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Feb 13 2007, 02:10 AM

Feb 13 2007, 03:10 AM
can't wait for this son of a bi*%h :o:o:o:D:D:D

Feb 13 2007, 07:06 AM
...You already know LUND/HUTCH will be in tha house!! PRO BABY!!

Feb 13 2007, 07:07 AM
WHats the format??

Feb 13 2007, 09:21 AM

Joe, Is that a picture of Barb and Terril on that disc? :D

Feb 13 2007, 01:45 PM
what does this mean your making a trip to town cam ?

Feb 13 2007, 01:48 PM
Joe gave me the okay last night, that if I get Furdog or any female as my partner, he will let us play the mixed division. :D

Feb 13 2007, 10:28 PM
I thought you weren't playing Wise.
Oh so if I show up your going on vacation.
Here kitty kitty. :eek:

Feb 13 2007, 11:59 PM
Whats the format??

Great question!

All divisions except Mixed will play the following format:

Mclure- 18 holes of alternate shot

Blackhawk- Regular doubles best shot format

Redhawk- The Twisted Tri-6, 6 holes of alternate shot, 6 holes of worst shot and 6 holes of best shot

Dovillio- 9 holes of worst score and 9 holes of best score

The format for Mixed doubles is:

McClure- Alternate shot

Blackhawk- Modified alternate shot, ex: female would drive odd holes, men will drive even holes.

Redhawk- The Twisted Tri-6, 6 holes of alternate shot, 6 holes of worst shot and 6 holes of best shot

Dovillio- Modified best shot, ex: Team would not be able to take the same persons throw more than twice in a row

Entries are available in the pro shop at ( Online entries are entered into a special pre-registration raffle that is sure not to disappoint. Sign up now.


Feb 14 2007, 12:57 AM
Oh Twisted 1, in worst shot, if one player makes a putt and his partner misses, will they play the missed putt? Personally I dont care what the decision will be because either way this tournament is going to be blast. :D:D:D:D:DGetchoseff a podna o you is gowinda missit. :( :( REST YOUR EYES IN SHADES OF GREEN. :D:D:D " Doc" :D:D:D

Feb 14 2007, 10:45 AM
WorstShot, you have to prove your putt
ToughShot you don't have to prove your putt ;)

Feb 14 2007, 10:51 AM
Will there be a trophy only option?

Feb 14 2007, 11:06 AM
No, but we can get you a participation medal. :D

Feb 14 2007, 11:21 AM
All I really want is something I can take home to Momma that she can put on the fridge.

Feb 14 2007, 11:31 AM
Take this home then................... :D

Feb 14 2007, 11:37 AM
Sorry, MySpace is blocked here at work. Try again later.

Was your answer official, or do I need to talk to Joe, i.e. someone who knows what they're talking about?

Feb 14 2007, 11:40 AM
That was a pic of Billy Lund and you would need to talk to Joe, but I haven't heard him mention anything about a trophy only division.

Feb 14 2007, 12:48 PM
No, not a trophy only division, a trophy only option for the Advanced division, or any division for that matter.

Feb 14 2007, 01:00 PM
I prefer to make my own trophies. My family will probably never meet any of you guys anyway so as far as they know....I'm a State champ!!!!! :cool:

Feb 14 2007, 01:06 PM
I have heard them call you State Chump but never State Champ. :o

Feb 14 2007, 02:16 PM
This has eery simalarities to my career as the Real World Champion. However, my parents have come to watch me play and that pretty much tanked the stellar career stories that I so readily would rattle off at family get togethers. I found that witnesses to the truth make it tough for me to sell a bill of goods. :( "Doc" :D REST YOUR EYES IN SHADES OF GREEN

Feb 14 2007, 02:44 PM

Feb 14 2007, 03:05 PM
Well I would think that as many times as Twoputt has woke up on a deserted country road just in time to see the tail lights of the family vehicle driving away he would get the hint of what his family is trying to tell him. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif....Yet for some reason his family keeps forgetting to take his cell phone away so he can't call anyone. I can only assume that Donkey Dan is getting tired waking up at night to go pick him up. :confused:

What I have heard from Dave's family though is that he is always a hit at Owasso schools when they have a "Bring a Walking Rectum to School" day and he has always been a hit with the stray dogs in the neighborhood when a fire hydrant is no where to be found. :cool:

So I guess to his family, Dave has some value, yet they are conflicted sometimes amoungst themselves as to what that value is. :confused:....Why they keep dumping him on the side of road is a mystery when most disc golfers like Regier, Naegele, or Bud Johnston would pay a fair price to have professional caddy cart their bags around. Yet a big mouth would probably render even the best caddies useless when the player is in search of a World Championship. :(

You would think you would see Dave's family come out and watch him play more but I have very seldom ever seen them. :confused:... Probably because they are always trying to pack up and move away before he gets back home. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif....Kind of reminds me of the thing that wouldn't leave that occasionally showed up at some of the parties I've held elsewhere in my lifetime. :(.....Imagine the suffering Dave's family has to endure on a daily basis because his family only hears what decompress's out of his head and through his rear. :p.....

We all know what it smells like and the damage it can do, but yet as human beings we close our eyes and turn away as an innocent family falls into despair to the point that "Illegal Dad Dumping" has become their only option. :(.....

Oh.....what a cruel world it has become. :confused:

Rest you eyes in shades of..... <font color="red"> CHAND </font> <font color="white">LER </font> <font color="green">STOCK </font>

Feb 14 2007, 03:36 PM
You appear so concerned with my life that I am begining to beleive I am all you think about.
And you didn't even send me flowers today. :(

Scary to say the least. :o

While I appreciate your concern, I strongly suggest you enter counseling to deal with this fixation you have with degrading the family unit.

Being single with only cats to socialize with has started to change you from FurDog to CatFurBoy. :D

You need to get out more and I mean out, going to the litter box doesn't qualify. :o

I'm scared that if you don't start socializing with humans, that this is what we will end up with.

Feb 14 2007, 03:41 PM
The Birth of CatBoy. (formerly known as FurDog)

<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>

Feb 14 2007, 03:54 PM
Dude.....That was some of my best stuff.... :confused:

You should copy that and take it home and stick it on the frig for your family to see. :)

I'm only trying to help you brother. :cool:....

As far as V-day goes.....I'm sending you some Fur-Chocolates right now. :D

Feb 14 2007, 04:14 PM
During the 6/6/6 round you will have 2 make BOTH PUTTS. Thanks for the wisdom and kind words Doc! :D

Feb 14 2007, 04:18 PM
As the TD I must request "no talking of the smaketh unless thine will playeth and backeth said smack at the event" :D

Feb 14 2007, 05:16 PM
Dave Wise and I will be teaming up in the Pro division. Since he'll be out of town you all should just consider him my silent partner. As if he could ever be such a thing. We'll finish DFL but I'm sure that everyone who plays on my card will be happy he did wasn't there. :D

Feb 14 2007, 05:39 PM
Dude, you can't even get your arse to be a silent partner. :o

Besides, Joe already said that if I have you as a partner, he will let us play in the mixed division, you know kind of like ........................

Feb 15 2007, 02:12 PM
As the TD I must request "no talking of the smaketh unless thine will playeth and backeth said smack at the event" :D

Doom / Norris
Together again our motto: bury the buggers!

Feb 15 2007, 02:29 PM
**** i wanted to make this, but i will be in Colorado that weak. Good luck to any texans that are goin. :D

Feb 15 2007, 09:16 PM
Dang Erron it would have been nice to see some Salazars up this a way! It's going to be a fun event for sure. :D

Feb 15 2007, 11:09 PM
You know T-Town and myself will be rockin the party at the GCD!!

Feb 15 2007, 11:29 PM
SOO What does that mean, free beer???

Feb 16 2007, 01:01 AM
No, it means free lessons on how to win a GCD. Well, not quite free. :D

Feb 16 2007, 01:06 AM
Id rather have free beer. Let me know in advanced and on my B Day on May 5th which there is a 1 Day B teir at Pauls Valley who will be there and I will have a Keg. If there is not enough response then I will not have a Keg there this is your warning.

Feb 16 2007, 01:48 AM
Id rather have free beer. Let me know in advanced and on my B Day on May 5th which there is a 1 Day B teir at Pauls Valley who will be there and I will have a Keg. If there is not enough response then I will not have a Keg there this is your warning.

tokyo, you and jake just bring your game to tulsa and my partner and i will show you how to play REAL golf on REAL courses.

just like pro/am and z boaz!!!

Feb 16 2007, 10:09 AM
Id rather have free beer. Let me know in advanced and on my B Day on May 5th which there is a 1 Day B teir at Pauls Valley who will be there and I will have a Keg. If there is not enough response then I will not have a Keg there this is your warning.

tokyo, you and jake just bring your game to tulsa and my partner and i will show you how to play REAL golf on REAL courses.

just like pro/am and z boaz!!!

LOL your gonna show someone how to play "REAL" golf?.........LMAO yea ok!?.

Feb 16 2007, 10:19 AM

Feb 16 2007, 10:52 AM
... watch out for ... Psychadelic ... Ash ... ? ...

Feb 16 2007, 11:27 AM
Green Ash

Feb 16 2007, 11:42 AM
... oh ...

Feb 16 2007, 11:57 AM
A burned up comet. :D

Feb 16 2007, 12:01 PM
... and a burnt out Comet. :D

Feb 16 2007, 12:15 PM
All right, lest see some teams on here! Who is playing with who and what divisions? ;)

Feb 16 2007, 12:29 PM

Feb 16 2007, 12:54 PM
slack/le int probably.

Feb 16 2007, 12:54 PM
or i should say more then likely.

Feb 16 2007, 01:09 PM

Screw that pro stuff, I say .......................... 3 peat .................................:D:D:D:D

Feb 16 2007, 01:15 PM
Well, you both ARE on the Am list for worlds. :o

Feb 16 2007, 02:03 PM
Doc Doom / Side arm Adv. GM

Feb 16 2007, 02:23 PM
Doc Doom / Side arm Adv. GM

This is correct. :DThe citizens of Rome will line the streets, hailing us as we approach the Collesium (aka Mc Clure, Dovillio, Red Hawk & Black Hawk) . :DThere the battle for Adv. GM stardom and the ring of Caeser will be held. :eek: :eek: This will be a spectacle for the ages. Gitchoseff a potna an be dare. Ess gowinda be a blass. If you aint bin twisted, nows yur chance. :D:D:D Doc :D:D:D REST YOUR EYES IN SHADES OFGREEN :D:D:D

Feb 16 2007, 02:49 PM
Id rather have free beer. Let me know in advanced and on my B Day on May 5th which there is a 1 Day B teir at Pauls Valley who will be there and I will have a Keg. If there is not enough response then I will not have a Keg there this is your warning.

tokyo, you and jake just bring your game to tulsa and my partner and i will show you how to play REAL golf on REAL courses.

just like pro/am and z boaz!!!

What You are goin to loose! I dont think your partner would like that to much!

Feb 16 2007, 08:20 PM
Logan III / Christian Adv.

Feb 17 2007, 12:20 AM
Little Conners/JP INT
not sure which one yet...

Feb 17 2007, 12:50 AM
Jeff and Keith will win GCD with no problem.

Big Easy
Feb 17 2007, 08:44 PM
Pro Masters
Daryl Johnson / Dale Patterson
This should be a blast.
D.P. :D

Feb 18 2007, 01:10 AM
DJ and DP together??? That's like AWESOME!!! Nice to see the teams ROLLING IN! :D

Feb 18 2007, 10:33 AM
Team underrated: Forsander/Regier

Feb 18 2007, 10:58 AM
Yes, Randy is definately under rated. :o

Feb 18 2007, 12:14 PM
Pro div

K-Mac & C_Dub :p

come and get u some :cool:
ya im talkn to u silly HO

Feb 18 2007, 12:26 PM
Team underrated: Forsander/Regier

Your not underrated Jake!

Feb 18 2007, 12:32 PM
Well, Randy is underrated enough for both of us. :p

Feb 18 2007, 01:10 PM
Yea I think he should be a 940-945

Feb 18 2007, 01:13 PM
Pro div

K-Mac & C_Dub :p

come and get u some :cool:
ya im talkn to u silly HO

I'll put five on that

Feb 18 2007, 01:15 PM
How many strokes do we have to give them?

Feb 18 2007, 01:17 PM
How many strokes do we have to give them?

:o:eek: /msgboard/images/graemlins/ooo.gif :D:D

Feb 18 2007, 01:22 PM
BRING IT!! HUTCH and I aint scared!!

Feb 18 2007, 01:25 PM
I got 5 on Coda and Jared.

Feb 19 2007, 11:34 PM
I need a partner for GCD



Feb 20 2007, 01:36 AM
team tokyo/peewee. if they don't play open they will have a good shot at the intermediate title!

Feb 20 2007, 01:52 AM
charles smith and house of israel/intermediate

Feb 20 2007, 02:19 AM
team tokyo/peewee. if they don't play open they will have a good shot at the intermediate title!


Feb 20 2007, 11:01 AM
I have been made aware of the need to clarify an earlier post.
Green Ash = John Green and Jeff Ash.
There is a small, clandestine, clan of conspiracy theorists that has mistakenly developed the belief that there is a deeper meaning to the name of team Green/Ash. This clan is rumoured to be led by a Jerry Garcia look-alike who claims to be Anna Nicole Smith's former nanny.

Feb 20 2007, 11:24 AM
I thought I heard this individual was fathered by one of her guard dogs... :p

Feb 20 2007, 12:10 PM
I need a partner for GCD



... maybe Howard Dine ? ... :eek: ... doh ... /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif ... sorry Jerry , I couldn't resist ... you can punch me later ...

Feb 20 2007, 12:11 PM
Mike Conners / Kenny Climo

BELIEVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Feb 20 2007, 12:16 PM
Team underrated: Forsander/Regier

I don't think Randy can handle Jake's weight on his back, he's just a kid man!

Feb 20 2007, 12:23 PM
Trey Landers has volunteered to be my partner. I had to pay him $50 and promise to wear a sack on my head but dire times require desperate measures. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Feb 20 2007, 12:49 PM
team tokyo/peewee. if they don't play open they will have a good shot at the intermediate title!

Just be glad I am not playin but I would take peewee and beat you and who ever your partner is. Your just mad cause you asked him and he told you NO! There must be trouble in the Boyd household. :eek:

Feb 20 2007, 12:59 PM

Will there be more open teams playing this year?

Feb 20 2007, 01:40 PM
there's got to be, there were 4 open players from TULSA at Z-boaz thats an all time record

Feb 20 2007, 02:09 PM
team tokyo/peewee. if they don't play open they will have a good shot at the intermediate title!

Just be glad I am not playin but I would take peewee and beat you and who ever your partner is. Your just mad cause you asked him and he told you NO! There must be trouble in the Boyd household. :eek:

You, beat me down on tulsa courses??!?!?!?!?! it would be an OO repeat, which is probably why you decided not to play anyway. Or is it because you couldn't find a partner that would play on the mixed card with you!?!

Feb 20 2007, 02:10 PM

WOW. What a great lookin' flyer! :D

Feb 20 2007, 02:11 PM
You playin this one Orange Julius?

Feb 20 2007, 02:24 PM
Gotta call my pardner and verify he's willing to drag me around the course for another year...yeah, I'll be there. Been coming to donate my money for years, why stop now? Besides, it's a "Rotan Production"...gotta support my friends, man :D

Feb 20 2007, 02:30 PM
Sweet looking forward to seeing you there fella!

Feb 20 2007, 02:44 PM
Sweet looking forward to seeing you there fella!

On second thought....

Feb 20 2007, 02:49 PM

WOW. What a great lookin' flyer! :D

I won't tell you how long it took to show Twisted how to post that one on this site :D

Are you and J Fred playing again Paul?

Feb 20 2007, 04:05 PM
Sweet looking forward to seeing you there fella!

I just lost my lunch ,thanks Thong.

Feb 20 2007, 04:23 PM

WOW. What a great lookin' flyer! :D

I won't tell you how long it took to show Twisted how to post that one on this site :D

Are you and J Fred playing again Paul?

Dunno yet, haven't spoken with him lately 'cept for a few minutes the other day, have to ask him if it's worth it to him (and his game) to pay the $$$ to drag me (and my game) around the course for another near the bottom finish. If not, though, I'll find a partner...I'm sure he's in though, we have a great time every year when we come up

Feb 20 2007, 09:24 PM
If you want to talk OO I would have made the cut if they had one where were u at at Z Boaz. The only reason I am not playin Green Country is I can only play one tourny a month. And I am goin 2 Duncan. I have a job so I can not travel at will to finish DFL lat tournys ike some golfers! :eek:

Feb 21 2007, 10:16 AM
So you carefully pick the ones you want to finish DFL at? :o:D

Feb 21 2007, 11:41 AM
does anyone have Taylor Sears # i need to talk to him .......if so send me a PM :cool:

Feb 21 2007, 03:14 PM
So you carefully pick the ones you want to finish DFL at? :o:D

Why yes I do! :cool:

Nelle 18131
Feb 21 2007, 11:54 PM
All divisions will be playing the same tees, that includes the recreational and mixed divisions playing from the long tees at Blackhawk for Green Country Doubles.

Feb 22 2007, 12:33 AM
That's very cool

Hi Nelle :D

Feb 22 2007, 11:44 PM
Team Johnny T./Coop

Adv. of course

Feb 23 2007, 12:02 AM
Ok well atleast we know who's gonna get DFL!!

Feb 23 2007, 09:42 AM
Lookin for an advanced player..

Feb 23 2007, 01:56 PM
Hey Twisted1 & Co.....

At Redhawk, which holes are going to be played in each of your 3 twisted formats?

And at Dovillio, which 9 are worst score and which 9 are best score?

Thanks for all you do JOE ROE!!!!

Schwag Nasty Out-

Intermediate team Hinshaw/Schwag

Feb 23 2007, 02:23 PM
Lookin for an advanced player..

glad to see you playing a tournament LUND!

Feb 23 2007, 03:52 PM
Advanced: Conners / Graham

Feb 23 2007, 06:55 PM
Advanced: Conners / Graham

WOW! That will be a salty team! Nice MC.

Feb 24 2007, 12:15 AM
Heck yeah!!

Hopefully we will get to play with the Nicholson / Townsend team :D

Feb 24 2007, 09:13 PM
Advanced: Conners / Graham

ADVANCED!!! wwwwwweeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaakkkkkkkkkkkkk!!!!! !!!!!!!!!

Feb 24 2007, 09:20 PM
I agree, Conners/Grahm is Open all the whey. Fo Show!

Feb 24 2007, 10:30 PM
I agree, Conners/Grahm is Open all the whey. Fo Show!

Nah!!...I think they are middle pack advanced team.

Feb 24 2007, 10:43 PM
I agree, Conners/Grahm is Open all the whey. Fo Show!

Nah!!...I think they are middle pack advanced team.

judging from oklahoma open and zboaz it looks like you will be spending the weekend on the same card as them.

Feb 24 2007, 11:04 PM
I agree, Conners/Grahm is Open all the whey. Fo Show!

Nah!!...I think they are middle pack advanced team.

judging from oklahoma open and zboaz it looks like you will be spending the weekend on the same card as them.

Well I kicked your #$*&$! at both of those tournament's Biatch !!!! :o

Feb 25 2007, 12:53 AM
My doubles record speaks for itself.

Feb 25 2007, 01:55 PM
I agree, Conners/Grahm is Open all the whey. Fo Show!

Nah!!...I think they are middle pack advanced team.

judging from oklahoma open and zboaz it looks like you will be spending the weekend on the same card as them.

Well I kicked your #$*&$! at both of those tournament's Biatch !!!! :o

you better check the results again WORLD CHAMP, because it looks like i finished ahead of you at the OO

Feb 25 2007, 04:34 PM
I agree, Conners/Grahm is Open all the whey. Fo Show!

Nah!!...I think they are middle pack advanced team.

judging from oklahoma open and zboaz it looks like you will be spending the weekend on the same card as them.

Well I kicked your #$*&$! at both of those tournament's Biatch !!!! :o

you better check the results again WORLD CHAMP, because it looks like i finished ahead of you at the OO

OoOoO one #$*&$! tournament, I have kicked your #$*&$! at all the other tournament's we have played against each other and I will do the same at all the other tournament's we play against each other this year.....because you SUCK!

Feb 25 2007, 09:46 PM
I agree, Conners/Grahm is Open all the whey. Fo Show!

Nah!!...I think they are middle pack advanced team.

judging from oklahoma open and zboaz it looks like you will be spending the weekend on the same card as them.

Well I kicked your #$*&$! at both of those tournament's Biatch !!!! :o

you better check the results again WORLD CHAMP, because it looks like i finished ahead of you at the OO

OoOoO one #$*&$! tournament, I have kicked your #$*&$! at all the other tournament's we have played against each other and I will do the same at all the other tournament's we play against each other this year.....because you SUCK!

Young people are full of some much hate these days! Cant we all just get along! :cool:

Feb 26 2007, 11:00 AM

WOW. What a great lookin' flyer! :D

I won't tell you how long it took to show Twisted how to post that one on this site :D

Are you and J Fred playing again Paul?

Dunno yet, haven't spoken with him lately 'cept for a few minutes the other day, have to ask him if it's worth it to him (and his game) to pay the $$$ to drag me (and my game) around the course for another near the bottom finish. If not, though, I'll find a partner...I'm sure he's in though, we have a great time every year when we come up

Stewart/DeJulius will not be attending this year, unfortunately. Someone else will have to fill the other half of the DFL card, I guess.

Happy Birthday to Mr. McCoy today

Feb 26 2007, 11:02 AM
I agree, Conners/Grahm is Open all the whey. Fo Show!

Nah!!...I think they are middle pack advanced team.

judging from oklahoma open and zboaz it looks like you will be spending the weekend on the same card as them.

Well I kicked your #$*&amp;$! at both of those tournament's Biatch !!!! :o

you better check the results again WORLD CHAMP, because it looks like i finished ahead of you at the OO

OoOoO one #$*&amp;$! tournament, I have kicked your #$*&amp;$! at all the other tournament's we have played against each other and I will do the same at all the other tournament's we play against each other this year.....because you SUCK!

No one really cares who wins Junior Varsity :o

Feb 26 2007, 11:34 AM
Except for Bubba :D

Feb 26 2007, 01:22 PM

Feb 26 2007, 02:49 PM
That's right Stettinger....Move your big butt up to Pro and get out of the Am division. :mad:....How else am I going to move up in World Am status when the Am divisions of full of "Kling-ons" and "Toilet-Bowl-Rim-Huggers" like you and Hutch. :p.....You better not show up at Chandler expecting to play advanced because you are officially BANNED from playing there on my mountain. :mad::p :mad::o/msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

OK.....First official banning out of the way......Who's next????? ;)....

Feb 26 2007, 03:08 PM
Maybe T-Paske will chime in and start running his trap like he did last year.

Feb 26 2007, 03:26 PM
Twoputt tried to get banned but I didn't want Jake Regier to have to share a tent by himself so Twoputt is in no matter what. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif...As a reward Jake has offered me some 8x10 color glossys of his old lady, free appetizers at Charlestons for life, and two front row seats in his van "down by the river" for next years July 4th fireworks display. :)

Feb 26 2007, 03:30 PM
Ok, I wasn't posting that to let everybody know who I beat so stfu you long haired sissy #$*&$! mcCoy..............and why the hell am I gonna go play chandler?? :confused:

Feb 26 2007, 03:32 PM
The day they start inducting players into the Hall of Fame (in any sport) for their performances as an Am player will be the day anyone cares who you beat :o

... which is why you gotta ask yourself : do I play for "Fame" ? ... or do I play for "Fun" ? ...

... that makes it simple 'nuff ... enter tournaments according to why-you-play-this-Sport in the first place ...

Feb 26 2007, 03:33 PM
I didn't know they would let you in to the Texas Womans Championship but I guess with a wig and little makeup nobody would be able to tell the difference. :o:D

Feb 26 2007, 03:34 PM
oooo good one tike! /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Feb 26 2007, 04:25 PM
Ok, I wasn't posting that to let everybody know who I beat so stfu you long haired sissy #$*&$! mcCoy..............and why the hell am I gonna go play chandler?? :confused:

ChandlerStock is a fun tournament...two 18 hole courses and camping is tough to beat.

Feb 26 2007, 04:25 PM
If I really thought you could win in the Pro division I wouldn't be goating you to play the Pro division. :D

I will be offering all divisions but I'm throwing some ideas around about how to deal with the "Rim-Lickers" like you....How about....

Any first place winner that beats the nearest competitor in his division by 6 or more strokes automatically gets moved up to the next division? :o


For the Novice that beats his competition by 6 or more strokes his trophy will read "1st Place: Not-So-Novice" or "1st Place: I Like to Sack Groceries for a Living"? :eek:

Feb 26 2007, 04:37 PM
are you referring to Mike or I about the long hair sissy _____ ?

Dude you couldn't get a girl with a BILLION dollar bill hangin out your fly, and your calling someone a long haired sissy?


Feb 26 2007, 04:44 PM
The day they start inducting players into the Hall of Fame (in any sport) for their performances as an Am player will be the day anyone cares who you beat :o

... which is why you gotta ask yourself : do I play for "Fame" ? ... or do I play for "Fun" ? ...

... that makes it simple 'nuff ... enter tournaments according to why-you-play-this-Sport in the first place ...

It's used to be about fun, but never the fame, to take a line from Biggie and Diddy

It's all about the Benjamins :D

Feb 26 2007, 04:52 PM
are you referring to Mike or I about the long hair sissy _____ ?


I thought he was talking to you, maybe he was talking to me? I dunno :confused:

Feb 26 2007, 05:18 PM
Post deleted by K_Mack

Probation until 5/26 for Bubba

separating the letters to put up curse words while attacking another poster is illegal and your one step from being banned

Feb 26 2007, 05:19 PM
Wow! Joseph must be having a bad day

Feb 26 2007, 05:22 PM
are you referring to Mike or I about the long hair sissy _____ ?


I thought he was talking to you, maybe he was talking to me? I dunno :confused:

Nah I wouldn't call you that Mike. :cool:

Feb 26 2007, 05:26 PM
You talk big for a lil boy.

Don't make an old man slap you like a biatch. :o

Feb 26 2007, 05:28 PM
You talk big for a lil boy.

Don't make an old man slap you like a biatch. :o


Feb 26 2007, 05:30 PM
Me, thats who. Devan used to talk that and have you seen him lately? :o

Learn to respect your elders. BOY! :o

Feb 26 2007, 05:32 PM
Dave, I don't even think your big enough to slap me! :eek:

Feb 26 2007, 05:33 PM
And i'm not gonna respect anybody if they don't show me any respect.

Feb 26 2007, 05:34 PM
I wouldn't recomend that you put yourself in that posistion.

Size has nothing to do with it. I guess you haven't learned to never, NEVER screw with an old man. :o:D

Feb 26 2007, 05:36 PM
People won't give you respect, you must earn it. ;)

**** kids think they're entilted to everything. :D

Feb 26 2007, 05:38 PM
Post deleted by K_Mack

Probation until 5/26 for igota5

separating the letters to put up curse words while attacking another poster is illegal and your one step from being banned.

Don't mess with the HALL MONITOR

Feb 26 2007, 05:48 PM

Feb 26 2007, 05:53 PM
You have been banned until you can learn to play nice

when you can get back on the board you will be on probation for 3 months

Feb 26 2007, 05:56 PM
If that boy shows up at Chandlerstock I'm gonna have to give him a bar of soap to wash his mouth out because Chandler is a family park and we don't need young mothers and children hearing curse words all day. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Feb 26 2007, 05:59 PM
I wish I knew everything when I was 17. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Feb 26 2007, 06:00 PM
Then my old man kicked me in the mouth to show me I didn't.

Feb 26 2007, 06:02 PM
Actually you did know everything at 17 but then you started drinking beer and started to forget. :D

Feb 26 2007, 06:22 PM
Then my old man kicked me in the mouth to show me I didn't.

A Kick to the mouth coming from man named Le probably could do some attitude adjusting. :D

Feb 26 2007, 06:33 PM
Then my old man kicked me in the mouth to show me I didn't.

A Kick to the mouth coming from man named Le probably could do some attitude adjusting. :D

Very true.

Got your duckets too. :D

Anyone else?

Feb 26 2007, 07:25 PM
The day they start inducting players into the Hall of Fame (in any sport) for their performances as an Am player will be the day anyone cares who you beat :o

... which is why you gotta ask yourself : do I play for "Fame" ? ... or do I play for "Fun" ? ...

... that makes it simple 'nuff ... enter tournaments according to why-you-play-this-Sport in the first place ...

It's used to be about fun, but never the fame, to take a line from Biggie and Diddy

It's all about the Benjamins :D

... dang , I forgot to add that option : "Fortune" ... /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Feb 27 2007, 12:44 AM
You have been banned until you can learn to play nice

when you can get back on the board you will be on probation for 3 months


Free hits on banned Bubba!

I would like to start off with saying that I am going to DEMOLISH Joseph at the next Am Worlds! /msgboard/images/graemlins/ooo.gif

Let's start the bidding at ohh...10 strokes? :D

Feb 27 2007, 03:36 AM
You have been banned until you can learn to play nice

when you can get back on the board you will be on probation for 3 months


Free hits on banned Bubba!

I would like to start off with saying that I am going to DEMOLISH Joseph at the next Am Worlds! /msgboard/images/graemlins/ooo.gif

Let's start the bidding at ohh...10 strokes? :D

I'll be playing Advanced at Am World's, not Jr's! :D:o

Feb 27 2007, 02:33 PM
... this Sunday at McClure will be primo timing to "groove your shots" ...
... High Noon Flights ... McClure 180 course ... sign-ups start about 11am ...
... 180
... doubles
... mulligans
... dig ...

Feb 27 2007, 02:37 PM
... and ...
... I'll have an bonus feature in place ... a little extra for your High-Noon-Flights round of Disc Golf ...
... Sunday ...

Feb 28 2007, 10:59 AM
Just confirmed the BAP-Briley team.

Watch out!!!

Feb 28 2007, 01:40 PM
Just confirmed the BAP-Briley team.

Watch out!!!

Another salty team!

Feb 28 2007, 05:42 PM
Just confirmed the BAP-Briley team.

Watch out!!!

Yo Ben, make sure you keep Briley's head in the game. Last time Corey played a tournament he quit because his wife wanted to play bedroom football :D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Feb 28 2007, 06:02 PM
"Bedroom Football" eh??? I tried that with Marie one time but just before I went for the score I pulled a "Romo" and fumbled the ball. :(

Feb 28 2007, 06:43 PM
Corey stated that whenever he plays bedroom football he frequently gets called for illegal use of hands :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p

Mar 01 2007, 11:20 AM
Yeah, but the thing that really gets him in trouble is his tendency for a false start. :eek:

That and offsides...

Mar 02 2007, 11:29 AM
But can any of these teams play as well as they talk!?!

Things are shaping up nicely for this event, pre reg is starting to roll in (if you pre reg you will be in the mix for something saucey!)All course TD's have insured me that the courses we are playing will be in great shape and the weather seems to be our friend as well. Players packs will contain a item never before offered by Twisted Flyer and a saucey revamp of one of our crowd pleasers as well...

HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY KMACKerson!!! Hope to see you and Court crushing the pro field!

Keep the questions and suggestions rolling! It's dang near game day! :cool:

Mar 02 2007, 11:36 AM
A few folks who have been helping out and need some love are as follows...

Paul and Jamie DeJulius for the awesome flyer art...
KMack for securing McClure for Saturday
Forest for securing Mohawk for Sunday
Dave "TwoPutt" Wise and Keldog Watson for being my first 2 volunteers
Martin Norris and Big Daddy Treat for being volunteers 3 and 4!

Jay Slack for cooking us up lunch on both days! Lunches will be sold by the Slacks between rounds and we all know Jay's food is SMOKIN! I recommend everyone SUPPORT JAY in this venture... he has done a great deal for Tulsa golf behind the scenes and never asks for anything from anyone.
RESPECT. Don't make me go on a witchhunt for fools eating McDonalds or some sheesh like that! :D

Mar 02 2007, 11:57 AM
Hey Twisted1 & Co.....

At Redhawk, which holes are going to be played in each of your 3 twisted formats?

And at Dovillio, which 9 are worst score and which 9 are best score?

Mar 02 2007, 12:00 PM
Will there be Friday Dubs?

Mar 02 2007, 12:23 PM
Taking all bets.

My team will have a lower score than Dave Wise team.

Who wants some? :D

Mar 02 2007, 12:25 PM
Redhawk- The Twisted Tri-6, 6 holes of worst shot, 6 holes of alternate shot and 6 holes of best shot
<font color="blue"> Holes 1-6 will be WORST SHOT (you must both make putt) Holes 7-12 will be ALTERNATE SHOT and 13-18 will be BEST SHOT. </font>

Dovillio- 9 holes of worst score (Holes 1-9)and 9 holes of best score (Holes 10-18)

No dubs on Friday JUST SIGN UPs and PRACTICE... Everyone please sign up online or at McClure on Friday... :cool:

Mar 02 2007, 12:28 PM
Also we should celebrate the almighty GARY NAIL for being onboard and in the mix with help AND photos of our festive selves in joyous motion! :D

Mar 02 2007, 12:29 PM
Not hard to predict, since I'm not playing. :p

Mar 02 2007, 02:07 PM
Taking all bets.

My team will have a lower score than Dave Wise team.

Who wants some? :D

You and whatever hooker you paid to be your dubs partner won't come within 5 strokes of Team T.

Or Team Stillwater...

....Or team Laser Rocket Arm....we are still working on the name because Team Krunk is already taken.... :D

Mar 02 2007, 02:27 PM
Taking all bets.

My team will have a lower score than Dave Wise team.

Who wants some? :D

You and whatever hooker you paid to be your dubs partner won't come within 5 strokes of Team T.

Nice smack, Red!

Mar 02 2007, 03:08 PM
Quantos Dineros? :eek:

Mar 02 2007, 03:11 PM
I'll put a friendly wager on me and JT beating you and Randy. Saaayyyyy $10?

Mar 02 2007, 03:17 PM
I am not taking bets against anyone in the open division sorry. ;)

How about you take your dave and I'll take my dave and put some money on that tomorrow at noon?

Mar 02 2007, 03:47 PM
You and whatever hooker you paid to be your dubs partner won't come within 5 strokes of Team T.

Red, why don't you take those 5 strokes and put them in your mouth.
Mmm...that tastes just like the salt off of my goodie bag. :o

Mar 02 2007, 05:07 PM
I am not taking bets against anyone in the open division sorry. ;)

How about you take your dave and I'll take my dave and put some money on that tomorrow at noon?

I would not mind a rematch one bit...if the Wiseman is down so am I :D

Anybody hitting up the OZ tour tomorrow in Ponca City? I know Swygert said he was going.

Mar 02 2007, 05:48 PM
I predict Regeir chokes during 6-6-6 just like this guy:

<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>

Mar 02 2007, 08:36 PM
That remind's me of Z-Boaz....6-6.....yea Jake you remember

Mar 02 2007, 11:12 PM
That is some funny [email protected]#$! I've had a few of those myself.

I'm down for taking some of MC & Dave's money again. :D

You know the rest.... BRING IT!!

Mar 03 2007, 02:04 PM
Hi administrators, just curious as a lifetime member and not playing so much homer :confused: are the current members still supposed to get a newsletter every now and then??? :o

Mar 03 2007, 02:33 PM
I'm not an admin but if you want I can send you my book on "Life According to Furdog.". /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Mar 03 2007, 04:30 PM
sure, send me the book, but I also want it in the spainish version. And I'll wait for Wayne "the man" TD to respond :)

Mar 03 2007, 08:20 PM
sure, send me the book, but I also want it in the spainish version. And I'll wait for Wayne "the man" TD to respond :)

Can you send this to me, as a copy of course, to read on my own time? This is the kind of reading I :) I may be interested in, checking out of the library. :) Something to do on the ride to the island :cool: It is way cold. here in my land.

You all have a good day from cold and windy. :D

Mar 04 2007, 07:03 PM
.............. :)

Mar 05 2007, 03:57 AM
Was a great warm up day at McClure park. Weather was nice.

Mar 05 2007, 12:19 PM
Team Stilly is bringin the HEAT! both cashed in a non sanctioned Ponca City event Sat. 1862 when we are teamed up we should shoot like -40. :Dand that is in Adv.

Mar 05 2007, 12:28 PM
Yea man...we be takin all challengers and doubling all bets!!!

Well not really, but we be crazy anyway man!!! /msgboard/images/graemlins/ooo.gif :) :eek: :p :D

And we are coming back....Oh YES...and there shalt be fire....and there shalt be brimstone...and hell fire will rain down from the peaks of distant mountains upon our competition as our discs cut through the flames untouched and lay perfectly in the basket.

Oh and there shall no be anyone left standing in the Advanced division...and this is how I foresee it!

I will bring our the most ancient and horrific wager that has ever been cast!!!!....The dress bet!!!

Stettinger?....I would like to see a Kling-On in a pair of hip huggers!!! :D

Mar 05 2007, 12:58 PM
sure, send me the book, but I also want it in the spainish version. And I'll wait for Wayne "the man" TD to respond :)

... Zooc ol' buddy ... you've got mail ...

Mar 05 2007, 02:11 PM

Screw that pro stuff, I say .......................... 3 peat .................................:D:D:D:D

whats a matter Hutch?

K-Dawg / D-Money in the Hizhouse

Mar 05 2007, 08:02 PM
Oh how I love the smack! Just a note to those in contention... The trophies are being done up by Dan the Man Bougher and I hear they are his very best work to date! :cool:And yes there are two per team... no need to break them in half and share them. :DBig ups to the duckster.

Starting to get everything "lined up" Should be a very festive and joyous weekend. :D

Mar 06 2007, 01:00 AM
Yea man...we be takin all challengers and doubling all bets!!!

Well not really, but we be crazy anyway man!!! /msgboard/images/graemlins/ooo.gif :) :eek: :p :D

And we are coming back....Oh YES...and there shalt be fire....and there shalt be brimstone...and hell fire will rain down from the peaks of distant mountains upon our competition as our discs cut through the flames untouched and lay perfectly in the basket.

Oh and there shall no be anyone left standing in the Advanced division...and this is how I foresee it!

I will bring our the most ancient and horrific wager that has ever been cast!!!!....The dress bet!!!

Stettinger?....I would like to see a Kling-On in a pair of hip huggers!!! :D

Not gonna be there.

Mar 06 2007, 10:25 AM

Mar 06 2007, 10:41 AM
Where you gonna be? You been flappin quite a bit of lip to be home. :D

Mar 06 2007, 10:42 AM
T N T??? Whazzz That? Sounds explosive! :DOr is that your Theme Song written by the good ol boys in AC/DC

Mar 06 2007, 11:58 AM
Where you gonna be? You been flappin quite a bit of lip to be home. :D


Mar 06 2007, 12:01 PM
hey my joe
in what order are the courses played ?
and are the different divisions going to be at different parks ?
just wondering?

Mar 06 2007, 02:21 PM
Depends on the counts in each division. 2 courses will be used at once. Everyone plays the same courses and pads except Mixed up couples! :D

Mar 06 2007, 06:15 PM
Where you gonna be? You been flappin quite a bit of lip to be home. :D

I heard is working at Taco Bell! :eek: So he will be making Double Decker Tacos during the tourny.

Mar 06 2007, 06:40 PM
ORU tonight
i will be sporting the twisted gear
for that national tv row 4 center court

Mar 06 2007, 09:11 PM
Well,If my Daughters Dance gig (In Tulsa Sat)is late enough.
TNT is for
Tom N Tom
Masters better be hoping her dance gig is early.

Mar 06 2007, 10:27 PM
whazz that??? If late enough??? Please see Dave "TwoPutt" Wise for the complete manual on how to skirt around family functions on vacation and still take somebodys money on the course... :)

Big Easy
Mar 06 2007, 11:41 PM
Well,If my Daughters Dance gig (In Tulsa Sat)is late enough.
TNT is for
Tom N Tom
Masters better be hoping her dance gig is early.

Sure just a cover story so you can show up....
at the last second and scare some... sure...
I guess that's better than not showing and...
then making excuses like @ the icebowl in Ft. Smith :o

you arkies bring what you can...
you are gonna need that and more.
to best the masters team of DJ (grandmaster BTW) and DP :D
See Ya ther Pitch. :D

Big Easy
Mar 07 2007, 12:02 AM
This is what I have gathered on The Format:

All divisions except Mixed will play the following format:

Mclure- 18 holes of alternate shot
Blackhawk- Regular doubles best shot format
Redhawk- The Twisted Tri-6, 6 holes of alternate shot, 6 holes of worst shot and 6 holes of best shot
Dovillio- 9 holes of worst score and 9 holes of best score

Redhawk- The Twisted Tri-6, 6 holes of worst shot, 6 holes of alternate shot and 6 holes of best shot
Holes 1-6 will be WORST SHOT (you must both make putt) Holes 7-12 will be ALTERNATE SHOT and 13-18 will be BEST SHOT.

Dovillio- 9 holes of worst score (Holes 1-9)and 9 holes of best score (Holes 10-18)

And we will wait and see on order...
McClure has been last in the order...
We will see if things get twisted up ;)

Looking Forward to it all.

D.P. :D

Mar 07 2007, 12:09 AM
You too funny.
The weather looks killer,I hope you guys have fun.
I'm gonna be watching dancing teenagers for half the day on sat.
Maybe i'll stop by and help out if I can afterwards.

Mar 07 2007, 11:33 AM
Thanks to everyone who registered online already! It will make things smooth and you are entered into a special RAFFLE prior to the event.


Mar 07 2007, 04:35 PM

Going to need anymore help?

Mar 07 2007, 05:21 PM
Can always use a spotter and an extra pair of mitts! McClure Saturday AM...

Thanks for the recent flood of pre reg... Few more hours left! :D

Mar 07 2007, 05:51 PM
when is the latest someone could register?

Mar 07 2007, 05:53 PM
Thanks to everyone who registered online already! It will make things smooth and you are entered into a special RAFFLE prior to the event.



Mar 07 2007, 06:04 PM
if that post was answering my question, i meant registering for the event period..not to qualify for the raffle.

Mar 07 2007, 07:34 PM
Hey Kev... 8:20 AM on Saturday. Did you get my reply to your PM last week? :D

Mar 07 2007, 07:34 PM
Hey Kev... 8:20 AM on Saturday. Did you get my reply to your PM last week? :D

Mar 07 2007, 08:34 PM
I did. Been busy with school the last month or so but i got yo number. thanks

Mar 08 2007, 09:59 AM
Anyone have an idea as to the times for the event? I need an idea of when beginning and ending each day. I know about tourneys and how things go, I'm not asking for exact, just an idea.
Me and the brother-in-law would like to make it, but he's gotta be back in Alma, AR by 5:00 Sunday.

Mar 08 2007, 10:17 AM
Saturday: Sign Ups end AT 8:25 AM.
Players Meeting at 9:00 AM at McClure
Tee Off NLT 9:30 AM.
Second Round depends on first round timing

Sunday: Tee off at Mohawk Courses 8:30 AM
Lunch will hopefully be between 11:15 to 12:45
Tee Off second round 1:00 PM.

That is my plan and pre reg is looking good... SO IF EVERYONE does their part by signing up EARLY... You should be back in Arkansas in time...

BTW Pre Reg is STILL ON UNTIL 6 PM TONIGHT! Thanks to the almost 30 teams who have used this option! YOU ARE ALL entered into the pre reg raffle! I can't tell you what it is but it rhymes Tevo Rag... :D

Mar 08 2007, 10:18 AM
And this of course is TENTATIVE... But I won't hesitate to try and make it reality. :cool:

Mar 08 2007, 11:02 AM
joe, did you get the pms that i sent you?

Mar 08 2007, 01:43 PM
Yep! I will call you Friday. Or If anyone can meet JAKE THE MAN REIGER and pick up the appetizer cards for the players packs from him or the restaurant it would be greatly appreciated! I am hoping to give the players packs as you SIGN UP or IN (for online royalty)Let me know golf fans! :D

Mar 08 2007, 05:25 PM
Yo Twisted1, you have PM.

Mar 08 2007, 06:46 PM
Does anyone know who is playing Open? OKC will be represented by Coda/Jared Larry/Kyle. Can we have more than 5 teams this time? There are some great golfers in Tulsa that certainly can win!

Mar 08 2007, 06:53 PM
Courtney, Gracie, &amp; Myself are teaming up.

Us three are going to be representing the 7th St Flyers :D

Mar 08 2007, 07:20 PM
they are skeerd of Coda.. :o...except you Kev.. :D

Big Easy
Mar 08 2007, 10:39 PM
Joe T. if the teams signed up plus about 10 more sign up....
Is the order for pro teams:
McClure, Dovillio, Red Hawk, BlackHawk :confused:
or is it a secret ;)

OH &amp; BTW what teams are already signed up ON-LINE
and have a chance at your early entry prize... :D

Hey you know I am just askin... :cool:
D.P. :D

Mar 09 2007, 12:02 AM
Got it MC! Thanks!

Kyle last year there were 3 teams... 5 Will be a bonus. I do know the Boughers, Wagle/PJazzle and a few other homies are stepping up as well... You won't be sad. :cool:

Mar 09 2007, 12:04 AM
Ok the open teams better be there for everyones sake! You guys dont want me and my partner to move up to fill a opening. Cause we make good players play bad! lol :)

Mar 09 2007, 12:17 AM
Order is top secret pending actual outcome... (Sounds like a CNN interview with a White House Official)

I believe at last count it was 30. The last few will filter thru the servers overnight.

YES DP... YOU and DJ are in the PRE REG RAFFLE. The TDSA TD's are putting a strong emphasis on online reg / Pre Reg this year, This will be a small display of that.


Online is Closed! :cool:Thanks EVERYONE!

Thanks MC for doing a POLICE CALL out at MOHAWK manyana...

PROPS To Mike Click, PJ FRY and DJ (The Legend) for Motor transport of the Twisted Riggings!

Mar 09 2007, 12:32 AM
Oh an DP dont even think about winning the raffle, I got it in the bag already! lol :cool:

Mar 09 2007, 01:37 AM
Hey r u guys gonna be having sign ups tomorrow?.. and where and what time?..

Mar 09 2007, 01:43 AM
Who are you playing with?

Mar 09 2007, 01:50 AM
Howard "Dine Line" Dine...

Mar 09 2007, 01:57 AM
LOL...I remember last year when Howard and Jerry played together, I thought Jerry was going to kill me because he was getting very unlucky(bad kick's, Roll's and spit's) and I kept on laughing and he just blew up screaming at me and Howard....LOL :D:D

Mar 09 2007, 02:47 AM
Post deleted by lil_lund_32

Mar 09 2007, 03:37 AM
Lets see who all is planning on this one.


Team bougher
Team Bag; Crutch/Lund
The Hatfield/Pannington Clinic
The McCoy Family
Wilkes/ Larry
Team Attitude; PJ/Wagle
Taylor Sears and some AM2 guy


Team Stilly; GreenTreat
Team Struggle; Big Dave/Tommy T
Team Sand; MC/JT
Carpenter/ Patton; The Perrenial Powerhouse
Team Norman: Jake/Logan
Sleeper Team; mine
Johnny T/Matt Cooper
Bubba is playing Cali (couldn't find a partner)

Mixed Division:
Team Celebrity lookalike: Furdog/Twoputt

Who else is teaming up?

Mar 09 2007, 05:20 AM
adv.... lund and dine

oh and team DFL... boyd and winz :eek: :D:D

Mar 09 2007, 09:36 AM
McClellen Bro's Mitch/Johnny
Gunner Power



Big Easy
Mar 09 2007, 10:18 AM
Oh an DP dont even think about winning the raffle, I got it in the bag already! lol :cool:

Bag ??? what could you be refering too.
Careful you are going up against a winner.

Glad to see Mitch/Johnny and Clint/Power comin up for dubs.
As well and Jack and Brent
See you guys on Saturday.
Weather looks great.
D.P. :D

Mar 09 2007, 10:20 AM
Lets see who all is planning on this one.


Team bougher
Team Bag; Crutch/Lund
The Hatfield/Pannington Clinic
The McCoy Family
Wilkes/ Larry
Team Attitude; PJ/Wagle
Taylor Sears and some AM2 guy


Team Stilly; GreenTreat
Team Struggle; Big Dave/Tommy T
Team Sand; MC/JT
Carpenter/ Patton; The Perrenial Powerhouse
Team Norman: Jake/Logan
Sleeper Team; mine
Johnny T/Matt Cooper
Bubba is playing Cali (couldn't find a partner)

Mixed Division:
Team Celebrity lookalike: Furdog/Twoputt

Who else is teaming up?


Mar 09 2007, 10:24 AM
Team Bougher

Mar 09 2007, 10:25 AM
Oh an DP dont even think about winning the raffle, I got it in the bag already! lol :cool:

Bag ??? what could you be refering too.

Never under estimate the power of a cash stuffed envelope :DDoc


Mar 09 2007, 10:35 AM
Team Bougher

Looks like Justin has the bigger arm. :D

Mar 09 2007, 10:45 AM

This should be interesting :cool:

Mar 09 2007, 10:55 AM
Leaf /Stacey

Mar 09 2007, 11:02 AM

This should be interesting :cool:

You mean Woody-Naegele like this?

Mar 09 2007, 11:02 AM
Lets see who all is planning on this one.


Team bougher
Team Bag; Crutch/Lund
The Hatfield/Pannington Clinic
The McCoy Family
Wilkes/ Larry
Team Attitude; PJ/Wagle
Taylor Sears and some AM2 guy


Team Stilly; GreenTreat
Team Struggle; Big Dave/Tommy T
Team Sand; MC/JT
Carpenter/ Patton; The Perrenial Powerhouse
Team Norman: Jake/Logan
Sleeper Team; mine
Johnny T/Matt Cooper
Bubba is playing Cali (couldn't find a partner)

Mixed Division:
Team Celebrity lookalike: Furdog/Twoputt

Who else is teaming up?

No, I had a partner but I decided not to go.

Mar 09 2007, 11:15 AM
Nope - thats not until the Chandler Tornado

Mar 09 2007, 01:37 PM
Wood/ Barton.......MPM

Mar 09 2007, 02:06 PM
DP and DJ should be a good team, would not be surprised to see them win.

Mar 09 2007, 02:40 PM
Lets see who all is planning on this one.


Team bougher
Team Bag; Crutch/Lund
The Hatfield/Pannington Clinic
The McCoy Family
Wilkes/ Larry
Team Attitude; PJ/Wagle
Taylor Sears and some AM2 guy


Team Stilly; GreenTreat
Team Struggle; Big Dave/Tommy T
Team Sand; MC/JT
Carpenter/ Patton; The Perrenial Powerhouse
Team Norman: Jake/Logan
Sleeper Team; mine
Johnny T/Matt Cooper
Bubba is playing Cali (couldn't find a partner)

Mixed Division:
Team Celebrity lookalike: Furdog/Twoputt

Who else is teaming up?

I predict the Patton/Carp combo plays stronger than ever this weekend.

I also predict Randy gets frustrated with Jake over his aggressive style of play.

Mar 09 2007, 02:52 PM
My brother Anthony, who I forced to find actually find a course a couple times lately, and myself are about to make the trek from Wichita Falls. Since we have too much plastic, we're playing open.
MC, remember to bring a mini along with your sand box.

Only other team coming from WF is Intermediate.
Is it really going to rain Sunday?

Mar 09 2007, 02:56 PM
Hah, man I always forget my mini and every time the Newberry's come to the rescue!!! Have a safe trip here Andy, see ya soon.

50% chance of rain on Sunday is the last I heard, at least it will be warm rain :D