Apr 23 2006, 10:13 PM
August 12th and 13th looks to be the best weekend to do this.It'll give the folks of Tulsa a chance to put Worlds behind them.This is the weekend of Pro Worlds finals.I'm sure a few may be there (Hope So) But we'll keep a close eye on the event from our Riverside sites.This weekend will be at Diamond Head where we had it last year.I've tried a few times to contact the OK City people but no response.Sooner Disc Golf hosted it last year.Hopefully they won't mind WAFDA doing it this year.Don't see why they should mind.This is NOT a sanctioned event.This is all about the casual laid back weekend.I guess we need to see if the weekend dates work for everyone,Then contact Diamond Head Resort and make sure it flies with them.Last year we did this on the last weekend of July.The days were typical summer but the nights were nice and cool.Rooms are available there as well.C Mon everyone,Need to see the reaction of the idea ASAP.Great weekend to look forward too.Golf,Float Trip,BBQ,R & R.See Ya!!! :cool:

Apr 23 2006, 10:31 PM
I'm down

Apr 23 2006, 10:57 PM
i can fit three in my car.

Apr 24 2006, 11:09 PM
Hey Pitch I have missed the last few WAFDA meetings so I am kinda behind as to what is going on around here.I take it theres a tourny in Talequah in Aug. Is that right would like to know more (anybody seen ANDY) I didn't know that Talequah had a course.Did Andy design that course also? :confused:

May 28 2006, 11:02 PM
Talked to Kevin Kelley today(Owner of Diamond Head Resort)I let him know we were coming.He was very pleased to hear this.(He also told me they're looking to buy some more land next to the campsite,9 more holes may be in store /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif)Anyway,Call to make reservations if you'd like a cabin or reserve a raft.918-456-4545.Tell them your gonna be with the Disc Golf crew.BTW,They had to stop letting people in this weekend.He's had the place for 5 years and NEVER had so many folks.It was crazy out there.Had a blast.Looking forward to August. :cool:

Aug 06 2006, 07:51 PM
If the weather changes for the better(Rain & Cooler temps)We still on?Looking for input on the gig.Who's in?

Aug 07 2006, 04:22 PM
I'm doing the same here in T-town pitch. I'm down. Steve King doesn't have a computer so I've been posting on the Tulsa thread and the Sooner thread today to try to figure out who all is coming. Let us know bro!!

Aug 07 2006, 06:03 PM
Steve King doesn't have a computer so I've been posting on the Tulsa thread and the Sooner thread today to try to figure out who all is coming. Let us know bro!!

That BS!

I saw him using his palm pilot just the other day. :o


Aug 08 2006, 01:02 AM
Saw a couple locals today and they asked about Talequah as well.I suspect(And hope) the weather is gonna take a turn for the better.(Just feel it in my bones.)So here's what we can do.WATCH IT !If we get any decent rain the water will go up.(Like a couple days of soakers.)If by say a week before we go it does,We go.Besides,An air conditioned room can always be our salvation.I'd just like to take that float like we did last year.Playin golf in the heat doesn't bother me that much anyway.(I think if Big Nic and Twoputt do a little rain dance we could see it happen)Oh yeah can't forget The Fur. :DKing will show,He'll definately have another Arkie Disc Golf Bag to show off. :D:D:D

Aug 08 2006, 11:27 PM
I'm such an airhead.Talequah is THIS weekend.See ya there!!! /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif