Mar 09 2007, 04:43 PM
Do we have the option of pre-registering tonight anywhere?
Mar 09 2007, 05:30 PM
ofcourse. joe is at mcclure right now taking sign ups. so get down there and sign up after work.
Mar 09 2007, 07:18 PM
Maybee Peanut will bring back my world dubs mini ;)
Mar 09 2007, 07:20 PM
Perhaps I missed it. It seems like it's the eve of something :confused: Wayne where you at?
Mar 09 2007, 08:31 PM
Maybee Peanut will bring back my world dubs mini ;)
i am so sorry dude. if you can believe it i still have it but it is sitting at home right now and i am in tulsa :( :p
the camera guy
Mar 09 2007, 11:46 PM
Perhaps I missed it. It seems like it's the eve of something :confused: Wayne where you at?
since wayne is falling down on the job, the words must be said "it's green country doubles eve" :D
Mar 10 2007, 12:46 AM
Nice work, Gary :cool:
Mar 10 2007, 03:02 AM
Joe - do we need to show you how to show the pre-reg teams on the PDGA Tour Schedule :D
I hope DJ made it over there...Good luck to my golf family...PJ/CONNERS...roll it....
I want live updates Twisted... :p
Mar 10 2007, 03:54 AM
Mar 10 2007, 03:41 PM
thanks for the shout out Adam you are the man. after the first round at Dovillio in open Courtney and Kev are leading it at 4 down out . Doug Maxfield and his partner are leading adv at 2 down.
Mar 10 2007, 08:51 PM
It was a Joyous and Festive Day!! :cool:
Nelle 18131
Mar 10 2007, 08:57 PM
We had a total of 73 teams and an ACE POT of $630. 2 aces so far MITCH MAC in best shot and ANDY NEWBERRY in worst shot.
Despite the computer going down and a mad dash of late entries both courses tee'd off only 5 minutes late. Martin Norris is working his booty off tonight to get his computer back up and some results typed out. Super Thanks to todays staff. Everything seemed to run super smooth. So far we have:
Hutchinson/Lund 97
McCoy/Peavy 101
Newberry/Newberry 102
Keyler/McClure 105
Pro Master
Johnson/Patterson 102
Harris/Walker 103
McClellan/Power 103
Seller/Anderson 105
Pro Grand Master
Ash/Green 111
Wilson/Edwards 111
Powell/Briley 103
Conners/Graham 104
Nicholson/Townsend 105
Stacey/Leaf 107
Carpenter/Patton 107
Paul/San Fellanto 111
Richards/Hall 113
Brookshire/Brookshire 114
Vincent/Edmondson 116
Moore/Wood 115
Minshall/Pittley 115
Shipley/Yound 120
Landers/Landers 126
Advanced Master
Diel/Mitchell 111
Naegle/Woody 113
Forsander/Robertson 120
Click/Click 125
Advanced Grand Master
Fraizer/Zimmerman 111
Forest/Harris 115
All of these divisions will tee off at 8:30am at Blackhawk.
We look forward to seeing everyone in the morning. :D
Mar 11 2007, 01:47 AM
Where is Logan?Christian?? what happend to Jared/Coda??
I don't know about Coda but Jared has been playing some Chitty golf lately.
Mar 11 2007, 04:05 AM
I don't know about Coda but Jared has been playing some Chitty golf lately.
So you could have been a better partner is that what u r saying.??
I don't know about Coda but Jared has been playing some Chitty golf lately.
So you could have been a better partner is that what u r saying.??
NO, that's not what I was trying to say.....nimrod :mad:
Mar 11 2007, 07:28 PM
i think coda has moved to texas :D
Mar 11 2007, 09:38 PM
logan and christian came back and took 3rd with a 3 down at black
im not sure about coda and jarred in the beginning... but i know they they shot a -10 at black to come back and take 2nd
Mar 11 2007, 10:03 PM
Hutch and Lund...Johnson and Patterson
C&J shoot a -10 to take 2nd in Pro I believe...McCoy and Court 3rd.
2 ACES kept the weekend..Newberry and Mitch Mac
I am sure TWISTED will be home soon and post all of the rest of the fun and golfing
Mar 12 2007, 08:21 AM
Coda and Jared shooting a -10 at Blackhawk is one of the most incredible things I have ever heard of in disc golf.
I may be over-reacting, but I am amazed that a score that low could be achieved- especially in rain that lasted the entire round.
Excellent shooting, gentlemen.
Mar 12 2007, 08:52 AM
did i say i hate to play in the rain
but it never fails
got sent to Q school for the 4th round in the rain
thanks for a great event joe and team twisted
thong and i ran out of there to get dry
Mar 12 2007, 09:39 AM
So who won and what was the payout for da Pro divisions ?
It made me sick not to play,Eddy was called in to work sat.And I just lolly gaged around with my Dad hittin yard sales and doin nothin.
Oh well it was a pretty laid back weekend,Need one of those once in a while.Sorry for not showing up to play a round Wise,Good job on the turnout Joe.
That was alot of teams.
Speaking of teams /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
Mar 12 2007, 10:40 AM
Scores ?
Mar 12 2007, 10:45 AM
Scores should be up later today. We had several computer problems.
Mar 12 2007, 11:01 AM
Coda and Jared shooting a -10 at Blackhawk is one of the most incredible things I have ever heard of in disc golf.
I may be over-reacting, but I am amazed that a score that low could be achieved- especially in rain that lasted the entire round.
Excellent shooting, gentlemen.
I agree Jeff. While I was reviewing the card it was awesome.
I mean it was birdie, birdie, par, par, birdie....
Very nice round in those conditions...
Mar 12 2007, 11:39 AM
No kiddin, Wagle told me they had NO BOGIES!! Unreal!! He also said that it was 100% Coda. I guess Jarred was having a bad round. GREAT ROUND guys!!! Thanks to Team Twisted, Joe, Danielle, Wise, Keldog, Martin, Slack for the great lunches and anyone else that helped out that I didnt mention. Great turnout and ran smooth as hell. GREAT JOB TEAM TWISTED!! See you all later.
Mar 12 2007, 11:50 AM
That is a sick number, not likely to happen again anytime soon.
Mar 12 2007, 12:00 PM
I want to give PROPS to all the folks that worked to install the Tee-Pads at Mohawk, considering the rain and the mud the Tee-Pads were freaking amazing. Barely any slippage at all.
Mar 12 2007, 12:21 PM
Thanks Joe Ro and staff for putting on a great event. Besides the rain had a great time this weekend.
Mar 12 2007, 03:31 PM
ok my turn for props,
Joe and Team Twisted and TDGA Great Job!! (the pads were great in the rain)
-10 in the rain?? more than my mud fuddled brain can comprehend..
The guys on spring break from I forgot which state.. Thanks for coming and I hope you had a great time. Amazing they treked all the way here.. and i hope you made it home safely.
DJ / DP great win!
Corey and James for battling back and finishing 2nd
Wayne and Dustin (I'm not Wayne) great see-saw battle. We enjoyed the 3 rounds we played against you guys!
and all the good people I met this weekend Thank you!
My hats off to everyone!
Mar 12 2007, 06:24 PM
The guys were from South Dakota! I got to play both rounds on sunday with them. Jason and Dave are great guys! They know how to play and have some of the best attitudes I've seen in a long time. They even had class at 9 or 10 on monday morning!
As for the tourney, it was great! I have played in a lot of the GCDs and this was the best ran one by far. Hats off to everyone who had any thing to do with this!
I even won a ring of fire! got some great kicker stuff! I hit 16 putts! I've never done that before!
Thanks again to everyone running the show, kelly and dave for fishing my plastic out of the pond, J and D for driving 11 hours to make it, Caleb for putting up with me all weekend, and my wife for letting me play.
See ya next year. :cool:
Mar 12 2007, 08:05 PM
Ditto Ditto Ditto.
Joe and Nelle, all the spotters, and the REAL sandwich artists
Everyone did a great job, payouts and ring o fire were fat and TWISTED :cool:
Mar 12 2007, 08:36 PM
... well done Mr.Twisted ... and Danielle ... and STAFF ...
... hadda lotta fun all weekend ...
... my hat's off to you also ... ( I got it hangin' up at home dryin' out ) ...
Mar 12 2007, 09:15 PM
Ditto Ditto Ditto.
Joe and Nelle, all the spotters, and the REAL sandwich artists
Everyone did a great job, payouts and ring o fire were fat and TWISTED :cool:
It was a super time, as predicted. I must address a very important matter. There is absolutely NO TRUTH to the false story that I attempted to strike Dave Frasier with a piece of lumber while he wasnt looking just before the final round. :eek: :eek: :eek: :DREST YOUR EYES IN SHADES OF GREEN :D:D:DDOC :D:D
Mar 12 2007, 10:22 PM
WOW!!! What a Twisted Trip that was! 73 Teams (21 teams more than last year)in the house for a great time!
THANKS TO DAVE WISE, KELDOG WATSON, GARY NAIL, MICHAEL TREAT, MARTIN NORRIS, DAN BOUGHER, The Stillwater 3 TWISTEDTEERS (TREAT JR... TOMMY T AND TDOGG)DARYL JOHNSON,MIKE and KIM CLICK, FURDOG and of course DANIELLE! If you have ever held an event or been to a well run event you know it takes an amazing effort by a small group of people willing to do whatever it takes to make it happen. If your new to the area or the event I hope you realized how lucky we were to have these folks in the house and helping out. THANKS AGAIN!
The "Totally Twisted Awards" went to Daryl Johnson (For leaving work MIDDAY Friday without notice to pick up some players pack merch that...as usual, had been botched by the printer. The AM players pack was over the top thanks to DJ's quick action. It should be noted that KARMA paid him back and Team DJ and DP won their division.
The Staff winner was Michael Treat for his amazing weekend of sign ups, water jug / store running, spotting and his anything you need twisted attitude. The KICKER was calling him off of spotting to help Danielle and I totally go into manual mode due to a series of problems associated with the computer.
It should be noted that had Martin Norris not been a previous winner of the Twisted Award he would have been a candidate to win them both. I would have thrown my laptop in the creek after the first day! :DGOOD JOB MARTIN! :D
I look forward to holding other events with this staff... it was great chemistry and I am VERY PROUD OF EVERYONE INVOLVED. STAFF AND PLAYERS. Thank them when you see them.
As for the action... Coda and Jarrod threw the crowd pleaser round with a hot -10. Court and Kev and "Mini McCoy" repped the TF team with a great finish as well. It was also a PLEASURE to present Twisted Team Member BILLY LUND and his partner Chris Hutchenson with their first PRO CASH! I also got to present a great friend PJ "PEANUT" FRY with his first PRO CASH as well! Out of 6 players in the top 3 teams 4 of the 6 are TWISTED! as Borat says... NICE!!! We make Twisted winning time at park in sexy disc golf explosion! :D
2 Aces paying 315.00 each to MITCH MAC and ANDY NEWBERRY... 2 great guys who really deserve the loot! CONGRATS!
As for results I will get them up tommorrow. We were honored by our PDGA Tour Manager with the opportunity to use a new doubles proto type report and I have some questions and it has some issues so thanks once again for your patience. Today was a day of SLEEP!
Thanks for the kind words from everyone here and at the park. Kinda makes me want to do it all again! :D
Mar 12 2007, 11:15 PM
THANKS TO DAVE WISE, KELDOG WATSON, GARY NAIL, MICHAEL TREAT, MARTIN NORRIS, DAN BOUGHER, The Stillwater 3 TWISTEDTEERS (TREAT JR... TOMMY T AND TDOGG)DARYL JOHNSON,MIKE and KIM CLICK, FURDOG and of course DANIELLE! If you have ever held an event or been to a well run event you know it takes an amazing effort by a small group of people willing to do whatever it takes to make it happen. If your new to the area or the event I hope you realized how lucky we were to have these folks in the house and helping out. THANKS AGAIN!
That quote sure saved me a lot of time because that is exactly what I was going to say other than to add JOE ROTAN and TWISTED FLYER to the quote.
On a more personal level...
<font color="white"> (Oh no, here he goes again. He's a nice enough guy, but he does get a little windy. Geez, isn't his own personal thread enough for him? Can't he keep his durn "Chronicles" out of Oklahoma?) </font>
...I'd like to thank both families that let me, and my son, stay at their homes. I am not going to mention you by name because Kyle Power will try to scam some of your floor space if I do.
Thanks to Dave Wise, and Scottie Wilkinson for the thrashing that they gave me on the day before my PDGA debut as a Pro Grandmaster. I remember times when I let Keldog beat me as he was getting ready for 2006 World Doubles, and Am Worlds, just so I wouldn't destroy his confidence. Wise seemed to take sadistic pleasure as he saw me turn into a player with movements resembling David Byrne on crack. Scottie was a bit more sympathetic, but with that goatee I can never tell if he's sincere, or not.
What can I say about John and Diane Green other than "I think I love you, but what am I so afraid of?". John amazed me with his disc golf skills, and his ability to keep me from self-destructing Sunday afternoon. I don't know if I know of anyone who is more comfortable in his own skin than John Green.
One of the coolest things was watching the OU womens baksetball game Saturday night with our opponents at Green Country Doubles- Jack Wilson, and Brent Edwards. I was really impressed with the OU ladies team. Watch 'em in the NCAA tourney.
Here are the Grand Master scores (to the best of my recollection)
Ash/Green 55 56 53 61 - 225
Wilson/Edwards 55 56 57 59 - 227
Payout was $190.00
I owe the PDGA $25.00. ;)
Mar 13 2007, 09:45 AM
Thanks Jeff, and yes I took Great pleasure with that round against THE world champion. :D
I haven't had too many of those against you and I hated it when your comet hit the pond. I was very pleased to fish that one back out for you. ;)
Mar 13 2007, 01:06 PM
From John Green-
To all who made the doubles tourney a GREAT time for one and all. I had the best time that I have had in a long long time this weekend. I really felt the love in the air from the time I stepped on the course until the very last hole. I was so pleased to see all of you disc golfers again, due to the fact you were my family for so many years. what ever made me retire for a year or so has come and gone and I feel great about playing again. it's times like this weekend that really lets you know who your family is. I was so pleased to see all my Bro's and sisters in disc golf again. you guys rock!!. Thanks Joe and the whole staff from the most important to the most menial task, it takes people to make a village. and all who helped in any way were part of that village.including the players, without you their is no tournament. now to go on about how cool my two days were. well, I had the privilege to be on a card with four world champions. Jack Wilson and Brent Edwards are the THREE TIME WINNERS of the WORLDS DOUBLES !!!!, Jeff Ash ( my partner) is a WORLD CHAMPION. I am a two time world champion myself. once in 1999 for the worlds and then again in 2001 in the National Doubles in Round Rock, Texas. ( what is now the world doubles). man what a treat to play with all these fine men. I have played with one world champ on my card before.BUT, THREE! Dude, come on. now that's cool stuff . thanks to all three of them for a GREAT time this weekend. I learned this weekend that besides playing the game of disc golf their is more to just player's and playing. my wife and I had the honor of a special house guest. Caleb Ash. A very special boy who made my wife's weekend very special. Pink ( my wife) was able to take Caleb to the aquarium. they got to feed and pet the stingrays ( like the ones that killed the crock hunter) and the sharks Sunday while we were playing. Caleb made my wife feel all googley inside. a woman needs that kind of love from children. all of our children are grown and out of the house and is was very nice to have a little one in our home if just for a little while. so THANK YOU, CALEB for just being you. Now for my partner. well what can you say about Jeff Ash that hasn't been said.He's one of the most kind and considerate human beings that I have ever had the honor to meet and a Damm good disc golfer too. Thanks Jeff for your support and friendship. Jeff and I talked last year 06. Oh, about April or so about pairing up for the 07 Doubles in Tulsa. Boy I'm I glad we did. not only did we have a blast at the Twisted Doubles. But, I had a chance to see all of you again. Thanks for that. Once again Joe Rotan AND CREW. THANK YOU FOR A GREAT TIME!!!!!!.
Mar 13 2007, 02:12 PM
anyone care to share the worst score holes stories?
Ours was a 6 on #16 on mclure.
Shank drive left but stay inbounds (whew). Hit tree on approach roll 20 away from the pin (dang it). Hit same tree on long putt attempt(#@%^). Clank the top of the basket (what the??), Donk the bottom of the basket (Cocking the pistol but remembered I only have one bullet and its doubles). Drop disc in for a 6 :cool:
I know there are better stories out there....lol
Mar 13 2007, 02:18 PM
Results from weekend:
DivCode Team # Place First Name Last Name PDGA Rd1 Rd2 Rd3 Rd4 Rd5 Total
MPO 2 1 Chris Hutchenson 18151 52 45 51 51 199
MPO 2 1 Billy Lund 24379 52 45 51 51 199
MPO 1 2 Coda Hatfield 23651 53 52 53 44 202
MPO 1 2 Jared Pennington 27227 53 52 53 44 202
MPO 5 3 Kevin McCoy 9453 50 51 55 51 207
MPO 5 3 Courtney Peevie 18335 50 51 55 51 207
MPO 3 4 Chris Wagle 21359 54 52 54 51 211
MPO 3 4 P J Fry 26338 54 52 54 51 211
MPO 10 5 Larry Gardner 22706 54 52 52 54 212
MPO 10 5 Kyle Wilkes 16650 54 52 52 54 212
MPO 7 6 Dason Keyler 19746 57 48 53 57 215
MPO 7 6 Kayle McClure 21238 57 48 53 57 215
MPO 6 7 Jose' Mendoza 15074 59 47 58 53 217
MPO 6 7 Cris Hicks 15483 59 47 58 53 217
MPO 8 7 Andy Newberry 21278 52 50 58 57 217
MPO 8 7 Anthony Newberry 19866 52 50 58 57 217
MPO 9 9 Dan Bougher 26091 54 53 55 57 219
MPO 9 9 Justin Bougher 24712 54 53 55 57 219
MPO 4 10 Taylor Sears 30896 56 58 60 55 229
MPO 4 10 Brian Kummers 32060 56 58 60 55 229
MPM 12 1 Daryl Johnson 6304 50 52 56 53 211
MPM 12 1 Dale Patterson 4121 50 52 56 53 211
MPM 14 2 Clint McClellan 2366 56 47 57 54 214
MPM 14 2 W. Kyle Power 14522 56 47 57 54 214
MPM 16 3 Curtis Harris 9394 57 46 54 58 215
MPM 16 3 Ray Walker 5251 57 46 54 58 215
MPM 18 4 Jesse Sellers 9627 55 50 57 54 216
MPM 18 4 Andy Anderson 55 50 57 54 216
MPM 15 5 Scott Wilkinson 6556 59 51 55 53 218
MPM 15 5 Tony Walker 59 51 55 53 218
MPM 17 6 James Roubidoux 16053 55 53 54 57 219
MPM 17 6 Bill Pennington 9628 55 53 54 57 219
MPM 13 7 Mike Barton 13232 53 54 55 58 220
MPM 13 7 Mike Wood 13258 53 54 55 58 220
MPM 11 8 Mitch McClellan 3566 56 52 66 55 229
MPM 11 8 John McClellan 2024 56 52 66 55 229
MPG 19 1 Jeff Ash 17843 55 56 53 61 225
MPG 19 1 John Green 11572 55 56 53 61 225
MPG 20 2 Jack Wilson 1926 55 56 57 59 227
MPG 20 2 Brent Edwards 3858 55 56 57 59 227
MA1 43 1 Ben Powell 21360 53 50 52 56 211
MA1 43 1 Cory Briley 22107 53 50 52 56 211
MA1 21 2 David Nicholson 18292 57 48 58 53 216
MA1 21 2 Tom Townsend 18035 57 48 58 53 216
MA1 32 3 Jake Christian 26723 56 53 57 51 217
MA1 32 3 John Logan 24137 56 53 57 51 217
MA1 33 4 Kevin Boyd 29129 57 51 56 55 219
MA1 33 4 Greg Winsworth 29676 57 51 56 55 219
MA1 23 4 Mike Conners 18446 57 47 59 56 219
MA1 23 4 J T Grahm 19744 57 47 59 56 219
MA1 30 4 Jerry Stacey 22320 58 49 55 57 219
MA1 30 4 Rob Leaf 9781 58 49 55 57 219
MA1 34 7 Jon Teel 5716 56 56 56 53 221
MA1 34 7 Mike McCoy 56 56 56 53 221
MA1 29 8 Johnny Thompson 29688 57 53 56 56 222
MA1 29 8 matthew Cooper 30823 57 53 56 56 222
MA1 22 8 Rodney Carpenter 26710 54 53 58 57 222
MA1 22 8 James Patton 26711 54 53 58 57 222
MA1 25 10 Andrew Treat 26708 57 54 56 58 225
MA1 25 10 Travis Greenway 28231 57 54 56 58 225
MA1 24 11 Brad HouseofIsrael 28025 59 55 58 55 227
MA1 24 11 Charles Smith 27254 59 55 58 55 227
MA1 35 11 Ty Fansler 245088 56 57 59 55 227
MA1 35 11 Pat Wooley 24509 56 57 59 55 227
MA1 27 13 Jake Regier 19658 56 56 56 60 228
MA1 27 13 Randy Forsander 28735 56 56 56 60 228
MA1 41 14 Dustin Allen 27808 55 58 62 54 229
MA1 41 14 Doug Maxfield 22023 55 58 62 54 229
MA1 36 14 Micah McHugh 20336 55 57 61 56 229
MA1 36 14 Dale Spurlin 21420 55 57 61 56 229
MA1 37 16 David Poe 17356 58 57 60 55 230
MA1 37 16 Caleb Brown 17546 58 57 60 55 230
MA1 39 17 Jay Phillips 19771 57 58 61 56 232
MA1 39 17 Toby Baker 19772 57 58 61 56 232
MA1 40 18 Cory Poteet 30784 58 55 63 59 235
MA1 40 18 Ben Davis 58 55 63 59 235
MA1 26 18 Jason Lahr 31914 58 57 60 60 235
MA1 26 18 David Wiederich 58 57 60 60 235
MA1 38 18 Keith Welker 26722 61 56 57 61 235
MA1 38 18 Jared Gray 61 56 57 61 235
MA1 28 21 Howard Dine 63 55 55 64 237
MA1 28 21 Zack Lund 27831 63 55 55 64 237
MA1 31 22 Derek Kummers 60 59 62 59 240
MA1 31 22 James Wilkes 60 59 62 59 240
MM1 46 1 James Diel 25049 57 54 56 57 224
MM1 46 1 Richard Mitchell 11037 57 54 56 57 224
MM1 42 2 Steve Naegele 22151 53 60 59 65 237
MM1 42 2 Joel Woody 22538 53 60 59 65 237
MM1 45 3 Craig Foresander 30352 59 61 57 69 246
MM1 45 3 Bill Robertson 27587 59 61 57 69 246
MM1 44 4 Mike Click 9656 63 62 63 72 260
MM1 44 4 Kim Click 9961 63 62 63 72 260
MG1 50 1 David Frazier 11573 54 57 55 63 229
MG1 50 1 Brad Zimmerman 11035 54 57 55 63 229
MG1 49 2 Wayne Forest 7167 55 60 64 62 241
MG1 49 2 Mike Harris 26725 55 60 64 62 241
MG1 47 3 Robert "Doc" Morton II 1243 59 61 63 72 255
MG1 47 3 Martin Norris 24525 59 61 63 72 255
MG1 48 4 Wayne Gregory 11240 57 67 69 66 259
MG1 48 4 Bud Johnson 23883 57 67 69 66 259
MA2 59 1 Jeff Paul 18584 53 58 57 63 231
MA2 59 1 Sal Fellanto 24526 53 58 57 63 231
MA2 56 2 Corey Richards 32017 60 53 55 67 235
MA2 56 2 James Hall 60 53 55 67 235
MA2 51 3 Michael Brookshire 24168 55 59 57 66 237
MA2 51 3 Mickey Brookshire 31275 55 59 57 66 237
MA2 52 4 Bryan Kee 28393 55 62 59 64 240
MA2 52 4 Phillip C. Westbrooke 31083 55 62 59 64 240
MA2 55 5 Marq Lewis 27987 61 64 56 61 242
MA2 55 5 Hunter Boren 61 64 56 61 242
MA2 61 6 Jay Slack 26487 58 65 58 64 245
MA2 61 6 Thong Le 24523 58 65 58 64 245
MA2 53 7 Aaron Swygert 24882 59 62 62 63 246
MA2 53 7 Jarrod Hinshaw 32037 59 62 62 63 246
MA2 54 7 Randell R. Ned 60 64 57 65 246
MA2 54 7 Snake Skin 60 64 57 65 246
MA2 62 9 Ronald Smith 28953 59 63 61 64 247
MA2 62 9 James Emmons 28901 59 63 61 64 247
MA2 57 10 Brandon Peak 28170 59 60 64 67 250
MA2 57 10 Steve Foret 59 60 64 67 250
MA2 60 11 Jon Nobles 28992 61 64 63 69 257
MA2 60 11 Eric Thompson 28992 61 64 63 69 257
MA2 63 12 Brent Carter 61 66 63 69 259
MA2 63 12 Shawn Tolbert 61 66 63 69 259
MA2 58 Brett Vincent 58 58 66 999 DNF
MA2 58 Tuck Edmondson 58 58 66 999 DNF
MA3 64 1 Mike Moore 32162 56 59 56 60 231
MA3 64 1 Chris Wood 56 59 56 60 231
MA3 73 2 Wayne Minshall 56 59 55 63 233
MA3 73 2 Dustin Pittley 56 59 55 63 233
MA3 66 3 Matt Shipley 21283 59 61 59 65 244
MA3 66 3 Todd Yound 26880 59 61 59 65 244
MA3 71 4 Nick White 67 67 55 61 250
MA3 71 4 Tim Evans 67 67 55 61 250
MA3 67 5 Tom Landers 26617 60 66 63 68 257
MA3 67 5 Trey Landers 26618 60 66 63 68 257
MA3 69 6 James Hardy 62 67 64 69 262
MA3 69 6 Graham Russell 62 67 64 69 262
MA3 68 7 Michael Coberly 64 66 63 71 264
MA3 68 7 Harry Hinshaw 64 66 63 71 264
MA3 72 8 Pete Hicks 28013 68 67 64 68 267
MA3 72 8 Kyle Razmus 68 67 64 68 267
MA3 70 9 Christopher Cervants 65 74 67 67 273
MA3 70 9 John Tillman 65 74 67 67 273
MA3 65 Troy Lulak 67 74 79 999 DNF
MA3 65 Rusty Leeds 67 74 79 999 DNF
Mar 13 2007, 02:20 PM
How about the team that had one player scoring a two on Hole 1 at Dovillio, and the other player scoring a six?
Mar 13 2007, 03:05 PM
WOW!!! What a Twisted Trip that was! 73 Teams (21 teams more than last year)in the house for a great time!
THANKS TO DAVE WISE, KELDOG WATSON, GARY NAIL, MICHAEL TREAT, MARTIN NORRIS, DAN BOUGHER, The Stillwater 3 TWISTEDTEERS (TREAT JR... TOMMY T AND TDOGG)DARYL JOHNSON,MIKE and KIM CLICK, FURDOG and of course DANIELLE! If you have ever held an event or been to a well run event you know it takes an amazing effort by a small group of people willing to do whatever it takes to make it happen. If your new to the area or the event I hope you realized how lucky we were to have these folks in the house and helping out. THANKS AGAIN!
The "Totally Twisted Awards" went to Daryl Johnson (For leaving work MIDDAY Friday without notice to pick up some players pack merch that...as usual, had been botched by the printer. The AM players pack was over the top thanks to DJ's quick action. It should be noted that KARMA paid him back and Team DJ and DP won their division.
The Staff winner was Michael Treat for his amazing weekend of sign ups, water jug / store running, spotting and his anything you need twisted attitude. The KICKER was calling him off of spotting to help Danielle and I totally go into manual mode due to a series of problems associated with the computer.
It should be noted that had Martin Norris not been a previous winner of the Twisted Award he would have been a candidate to win them both. I would have thrown my laptop in the creek after the first day! :DGOOD JOB MARTIN! :D
I look forward to holding other events with this staff... it was great chemistry and I am VERY PROUD OF EVERYONE INVOLVED. STAFF AND PLAYERS. Thank them when you see them.
As for the action... Coda and Jarrod threw the crowd pleaser round with a hot -10. Court and Kev and "Mini McCoy" repped the TF team with a great finish as well. It was also a PLEASURE to present Twisted Team Member BILLY LUND and his partner Chris Hutchenson with their first PRO CASH! I also got to present a great friend PJ "PEANUT" FRY with his first PRO CASH as well! Out of 6 players in the top 3 teams 4 of the 6 are TWISTED! as Borat says... NICE!!! We make Twisted winning time at park in sexy disc golf explosion! :D
2 Aces paying 315.00 each to MITCH MAC and ANDY NEWBERRY... 2 great guys who really deserve the loot! CONGRATS!
As for results I will get them up tommorrow. We were honored by our PDGA Tour Manager with the opportunity to use a new doubles proto type report and I have some questions and it has some issues so thanks once again for your patience. Today was a day of SLEEP!
Thanks for the kind words from everyone here and at the park. Kinda makes me want to do it all again! :D
hey Joe i told you it was going to be a killer weekend. There was no better place for me to take my first open cash than one of your tourney's, especially in Tulsa. Much love to you and all who helped. Thank you very much!!!!!!!!!!
Big Easy
Mar 13 2007, 09:50 PM
How about the team that had one player scoring a two on Hole 1 at Dovillio, and the other player scoring a six?
What's worse is that it was actually a seven. :(
Missing to the right by the path on the drvie and 2 OBs later...
While his partner mutters "just take your medicine" :p
Big Easy
Mar 13 2007, 10:10 PM
Thanks to Joe and All the volunteers and ...
to all those who signed up knowing sunday might bring rain.
way to NOT wimp out. :cool:
And ditto McCoys props to all who worked on the tee pads AAA+++
Thanks to Dan for the nice work on the trophies. :D:D
Good to see all the Masters and Grand Masters Players.
10 total masters teams :cool:
Glad also to meet Mike and Chris new players from OKC
Looking forward to next year Joe ;)
and more Twisted Tourneys this year.
And Big Props to DJ my partner.
Lookout all you Grand Masters this rookie is good.
3 Time GCD Champ (Thanks Partners)
D.P. :D
Big Easy
Mar 13 2007, 10:49 PM
BTW just found the results on the PDGA tour page and...
There are ratings included with the rounds.
Joe did the pdga say these would be calculated into our individual ratings???
Just wondering even if not its cool to see them for doubles
1071 for a -10 in doubles sounds about right.
Thanks again Joe T and all the volunteers.
D.P. :D
Mar 13 2007, 10:52 PM
Coda and Jared's last round 1071...granted they don't count them in doubles, but -10....SMOKIN
Big Easy
Mar 13 2007, 11:16 PM
Coda and Jared's last round 1071...granted they don't count them in doubles, but -10....SMOKIN
Joe said earlier...
" We were honored by our PDGA Tour Manager with the opportunity to use a new doubles proto type report"
Noland Griders and Barry Schultzs -6's
at the 06 OO were rated as 1066's
1071 for a -10 for doubles in the rain sounds like a doubles formula.
I am interested to learn more...
-10 is definitely smokin.
D.P. :D
Mar 13 2007, 11:35 PM
what was the weather like that day the 1066's were shot??? In the rain and that course...??? WOW
Twisted rolls again...can I pre-reg for '08 now brother?
Mar 14 2007, 09:42 AM
You guys know me... It's best to wait a day or two and then go thru it all, when I'm rested and revamped. Someone gave me a nasty head cold out there! Thanks! I'm sure Gentry can get the places fixed and add some "official insight" to the future of dubs payout percentages and ratings. :D
Thanks Again everyone! :D
Mar 14 2007, 03:16 PM
Is there a list of the payout for the Pro divisions anywhere...
Mar 14 2007, 07:52 PM
yeah there was,Sorry Wood's you weren't on it! ;)
Mar 15 2007, 10:16 AM
yeah there was,Sorry Wood's you weren't on it! ;)
HAR HAR.. :eek: :p :D
Mar 15 2007, 11:09 AM
� those round-by-round ratings may be a bit off � I�m not sure if the PDGA calculated which-Divisions played which-Course which-Round �
� examples: Team Dasun Keylor shoots 57 at Dovillio = rating 923 �
Team David Frazier shoots-same (57 Dovillio) = rating 902 �
Team PJ Fry shoots 54 Dovillio = rating 954 �
Team James Diel shoots-same (54 Dovillio) = rating 935
Team Ben Davis shoots 55 McClure = rating 924
Team Michael Brookshire shoots-same (55 McClure) = rating 943
� all the above were : same-day , same-weather �
� possibly they just used the Top-Player-Ratings and applied them to each Course to establish a �barometer� ; then used a sliding-scale to rate scores within-that-Round �
- or - � calculated the Course WCP or SSA somehow to serve as a �watermark� �
regardless , it�s all good � that�s for math-guru Chuck Kennedy to figure out and apply �
Mar 15 2007, 01:11 PM
Doubles rounds can't be rated for many reasons
Mar 15 2007, 02:27 PM
so will these ratings be included in the next update?
Mar 15 2007, 02:55 PM
Hopefully not, as it appears the scores were entered incorrectly as singles scores instead of doubles scores (as evidenced by the fact that second place is designated as 3rd in all divisions).
Just an oversight, I'm sure it will get corrected before the scores are made official.
Mar 15 2007, 02:59 PM
so will these ratings be included in the next update?
Mar 15 2007, 03:05 PM
you can't have ratings for doubles tournaments...you can't have a team rating and players ratings what dictates how the rounds are rated...so there will be no ratings for this event
Mar 15 2007, 03:11 PM
Just spoke with Gentry at PDGA... "Ratings do not count... it's something our software does automatically and they will dissapear at final posting" the places next to the scores will also be auto adjusted.
Martin's butcher like rendition of Courtney PEAVY's name will be fixed and Mike Moores PDGA # will become undyslexic.. anything else...??? anyone??? anyone??? :D
Mar 15 2007, 03:27 PM
... other name spellings slightly off ...
... PDGA # 26091 = last name is spelled : s - u - p - e - r - m - a - n ...
Mar 15 2007, 03:55 PM
Hopefully not, as it appears the scores were entered incorrectly as singles scores instead of doubles scores (as evidenced by the fact that second place is designated as 3rd in all divisions).
Just an oversight, I'm sure it will get corrected before the scores are made official.
Feature of the PDGA program used, not the scorer or the staff. address comments to home office please. i did point out the error to Gentry at the time i posted to their server!
Mar 15 2007, 05:32 PM
Doubles rounds can't be rated for many reasons
next post
so will these ratings be included in the next update?
Now I know why you chose OU....it's easier to spell than OSU and obviuosly your reading skills are suffering :o
Mar 15 2007, 08:39 PM
Doubles rounds can't be rated for many reasons
next post
so will these ratings be included in the next update?
Now I know why you chose OU....it's easier to spell than OSU and obviuosly your reading skills are suffering :o
well these are the first doubles rounds i have ever seen show up as rated. I also heard mention of a "new doubles format" from the pdga.
being a cub fan however, i can understand you taking notice of other peoples mishaps in order to downplay the few you and yours have had over the past 100 years. :)
the camera guy
Mar 19 2007, 08:50 AM
latest and greatest at...
Mar 19 2007, 05:40 PM
Great pics as always, Gary!
Twinkle Toes at his finest:
Mar 19 2007, 05:42 PM
Great shot Jake!
Mike you have me laughing...I saw "Twinkle Toes" and thought for sure it'd be a pic of the guy who's been told he has the 'finest footwork in disc golf' :D
Mar 19 2007, 05:50 PM
Great shot Jake!
Mike you have me laughing...I saw "Twinkle Toes" and thought for sure it'd be a pic of the guy who's been told he has the 'finest footwork in disc golf' :D
HAH! What is up, Paul?!?
Last Saturday at Chandler I was 100% convinced that Jake has the finest footwork in disc golf...Big Dave and Sal agreed that J.R. has mad footwork skills. Perhaps his jump putt is the best in town as well? :o
Mar 19 2007, 06:45 PM
Another good one:
It looks like Big Dave is rocking hard core while eyeing his groupies backstage :D
Mar 19 2007, 07:06 PM
Seeing Dave play live (again) is itself enough reason to regret missing this year's GCD
Mar 19 2007, 08:49 PM
I am sure that that one went in, I was on fire that day.
Mar 19 2007, 10:07 PM
LMAO!! That's some funny
[email protected]#$!!! I think they ran away when I fd up the ending of the frikin national anthem though. :confused:
As always, great pics Gary!
Paul, are you comin to Chandlerstock?? You definately need to...really good times! /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
Mar 20 2007, 10:38 AM
I got as good of a chance to make it as Paul does. :o
Mar 20 2007, 12:22 PM
I got as good of a chance to make it as Paul does. :o
You're probably right, Cambagger, but I'm not ruling it out just yet. If there's a way I can make it to Scott's tourney, I will. Otherwise, my primary focus is always Okie Doubles and anything run by the Twisted One.
Mar 20 2007, 12:30 PM
Dude????.....I can't believe you'd be wimping out like that. It's my first big tourney and now you don't know if you can make it??? :confused:....Where is the love man????? :( ;)
Mar 20 2007, 12:44 PM
Dude????.....I can't believe you'd be wimping out like that. It's my first big tourney and now you don't know if you can make it??? :confused:....Where is the love man????? :( ;)
I have no excuse worthy of your time, Scott, so I won't bore you with the details...I'll do all I can to make it to your incomparable event. If I'm unable to do so, I'm certain you'll all have a wonderful time without my participation, and I sincerely doubt I'll be missed.
I've found that if I set your expectations low it's much easier for you to be pleasantly surprised. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
Mar 20 2007, 12:52 PM
Well make it if you can because I've already ordered a herd of sheep in your honor. :)....If you don't make then Twoputt will end up "Bogarting" them. :o
Mar 20 2007, 01:03 PM
Well make it if you can because I've already ordered a herd of sheep in your honor. :)....If you don't make then Twoputt will end up "Bogarting" them. :o
I have a feeling Dave's already loading them into his truck... :o