Mar 26 2007, 02:31 PM
As some of you may already know the SC position is going to be up for grabs again soon.
I think July is the time for elections.
I hope to see some intrest in this by you guys wanting to keep the ball rolling.
My hopes are that we continue seeing new courses,players and tournaments in the future for AR.
I appreciate everybodies help and support for the two years i've been allowed this position.
I hope everyone has enjoyed the progress we've made.
Good luck to the ones who decide to run.I'll continue to do what I can for everyone and hopefully you'll see even more coursre in the near future.
WAFDA will keep moving on.No doubt about it.
Pitch Out!!!

Mar 26 2007, 02:35 PM
I think what you all need over there is a little more cow bell. Nothing against the job that Pitch has been doing. I've just got a fever for a little more cow bell. ;)

Mar 26 2007, 08:06 PM
I sent you a PM
Can't say those kinda nasty things here.

Mar 26 2007, 09:31 PM
I vote for more cowbell also :cool:

If Will Ferrell steps up to be AR PDGA SC I'll quit playing and devote all of my time to those pesky administrative duties...

http://goodgrape.typepad.com/celebrate/images/ineedmorecowbell.jpg http://www.geocities.com/[email protected]/cowbell.jpg

T-Shirts are going to the press now, screw '08 presidential elections ...this is where it's at


Mar 30 2007, 12:17 AM
Geez! LMAO...........If those shirts exist I want one! LOL :D

Mar 30 2007, 12:33 AM
This past week i saw a t-shirt with christopher walken at hot topic in monroe, louisiana that had the phrase "more cowbell" on it. Just thought i'd pass that along.

Mar 30 2007, 01:49 PM
Geez! LMAO...........If those shirts exist I want one! LOL :D

Search around on the internet, that's where the pic came from, there really are a few versions of those shirts for sale some directly from SNL marketing

Apr 06 2007, 08:32 PM
i will take the position try to build disc golf in the central arkansas area and also all over the state working on bringing the state closer together and open the lines of communication for the state

Apr 06 2007, 11:14 PM
i will take the position try to build disc golf in the central arkansas area and also all over the state working on bringing the state closer together and open the lines of communication for the state

Wow who are you?? Your PDGA number is higher than mine! Do you have any experience? Have you been involved with SN? I need info to make a decision.

Apr 07 2007, 12:22 AM
Jason Bristow is somebody i'm supporting for the position.
I've been on the phone with him for several weeks now and he's wanting to do for AR what we've all been wanting to see.
Unity is the only word that comes to mind.
The goals i've been working on are to build.To build in several ways.
Central AR has been on the other side of this invisible line .
So National has been dominant there for years.It seems that crossing that line has been hard for some to do.
The bottom line is this.
It's not really about So National or PDGA for me.It's simply to build up our states golf situation.The other will follow.
The door has opened for us over the last two years.Uniting Central AR with Western,North Western and now Southern AR will eventually make for our ultimate goals.(Eastern AR needs to be put on the map as well)
It's hard to find somebody with the energy Jason has(Kinda reminds me of ME)
Now say what you will about that one but you have to admit that along with the controversy there's been alot of growth.
I can easily say that there's been way more positive than negative.(The negative has contributed more than you may know by the way,So in a sense it's all been positive)
This position takes up ALOT of a persons time,Jason like myself is self employed so taking time in the middle of the day to rack up a million hours talking on the phone about golf is available.
Jason has been banging his head against a wall in his area trying to fire up new intrest and bring in some fresh thoughts towards DG in Central AR (Sounds like me again)He's NOT afraid to say what's on his mind and take matters to a new level.Hmmm?
Give this guy 2 years,Let him work with us and his area to open the gates.This position in that area will do that.
We'll ALL be working close with Jason on these matters.
As for experience?
I had none when I took this position.I just has a desire to make it better and the willingness to put all I had into it.
He's single,Self employed,Willing and Loud.
What more could we want?
He's already been working on a 2008 State Series by contacting several course contacts and TD's.
He's already got several on board for 2008.
Again,I'm voting for Jason to take this position.
I need you guys to trust me on this one.I'm guessing you do like what's been done so far.
This is a part of my overall plan.
Thanks EVERYONE for your help and support.
It's been my pleasure to work with you all (We aren't done yet)

Apr 07 2007, 01:00 PM
So you aren't in the running Pitch? Do you not want the position again?

Apr 07 2007, 05:59 PM
You know it's not like I wouldn't want to but placing someone in central AR in the position would be better for us all.
You know i'm gonna be in the shadows during all this.(As we all should be)
I just spoke to someone in that area about Jason.I asked his opinion(Yeah i'm checking you out Jason)
He stated that Jason would be a good person for the job.(He also stated that Jason is gonna have to accept the fact that EVERYBODY should be involved with his decision making.This is very important.Keep everyone involved.
I just met Jason for the first time.He helped me finalize Russellville.(Thanks by the way)He is very eager to say the least.
This is why I think he'd do us all good.My ego can be put on hold for a while.lol!!!
I think this position should be handed off every two years.I think it's important to allow all the areas a shot at the SC position.(If all have someone willing that is)
Mayo,You may be next in line.Stay involved.You doing a good job and are showing the potential for the position.Your aggressive and that's good.
Peace ya'll.I'm enjoying a cold one.Russellville just wore me out.
WHEW!!!!! Glad that's done. :cool:

Apr 07 2007, 09:17 PM
you can check me out call every one down here and they will tell you that after 2 1/2 years i got everyone together to host a meeting to get things going again down here i get everyone involved who wants to be involved to prove to you i got my last months cell phone bill it was 432.51 ist should be 152 to 165 so that an overage of min ouch lucky i am aggressive i got them to take off 100 bucks but still im on the phone i got a home phone with unlimited long distance so now its no problem people have a hard time on making a decision it takes a few of of them five or ten min to say i have a question by then everyone is looking back in order toget something done you have to do it you really dont have to take 6 monthsto make a decision on something small with a little organization and a little hard work arkansas lines of communication will be on and going

Apr 08 2007, 12:29 PM
you can check me out call every one down here and they will tell you that after 2 1/2 years i got everyone together to host a meeting to get things going again down here i get everyone involved who wants to be involved to prove to you i got my last months cell phone bill it was 432.51 ist should be 152 to 165 so that an overage of min ouch lucky i am aggressive i got them to take off 100 bucks but still im on the phone i got a home phone with unlimited long distance so now its no problem people have a hard time on making a decision it takes a few of of them five or ten min to say i have a question by then everyone is looking back in order toget something done you have to do it you really dont have to take 6 monthsto make a decision on something small with a little organization and a little hard work arkansas lines of communication will be on and going

Have you always lived in central ARK? Why did you just become a pdga member? How familiar are you with the PDGA and PDGA sanctioned tournaments. How have you been involved with disc golf in the past? Me and a few others from Fayetteville will be down to play Hot Springs. The day after, we will be playing Burns Park (Apr 22). This would be an excellent opportunity for you to drum up some votes and introduce yourself. I would like to meet you as I am sure everyone else up here would.

P.S. Please use some periods. :D

Apr 08 2007, 06:52 PM
i will be at the hot springs tourney to introduce myself and talk to anone willing to say anything about disc golf i dont use periods because i dont want to my point still gets across i have played in southern nationals events in the past just not pdga all the oldschool players down here dont like the pdga it costs too much money i will try to comvince thm otherwise the arkansas state series will be a way to change their minds we will will see how it goes most of the younger croud is indifferent to the pdga southern nationals delima buti just want to see some golf in arkansas in the end and openthe lines of communication i do believe its working dont you

Apr 10 2007, 08:24 AM
I'm thinking about putting my name in for SC too.I've had alot of people ask me.

Apr 10 2007, 09:13 AM
I'm thinking about putting my name in for SC too.I've had alot of people ask me.

There ya go! :D

We have a race,

Apr 10 2007, 09:27 AM
Watson I sent ya a PM
Looks like this could get interesting.
What's the matter Wise,Cat got your tounge.
Or are you just P'd Off at me for thrashing you :D

Apr 10 2007, 02:09 PM
Well, looks like today's Pitch's B-Day

Happy Birthday Old Timer :)


Apr 10 2007, 02:27 PM
That great. Happy birth canal day Pitch. :cool:

You still need more cowbell though. ;)

Apr 10 2007, 02:43 PM
Watson I sent ya a PM
Looks like this could get interesting.
What's the matter Wise,Cat got your tounge.
Or are you just P'd Off at me for thrashing you :D

Oh yea, I'm all torn up over what you had to say.
Though I'm sure you were impressed with just the sound of your voice. :o

Oh and Happy B-Day, you ole fart. :D

Apr 10 2007, 08:30 PM
Thanks everyone for the B Day posts.
Think i'm gonna find my friend Jack.

Apr 10 2007, 11:20 PM
Couldn't find Jack
(Gotta work tomorrow anyway)
Dave I don't talk aloud while i'm writing.
Well OK maybe on certain sites lol!!! :D

Apr 10 2007, 11:24 PM

Apr 10 2007, 11:54 PM
We were talking about you at the club meeting tonite,I would ask if you heard us or if your ears were burning but when your AS OLD AS YOU you can't hear [censored] :eek:

Apr 11 2007, 08:47 AM
ha ha ha
Yeah my ears were burning.
Hey BTW i'm not the only OLD MAN in the clan.
Better watch what you say and please put your dentures in when you say it Bailey.
Watson you still need those depends.I know that wasn't river water on your shorts in Talequah.We were 100ft from the water.

Apr 11 2007, 05:11 PM
Cowbell.....More cowbell is needed.....

Apr 11 2007, 06:23 PM

and less.....


dang, furmutt's getting serious about cowbell, he had patches made with his likeness playing the darn things :confused:



Apr 12 2007, 09:56 AM
I have officially announced my candidacy for the election of Arkansas State Coordinator.
I will need your help over the next term if i'm elected.
A State Series will be the push for 2008 along with hopefully lowering membership and sanctioning fees.(This has to happen)
I want to thank everyone for helping me with the work we've all done over the past couple years.It hasn't been easy but well worth it.
When we get this series underway it should prove to be the sweetest we've ever had to offer.With more events,More Cash and a points based overall state champ heading to USDGC in 2008 we'll make the state what it should have been years ago.
With a half dozen new courses and hundreds of new players in our state Arkansas should produce some of the finest golfers anyone has ever seen.
Again to EVERYONE thanks for your support.
I hope to continue improving our state and can only do so with you.
Oh yeah! Cowbell has been included.
I need to find one of those.It's how we're gonna start these tourneys from here on out.Furdog has been heard!
SEE YA!!!!! :cool:

Apr 12 2007, 10:20 AM
Hey Pitch, didn't you have a different stance on this a week ago?

Pitch: "Jason Bristow is somebody I'm supporting for the position."
"Again,I'm voting for Jason to take this position."
"I need you guys to trust me on this one."
"This is a part of my overall plan."
:confused: :confused: :confused:

Arkansas Politics..........................

What happened? :o

Apr 12 2007, 04:01 PM
It's all in the "Overall Plan" :D


just remember to be careful when you're at Pitch's house and he wants to show you his rose garden :D

I've been sworn to secrecy as to who the gentleman in the chair is, that would give it all away :p

Apr 12 2007, 05:09 PM
I've heard his best work is on his knees. :o

Apr 12 2007, 07:19 PM
Yeah baby
Sinkin 40 ft putts to TAKE YOUR MONEY!!!

Apr 12 2007, 07:56 PM
Pitch you may be the sc butIthink that what this state needs isyoung energy that is single andhavemore time to get things done. I personally at burns park have had some hand in the improvements that havebeen going on for the past three years.I dontknow if you guys havecomedown and palyedit recently or not but we took dead trees and cut them in half and made benches out of them. I organized with the city parks dpt and got them to help us with pouring 11 concrete tee pads in one day thatisa lot of work for one day for free. I have converted 9 baskets that were single position baskets to a sleeve and collar system so they can bemoved and locked into place. I cut the cost on pin sleeves by 400% and cut cost on concrete tee pads 50%. I also got central ark disc golf club bag tags going and I personally put up the money for them they look sweet. I also payed for trash cans and put them on 16 different holes all over the courses. Even though i havent been a pdga member long i still am the get it done guy I am loudand dont take no for an answer. I got on the phone andtracked down where the baskets went for hot springs village 9 wentto burns park and the other nine are on a boy scoutranch near lake degray.

Apr 12 2007, 08:04 PM
.....but how much <font color="green">CASH</font> have you <font color="green">ADDED</font>? :p
Pitch brings in <font color="green">ADDED CASH</font> by the truckload.

Apr 12 2007, 11:49 PM
Yeah I read that one too.(May be an option for 2008 btw)
Colin I almost like you sometimes.By the TRUCKLOADS.That's funny.
Jason i'm glad your getting things stirred up there.It needs to be done.I hope you continue to work with us to better AR golf.We do need people like you.Keep it up.Please keep it up.
My resume would take up way too much space and would look like THE chronicals.Not that i'm saying I wouldn't or couldn't but over 25 years of dealing with this sport and the people involved kinda gives me the oppurtunity to do what I have been able to do.
I'm sorry if I seemed misleading but it wasn't my intention.
I really thought if we were to get somebody else involved(Especially from your area)then we could better this states position.I really didn't know if these guys were wanting me to continue as well.I simply left them the oppurtunity to decide what they wanted.
You see it's not like it was all simple.I came into this by doing what you have been with Burns.I had no idea what the position was about and was kinda led into it by a few.(Boobs was definately the strongest persuader)
So OK i'll give this a shot.
Now like I said this was not an easy task.ALOT of cooperation from these folks and some NOT SO cooperative made for a seemingly endless head bangin brawl to get something going.
You cannot disreguard the ones who've been around all these years.Like them or not,Active now or not,They do have alot of insight as to where to go and not to go.
My decisions have not always been mine alone.My decisions usually come from several phone calls and conversation as to what would be in the best intrest of everyone involved.
I've made one decision that conflicted with the schedule and that was one I felt had to be done to keep AR people involved with us.
This decision was to allow Ted Smethers the 21st date in april.(Chandlerstock)
What would have happened if I were to tell Ted no.He is one of those old timers you were speaking of today on the phone.
We need Ted.We needed to keep Hot Springs involved.Ted was working with uncle Bob of Jonesboro AR.
We need Uncle Bob.Both these guys are way old school and full of knowledge.To the point.I need them.
I appreciate your willingness.New faces and ideas are what's going to make this all carry on.But the wisdom of the old gray hairs are what's made it what it is today.
Oh yeah,
I may be 44 but i'll run circles around most I know today when it comes to hustle.
They don't call me "PITCH" fer nuthin.

Apr 13 2007, 09:32 AM
You're right, they don't call you Pitch but I have heard Ditch around quite a bit lately.

keep it going guys, if you two work toegether, Arkansas could actually be known for disc golf someday. ;)

Apr 13 2007, 09:42 AM
Yeah the Ditch thang really bothers me.
I sent you a PM
You'll see why the events were missed.(Excluding Russellville,That was a no brainer)
Cha Ching!!!

Apr 30 2007, 09:37 AM
I have decided to withdraw from the State Coordinators race for the next term.Due to reasons i'm sure most of you are aware of I feel it's best for AR if someone else could take the position.
I'll continue to support and help in any way I can for the next SC if asked to do so.
There are some very able people who could take this to the next level.I hope to see you step up and step in.
I've done the best I can and hope you all can see that.
Good luck and peace all.

Apr 30 2007, 12:11 PM
No more <font color="green">added cash</font>? :(

Apr 30 2007, 01:56 PM
I hate to hear that Pitch. From what it looks on my end you have done an outstanding job.

Apr 30 2007, 09:00 PM
Well thank you neighbor.
And yes there will always be added cash.
I wouldn't let you down Colin.Just get better soon so you can collect.

May 01 2007, 09:01 AM
Don't woryy give him a month and he'll be back in the race again.......................for the third time. :o:o:D

May 01 2007, 05:25 PM
Nope !!!
Gettin the boat, Goin to the lake. :cool:
Done deal. :p
Besides,I have other DG plans in the works as well.
Wait and see how many courses I plant over the next couple years.
Hey Wise,Loved the poll. :D

May 01 2007, 05:59 PM
Nice Boat DITCH!


May 01 2007, 06:10 PM
Nice boat dude. You Arkies really got it going on!!!! :cool:

May 02 2007, 09:11 AM
Works fer me.
As long as i'm on the water and the phones off. :cool:
Where's the rebel flag and cowbell ? :D