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  1. 9th Annual Alma Greens (0 replies)
  2. fall razorback classic (0 replies)
  3. Ben Geren Ace Race 2013 (4 replies)
  4. hell on the border 2013 (0 replies)
  5. Van Buren Municipal Park (0 replies)
  6. 5th annual battle at bell park (3 replies)
  7. CCC tourney! (0 replies)
  8. 4-H Charity Tournament (0 replies)
  9. 2013 Lake fort smith ice bowl (0 replies)
  10. Charity Events Upcoming (1 replies)
  11. 2012 End of year WAFDA Tag Match! (3 replies)
  12. 8th Annual Alma Greens Tournament (0 replies)
  13. 2012 Battle at Bell Park (2 replies)
  14. Duff Special 4 (0 replies)
  15. Cool Down Creek Bowl (0 replies)
  16. New Ben Geren Course (6 replies)
  17. National Players Challenge Championship 2012 (0 replies)
  18. 2 tournaments, 1 weekend. Watch them live! (0 replies)
  19. Vintage Open 2012 (1 replies)
  20. 2012 Razorback Classic (2 replies)
  21. Pat Wooley (0 replies)
  22. 2012 Arkansas Tournament Schedule (2 replies)
  23. Alma Friday 1/7 (2 replies)
  24. Northshore Ice Bowl, Fayetteville - Jan. 14th (0 replies)
  25. 2012 lake Fort Smith Ice Bowl (6 replies)
  26. Tulsa Ice Bowl Jan. 21st (0 replies)
  27. New Course and Ice Bowls (13 replies)
  28. Disc Golf Anyone !!!!!!!! (1 replies)
  29. 2011 wafda bag tag match play (6 replies)
  30. 8th Semiannual Razorback Classic (0 replies)
  31. Oklahoma Open 2011 (0 replies)
  32. National Players Challenge Last Change Qualifier Hot Springs, AR Nov. 12, 2011 (1 replies)
  33. Arkies on the road !!!!!!! (14 replies)
  34. Stolen Disc golf bag! (1 replies)
  35. 4th Annual LODGE Teams Event ... PLUS ! ... (2 replies)
  36. 1st Annual Fall Fling - JB Hunt, Springdale - Oct 1 (2 replies)
  37. 8th Annual Razorback Classic (2 replies)
  38. 3rd Annual Battle at Bell Park (13 replies)
  39. 3rd Annual Battle Bell Park (0 replies)
  40. What !!!!!! No Discussion Board !!!!! (9 replies)
  41. Special Olmpics Family Day & DG - Sept. 10th (0 replies)
  42. 6th Annual Four States Open - Sept 24th & 25th - $2,500 Added Cash! (1 replies)
  43. Okie Doubles (0 replies)
  44. XVI Hell on the Border - Aug 13 & 14 (19 replies)
  45. War On The Shore PDGA B Tier in Russellville, AR July 23rd and 24th! (1 replies)
  46. Greenwood 3 man scramble (2 replies)
  47. Play it Again for Play it Again (1 replies)
  48. Oklahoma State Championships - June 18/19 - Haikey Creek, Tulsa OK (1 replies)
  49. 2011 greenwood 3 person scramble (0 replies)
  50. 7th Annual Alma Greens - June 25th (13 replies)
  51. Lake Bella Vista Open - May 28, C Tier (4 replies)
  52. The DUFF SPECIAL 3 (1 replies)
  53. 33rd Annual Norman Pro/Am (B-Tier) (1 replies)
  54. Lake Fort Smith State Park Recreation Day (10 replies)
  55. Airedale Classic, Alma Middle School, 5-7 (25 replies)
  56. 1st Annual Vintage Open in Russellville, AR on April 23rd (0 replies)
  57. (LIVE !!! Disc Golf) at !!!!!! (2 replies)
  58. Northshore Invitational - Fayetteville - 4-16 (1 replies)
  59. 3rd ANNUAL CENTENNIAL CUP (3 replies)
  60. 2011 Chandler Tornado Open / April 9th & 10th (0 replies)
  61. Fantasy Disc Golf !!!!! (44 replies)
  62. 2011 LSDiscs Capital City Classic Topeka KS April 9th B Tier (0 replies)
  63. 7th Semiannual Razorback Classic (1 replies)
  64. Green Country Doubles 2011 (1 replies)
  65. Matthew Roberts Memorial 3-man Scramble (4 replies)
  66. disc's for sell!!!!! (2 replies)
  67. Tulsa Pro/Am C-tier Sunday March 20th (2 replies)
  68. Your neighbors' ICE BOWL ... Tulsa Jan. 22 (3 replies)
  69. 5th Annual Fort Smith Ice Bowl(s) - Feb. 12th (5 replies)
  70. NPC Ice Bowl - Little Rock - Hindman Park - Jan. 15th (0 replies)
  71. 2011 Arkansas Tournament Schedule (15 replies)
  72. Northshore Ice Bowl - Fayetteville - Jan. 8th (1 replies)
  73. (1 replies)
  74. H0RSESHOE CANY0N Ice Bowl - Feb 26th (5 replies)
  75. Alma Middle School (AMS) DGC (37 replies)
  76. WAFDA "Tag Matches" 2010 !!!!! (41 replies)
  77. Disc Golf Meeting - Rogers (0 replies)
  78. Alright Evan !!!!!! (4 replies)
  79. Halloween throwdown (0 replies)
  80. Battle at Bell Park - Nov. 20th - B Tier (29 replies)
  81. Oklahoma Open 2010 (0 replies)
  82. 6th Semiannual Razorback Classic on Old Main Lawn (4 replies)
  83. E (3 replies)
  84. Nation Public Lands Day Disc Golf! (0 replies)
  85. Russellville ACE RACE Oct. 16th (4 replies)
  86. A-Z has discs again! (1 replies)
  87. Alma Middle School (AMS) Wed. Mini (30 replies)
  88. 5th Annual Northshore Invitational (2 replies)
  89. Congratulations : Chris Eads (8 replies)
  90. Lsdiscs mighty shunga open a-tier supertour event!! Sept 25-26 topeka ks (4 replies)
  91. LSDiscs HEATSTROKE Doubles July 31st-August 1st Tulsa, OK (1 replies)
  92. HELL on the BORDER XV - Aug 21 & 22 (25 replies)
  93. For Sale (7 replies)
  94. 5th Annual Northshore Invitational Sept 18th (0 replies)
  95. B-Tier 5th Annual Four States Open, Joplin MO, Sept 25th & 26th (2 replies)
  96. LSDiscs Open C-Tier PDGA Event @ Kansas City July 24th (0 replies)
  97. 18 @ JB Hunt - WORKDAY (1 replies)
  98. Showdown at the PIPES!!! July-24th (22 replies)
  99. July 3rd Mini and Fireworks (11 replies)
  100. 2010 HAIKEY CREEK CLASSIC in Tulsa ... (1 replies)
  101. ALMA GREENS - June 26th (17 replies)
  102. Lake Bella Vista Open (4 replies)
  103. The Duff Special June 19th 2010 (1 replies)
  104. Tossin and Turnin (4 replies)
  105. Greenwood UMC 3 Man Scramble (8 replies)
  106. Zach Asbury? (2 replies)
  107. Monkey Trap Open July 10th (2 replies)
  108. 32nd Norman Pro/Am, May 29th and 30th, 2010 (0 replies)
  109. Capital City Classic C-tier Saturday May 8th (0 replies)
  110. Next Chester Event - May 8th (7 replies)
  111. 2nd Annual Centennial Cup (4 replies)
  112. WAR on the SHORE - Russellville 4/24 (12 replies)
  113. Spring Razorback Classic (0 replies)
  114. Lsdiscs tulsa pro am april 3rd c-tier (1 replies)
  115. 27th Ark. State Championship - $2500 1st MPO (42 replies)
  116. 2010 Chandler Tornado Open / April 17&18th (5 replies)
  117. Live !!! at the Memorial !!! (17 replies)
  118. Norman's 2nd Annual Three-Park Throwdown (2 replies)
  119. B & E Paintball Now Carries Discs (1 replies)
  120. 2010 wichita winter warm up doubles saturday february 20th (0 replies)
  121. Lsdiscs wichita winter meltdown c-tier sunday feb 21st (0 replies)
  122. JB Hunt Fundraiser Tournament (2 replies)
  123. Facebook group (0 replies)
  124. HORSESHOE CANYON Ice Bowl - Feb. 27 (11 replies)
  125. Fort Smith Ice Bowl(s) - Feb. 6 (15 replies)
  126. Springdale Ice Bowl presented by Sports Life (1 replies)
  127. Northshore Ice Bowl - Jan. 9 (6 replies)
  128. Saturday Skins on a Safari Course (0 replies)
  129. Thoughts and Prayers needed (12 replies)
  130. The Hideaway Pizza Stillwater Classic (1 replies)
  131. Ice bowls (1 replies)
  132. '09 Tag Challenge and '10 Board Elections (17 replies)
  133. PVDGC Membership Tourny Nov. 14th in Russellville (7 replies)
  134. Razorback Classic (Go Hogs) (0 replies)
  135. Discs needed in Afghanistan!!!!! (16 replies)
  136. Hello From Afghanistan: (1 replies)
  137. team event (0 replies)
  138. USDGC live internet TV !!!! (21 replies)
  139. USDGC 2009 - Livin' the Dream (1 replies)
  140. Super Barrels 2 - Super Class Event (22 replies)
  141. BATTLE @ BELL PARK - Nov. 7 (30 replies)
  142. Coming Through the Area (9 replies)
  143. 2009 Okthrowberfest Lawrence, KS Centennial Park October 3rd (0 replies)
  144. 4th Annual Four States Open (2 replies)
  145. 3rd Annual Horseshoe CanyonFEST 10/17 (4 replies)
  146. Tulsa has 2 C Teirs this weekend (5 replies)
  147. Night Golf JB Fundraiser - Fayetteville (1 replies)
  148. Russellville Ace Race!!! (17 replies)
  149. Russelville mini (19 replies)
  150. 14th HELL on the BORDER, Aug 22 & 23 (20 replies)
  151. 3 Park Throwdown (0 replies)
  152. LSDiscs Open 2009 June 27th Topeka, KS C-Tier (0 replies)
  153. Innova Discatcher Sport For Sale (7 replies)
  154. 5th Annual Alma Greens, June 27, 2009 (16 replies)
  155. 2009 USDGC Champ Rocs (0 replies)
  156. 26th Arkansas State Championships - May 16 & 17, 2009 (3 replies)
  157. Greenwood Minis (434 replies)
  158. Capital City Classic C-Tier April 4th Topeka, KS (0 replies)
  159. Super Barrels - a super class event (15 replies)
  160. RAZORBACK CLASSIC - MARCH 28 (9 replies)
  161. 2009 Chandlerstock 25 : April 18th & 19th (2 replies)
  162. icestorm at northshore and old main (5 replies)
  163. 2009 Green Country Open powered by Innova Champion NT (4 replies)
  164. 2nd Annual Lake Bella Vista Open (12 replies)
  165. Prime Disc Mini Contest Finalist..MATT SCOTT!!!! (4 replies)
  167. 'O9 Ft. Smith Ice Bowl(s) (8 replies)
  168. Frozen Barrels - Chester Ice Bowl (37 replies)
  169. 08' Tag Challenge & 09' WAFDA Elections (14 replies)
  170. USDGC Boss's and Rocs (14 replies)
  171. Razorback Classic presented by Lucky Shot (0 replies)
  172. Memorial Park Open presented by Lucky Shot (7 replies)
  173. Red Dirt Doubles Presented by Play It Again Sports (0 replies)
  174. Four States Open (2 replies)
  175. Horseshoe Canyonfest November 15-16 (8 replies)
  176. Memorial Park Open presented by Lucky Shot (3 replies)
  177. Fundraiser Mini for JB Hunt Park at the "Legendary" Beav-O-Rama Course (0 replies)
  178. Ace Race in Fort Smith Oct 11 at 12:00 pm (19 replies)
  179. Yall Come!!! (0 replies)
  180. Ace Race------ Russellville, Arkansas (1 replies)
  181. Challenge at the Lodge A Team Event (13 replies)
  182. WOOKIE WEDNESDAY'S (5 replies)
  183. 2008 Okie Doubles ... Drive Over and Beat some Okies ! (1 replies)
  184. Win An 18-Hole Course! (0 replies)
  185. O8' HELL on the BORDER - Aug. 16 & 17 (74 replies)
  186. Arkansas PDGA State Coordinator (37 replies)
  187. Riverside Glide B Tier Tulsa OK July 12th & 13th 2008 (3 replies)
  188. Backwoods Bash 2008 (57 replies)
  189. Willie's Course record (9 replies)
  190. Mother's Day (0 replies)
  191. Alma Greens O8' B Tier (38 replies)
  192. Razorback Classic / April 26 (1 replies)
  193. Happy Birthday!!!! (18 replies)
  194. 2008 Chandler Tornado / April 19-20th (5 replies)
  195. Alma Minis (222 replies)
  196. Twisted Tour 2008 (6 replies)
  197. Lucky Shot presents The Links at Springdale (4 replies)
  198. Lake Bella Vista Open March 22, Course Grand Opening (18 replies)
  199. Who's Playing Today? (56 replies)
  200. 2008 Facility Of The Year (1 replies)
  201. WAFDA 08' Membership and Tag Challenge (17 replies)
  202. 2008 Ft. Smith Ice Bowl, Tilles Park Feb. 9th (103 replies)
  203. Burns Park - Little Rock (6 replies)
  204. Donkey Tag Challenge Tournament!!! (0 replies)
  206. Sanctioned Sunday at Horseshoe Canyon Fest...TWISTED (0 replies)
  207. BIG $$$ Skins Match (9 replies)
  208. USDGC Point Series 2007-2008 (16 replies)
  209. The Branchwood Open October 13th (15 replies)
  210. Twin Oaks Open - Duncan Oct. 6 & 7 (0 replies)
  211. Official Ribbon Cutting in Russellville Sept 29th 9:00 am (10 replies)
  212. Four States Open (1 replies)
  213. A-Tier Oklahoma Open Oct.27-28 (0 replies)
  214. The Hoff & Reeker vs Pitch Thread. (33 replies)
  215. 2008 So National Pro Championships.Burns Park. Little Rock AR!!! (3 replies)
  216. WAFDA Monthly Tournies Ben Geren & Alma (3 replies)
  217. Stillwater Classic September 15 & 16th (50 replies)
  218. Tilles Tuesday Night Golf Dubs (581 replies)
  219. 4ht Annual Twisted Flyer Open Sept 1-2 (2 replies)
  220. Little Big Show (0 replies)
  221. Emporia Glass Blown Open - A-Tier - August 25,26 (0 replies)
  222. Hell on the Border - Ben Geren (96 replies)
  223. OKIE DOUBLES , 2007 version (5 replies)
  224. Riverside Glide Tulsa OK July 14th and 15th (1 replies)
  225. Russellville AR July 14th 1 Day Event.USDGC Final (15 replies)
  226. McClure Classic 1 Day C-Tier June 23 - Tulsa, OK (0 replies)
  227. To all fellow disc golfers and families (0 replies)
  228. Arkansas State Championships May 19th & 20th (12 replies)
  229. Cubs In Flight. (7 replies)
  230. 29th Annual Norman Pro/Am - PDGA B Tier (0 replies)
  231. any tournament info from arkansas (0 replies)
  232. arkansas state tourniment series (4 replies)
  233. The greatest Person to ever come to DG!! (40 replies)
  234. Vote For State Coordinator Position (46 replies)
  235. 2007 Wildcat Open Hot Springs April 21 (52 replies)
  236. 2007 Oklahoma State Championship (1 replies)
  239. Team Challenge Player Guidelines (19 replies)
  240. 3rd Annual Alma Greens June 30th 1 Day C Tier (214 replies)
  241. Disc Golf According to Furdog (27 replies)
  242. WAFDA.ORG Forum (0 replies)
  243. Ben Geren Blowout.March 10th 2007.1 Day C Tier (36 replies)
  245. Passing Through.. (14 replies)
  246. 2007 Fort Smith Ice Bowl (54 replies)
  247. PDGA Memberships 07 (0 replies)
  248. Ace Race (2 replies)
  249. Oklahoma Open , Rocktober 28-29 (1 replies)
  250. The Coolest Round (21 replies)