Mar 23 2007, 07:09 PM
This is the same tournament that's listed as the 28th on the other thread, this is the 4th event for the Arkansas State Coordinator's USDGC Selection Series, PDGA C Tier and a Southern Nationals Qualifier, camping will be available in the park and check out the Pancake Breakfast that morning :)
Awards are handcrafted by local jewelers that are also Disc Golfers!!
Looking like a good one at an AWESOME course :cool:
Apr 09 2007, 08:35 PM
hey there, me and a couple buddies are planning on making the trip from Ft.Worth. can you guys elaborate a little more on the camping accomadations. and is mailing in a check the only way to pre reg. will this event fill up? or will there be plenty of oppurtunity to sign up sat morning? thanks alot
Apr 09 2007, 08:40 PM
You might wanna contact Ted about this.
He's not on here much but he's pretty quick to reply when you use his e mail address.
Dang cool your coming in to play.
You should have a great time.
Hot Springs is the schiznick. :cool:
Apr 16 2007, 05:55 PM
ok thanks, will do
Apr 16 2007, 11:27 PM
Looks like the camping will be nice this weekend.
I think i'll bring the trailer and throw in the Smoker,Lawn Chairs,Portable(For Sale BTW.Got the new Disc Catcher Pro Today ;))FIREWOOD!!!
I may be stayin at the Arlington but I plan on spending time by the fire Fri and maybe even Sat.
My plans are to be there early Fri to set up shop(Banners,Tables etc etc etc)
A couple rounds of golf are in the plans also.It looks like we'll be seeing ALOT of golfers there friday.(Night Golf?Yeah i'm sure we'll be seeing this) HEY!!! The park is ours.
Anybody wanting to enjoy the pool and hot tub will be welcome when we finally make it there.The Arlington has a nice lounge for them cocktail kinda folk and restaurant with a KILLER breakfast buffet.(Not to mention this place is first class all the way)
Golf,Campfires, BBQ,Hot Tub,Pool,Dining,Cocktails,With the first chance to get most of our states golfers and TD's together all under one roof.(Lots to talk about)
Looks like this will be one to remember and move AR one step closer to becoming a place to play and compete.
Chandlerstock should be a blast.
We'll call ours WildStock. :D
Apr 17 2007, 12:35 AM
uhhh....did he just say he's bringing WOOD :o
Apr 17 2007, 07:50 AM
Cool Banner Evan.
Can't wait to see it flying in Hot Springs.
Dedicated huh?
Pretty cool beans.
Post it on our site if you have time.
I'm coming to get those chains today if you have them at work.
Oh yeah you'll be finding all the wood you need smacking trees in Hot Springs. :eek:
Apr 17 2007, 12:28 PM
I hope everyone enjoys the course this weekend. Don George of Garland County has shown tremendous support for this project, and he's dedicated to making it one of the best courses in the southeast.
Last week he brought Mike Olse up from Austin to do some much-needed tree-trimming, plus tweaking a few tees, pins, and fairways. If you haven't been to this course in a while, I think you'll find it to be much nicer this time.
Personally, I think this is going be one of the top courses anywhere, and it was an honor to be able to work with Don on it. It really reminds me of the International Disc Golf Center in Augusta -- nice coincidence that this tournament is the same weekend as the IDGC grand opening.
Apr 17 2007, 01:35 PM
How long is the course? What style is it. Super tight fairways. Poke and hope? Hit your line and birdie? What am i lookin at here. The DGADDMF Crew will be coming down saturday morning.
Apr 17 2007, 01:49 PM
can't wait to see it. :cool:
Apr 17 2007, 01:52 PM
How to we get to the course?,Once your in Hot Springs.
Apr 17 2007, 02:23 PM
Instead of reading my huge explanation post, just go to the link below to see it all for yourself.
If you will go on Mapquest and type in Cedarglade Rd. and Wildcat Rd. as the intersection in Hot Springs, AR it will get you a map to there. The park after that is right up Wildcat Rd. The directions mapquest gave me (shortest time - 2:56) are to go South 71 highway out of Fort Smith to Y City (54 miles) where you hit Hwy 270 East towards Hot Springs (61 miles). About 2 miles after crossing the arm of Lake Hamilton turn left (north) on Blacksnake Rd. (1.5 miles) and then left on Mountain Pine (Hwy 227 - 1.3 miles) then right on Cedarglade (4.3 miles) then a left on Wildcat Rd. which leads right to the park (Blue Gate on left)
Whether you like Mapquest or not, this is what I got from them.
Total Distance 143 miles
Total time 2 hours 56 minutes.
I'll try to paste the link here: You'll probably have to copy and paste
http://www.mapquest.com/directions/main....amp;2z=&r=f (http://www.mapquest.com/directions/main.adp?go=1&do=nw&rmm=1&un=m&cl=EN&qq=hltF3hzNT9 tNhURP0HLlhh9UYBmHRqyBceg4Gkon14D8uewLk7pjHQ%253d% 253d&ct=NA&rsres=1&1y=US&1ffi=&1l=&1g=&1pl=&1v=&1n =&1pn=&1a=&1c=Alma&1s=AR&1z=&2y=US&2ffi=&2l=&2g=&2 pl=&2v=&2n=&2pn=&2a=Cedarglade+Rd.+and+Wildcat+Rd. &2c=Hot+Springs&2s=AR&2z=&r=f)
Apr 17 2007, 02:25 PM
Poke and Hope
Now that's funny.
The course probably measures over 6,000 ft.
Beginner tee pads for people like Mayo.
Pro pads for people like Watson.
(Kelly the map is on the flyer,Can you read it?)
I've only been there once and remember the way to the Arlington.
It's off cedar glades rd two miles north of the hotel.
Just get close and ask someone if you have to.
(Go into that dang Hotel and ask,It'll let em know were there and give you a chance to scope the place out)
So who's gonna man up and show this weekend?
Who's gonna be a weiner and no show?
NW and Western AR need to sweep this thing.
We only need the best to take care of them central boys.
Everybody else can go to OK.
Apr 17 2007, 02:30 PM
Alma Willie will be there and looks like at this time he is bringing Little Chris Shelton along too. Maybe the kid can show me how to play. I have lost what little I have.
Looks like I will be doing the driving thing Early Saturday (4:00 am) to late Saturday (whenever) so if anyone else needs a ride and feels up to that schedule PM me or call.
The wife will not be along b/c we couldn't get a sitter. :(
Apr 17 2007, 02:34 PM
NW and Western AR need to sweep this thing.
We only need the best to take care of them central boys.
Well if that's the case you should be sending this guy. ;)
Apr 17 2007, 03:19 PM
The course sounds awesome...have fun guys.
Apr 17 2007, 03:32 PM
So who's gonna man up and show this weekend?
Who's gonna be a weiner and no show?
NW and Western AR need to sweep this thing.
We only need the best to take care of them central boys.
Did Pitch really just call No Showers weiners :o:confused: :o
I will personally sweep the course against any sub 840 rated or equivalent golfers :p
I will even rise above some higher rated "players" such as my arch nemesis Alma Willie (he'll be tired from the 4am wake-up and frazzled by boy wonder's constant "are we there yet" speak).
Beware, I'm hitting 80% of my 10-15 ft. putts (been practicing)
Apr 17 2007, 04:12 PM
I'd be surprised if Pitched showed up for this one, But he might, no Okies will be there. :o
Apr 17 2007, 04:42 PM
I'd be surprised if Pitched showed up for this one, But he might, no Okies will be there. :o
NW and Western AR need to sweep this thing.
We only need <font color="red"> the best </font>to take care of them central boys.
<font color="red">Everybody else can go to OK.</font>
Maybe he knows that that we got it covered and he's going to Tulsa after all :confused:
Apr 17 2007, 05:05 PM
Sorry but I've already booked Big Nic and the Fat Lady for Friday & Saturday night musical entertainment so I don't think there will be any room on stage for Pitch. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
Apr 17 2007, 06:41 PM
Man I thought i'd fly in just to make the show.
I can hear it now,Big Nic and his screamin guitar till 4:oo am.
Yeah it looks as if i'll be playin some golf now.My plans for the winter months have gone pretty smooth.Now it's time to see who the real AR Master is.
Eddy beat me out on winnings last year.$600 and some change.(Played 6 events I think)
I followed him up with $500 and some change after 3 events.
Good feeling,You should try it Wise.(Collecting cash that is)
Apr 18 2007, 09:02 AM
If all I had to play against is the masters ins AR, it would be a sinch compared to what you would have to play against over here.
Ark has a total of 11 registered pro men, 11!
With 3 of those Masters, a whole 3!
Oklahhoma has 32 registered pro men with 14 of those being masters.
So, Tom, take minute, sit down, take of your shoes and you do the math. :D
Maybe I should move to Ark, where the money is easy. :o:D
Apr 18 2007, 09:16 AM
So if they aren't registered they aren't here?Your forgettin a few Masters .Kittrel,Reynolds,Shaw.Those are just for starters.
Yeah sure it would be easier over here
Apr 18 2007, 09:20 AM
Yea, it would, you forget over here, Mitch Mac, Convers, Walker, Wilkinson, Patterson, Neilson, Johnson.... the list goes on.
Play your three events over here and in OKC and we'll see how much $$$ you take home. :o
Apr 18 2007, 09:42 AM
In response to your upcoming post..................
Bla, bla, bal, yada, yada, yada............ :o
Apr 18 2007, 09:42 AM
I'm thinkin i'd at least "CASH"
How bout you ?
I'd like to nominate Wise for the NON CASHER of the year awards.
Show of hands?
Looks like YOU WIN "Tres Putt"(That's three in spanish Dave) :p
Apr 18 2007, 09:46 AM
You just keep playing those little tournys in your back yard with the same locals and keep taking their money.
Cause you **** sure won't win any over here. :o:D
you played masters in two tournamnets against a total of 7 other players and the highest rated player was you at a whopping 952. Thats some tough competition.
Apr 18 2007, 10:04 AM
So here we are at the 1st annual Wise & Pitch challenge.
Pitch is 4 under for the first 6 holes,Wise an even par.
WOW!!! A huge drive by Pitch.He's 30ft from the pin on a 450ft hole.
Wise is up.OH NO!!! Smacks a tree 30 ft in front of him.
Wise takes his 2nd shot.WOW!!! He's 5 ft from the pin,Am AMAZING shot.
Pitch for birdie.Handles it with ease from 30 ft.
Wise has his 5 footer,Easy Par,He approaches the shot,He's taking his time,.Taking his time,Lines it up,Taking his time,Doesn't like the way it looks walks away.Now he's back to take a look,Taking his time ,Taking his time.Looks like he's gonna putt.
DINK!!! OH NO!!! " DONKEY" off the top of the basket and now it's rolling down the hill.
Wise? Wise? Wise?
Commentator,I don't know where he went.
Spectator,I saw him get in his truck,He left.
Well there you have it folks,
A DNF for David Wise.
Pitch finishes his round just for fun,Shoots an 8 under while drinking a 6 pack and celebrating his win.
(You didn't think i'd go to work before I got the last word in did ya?)
Now get off your arse and make some money the real way,
Ya ain't gonna be makin it on the course ;)
Apr 18 2007, 10:53 AM
Okay, Pitch, its time to get up now, Clear your eyes, you were just having that same dream again.
Its nice to see that I'm so in your head that you dream about that scenerio, night after night. :D
Apr 18 2007, 07:29 PM
So if they aren't registered they aren't here?Your forgettin a few Masters .Kittrel,Reynolds,Shaw.Those are just for starters. the only thing that I'm scared to play is AM because Evan will mop me all over the course :( That guy is good
Yeah sure it would be easier over here
Thanks for the compliment Tom!! :D
Apr 18 2007, 11:21 PM
I will even rise above some higher rated "players" such as my arch nemesis Alma Willie (he'll be tired from the 4am wake-up and frazzled by boy wonder's constant "are we there yet" speak).
Shawna and I figured it out. Instead of wasting your $30 entry fee and getting embarrassed, again, why don't you babysit for us and make $30? :o
If you think about it, it really makes much more sense!! :D
Apr 18 2007, 11:24 PM
On a serious note, I am going to make one last desperate plea!!
If anyone knows anyone who will be in Hot Springs this weekend and would be willing to babysit during the rounds please let me know. I could get my wife to play then. And we are willing to pay.
Apr 18 2007, 11:59 PM
You idiot,(Evan)
Yeah Dave I spend endless hours tryin to figure out how i'm gonna spend your money.
(In response to your next post,BULL SH!ZT!)
See you in the morning.
Apr 19 2007, 11:47 AM
Willie - I've put a couple of calls in to H.S. people, they're gonna ask around to see if anyone might be available for the kids....worth a try :)
Apr 19 2007, 05:05 PM
Thanks Evan, that is cool. I almost regret the comments I made in the earlier post. :D
Give me a call if you hear anything.
Thanks again!
Apr 19 2007, 05:33 PM
Don't regret your comments earlier ;)
Certainly no guarantee that anyone will know anything
Babysitter or not...I can at least set my goals low enough to score better than you :D
Apr 19 2007, 11:11 PM
I'll be leaving early tomorrow morning.I'll set up shop and be playing golf before noon.
Anybody going early call me 479-719-5044.
See ya there!
Oh yeah bring your money there's a place near by that requires alot of $1.00 bills ;)
Sorry Evan you can't go.Your wife would probably have your A if she found out LOL!!!!!
Apr 20 2007, 09:12 AM
Whats the place called Critter Gulch?
Apr 22 2007, 01:00 PM
Hot Springs was awesome (for a pitch n putt :eek:)
Very possibly the most challenging public course Arkansas has (Horseshoe Canyon?)
I can't remember actual scores but Ganzel won Open, shot a very salty 54 on the 1st round from the longs which is rumored to be the "official" course record? (2nd round was played from short tees)
4 aces were hit and Ganzel even had one of those
Keldog grabbed 2nd in Pro Masters :cool:
Some high rated bagger from Fayetteville finally accepted cash ;) Congratulations Daysun :cool:
I think Pitch will be proud to post some things about where the USDGC Spot series is at now...
Probably won't be proud to post his scores, maybe they'll offer amnesty for pros to am again ;)
just a few highlights as I remember them, it was neat meeting so many DG'ers from the rest of Arkieland, wish I could remember all their names for the rest of the scores
It was very cool to see a large field (60ish) of primarily Arkie players at a tourney, thanks to all that had anything to do to make it a good tournament.
All courses need to build tree houses for DG'ers to camp in before tourneys :D
Apr 22 2007, 10:54 PM
Information will be posted as soon as I get it.
I know there's ALOT to discuss about the tournament.
Overall I had a great time and was happy to meet so many i'd only known over the D Board and phone calls.
I think the count was 59 players.Overall value was a little over $3,000.
Alot of players represented areas we hadn't had the pleasure of being involved with in a long time,If ever at all.
Again I know it's coming.Let me get a chance to catch my breath and get the official numbers from the TD.
Here's my opinion on the event.
Overall getting players signed up ,Divided into groups and on to the course.Very good!
.The event didn't take near as much time to play as i'd expected.So for timing and smoothness,Very good.
Course design .Scale of 1 to 10. I'd give it a 7.Too many chances for players to get smacked by incoming discs.
Also,It didn't flow as well as i'd expect.Too far to walk on a few alternates and some just went in the wrong direction all together in my opinion.(This is MY opinion)
Beautiful land,And very likely it will be tweaked into greatness with a few changes.
But still a 7 .
.Payout.We'll discuss that one after I get the results.We know this is the main problem.Be patient and give me a minute to get it together.
Congrats to my friends on the wins.Especially Ganzel for his Pro win.I had the pleasure of watching the first throw of the event hitting for an Ace by Ganzel on hole #5.(Good thing cause that baby was 150ft down the valley if it didn't hit /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif)Good job G!!!
I won't even discuss my 1st round and the 1st dfl of my career.
I guess the practice i'm lacking came shining thru(Coulda been all that fun friday night hangin round.)Dug the Treehouse.Classic for sure.
You guys have fun with my performance all you like,I've got it coming.
More to come in the days ahead.USDGC money has jumped.Scores and leaders will be provided when the event info is sent to me.
Later !
Apr 22 2007, 11:23 PM
Thank you Pitch for being calm and patient with those of us that were not happy with the way things went. You truly showed skill as SC with the way you handled the situation. I appreciate you listening to what I had to say. The course is sweet, but I agree if you were to put 90 players out there someone could very possibly get hurt. I know I had to dodge a few! I would never wanna play a 2 day tournament there, it would be like running a triathlon. They should give everyone an atv! Aside from the payout, I had trouble with the fact that the hour break was started before my card had even finished playing. That left me no option but to shovel what was offered there, and head back out on the course. Hot dogs and nachos do not make for a comfortable second round on that course. :o Also, we needed more water out there, and I don't mean a guy on a four-wheeler selling it for a dollar. Next year will be Chandler for me, even though Furdog is gonna punish me for not being there this year.
Great showing from the 479ers. 3 outta top 4 open. Way to bring it home Ganzel. Awesome to bust the cherry on that hole on the first throw of the tourney! Way to move your name off the Arkansas am list Dasun!
Apr 23 2007, 09:33 AM
****? I thought I'd come on here this morning and have to read how Pitch dominated and took everyone's money again. :confused:
You know Pitch, it might be better to just be known as Ditch, that way they think you can play with out you having to show up and prove it. But after this performance, I'm afraid you have removed all doubt from their minds. :Dand proven what I have been saying all along. :D
Hey Pitch? What does DFL stand for? :o
Apr 23 2007, 09:48 AM
Sorry for the No-Show guys. Thaqnk you to those of you who called and showed your concern. I got a last minute invite to go on a turkey hunt with my dad. He got the invite from a friend of ours who usually doesn't allow hunting on his place, which is covered with turkeys.
My dad was recently diagnosed with Prostate cancer, and the shot he took to shrink the prostate has really left him weak. I figured a weekend with him was more important than the tourney and I figured I had a better chance with the real turkeys in the woods than with the turkey called Evan at the tourney! :o
Seriously though, hope you all had a good time and see you at the next one!
Apr 23 2007, 11:02 AM
There you go Wise.I expected the first blow would come from you.
I will take a 1st place for most fun :D
On another note,I've been responding to Ted Smethers this morning.
The spreadsheet was sent to me as well.Ted is taking over $500 out of his pocket to correct some things.I know the AM payout was wrong,He does as well.
The thing is that mistakes were made and there's no turning back.The Pro division paid WAY to much.Ganzel got what he deserved.His amount was pretty much right on the money.Ted just simply went too deep in Pro payout and paid too much on top of that.
Guys his intentions were good.He did run a smooth event.I for one appreciate his efforts and will again be in Hot Springs in the future(Just not the same weekend as Chandler for sure)
In the fall Jeff Reynolds should be hosting another event in Hot Springs.I'm sure this will prove to be as well ran as this weekend and the payout scale will be correct.
See Ted and I sat down friday afternoon and he'd given me a quick breakdown of his payout.His brother was also a seasoned event director and so my worries about the payout were not there.
This is where I wished my help was asked for.
The money was there.The event value was there.Just accidently sent too heavy to some areas taking away from others.
I also sent Houck an e mail about the course design.I was honest and simply sent him the opinions of everyone i'd heard comments from.I was very polite(Yeah I said POLITE) And hopefully some changes will be allowed to take place providing for a safer and smoother flowing course.Cedar Glades can be a Cadillac of a course with just a few little changes.This weekend was the first real weekend of heavy traffic and needed to be done in order for some to see the problems.You shouldn't have to be waiting to tee off and be looking in three directions to feel safe.And I know there were more trees removed than planned.But this wouldn't have changed it any if they were left in place.
Still a 7.
Guys I hope you all know that in the future these mistakes will be ironed out and overall I think the wildcat was a good weekend.
It was ONLY the payout that got cobbled up.Ted knows this and is paying dearly out of his own pocket to boot.
The series info is with me.I'll work on that later.This was a big boost for the series.
Apr 23 2007, 11:11 AM
There you go Wise.I expected the first blow would come from you.
I dout I will be the last.
Apr 23 2007, 12:36 PM
****? I thought I'd come on here this morning and have to read how Pitch dominated and took everyone's money again. :confused:
You know Pitch, it might be better to just be known as Ditch, :D
Hey Pitch? What does DFL stand for? :o
Apr 23 2007, 02:03 PM
Yeah Pitch had left the building.
On another note John H sent me a reply.He simply asked that we help address the issues on the course.I think he's aware of most the problems.
I do agree with his not letting bad shots be the reason for the nessessary changes.Just let it be based on basic nessessary needs.We'll work with him to get these addressed.
Apr 23 2007, 05:24 PM
when will the update be up?
Apr 23 2007, 06:44 PM
Maybe tonight.I'm sure Watson is in. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
Apr 24 2007, 08:36 PM
when will the update be up?
was maybe last nite or tonight? :p
Apr 24 2007, 09:49 PM
I'm waiting on the scores.
Apr 25 2007, 11:14 AM
hey you guys sorry for acting like a child on sat at the tourney i dont know why i acted the way i did but it was very unprofessional and unsportsman like it will never happen again. sorry tom for being an ***** my bad. I promise that i will make it up to everyone with twice the positive and extra efforts to advance disc golf. I hope my actions did not turn away you guys from comming to little rock i am the dumba$$ not little rock i just happen to live here. i am very passionate about disc golf and want to do what ever it takes to promote the sport i did have a great time aside from the payout and my dumb ***** the wildcat open was a very fun and challenging tourney please dont let first impressions inable you to hate me i dont normally act like that. my apoligies to everyone that had to witness me and my dumb ***** you guys are awesome thanks for comming down to hot springs andhope to see ya in little rock
Apr 25 2007, 01:05 PM
Sounds like we have a new member of Team Donkey!!!!!
I thought the tourny ran great, no delays, food on site, and a few lessons learned....what more can ask for? Thanks to Ted and Jeff, and all the other volunteers, you guys did a great job. The course is the toughest public course in arkansas, and has room to be even better! Thank you again! :D
I'll be back for sure, next time to set the record, not just tie it!