Jun 09 2006, 06:11 PM
This year State Championships pulled in a whopping 72 or so people.(Not good)We pull that on our last minute C Tiers.Another thing is that it isn't even a PDGA sanctioned event.So National has been the only association involved with it for a while.WHY?My visit to Hot Springs will hopefully open the door to a new way of hosting AR State Championships.First of all it will be a PDGA event.So National maybe.But PDGA for sure.2nd of all.It will be hosted in a diffrent city each year.Ft Smith 07,Fayetteville 08,Russellville 09?You get the picture.I think by doing this we could boost the entry numbers easily.(Maybe even enough to use 2 courses each year)This is also I HOPE going to unite all of AR in our goals.All of AR should fall under one umbrella.(ADGA).ADGA will be made up of all of Akansas area associations.Look for a post on this after this weekend.So here again I need input on an idea.Thanks.
Jun 13 2006, 03:46 PM
I'll come out and say it, Southern Nationals were very unresponsive and didn't seem to pull any points chasers to any of the SNDG sanctioned things that Western Arkansas did last year - PDGA runs circles around them, Little Rock does little to promote theirselves to our area and we probably do the same to promote ourselves to their area, I guess we're assuming that any PDGA players will be aware of us thru the PDGA newsletters and this Discussion Board, I think several of our recent tourneys have pulled a couple or so Little Rock players and I've never been enticed to enter the only tourney I know of them putting on because of it not being PDGA sanctioned, I want my points, ratings, invites and to put my money where I know its being used to further this wonderful sport, I understand that SNDG puts all of their money towards their championship but disc golf needs alot more than just champions (national recognition=a household name and therefore more people simply playing and having fun). The Arkansas State Championship is just a name, its not promoted or advertised well,Hot Springs has a new course and did a SNDG tourney last weekend, I understand that open players who pre registered 3 weeks in advance paid $30, 3 weeks until tourney day - $50, I had heard of the tourney thru word of mouth and don't think it was posted on SNDG's website until 10 days or so before the tourney, Little Rock is probably happy with 72 players, and yeah, in my opinion the name State Champion should be an A tier PDGA affair or at least be working up to that but right now it's just a tourney that could be called anything, of course I want everyone to come together to make this sport what we already Know it to be - GREAT!! and I might of just had a "rare" not great experience with SNDG, I see alot of places doing both, but yeah Tom, as PDGA State Coordinator and Disc Golf Lover also, you, us, them all have to work together to take this thing where it should be - BIG and still FUN
Jun 13 2006, 05:48 PM
Sounds good Tom move it around I am all for it PDGA all the way baby :D
Jun 23 2006, 11:43 PM
post deleted for swearing
Jun 23 2006, 11:44 PM
Oh yeah, Amanda from Goshen came and it was her 1st tourney.
Jun 25 2006, 12:18 AM
Call us idiots,Call us crazy.But moving this around could make it so much more than it is.It's not to take away from Central Ar it's to add more players to the event.I'm thinking the move will pull more players.If you don't see the method behind the madness your missing the point.It's gonna happen,AR States is gonna pull,I just hope we can find a base to support it.Don't you want to see a monster of a state tourney?USDGC points qualifyer?Just tryin to pump it up. :D
Jun 25 2006, 10:42 AM
Just curious what other State's have roving State Championships?
Jun 25 2006, 10:49 AM
I just re-read your original post and noticed you talked about your trip to Hot Springs. Didn't see you there at the tourney.
Why not create a new tournament--maybe the Arkansas Open. There you have your points, qualifier and everything you are wanting. Also that way you aren't trying to take something and move it, that you don't have the right to.
Jun 25 2006, 11:58 AM
Just curious what other State's have roving State Championships?
NOT Oklahoma...
Jun 25 2006, 07:08 PM
You know I heard today and I think from a couple others not long ago that at one time it did move around in OK.Some thought it actually was better then as well.I'll just have to do a little more looking into this.As for Hot Springs,My Son of three wound up with me that weekend and I had to spend it with him.I also didn't feel like the $30.00 pre reg bumping to $50.00 was worth it.They had one person pre reg.(Because it wasn't posted till the day before the tourney)So even if I were free I might not have gone.I know of a few who could go but didn't because of this fact.BTW it wasn't Reynolds who did that.He wasn't very happy about the way that was handled.22 people showed because of the lack of communication.I'm sure in the future it'll change for the better and i'm looking forward to playing another new AR course.
Jun 25 2006, 10:18 PM
Spending any weekend with your kids is worth missing a tournament. There is always another tournament. The pre-reg deal kinda of sucked, but the event was worth it and everyone walked away with a disc and tourney shirt so it wasn't too bad.
Jun 25 2006, 10:28 PM
That's cool,Same thing happened to me for the Blowout.(Son).The way I see it there's plenty of tourneys to play in the future.I'm sure you understand the importance of family.Especially when it comes to tourneys.It was good to see you two here.By the next time we meet you should be plenty whipped from sleepless nights and diaper changes.Good luck to ya and i'll be looking forward to seeing you two again.