Apr 15 2006, 02:25 AM
My question simply addresses the actions of people who's only purpose it seems is to undermine the progress of Disc Golf in our area.It seems that a simple set of guidelines needs to be put into place to protect those of us who strive to make Western Arkansas a positive addition to the Disc Golf community.There are more than a few who seem to fit into this catagory.I realize we can not control or everyones actions.In some of these situations we grow.In others we simply spin round and round .I for one am trying to cooperate with everyone involved.And realize that I am not the one in charge.I've found that when the majority speaks it's the best for us all.What does the guidelines of the PDGA say? Are there any?I know suspensions are in place from time to time for misconduct during tournaments.Are there such guidelines for actions off the field?Do we not represent our clubs and associations in day to day activities?We are not perfect people(Thank God)But shouldn't we strive for a better perception of ourselves.This goes way beyond our sport.But I for one think our Sport,Our Clubs,And anything we as an association strive to be needs to be protected as best possable.This post is to begin I hope, A simple set of guidelines to protect WAFDA.My concern is that these types of actions may damage us enough as to hinder the growth of all our hard work.Suggestions please.Your comments will be discussed at the meetings when the time comes to put these motions into action.Thank You, Pitch Jr.