England (NE - DEF)</td><td>@StL
</td></tr><tr><td> </tr></td></table>
Peter Warrick and Quentin Griffin are on injured reserve and out for the year.
Nov 15 2004, 01:33 PM
I updated it this week... how did i do? I cant check my teams at work...
Nov 15 2004, 03:57 PM
I'm beating you 131-110...but you still have philly's D going tonight
Nov 15 2004, 04:05 PM
21 pts for a defense would be alot!
we'll see...
Nov 16 2004, 12:09 AM
Thank you for submitting a valid lineup. The same can't be said for Chunks or The Beasts, OUR COMMISSIONER!!!
Dec 21 2004, 09:42 AM
Overview: Disc Smackers
Playoff teams (four out of a sixteen team league)
Rank Team Name W-L-T WPct Pts Streak Waiver Moves
1* PokerInDaRear 11-4-0 .733 830 W-4 3 26
2* THEteaminconsistent 10-5-0 .667 793 W-3 16 12
3* Texans 10-5-0 .667 792 W-5 7 22
4* QuickSilver 10-5-0 .667 756 L-1 13 20
the teaminconsistent lept from fourth to second last night and will have a showdown with the texicans to go for the title.
Dec 28 2004, 01:42 PM
I beat Disc Golf Rules Zealot #1, Bill Burns, this week for the league championship, woo-hoo! Riding the hot hand of Josh McCown(!) and wunderkind WR Drew Bennett, Bill torched everyone in weeks 14 and 15 of the playoffs and made the fantasy superbowl in his first season ever of fantasy football! Unfortunately for Bill, Drew was missing in action this week and Donovan McNabb played only one quarter of football.
I had a lot of fun this year. I drafted well, getting L. Tomlinson with the fifth pick (!) I took advantage of the prolific year by Peyton Manning by drafting his 2nd and 3rd WRs Reggie Wayne and Brandon Stokely. After the playoffs last year, I had a feeling about Stokely. Trent Green and Brian Westbrook were money all year long, too.
I did well in free agency too. I was fortunate to scoop up Drew Brees right after the draft, and he had an unbelievable break-out year. I grabbed Minn. tight end J. Wiggins and used him after NE tight end Daniel Graham fell off the planet. I traded the Dallas defense and Chicago WR David Terrell for the Seattle defense and Joe Horn. Even though the Dallas defense came on strong towards the end of the year and the Settle defense was a bust later on in the season, Joe Horn was money down the stretch. Unbelievably, I also found Dallas RB Julius Jones on the waiver wire in week 11.
Dumbest moves: Dropping Minnesota WR Nate Burleson after week 1, and dropping Tampa Bay rookie WR Michael Clayton after week 3. The former has 64 catches for 957 yards and 9 TDs, and the latter now has 78 receptions for 1,107 yards and six touchdowns, including four catches for 66 yards and two touchdowns this past week!
I hope everyone comes back for another season next year. Once again, I know people get busy with family, work, and other committments, but I'd like to remind people that it takes 5 minutes of your life (sometime between Tuesday morning and Sunday morning at 12:45 PM) to login, check, and submit a valid roster. Maybe when I am married and have small children I will understand, but I ask that negligent owners consider next year whether they can commit this minimum of effort to their fantasy football team.
And for anyone wondering about my team name, Off in the Woods. I purposely chose this name so that nobody could talk trash after defeating me in a weekly matchup or in the playoffs. After defeating me, there's no way anyone would post:
I beat Off in the Woods!
:eek: :o:cool::) :D
man, you are the most self absorbed pain in the [*****] ever.
you forgot to mention the BS trade with Billy
Dec 29 2004, 09:54 AM
the teaminconsistent is facing off versus pokedintherear dan howard in the real league's championship this week.
starting lineups as of 0754 HRS wednesday...
THEteaminconsistent (10-5-0)
Pos Player Opp Status Pts
QB T. Brady (NE - QB) SF 1:00 pm 0
WR A. Lelie (Den - WR) Ind 4:15 pm 0
WR N. Burleson (Min - WR) @Was 1:00 pm 0
RB E. James (Ind - RB) @Den 4:15 pm 0
TE C. Cooley (Was - RB,TE) Min 1:00 pm 0
K M. Vanderjagt (Ind - K) @Den 4:15 pm 0
DEF Baltimore (Bal - DEF) Mia 1:00 pm 0
PokerInDaRear (11-4-0)
Pos Player Opp Status Pts
QB M. Vick (Atl - QB) @Sea 4:05 pm 0
WR D. Bennett (Ten - WR) Det 1:00 pm 0
WR A. Boldin (Ari - WR) TB 4:05 pm 0
RB D. McAllister (NO - RB) @Car 1:00 pm 0
TE D. Graham (NE - TE) SF 1:00 pm 0
K D. Akers (Phi - K) Cin 1:00 pm 0
DEF Buffalo (Buf - DEF) Pit 1:00 pm 0
Dec 29 2004, 10:25 AM
that depends on how long brady, james, and vick are going to play..... i be surprised if it was anything past the 1st quarter
Dec 29 2004, 10:35 AM
i've got boller to back up brady and fred taylor to back up edgerrin. both the ravens and jags are in must win games so i have some head scratching to do on that one.
Dec 29 2004, 10:40 AM
if taylor is actually playing that would be a much better start considering he would be playing against the non-existent run defense of the raiders... but he might still be injured (maybe jones). also, i wouldn't think boller is too strong of a start vs. miami's pass defense. lewis will probably get 150 and 2 TD's, boller about the same yardage and half as many TDs
Dec 29 2004, 10:51 AM
ya never know with boller and the ravens pride on the line at home. regardless, he might be a better start than brady playing only one quarter.
the teaminconsistent thinks taylor will be playing and will likely go with him.
Dec 29 2004, 11:26 AM
im in the championship this weekend too....
i've got mcnabb (worthless), d.driver and a.green (greenbay playing for nothing = 1 half of playing time at the most), and pittsburg and indy defense (both most likely sitting starters and playing teams needing a win)
ill be doing the championship game in week 16 next year
Dec 29 2004, 01:25 PM
Hawk, Paul, others,
Here's a good article for you to read why you should NEVER hold your fantasy football championships in week 17.
Weak 17 (http://fantasysports.yahoo.com/analysis/news?slug=fanball-weak&prov=fanball&type=fantasy&league=nfl)
Dec 29 2004, 01:36 PM
you are such a sissy. the teaminconsistent is glad we didn't have to put up with your whiny shenanigans in the REAL fantasy football league.
week 17 is a curveball that solid fantasy football managers, such as the teaminconsistent, should have to deal with to earn the champion title.
no need to respond. i know this concept is incomprehensible to painty waists such as yourself.
Dec 29 2004, 01:50 PM
i've got boller to back up brady
ROTFLMAO!!! :cool::) :D :DFunniest thing I've heard all week.
Have fun losing the championship this week when Brady and Edgerrin sit on the bench and Fred Taylor is out injured and Kyle Boller gets demolished by the Miami defense.
I posted that article so that you could see what PROFESSIONALS who make a living from fantasy sports have to say. If you refuse to take any advice from me, perhaps you'll listen to someone who gets paid to analyze fantasy sports for a living. Apparently you're still intent on being the biggest douchebag in the world, though. For Chrissakes, please make a New Year's resolution and resolve to change!
Dec 29 2004, 01:59 PM
i've got boller to back up brady
ROTFLMAO!!! :cool::) :D :DFunniest thing I've heard all week.
Have fun losing the championship this week when Brady and Edgerrin sit on the bench and Fred Taylor is out injured and Kyle Boller gets demolished by the Miami defense.
I posted that article so that you could see what PROFESSIONALS who make a living from fantasy sports have to say. If you refuse to take any advice from me, perhaps you'll listen to someone who gets paid to analyze fantasy sports for a living. Apparently you're still intent on being the biggest douchebag in the world, though. For Chrissakes, please make a New Year's resolution and resolve to change!
ok... your fantasy prediction was posted here. regardless of who starts for me, we'll see who's right come monday.
come to think of it, i'm getting paid to analyze fantasy sports as we speak too. how does that seperate me from some geek with column who probably isn't in his league's championship game?
Dec 29 2004, 02:00 PM
who make a living from fantasy sports
Where are these losers who do this? Is this the next thing to be televised on ESPN? This might be the funniest quote of the year.
Dec 29 2004, 02:01 PM
we all know how easily clouded jeffrey's judgement can be when he gets angry. we don't like jeffrey when he's angry.
Jan 03 2005, 09:29 AM
the teaminconsistent would like to thank jeff l for being so much of a sissy to be the brunt of so many easy jokes.
the teaminconsistent would like to thank dan "pokedintherear" howard for his feeble attempt at making this league somewhat interesting.
the teaminconsistent would like to thank JB and TT for simultaneously eliminating each other from the playoffs despite really kicking arse in the pts area.
the teaminconsistent would like to thank hawkgayman for putting this league together.
and lastly, the teaminconsistent would like to thank the teaminconsistent himself for being such a shrewd fantasy sports manager to sweep baseball, football, and appear to be on the way to win the NBA league as well. when will yall learn? even the week seventeen irrelevance curveball wasn't enough to stop this juggernaut of a fantasy franchise known simply as THE teaminconsistent. who would send fred taylor to the waiver wires for a rookie like lee suggs? who would start kyle boller over tom brady and be rewarded for it? who made a on the ball, balls to the wall trade early in the season to secure edgerrin james and cruise through bye week dillema after bye week dillema, fearless, and 100% confident of the title that belonged to nobody other than THE teaminconsistent from day one? that's right... THE teamiconsistent did, and yall suck!
hope to see this sorry bunch in the same league next year for another easy victory *******.
Jan 03 2005, 09:34 AM
Who won the NCAA Men's College Basketball Tournament Pick Em last March?
Yea, *****.
Jan 03 2005, 10:49 AM
the teaminconsistent would also like to point out the clutch, early season TE pickup of the redskins' chris cooley who had a clint didier like season with 6 TDs and finishing tenth among tight ends in fantasy points. that, my friends, is fantasy football savvy of an unrivaled ilk!
What I find really sad is that Dan went with Kerry Collins for a -8 points. I do believe that 8 points was the difference wasn't it. Just goes to show you that at crunch time, you can't trust the tall, skinny, white guys. All those years as a Giant fan taught him nothing.
Congrats to the Teamiwasjustgoodenoughtobeatthetop4teamsbutwouldnt havewonintheconsolationbracket.
Jan 03 2005, 11:02 AM
word. that was almost as bad as the texicans benching roethlisberger the week before to start billy volek for -7 pts. both moves cost them the matchup.
it just goes to show--- teams fear the teaminconsistent such that they tremble the week before they face the teaminconsistent and make such fools of themselves.
as for the consolation bracket... there is a reason it is called the loser bracket. you don't ever find the teaminconsistent in it.
baseball crown, football crown, soon-to-be NBA crown... THE teaminconsistent is a force to be reckoned with!
Jan 06 2005, 03:50 AM
Fantasy Golf (http://golf.fantasysports.yahoo.com/golf) is up and running. I WILL spank all of you this year.
Jan 13 2005, 06:00 PM
Yahoo Fantasy Sports has a free Fantasy Golf game. It starts on Thursday, February 3 and runs through the end of The Tour Championship on Sunday, November 6.
To join the private league, click on the link above and use the following settings:
Group ID#: 10857
Password: cafe
I just joined the fantasy golf group. I did that last year and had some fun even though they way it works is a bit of a pain.
I have also created a Yahoo Fantasy Nascar League, any and all disc golfing Nascar fans are welcome. I know there are a few of you out there.
Group ID: 3061
Password: 2410
Jan 18 2005, 01:02 PM
Yahoo Fantasy Sports has a free Fantasy Golf game. It starts on Thursday, February 3 and runs through the end of The Tour Championship on Sunday, November 6.
To join the private league, click on the link above and use the following settings:
Group ID#: 10857
Password: cafe
Anyone else besides Richard wanna get in? Please join us.
Jan 28 2005, 12:19 PM
Fantasy Arena Football
And people mocked us for having a NASCAR league.
Okay this one takes the cake!
Even worse than Fantsy Golf, sillier than Fantasy NASCAR Racing, more ridiculous than Fantasy Arena Football, and more outlandish than Fantasy NFL Europe, it's:
...drumroll, please...
Fantasy Bass Fishing! (http://games.espn.go.com/basschallenge/bass/frontpage)
is anyone else having trouble getting into there fantasy NBA team?
Feb 22 2005, 08:04 AM
Yes. I've tried at home and at work (shhhhhh don't tell anyone) and it slowly sends you to a white screen with a lot of gibberish on it. Baseball appears to be unaffected. I don't know what is up.
Feb 22 2005, 02:32 PM
Fantasy NBA or MLB, yuck...It's making me miss the NFL all the more right now. Although I am somewhat pacified by my fantasy Arena Football team kicking some major [*****]! :D
Feb 22 2005, 02:51 PM
Speaking of Fantasy Baseball join the greatest league in the known universe and try and defeat our defending champion Paul L. of message bored fame.
Yahoo! Fantasy Sports
<font color="red">League ID# 21303 </font>
<font color="blue">Password: innova </font>
11 spots currently available to fulfill all our your fantasy needs.
Feb 22 2005, 02:55 PM
you all suck and will never match the teaminconsistent's fantasy prowess. first baseball, then football, now basketball (which the teaminconsistent doesn't even watch). you'd think yall would learn your lessons and not mess with the teaminconsistent by now.
Fantasy NBA or MLB, yuck...It's making me miss the NFL all the more right now. Although I am somewhat pacified by my fantasy Arena Football team kicking some major [*****]! :D
Who cares?
No one asked you ***** so shut the [*****] up!
Feb 22 2005, 03:01 PM
Does that count as talking about yourself in the third person or not?
Feb 22 2005, 04:22 PM
Who cares?
No one asked you ***** so shut the [*****] up!
Who cares what anonymous cowardly scum like you think? Why don't YOU shut the [*****] up, you chicken *****!
Feb 25 2005, 12:54 AM
<font color="orange"> 10 Spots To Go For Fantasy Baseball </font>
<font color="pink">Don't Let Your Friends Think You're Afraid of Paul! :o </font>
League ID: 21303
Password: innova
Feb 28 2005, 12:15 PM
<font color="purple">Yahoo! Fantasy Baseball </font>
We're half full already.
<font color="green"> ID# 21303 </font>
<font color="blue"> password: innova </font>
Mar 04 2005, 09:26 AM
<font color="purple">Yahoo! Fantasy Baseball </font>
We're half full already.
<font color="green"> ID# 21303 </font>
<font color="blue"> password: innova </font>
the lung is scared of the teaminconsistent. the "L" is for LOSER!
Mar 04 2005, 08:29 PM
Don't start talking trash again, Paul. Things have been peaceful lately. I went to your course, had a very enjoyable time, and had great things to say about it on the message board. Thanks for the invite, but I don't like baseball and have no interest in fantasy baseball. Please leave me out of this. -Jeff
Mar 04 2005, 08:55 PM
you did nothing but criticize the b-ball format before (or was that football?), so you have no excuse!
mel came and played druid. you aren't mel are you? i had a hunch mel was the one and only jeffrey Loser but i don't believe that now.
otherwise, the rock isn't my home course and i couldn't care less what you have to say about it. the rock is fast becoming one of the finer courses in the mid-atlantic region. teepads will put it over the top.
you talk a lot of fantasy smack. now is the time to put up or shut up.
Mar 07 2005, 02:19 PM
We are half filled and awaiting other braves souls.
<font color="red"> Yahoo! </font> Fantasy Sports
Password is: innova.
Has baseball been berry berry good to you?
Mar 08 2005, 12:02 PM
Any plans on starting a NCAA tournament bracket?
Mar 08 2005, 03:16 PM
Planned and completed.
Yahoo! Fantasy Sports.
League ID#: 20877
Password: innova
Mar 08 2005, 03:56 PM
"Fear The Turtle"
Mar 08 2005, 04:19 PM
Mar 10 2005, 04:36 PM
Who cares?
No one asked you ***** so shut the [*****] up!
Who cares what anonymous cowardly scum like you think? Why don't YOU shut the [*****] up, you chicken *****!
TERRY-- this scares me. please delete it.
Mar 10 2005, 04:38 PM
PROFESSIONALS who make a living from fantasy sports have to say. If you refuse to take any advice from me, perhaps you'll listen to someone who gets paid to analyze fantasy sports for a living. Apparently you're still intent on being the biggest douchebag in the world, though. For Chrissakes, please make a New Year's resolution and resolve to change!
TERRY-- this is entirely unacceptable.
Mar 10 2005, 04:53 PM
So now you're going to go back in the past and find posts of mine with insults? Just because your recent ones are getting deleted? Man, you really have no life whatsoever.
Mar 10 2005, 04:55 PM
i've never had any posts deleted. i beg you to find one jeffrey.
what's your problem anyway? did i offend you?
Mar 10 2005, 05:11 PM
what's your problem anyway? did i offend you?
Look about 10 posts up! Where you call me a loser and make other insulting remarks.
I don't bother you, why do you continue to instigate with me? All you're out to do is look for trouble. I've asked you repeatedly to not joke around with me and leave me alone. Put me on ignore, do what you have to, but stop it. I don't know you. I've never met you. I don't want to be your friend. I don't want you to joke around with me like I'm one of your locker room buddies. Don't tell me to lighten up, just leave me alone, please!
Mar 10 2005, 10:02 PM
what's your problem anyway? did i offend you?
Look about 10 posts up! Where you call me a loser and make other insulting remarks.
I don't bother you, why do you continue to instigate with me? All you're out to do is look for trouble. I've asked you repeatedly to not joke around with me and leave me alone. Put me on ignore, do what you have to, but stop it. I don't know you. I've never met you. I don't want to be your friend. I don't want you to joke around with me like I'm one of your locker room buddies. Don't tell me to lighten up, just leave me alone, please!
dearest jeffrey,
simmer down. why on earth would i want to be your friend? i most certainly don't want to be your locker room buddy. i only called you a loser because you don't know anything about fantasy sports but you pretend like you do. geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesh!
maybe it's retailiation for the time you threatened to kick my [*****] next time you see me on the course. funny how that never got deleted.
Mar 11 2005, 01:55 PM
Fantasy Baseball & Fantasy Tourney Bracket
10 Baseball Slots & 40 Tourney Slots Still Available
<font color="red">Baseball League ID# 21303 </font>
<font color="purple">Tourney League ID# 20877 </font>
<font color="blue">Password for both is: innova </font>
Mar 13 2005, 10:52 PM
Fantasy Baseball & Fantasy Tourney Bracket
10 Baseball Slots & 40 Tourney Slots Still Available
Baseball League ID# 21303
Tourney League ID# 20877
Password for both is: innova
Mar 20 2005, 07:25 PM
<font color="red">We have 11 teams, and room for nine more! </font>
<font color="blue"> I will close it this Friday evening, and we'll run the draft on Sunday. </font>
<font color="purple">League ID# 21303 </font>
<font color="green">Password: innova </font>
<font color="brown">www.yahoo.com </font>
Mar 24 2005, 11:28 AM
Only Five Slots Left!!
Don't Be Left Out In The Cold.
<font color="green"> Yahoo! Fantasy Sports </font>
<font color="red"> ID# 21303 </font>
<font color="purple">password: innova </font>
Mar 28 2005, 10:45 AM
you probably should have chosen a different league. the teaminconsistent shall not be dethroned.
you probably should have chosen a different league. the teaminconsistent shall not be dethroned.
We'll see about that, We play in week one and unlike last year, I know a thing or thousand about hardball so you better bring it. :D
Mar 28 2005, 03:27 PM
so you know a thing or a thousand about hardball this year that you didn't last year? amazing!
the teaminconsistent is prepared to smack down all wannabe fantasy mgrs in the same manner the teaminconsistent did during the football and baseball seasons last year as well as being evidenced currently in this year's basketball season.
take this tasty morsel of advice from THE teaminconsistent-- fold now and be spared the embarassement that the teaminconsistent assuredly will afford you. you all suck.
Mar 28 2005, 03:45 PM
Now this could get good. Paul does have a point though that your claim appears to be that you have become a seamhead genuis since last season? :confused: Still waiting for the draft to run.
Now this could get good. Paul does have a point though that your claim appears to be that you have become a seamhead genuis since last season? :confused: Still waiting for the draft to run.
I haven't ever been involved in any of EWE's fantasy games. I'm a virgin to your crew, HURRY UP DRAFT! ;)
OUCH! Not a great draft for me. TRADE TRADE TRADE! ;)
It may take me a while to pick up a great team but I have some great pitching, hopefully my pitching will save me for a while
Mar 30 2005, 10:58 AM
it's a little early for excuses, don't you think? what-a-panzie!
Your just lucky the season hasn't started.
My guy D. Lee went 2-2 with 2 HR's and 5 Steaks w/ a walk yesterday. I'll be there in the end of things ;)
Mar 30 2005, 02:54 PM
the teaminconsistent doesn't believe in luck.
You still suck, no matter how the league turns out.....
Apr 19 2005, 12:06 AM
the teaminconsistent doesn't believe in luck.
Overview: 2004 Champ TheTeamInconsistent
Regular Season Standings
Rank Team W-L-T WPct GB Last Week Waiver Moves
1 Ellicott Spiders 31-5-4 .825 - 16-2-2 13 16
2 Piranha's Pics 25-12-3 .663 6.5 13-5-2 3 18
3 Silver Flyer's 26-13-1 .663 6.5 12-7-1 10 4
4 Blue Ridge Bombers 26-13-1 .663 6.5 9-11-0 4 8
5 Ace Bogies 21-14-5 .588 9.5 9-8-3 7 -
6 CUBS CUBS CUBS 22-17-1 .563 10.5 7-13-0 12 13
7 BrokeBustedDisgusted 19-15-6 .550 11 8-9-3 1 2
8 johnnie5 19-19-2 .500 13 13-7-0 11 1
9 Willows 17-20-3 .463 14.5 11-9-0 5 2
10 Armchair Sluggers 16-21-3 .438 15.5 10-7-3 6 -
11 TRIM 14-24-2 .375 18 7-12-1 14 3
12 CE Eagles 10-25-5 .313 20.5 7-10-3 2 4
13 AsstroMofoz 7-30-3 .213 24.5 5-13-2 8 4
14 The TeamInconsistent 6-31-3 .188 25.5 2-16-2 9 9
Or winning.
I'm glad I contributed to his last place standing :D
It's too bad I was too busy fillin my pockets full of dough this weekend playing golf instead of updating my roster so I would get enough innings pitched. Oh well I'll take the dough and make a full comeback.
It's a long season, 6th for now but not for long ;)
Jun 10 2005, 12:18 AM
YAHOO! FANTASY FOOTBALL IS UP AND RUNNING!!! (http://football.fantasysports.yahoo.com/f1)
Is this league open up to anybody? Is it a live draft or an auto-pick?
Open to all discgolfers.....
I prefer liuve drafts, but its hard to get everyone together, and when I was trying to pick a date, the available slots sucked, so right now its set to autodraft......subjedct to change, depending on what the participants want.....
ALREADY 6 slots filled, be sure and get into the best Discgolfers league running!
OK, thats a biased opinion, and not knocking Hawks league, I encourage people to join both!
League # 10595
Pass birdie
And as commissioner, I am open to suggestions on settings, prior to the start of the season, if most people agree, I will change it.....
Jun 15 2005, 12:03 AM
<font color="blue"> Seven of Sixteen Slots Already Filled... </font>
<font color="blue"> ...and we're not even trying yet! </font> ;)
Please feel free to join John's league as well as the one that everyone talks about every season.
I've got two words for you: Team Inconsistent
Beat him and relish it like nothing else in the fantasy kingdom!!!
We've got slimmed down rosters this year to make it more interesting.
Finally; as commissioner, I look upon your suggestions with open disdain.
Yahoo! Fantasy Sports
<font color="red">League ID# 43086 </font>
<font color="blue">password: innova </font>
Hawk, does your league have a live draft?
Jun 15 2005, 07:39 AM
We do the auto draft Rocco. Everyone has plenty o'time to pre edit their selections though. The only thing live is the insidious smack talking.
Jun 15 2005, 12:35 PM
The one thing you might want to consider is that when holding a live draft on Yahoo! Fantasy Football, managers who can't actually be present at the live draft can pre-edit their selections beforehand.
The live draft is one of the most exciting things about fantasy football. Don't rule out running your league with a live draft just because a few managers can't make the draft - by adjusting their pre-rankings, Yahoo will draft thier desired players for them.
Jun 15 2005, 12:55 PM
shut it jeff.
your input means nothing until you step up to the plate and join the league.
Jun 15 2005, 02:28 PM
Looks like Hawk is the commissioner so he can feel free to look upon my suggestions with open disdain.
You can shut it yourself.
Jun 15 2005, 02:29 PM
the teaminconsistent is the champ and you are scared sissy boy.
Jun 15 2005, 07:14 PM
you know i ve been coming to the discussion board for a year and a half and never knew any of this was down here ****. if u need people to join i could get a few as long as it is free fantasy me and my friends are pretty broke.
I'm IN! Just because I want to continue to OWN YOU! :o
YOUR GOING DOWN and I'm not talking about your favorite thing to do in public restrooms :p
Jun 15 2005, 08:30 PM
<font color="purple"> Vicious Smack Talking Is Already Actively Being Engaged In On The League Bored /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif </font>
<font color="brown">and we're two and a half months away from a game being played </font> :D
Who wouldn't want to be a part of that? :confused:
Yahoo! Fantasy Sports
League ID# 43086
password: innova