Nov 20 2008, 07:20 PM
dog park coming soon at hunter park we have been in contact with the powers that be and today Jim geurin and I have made a deal that no holes will be disturbed but there may be some new OB in the near future
thats some great news... glad you guys didn't let them just come in and poop all over us.
Nov 20 2008, 11:48 PM
When the bark park guys saw the maniac gleam in Jerry's eyes, they knew that it would be best to stay out of the disc golfer's territory. I think that Jerry went from tree to tree marking territory along hole 1 in a way that their dogs would understand too!
Nov 21 2008, 09:10 AM
Good work guys. The two of you were perfect representatives for our golf community. ;)
Nov 21 2008, 09:47 AM
It is really nice of these dog park people to put their dogs in one fenced area. I'm sure they won't mind when one of the southside coyotes jumps the fence and chows down on one of their litte Fee-fees. :cool:
Nov 21 2008, 11:44 AM
Why's Furdog so happy for :confused:
It's a Dog Park, not a Cat Park
Feb 08 2009, 11:49 PM
well, today We have made some changes at Hunter park
I would like to thank Jesse Sellers , Scott Sable ,and Kris Morita. we moved 8 Baskets trying to get ready for the spring fling for the 22nd of this month
If you can come play hunter and give me some feedback
even alot of the casual golfers liked the changes so ,so far so good
I still need to move 4 more probably 1 more work day on the horizen maybe this weekend if there are going to be some people available
I need to pour 4 tee pads maybee the 5th one if I can get in touch with the tulsa rotary club that is in charge of the bark park They are paying for 18s tee pad and new sign
MOST changes are suttle but there are a couple big ones 14 is a "little" longer(666) and 18 is now across the street and is the perfect length for a finishing hole(420) ;) ish
I think 14 will be called "the beast"
This was not a scheduled work day
so no body is in trouble!!!
Feb 09 2009, 12:14 AM
Nice! Thanks for your hard work guys! I may be small, but I feel like I can offer some help! Let me know!
Big Easy
Feb 09 2009, 10:37 AM
Thanks Guys,
Look forward to seeing the changes.
Someone paying for new teepads and signs :cool:
That is great.
D.P. :D
Feb 09 2009, 10:51 AM
They are only paying for hole 18 that was 1 of my conditions on giving up the original # 18
the club will be paying for the tee pads I will check for the tee signs :0
Feb 09 2009, 11:01 AM
Good job Jerry! :D
Feb 10 2009, 01:32 PM
I have nothing going on this weekend Jerry. I would be happy to come out and help however I can. Keep us posted.
Feb 10 2009, 02:53 PM
I am super excited to get out and play the new set-up. I guess friday is going to be my first taste.
Feb 10 2009, 05:52 PM
Just played the new (as of...2/10/09...Tuesday) layout and liked it. I missed playing the new tee location on 6, but after that I played (I think) the rest of the new tee locations. Hole 18 is fun with a South wind...playing uphill...uugghhh... :)
I grip locked on 5 and threw a red Valk into the creek around 250 - 300 feet from the concrete teebox...so...if anyone goes into the creek in that area, please keep a look out...my PDGA number is on the disc with an "X" on the opposite side of the disc from the number...my number is 33710...or... "OILEE"...depending on how you hold the disc while reading...the Disc has a Sandy Point Resort and Disc Golf Ranch stamp on it...
The stamp looks the one below...of course the lost disc is red...not white...and it's a Valk...not a Roc...
Thanks in advance if you find it and return it...there is a reward/bounty�
Feb 11 2009, 01:06 PM
Just got off the phone with Jerry Stacy. He will need some volunteers to help with the prep work at Hunter on Friday around 4:30. Fridays work will consist of getting everything ready for the concrete on Saturday, setting forms. Bring your gloves and shovels and maybe a pic axe.
Saturday: volunteers need to be there by around 8:00am. This will allow for everthing to be complete and ready for the pour that begins at 10:00am. It will only take about an hour to pour all of them but we will need muckers, skreeters, floaters, edgers and a broom man. We really need people for this, as the concrete truck charges by the hour if we take too long.
If we can get around 15 people, we can knock this out quickly.
Please come out if you can, even if you have never done concrete, we need bodies. Its not rocket science, so please help
The club and Jerry are experienced at this, it will go smoothly. I would expect everything to be done by 1:00, that leaves a nice afternoon for golf.
Feb 11 2009, 02:15 PM
Just got off the phone with Jerry Stacy. He will need some volunteers to help with the prep work at Hunter on Friday around 4:30. Fridays work will consist of getting everything ready for the concrete on Saturday, setting forms. Bring your gloves and shovels and maybe a pic axe.
Saturday: volunteers need to be there by around 8:00am. This will allow for everthing to be complete and ready for the pour that begins at 10:00am. It will only take about an hour to pour all of them but we will need muckers, skreeters, floaters, edgers and a broom man. We really need people for this, as the concrete truck charges by the hour if we take too long.
If we can get around 15 people, we can knock this out quickly.
Please come out if you can, even if you have never done concrete, we need bodies. Its not rocket science, so please help
The club and Jerry are experienced at this, it will go smoothly. I would expect everything to be done by 1:00, that leaves a nice afternoon for golf.
Did Jerry let the PARK dept. know they were going to be doing this?. They need to be included.... Just an FYI.. Jerry, 230-5115 /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
Feb 13 2009, 09:45 AM
I haven't heard anything else about this since Zooc farted on it about park approval. Is this thing still on?
Feb 13 2009, 09:54 AM
yes this thing is still on
I will be at the park at 4:00
with the wood so we can build the tee box forms
we will need shovels so we can dig them down a little
so mowers wont damage them
there are still a couple baskets that need to be moved so we need people please if you cant make it tonight be there in the morning so we can get some stuff done we will be starting at 8 the cement truck gets there around 10 so we need to have everything ready
Thanks in advance for all your hard work
I hope you like the new layout
Feb 14 2009, 01:24 AM
well we had 5 yes thats right 5 helpers
I would like to personally thank
Dave Wise
Melissa Townsend( she even shoveled dirt and was swinging a sledge hammer)
Brad HOI
Adam Hunt
and of course me
We got hole 1 moved And hole 5 tee pad broke up about half way just enough so we could get the form built for the new pad
Brad and I were there till 6:30-45 getting the rest of the forms built there will be plenty to do tomorrow before the cement truck gets there at 10
I will b there by 8
so please if you are not going to play outta town come help fix up a tulsa park you can go play after we get through
or even sun.
Thanks again for the help Guys and Doll
Feb 14 2009, 10:24 PM
Well we got er done
with thanks to a handful of people
I have a list of people to thank
an actual list
but the list is brads truck so I need to go off my memory
So let me try to get everybody and I apoligize in advance to those I miss
Dave Wise
Brad HOI
Gary Nail ( him and I baby sat the tee pads till almost 6 while the other workers played right around us :confused: :mad:
even those that just happened to show up after the work day)
The razmus Bros.
doug duff
Logan Moody
Lazy furdog
thats all I can remember when I get the list I will update as needed
Thanks again everybody the park is looking SICK!!!
There is still a few things I want to do to hunter park so I will plan another workday in the future(soon)
oh and while I drove away from hole 5s brand new tee pad to check on 10 and 12 2 jenks kids carved there name in the pad so I chewed there arss big time and made them watch as we (lucky) saved yet another pad from the little Vandels
needless to say by the time they left I was getting nothing but sorry Sir Yes sir no sir
It was great
Nothing like a little rush to warm u on a chilly day :D
Feb 15 2009, 09:03 AM
ive got the list here but still dont know if it is a complete list please forgive if we missed anyone.
cory leimus
gary nail
taylor sears
kyle razmus
matt razmus
and thanks to jerry for having a vision for some slight changes and the will to get-r-done
Feb 15 2009, 09:22 AM
Thanks HOI
Corey L
Taylor s
jeremy g
George s
I thank u guys a ton couldnt have done it without the support of People like you
Thanks again for all the hard work!!!!
Feb 16 2009, 12:13 AM
I met Jerry at Hunter after leaving the Lodge and all I can say is wow.
I think the new design is awesome. Jerry he did a great job..
You should have a look before the City Champtionship this weekend, it will save you some strokes!!!
the camera guy
Feb 16 2009, 10:17 AM
i trust that they made it through the night without any vandalism...
and on another note go here and vote for forest
http://discgolfer.ning.com/forum/topics/...7Comment1629496 (http://discgolfer.ning.com/forum/topics/shut-up-throw-award-vote-now?page=5&commentId=1809917%3AComment%3A1629496&x =1#1809917Comment1629496)
Feb 16 2009, 10:47 AM
oh and while I drove away from hole 5s brand new tee pad to check on 10 and 12 2 kids carved there name in the pad so I chewed there arss big time and made them watch as we (lucky) saved yet another pad.
Come on Jerry, you don't have to conceal their names. We all know it was Opie and Devon. ;)
Feb 18 2009, 06:43 PM
I will from now on forever be known as the "forgotten one" I think next time I come to a work day I will just drop a duece in my pants before showing up. That way afterwards people might not remember who I am but they can at least say "that guy that smelled like a turd helped out today." :p
Seriously I am glad that Jerry and everybody else got this done and that we have a new challenging course to play on!
PS - Turd man will be back with a vengance on Sunday!
Feb 18 2009, 08:41 PM
Sorry cris I knew I forgot someone
Cris worked his ars off and was a lot of help
Thank you cris
If u noticed my disclaimer
above I covered my butt about those I might forget :D
Feb 18 2009, 10:02 PM
i trust that they made it through the night without any vandalism...
and on another note go here and vote for forest
We did, Jim, Deb, Jer, Linds, and Leah :D
http://discgolfer.ning.com/forum/topics/...7Comment1629496 (http://discgolfer.ning.com/forum/topics/shut-up-throw-award-vote-now?page=5&commentId=1809917%3AComment%3A1629496&x =1#1809917Comment1629496)
Feb 26 2009, 11:05 AM
My dad took a fall yesterday
He is in a coma today
I will keep you informed
Feb 26 2009, 11:28 AM
Sorry to hear that..
I know this has been a very tough year for your family...
Feb 26 2009, 11:45 AM
We love you Jerry and I hope you know that our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Feb 26 2009, 12:42 PM
I will include your Dad in my prayers. Talk to him Jerry, people in comas can hear what's said to them...
Feb 26 2009, 01:27 PM
The dr just informed us that my father will probably not make it past today
So thank u for all your well wishes and I will talk to u soon
Feb 26 2009, 01:41 PM
Wow Jerry I am sorry to hear this. Prayers for you and yours...
Feb 26 2009, 03:34 PM
Jerry, you and your dad are in my thoughts and prayers.
Feb 26 2009, 03:40 PM
Jerry, you and your dad are in my thoughts and prayers.
Mine too Jerry
Feb 26 2009, 04:20 PM
Jerry , I am so sorry to hear this.Stay strong man , and we will see you soon.
MIck B
Feb 26 2009, 10:16 PM
So sorry for your loss, Jerry. I'm here for you...
Feb 26 2009, 10:46 PM
my father passed away tonight at 7:10
He was surounded by all his family
Thank you again with much love
And call your family members and tell them u love them
It just may be the last time you can tell them
Love all my disc golf friends
the camera guy
Feb 26 2009, 11:26 PM
I'm sorry for your loss Jerry, please let us know when services will be held
Feb 27 2009, 08:40 AM
Sorry for your loss, Jerry.
Feb 27 2009, 09:41 AM
Sorry for your loss. We're here if you need us.
Feb 27 2009, 11:07 AM
sorry Jerry...tell us if you need anything..
Feb 27 2009, 01:55 PM
Sorry to hear about your dad Jerry. I am glad you and your family were there for him.
Feb 27 2009, 01:59 PM
I know this is a challenging time for you and the family. Hang there, we've got your back bro. One love.
Mar 03 2009, 01:57 PM
I really appreciate all the well wishes
My family and I all thank you from the bottom of our hearts
I consider each and everyone of you family!!!
Ok I told you I would let you know when the memorial was
so here it is
and just because I am posting I don't expect you to go but if you would like then you are more then welcome.
Jerry jr.
The memorial service and catered lunch reception for Jerry Stacey Sr. will be held on Friday, March 6, 2009 from 11:00 A.M. - 2:00 P.M. At The First Church Of The Nazarene located at 2744 East 12th Street Tulsa, OK.
74104 918-592-1606
We are using Burnetts Flowers & Gifts in Tulsa located at 4322 East 11th Street South
Please let me know if you are planning on attending so I can get a head count for the catered lunch. I have to have the order placed within 48 hours before the service.
Apr 01 2009, 03:03 AM
I just got a phone call yesterday from the park commision
and some anonymous doner has just donated 100,000 dollars to the dog park and we are going to lose hole 1 and 4 to the dog park after all !!
this sucks but I guess money talks so I will see what I can do to resolve this problem later today .
any suggestions how to relayout hole 1-4 or should we just pull it!!
this effectivly disconects hole 2 and 3 so I guess we will lose the woods entirely
the camera guy
Apr 01 2009, 08:30 AM
that does suck, hopefully this does not lead to taking over other parks...
Apr 01 2009, 09:48 AM
These Bark Park people have way too much influence at city hall! I think that we should try to set up a meeting with the Tulsa Park and Recreation Board chairman to make our case. Hunter remains one of the most heavily used disc golf parks, and I think that they need to respect the fact that a large number of citizens will be affected by a curtailing of the size and quality of our golf course.
Apr 01 2009, 10:32 AM
Post deleted by Melissa
Apr 01 2009, 10:38 AM
The Crisis has been averted
Dave wise has Agreed to pony up 100,000 dollars to save hunter park !
Thanks DAVE
and Furdog has agreed to offer the board sexual favors to all the female board members and the guys if absolutly needed
Thanks SCOTT
again we have been saved again by the twoputt and furdog show!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by the way what day is it :eek: :D;)
Apr 01 2009, 10:40 AM
Wow Dave... why did you erase that very eloquent post? looks like the 6th annual TFO will be pulling up stakes and heading to another venue. Funny how we thought cleaning up trash and helping the park folks out would help us. Turns out we just need to show a lil $$$ and leave poo everywhere!
Apr 01 2009, 10:41 AM
You should have let it ride until they were really Pi$$ed!
Apr 01 2009, 10:44 AM
I know
but dave couldnt stay off the phone he already called zooc and started him off on the city
pretty funny though!!!
Apr 01 2009, 10:47 AM
April Fools! Good one Jerry!
Apr 01 2009, 10:54 AM
Yea, I went for it becuase it was totaly believable when it comes to the City and some of their deals, past and present.
and can they be bought? YES they can.
Good one Jerry, I'm sure your name is being used in vein at City Hall right now. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
Apr 01 2009, 11:35 AM
It's nice to have warriors on our team! Happy April Fools my friends!
Apr 01 2009, 07:01 PM
that was almost as good as Pat Jones as Athletic Director for TU.
Apr 01 2009, 11:03 PM
or u as the athletic supporter for everyone
Apr 02 2009, 01:20 AM
well at least i can see your back to your old self again. Don't know why you have to go there but, whatever...... /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
Apr 03 2009, 11:55 PM
Jerry S is tied for 2nd at BG and 2 strokes behind after the first round. Keep it going Jerry...
Apr 04 2009, 02:04 AM
Way to go in the first round Jerry! Keep in up Bro!
Apr 04 2009, 07:57 PM
Jerry is now tied for the lead after three rounds! Playing very consistent golf. Way to represent T-Town! Keep it up Jerry!
Apr 08 2009, 11:03 PM
WED night minis have started again
tonights mini results
Kyle Wilks 51
Jerry Stacey 53
Coda Hatfeild 54
Josh Crowl 55
Dan Bougher 55
Justin Bougher 57
open women
Melissa Townsend 64
Teresa Duff 69
Shana Swanson 70
Doug Duff 54
Logan Moody 57
Dave Townsend 58
John Barton 62
Jim Geurin 56
Richard Why 57
Luke Pilkington 61
Greg Walton 62
Mike Smith 63
Casey Fletcher 64
Jeff Sheppard 67
Willy Legrange 70
Matt Geurinsey 70
Matt Gibbs 76
Derick Albers 80
Jake Tricky 81
CTP Hole 16
Jerry Stacey 6 inches
I would like to thank everyone that came out and thanks Melissa for helping with the cards.
Tomorrow night is the chandler mini
Show up somewhere around 6 I believe tee time will b around 7:30
6:00 ish
Apr 09 2009, 12:12 AM
Thanks, Jerry, for posting the results so quickly! You run a GREAT mini, every time! Nice to see you out and about and shooting well!
Apr 09 2009, 01:29 PM
Jerry Stacey 6inches
You know it shorter than that!!! ;)
Apr 09 2009, 05:30 PM
Apr 09 2009, 11:35 PM
U know its longer
Apr 10 2009, 03:12 PM
I couldn't even buy a birdie Wednesday night...But 18 3's sure didn't hurt my feelings :cool:
Apr 15 2009, 11:48 PM
Hunter park mini results
Dan Bougher 54
Jerry Stacey 57
Adam Hunt 57
Travis Kohring 55
Richard Why 56
Mike Thurber 61
Jeremy Geiger 62
Dan Olsen 64
Mike Smith 65
Matt Shipley 67
Dustin Bell 71
Jason Herzog 67
Chad Patterson 62
Chad Samsel 62
Rob Wilson 66
Eric Jones 70
Patrick Kinsey 71
Travis Kohring
Thanks for supporting hunter park and TDSA
Next event Friday Doubles Chandler park
Apr 23 2009, 12:08 AM
Coda Hatfield 50
Paul Dorries 52
Jerry Stacey 53
Billy Lund 57
Jim Geurin 57
Abraham Barbour 62
Logan Moody 62
Brad HOI 62
Open women
Shana Swanson 66
Seth cook 64
Shane Gray 65
Jeff shepard 62
Kent vanbuskirk 71
adrian G 73
adam gibbs 75
Thanks to all that came out
this weekend i will see all of you at THE LODGE
Apr 23 2009, 09:48 AM
had fun playing with Jimmy G, Seth and Shane.
thanks Jerry for running the event.
May 06 2009, 11:23 PM
Coda Hatfield 49
Kyle Wilkes 52
Dan Bougher 53
Josh Crowl 53
James Roubidoux 57
Adam Hunt 57
Sean Young 58
Paul Dorries 58
Taylor Sears 58
Jerry Stacey 62
Kyle Razmus 63
Jeremy Taylor 64
Pro Women
Shana Swanson 74
Pro Masters
Brad Zimmerman 69
Seth Cook 68
Jeff Sepherd 68
Kent Vanbuskirk 72
Bobby Brown 74
Robert Arzola 77
Jeremy Taylor
Thanks for coming out
next event fri night flights
May 07 2009, 12:24 PM
Are last weeks scores posted? Thanks for running the mini Jerry.
May 07 2009, 01:54 PM
Are last weeks scores posted? Thanks for running the mini Jerry.
Apparently not. Did you win or something Kyle?! Toot toot...there ya go, I tooted it for you!!! (Just giving you a hard time!!!)
May 07 2009, 05:15 PM
<EMBED src=http://www.youtube.com/v/WxfIDpset2I&hl=en&fs=1&rel=0 width=425 height=344 type=application/x-shockwave-flash allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always">
Here's a toot from me too Kyle
May 13 2009, 06:34 PM
WOW!!!! anyone else out there that cant wait to play this mini tonight?!?!?! its GREAT outside... little wind never hurt anyone. 80+ degrees??!?! what the... WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
May 14 2009, 12:42 PM
Thanks for all of your time dedicated to the mini's Jerry!
May 14 2009, 05:52 PM
Thanks for all of your time dedicated to the mini's Jerry!
ill second that. and also thanks for improving hunter park to what it is now, i really enjoy the new changes.
May 15 2009, 09:58 AM
From Jerry
Sorry people for some reason the PDGA has screwed up my account I cant post on the boards so I am sending Dave wise this in the hope that he will be kind enough to cut and paste on the hunter thread
thanks in advance Dave:)
Coda Hatfield 48
Kyle Wilkes 50
Adam Hunt 53
Cris Hicks 53
Josh Crowl 55
Paul Dorries 55
Taylor Sears 56
Travis Koehring 57
Dan bougher 60
Jerry Stacey 60
Kris Morita 60
Chris Stine 63
Open Women
Melissa Townsend 73
Norm Brasfield 60
Mike Adams 64
Jeff Shepherd 68
Rob Taylor 67
Blake Nix 68
Kent vanbuskirk 69
Jeremy Campbell 84
Josh Crowl
<!-- / message -->
May 15 2009, 10:41 AM
[email protected] (
[email protected])
dave this is my new e-mail address can u post this too
May 20 2009, 11:33 PM
Adam Hunt 47
Coda Hatfield 48
Travis Koehring 53
Josh Crowl 54
Taylor Sears 56
Paul Dorries 57
Kyle Wilkes 57
Logan Moody 59
Jerry Stacey 59
Chris Stine 63
Pro Women
Melissa Townsend 71
Pro Masters
Jim Geurin 56
Scotty Wilkinson 57
Billy Swanson 68
Kyle Razmus 53
Dave Townsend 60
Mark Sheffield 62
Shane Gray 56
Jeremy Grossman 56
Jeff Shepherd 58
Drew Custer 61
Harlyn Unruh 61
Andrew Machinski 69
AJ Single 73
Phillip Geurin 66
Trey Eagleton 70
Jake Sweeney 71
Coda Hatfield
Thanks for coming out.
Next event Norman Pro-Am this weekend.
May 27 2009, 11:03 PM
Hunter park 5-27-09
Paul Dorries 51
Jerry Stacey 53
Coda Hatfield 53
Kyle Wilkes 54
Taylor Sears 57
Johnny Thompson 60
Jeremy Taylor 64
Sean Young 66
Open Women
Melissa Townsend 64
Shana Swanson 69
Rob Davis 57
John Barton 67
Brandon Peak 69
Jeff Gunter 62
Gary Harrison 62
Aaron Petrikin 64
Sam Morton 66
Kent Vanbuskirk 66
Zach Phillips 67
Tyler G 69
KJ Kollaja 75
Coda Hatfield
Next event
Saturday Lake Bella Vista Open
Sunday High Noon Flights Hunter Park
Thanks for coming out
May 27 2009, 11:21 PM
WOW Jerry, that was FAST!!! Thanks for running Hunter mini's every Wednesday!
May 28 2009, 11:27 AM
What hole are you running the CTP on?
Back to back by Coda, maybe you should move it next week!!!!
May 28 2009, 02:37 PM
What hole are you running the CTP on?
Back to back by Coda, maybe you should move it next week!!!!
16 last week and 13 last night
May 28 2009, 07:47 PM
Thanks for the props Mel
and thanks to u for answering Mike
Jun 03 2009, 11:33 PM
Results for Hunter Park 06-03-09
Coda Hatfield 50
Paul Dorries 57
Josh Crowl 58
Jerry Stacey 63
Jeremy Taylor 63
Jeremy Geiger 59
Doug Duff 64
Darrell Knoop 65
Tony Easton 72
Aaron Petrican 61
Tyler G 65
Sam Morton 65
Weston Morrow 66
Zach Phillips 66
Kent Vanbuskirk 66
Robert Arzola 70
KJ Kollaja 70
Omar Lala 96
Jeff Shepherd DNF
AM Women
Teresa Duff 78
CTP Hole #3 Darrell Knoop
Thanks for coming out. Next event Chandler at 6:00.
Jun 10 2009, 06:44 PM
tonights mini is canceled
Jun 10 2009, 06:48 PM
Thanks Jerry. I was just looking at the forecast and it's not looking too good. 85% chance of rain at 6pm! Thanks for posting!
Jun 10 2009, 06:59 PM
Thanks for the heads up. Hope to see everyone next week when I hit the ace.
Jun 17 2009, 11:29 PM
Sam Nielson 48
Coda Hatfield 52
Travis Kohring 52
Jerry Stacey 53
Kyle Wilkes 55
Josh Crowl 55
Jim Geurin 58
Aaron Petrican 61
Tyler Grosinsky 61
Graham Mcintyre 63
Matt Shoemaker 63
Gary Harrison 64
Zac Phillips 64
Brian Minor 66
Adrian Gastelum 67
Jeremy Grossman 67
Hayden Ehrlich 74
Ben Harms 79
John Bivens 81
Travis Kohring
Next event is Thursday at Chandler Park @ 6:00 p.m.
Jun 24 2009, 11:48 PM
Kyle Wilkes. 50
Cris Hicks 51
Adam Hunt 52
Jerry Stacey 55
Paul Dorries 56
Taylor Sears. 57
Harry Henshaw 63
Gary Harrison 60
Doug Duff 63
Brian Kummers 65
Tubbithy Adams 63
Kent Vanbuskirk. 68
Cris Hicks
Next event Thursday 6:00 Chandler
be on time and bring lots of water you will need it
and don't be afraid to come out and play in the heat
just drink plenty of water there is still plenty of fun to be had by all
Jun 26 2009, 12:04 PM
Carrie and I picked up 5 lawn bags of trash at hunter park this morning!!!
pick up trash and punch the crap out of anyone you see littering!!!!!!!!
Jun 26 2009, 12:20 PM
Thanks Jerry but who's picking up the dog poop in the dog park? Do they just wait until it becomes dried out and crusty and mow over it? Can people crap in there too?
Is there any public dog sex going on?:)
Jun 26 2009, 12:21 PM
That's love when your fiance' will go pick up trash with you at your course when it's 100 degrees out! That's right folks, Jerry and Carrie are officially engaged! Congrats:)
Jun 26 2009, 12:28 PM
Carrie and I picked up 5 lawn bags of trash at hunter park this morning!!!
pick up trash and punch the crap out of anyone you see littering!!!!!!!!
You bet its clean, the city picks it up everyday and they mow once a week.
Jun 26 2009, 12:28 PM
Way to go Jerry.:)
Jul 01 2009, 10:45 PM
next event. Thur Chandler. 6:00
Taylor sears 52
Sammy neilson 52
coda hatfield 52
cris hicks 53
Josh crowl 54
Jerry Stacey 58
dan Bougher 58
Jeremy Taylor 6o
Seth cook 51
Gary Harrison 64
mike Thurber 65
zac Phillips 60
Matt shoemaker 61
darrell knoop 63
Tyler grosinsky 63
Aaron petrican 63
sam Morton 64
Aaron warburton 78
lance bond 80
Ctp #13
Josh crowl
Jul 08 2009, 10:59 PM
Mini results 7-8-09
coda hatfield. 49
Kyle Wilkes 51
Paul dorries 51
Josh crowl 53
dan Bougher 54
Taylor sears 55
Travis kohring 57
Kyle Razmus 58
Jeremy Taylor 59
John belty 60
chris hatton 61
Seth cook 62
zac Phillips 69
Aaron petrican 69
ctp. Travis kohring
next event Thursday Chandler 6:15 ish
or sometime before 7
Jul 09 2009, 01:53 AM
tough break on the CTP Jerry. travis was all ****** cuz his dog just ran away and it took us like 5 minutes to get it back, then he steps up to the tee, bloop, like 15 inches. lol sorry man
thanks for the mini and trading me those sweeeeeet discs
Jul 09 2009, 10:04 AM
Mini results 7-8-09
next event Thursday Chandler 6:15 ish
or sometime before 7
Eh-too Bru-ta?:(
What are you and Wise sleeping together now? I'm going to come over to Hunter and throw a skunk in your poodle dog park buddy. :)
My start time is like a movie listed in the newspaper. Just because you're in your seat at the start time listed in the newspaper doesn't mean you won't have to watch previews of coming attractions and notices to turn off your cell phone before the movie.
Only difference though is that my movie is a summer blockbuster where yours is just a low budget independent documentary with no Woody Woodpecker cartoons for the kiddies. You should give those up and show skin flicks instead.
Jul 09 2009, 11:31 AM
just poking fun at the twoputt furdog show no offence
Jul 09 2009, 11:50 AM
Well I just got out of TD rehab and I'm trying to turn over a new leaf but if I don't get any love for it then I'm going to smoke the leaf and go back to my old ways.
The Twoputt / Furdog show has been cancelled due to Twoputt holding out for more money in his contract. Just like Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis you can now call it "The Breakup". :)
Jul 09 2009, 07:05 PM
u should try to get yourselves one the ufc 100 card, i'd pay to see WISE V. FURDOG.
1ST one out cold loses. I'd pay 44.95 to see that.
Jul 10 2009, 12:01 AM
Well it would have to be a cage match and you would have to be the ref just in case I missed him and hit you. Nobody really wins and ratings are poor if the so-called innocent don't suffer with the guilty. If you want my cat will chew your disc before the round to get you in the mood! :)
Just because Dave and I may have a beef doesn't mean "piglet's" like you are invited to watch. This is not "Santa Claus is comming to Hind's House" so cast off you true love of GI Joe and pray that Barbie doesn't trade in your Kent for a Gumby and Pokey.
I appreciate your effort to move this thread along though.:)
Jul 15 2009, 11:39 PM
Coda Hatfield 43 (course record)
Kyle Wilkes 52
Josh Crowl 53
Jerry Stacey 54
Jeremy Taylor 57
Dan Bougher 59
Kyle Razmus 64
Pro Women
Shana Swanson 75
Richard Why 55
Michael Barr 60
Gary Harrison 62
Chris Hatton 62
Seth Cook 63
Zac Phillips 63
Tyler Grosinsky 60
Sam Morton 61
Jerry Stacey (finally)
Next Event:
Chandler, 6:15 Thursday
Don't forget this Saturday is Riverside Glide and Mountain Glide on Sunday.
Whew 43 at Hunter is a beast of a round!
Hey Jerry, do you know who has the OKC #1 Tag? Wilkes or Dan?
Jul 16 2009, 12:13 AM
not sure
I need everybody to crash the Mayor's Action Line (596-2100) and complain about cars parking in the park road at Hunter Park Biscuit Acres dog park. They have posted No Parking signs which are being ignored. See if we can get an officer to write some tickets for illegal parking.
Jul 16 2009, 01:48 AM
Nice shooting Coda!!! Congrats on shooting the course record! Must've brought your game face after all the trash talking the past few days, huh?!
Jul 16 2009, 10:25 AM
43..... nuts!
Aug 05 2009, 10:53 PM
Josh Crowl 48
Coda Hatfield 50
Adam Hunt 54
Dan Bougher 57
Paul Dorries 59
John Belty 62
Jerry Stacey 62
Joyle Deering 64
Gary Harrison 59
Seth Cook 63
Zach Phillips 63
Aaron Petrican 64
Phleat Boyd 58
Jay Slack 65
Thong Le 66
Dustin Hayes 67
Snakeskin 69
Aug 12 2009, 10:56 PM
Kyle Wilkes 51
Paul Dorries 53
Coda Hatfield 53
Josh Crowl. 54
Jared Pennington 56
Adam Hunt 57
Jeremy Taylor 65
Charles Smith. 66
open master
Dave ( I can finish ) Wise. 51
Jerry Stacey 59
Jim Geurin 60
Dan Bougher 62
Michael Barr 65
Dustin Hayes 58
Aaron Petrican 60
Zac Phillips 60
Joel Boyd 62
Jeremy Geiger 62
Andrew Machinski 65
Gordon Hall 68
Sam Morton 58
Jeff Shepherd 61
Bryan Carr 71
Tyler Grosinski 72
Coda Hatfield
Aug 12 2009, 11:56 PM
i think with the new layout this is definetly one of the hardest courses in tulsa. When I can break 58 out there I'll get into a mini.
Aug 13 2009, 01:28 AM
Great turn out.
Wise must have found a miracle healer!!
Shot 54 at Riverside then shoots a 51 within 24 hours at Hunter...
Aug 13 2009, 09:08 AM
And I had 4 birdies bounce off the rim of the basket.:( First time I have played Hunter since the City Series, nice night out yesterday. First time I have ever had Jim G. on my card, a true pleasure to play with.
Aug 13 2009, 09:08 AM
Great turn out.
Wise must have found a miracle healer!!
Shot 54 at Riverside then shoots a 51 within 24 hours at Hunter...
Riverside is a much harder course.:cool:
Aug 13 2009, 10:02 AM
Thanks for your time running the minis Jerry.
Aug 13 2009, 11:06 AM
open master
Dave ( I can finish ) Wise. 51
Move up bagger, you don't needs any age protection :p
Aug 13 2009, 11:20 AM
That's right, he doesn't need age protection. He needs to wear a "body rubber" to protect the rest of us.
And Evan, where is my 2x dry-fit shirt from Alma Greens?:confused:
Aug 13 2009, 11:38 AM
And Evan, where is my 2x dry-fit shirt from Alma Greens?:confused:
it was in the player pack bag for PLAYERS!!
no really, Duff didn't give it to you :eek:
actually, seriously really, we had 92 shirts, 88 players plus staff gots em, dang printers burned 8 of em, only one I have has a burn hole in the neck, as I know that you'll be sending a phat care package for HOTB, without me even asking of course, perhaps I can swing you one of the HOTB dry fits :)
Aug 13 2009, 11:42 AM
Last time I sent you a care package an Okie took it home so maybe I should just save shipping and handling charges and distribute it here. :)
Aug 13 2009, 12:12 PM
well, I think he had to win it thru a raffle in a game of chance, some of it went to ctp packs that had skill involved so those were probably Arkies
it was kinda cool, he was wearing CS gear and won the CS raffle pack :D
Aug 13 2009, 12:21 PM
Well I'm starting to run out of CS stuff. :( I guess I could send cash but even that normally ends up back here. :)
I wonder if I can get a tax deduction if I adopt Devan or Coda. Since this is a two day deal though I don't know if Devan will make it to the tee in time on the second day so maybe putting money on Coda is the better way to go.
Aug 13 2009, 12:55 PM
I think other tournaments have gotten more CS stuff than the CS itself.:cool:
Next year get some tye dye CS dry fits.
Aug 13 2009, 01:08 PM
Yeah well that's what happens when you buy too many t-shirts. :(
Aug 13 2009, 02:35 PM
Dawg, waaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!!, were you at the cubs game last night, pouring your beer on the Philly outfielder while he still made the catch... Cub fan.......dispicable... sorry Kev, they need juice not beer
Aug 13 2009, 05:24 PM
Actually a dry fit tye dye would be kind of cool. What percentage of cotton are they?
My tye-dye connections told me 80 to 100% is best.
Aug 13 2009, 05:29 PM
Unfortunately Dry fits are 100% polyester.
Aug 14 2009, 09:04 AM
Dave's 51 was a nice display of how an older player can score well on longer courses. Simply bust out the roller a few times, drain the putts inside 40 feet (and a couple of longer ones), and avoid carding 4's. The pro GM's will have a new contender very soon. Thanks for the golf lesson, Dave.
I stayed home from the golf course yesterday and practiced my putting so the next group I play with won't have to see such an ugly (and embarassing) display similar to the likes that I revealed on Wed. night.
Aug 19 2009, 10:53 AM
I have a church group that wants to introduce discgolf to the kids this Sunday .If you have any used discs that you could donate please bring them tonight to the mini.I will get them to the church .
I have a few but we need about a dozen ,they dont have to be anything special dx or really beat up are ok
Aug 19 2009, 01:53 PM
... Jerry ... I'll bring you out a dozen "seasoned-Discs" tonight ... I'm not early enuff to play , but I'll get by there later ... donated por gratis ...
Aug 19 2009, 04:29 PM
Jerry I just gave the last of the donated discs we had collected to Youth Services shelter kids to play. If I have any extras around I will send them your way.
Aug 19 2009, 04:30 PM
Jerry I just gave the last of the donated discs we had collected to Youth Services shelter kids to play with. If I have any extras around I will send them your way.
Aug 19 2009, 11:16 PM
hunter park
Coda Hatfield 50
Adam Hunt 54
Travis kohring 56
Kyle wilkes 56
Josh Crowl 60
James Robidoux 62
Pro Masters
Michael Barr 56
Dan Bougher 57
Jerry Stacey 58
Zac Phillips 58
Richard Why 58
Aaron Petrikin 66
Michael East 64
Trent Meyer 69
Jerry Stacey
Thanks for coming out everybody
1 week night mini left for hunter park next wednesday
its getting dark earlier
next event tomorrow (thursday ) 6:15
Chandler park
Aug 27 2009, 12:50 AM
The last Weeknight mini results for 09
Thank you to everyone that played at Hunter this summer i really appreciate each and everyone of you!!!
Brad Workman 50
Josh Crowl 51
Paul Dorries 51
Devan Owens 52
Kyle Wilkes 53
Abraham Barbour 54
Mordecai Fischer 54
Sean Overstake 55
Chris Hicks 55
Jared Pennington 56
Rickey Vasquez 59
Dan Bougher 60
Pro Masters
Jerry Stacey 58
Dave (i won't finish )Wise 999
Zac Phillips 56
Seth Cook 59
Jeff Shepherd 60
Gary Harrison 63
Andrew Machinski 63
Jeremy Taylor 63
Snakeskin 68
Devan Owens
Next event Tomorrow (Thursday)
Chandler Park
Special Guest TD
6:00 PM please be on time
Please Be nice to Furdogs Mountain Pick up some trash and DON'T put any down unless its in a trash can!!!
Again Thanks to all who braved my Minis this year
I had a blast
Can't wait till next year
I have only 1 mini on the schedule for September .Saturday the 5th of September at 11:00 AM
Then the 12th which is the following Saturday
we have the Twisted Flyer 10,000 dollar challenge
Aug 27 2009, 02:08 AM
Thank you to everyone that played at Hunter this summer i really appreciate each and everyone of you!!!
thanks jerry. nice car.
i guess 51 was my number for this week, 51 at riverside 51 hunter... same thing right? felt like it
Aug 27 2009, 04:44 PM
I was lucky enough to catch a picture of Jerry's new car last night
Aug 27 2009, 05:12 PM
He hates ticks.
Sep 04 2009, 12:46 PM
Mini at Hunter tomorrow 11am! The women (me, Shana, and Sarah...hopefully some others) plan to be there! See ya!
Sep 05 2009, 11:23 AM
i'm at little sad right now... I realized that I don't have my CPA review class today, and I thought I did have it, so I could have gone to southern nationals!! :( i guess at least I can make the last hunter mini.
Sep 05 2009, 11:35 AM
Well that sucks a big one!
Sep 05 2009, 04:12 PM
Thanks dan bougher for running the mini
Sep 05 2009, 04:37 PM
Papa Bougher, thanks so much for running the mini today! Fun times!
Sep 05 2009, 08:59 PM
Today's scores
open women
melisa 69
shanna 73
sarah 79
paul dories 48
seth cook 55
jim geurin 56
zack lund 57
dave wise 57
billy juby 59
dan bougher 61
chris hatton 65
schick brickhouse 73
tony walker 94
adrian gastelum 59
no aces....sorry zack....
Ctp chris hatton
had fun...with no problems...other than my drives and short puts.....
Sep 06 2009, 12:55 AM
Thanks for doin' the mini Dan. :cool:
Sep 08 2009, 09:46 PM
I need 2 easy-up canopies for saturday
as I have just found out that my shelter has been reserved since February .
and I have been ousted &^%^#
and I could use a couple of tables as well .
I can pick these items up on friday if it helps
Sep 09 2009, 12:44 AM
That sucks Jerry! Not to mention there's a 60% chance of rain on Saturday! Hope it stays away. Wish I could help out...I'm brain storming!
Oct 19 2009, 01:06 AM
Hunter mini
Had a decent turnout today
I had a great time even though I couldnt get anything going
oh well just been playing casual lately
Josh Crowl 54
Seth Cook 55
Dan Bougher 56
Adam Hunt 56
Corey Leehmus 57
Abraham Barbour 60
Dave Wise 60
Jerry Stacey 62
Ryan Allensworth 64
Jeff Green 62
Doug Duff 63
Snakeskin 64
Wayne Gregory 65
Justin Lombardo 76
advanced women
Teresa Duff 77
Carolyn McCarty 92
ctp Ryan allensworth
Thanks again everyone
Apr 07 2010, 02:07 PM
Well its that time of year again
Hunter park minis are starting back up tonight
I will have a free ctp
starts at 6 so be early if possible
Apr 07 2010, 03:14 PM
Get ready for the big finish Sunday Morning! :D
Spring Fling Final DAY!!
Apr 08 2010, 12:15 AM
hunter park mini results
Adam Hunt 58
Dan Bougher 62
Jeremy Taylor 78
open Masters
Jerry Stacey 62
Joel Woody 64
Brad Zimmerman 70
Richard Why , Bobby Barnes 62
Matt Shipley 64
Josh Cathey 68
Casey Fletcher 70
CTP Richard Why
free Ctp
Joel Woody
Thanks to all 10 people that came out and braved the 25 mph gusty cold weather
tomorrow thursday night flights at the river
Apr 14 2010, 10:58 PM
Hunter mini results
Kyle Wilkes. 50
Josh Crowl. 50
Gary Harrison. 50
Coda Hatfield. 51
Cris Hicks. 51
Dan Bougher. 52
Hutch. 53
Jerry Stacey 57
Jesse Sellers 57
Mike Conners. 62
Corey Briley. 63
Richard Why 56
Bryan Hinds. 56
Logan Moody. 59
Zac Phillips 61
Chris Carney 62
Casey Fletcher 62
Sean Gaither 62
Jim Geurin 62
Bobby Barnes 65
Brandon Peak 71
Kyle Fouts 65
David Treadwell 68
Dan ( the DONKEY ) Bougher.
Oh yea he aced the ctp for 564
thanks everyone for coming out on a beautiful Wednesday evening
Apr 14 2010, 11:47 PM
Hunter mini results
Dan ( the DONKEY ) Bougher.
Oh yea he aced the ctp for 564
thanks jerry for running the mini tonight and the quick payout of the ace pot....$$$$$
Apr 15 2010, 01:53 AM
Wow it finally was hit. What hole??
Apr 15 2010, 02:46 AM
16 the ctp hole a real nice skip ace
our pleasure Dan
Apr 15 2010, 10:26 AM
Nice job Dan.
Big Easy
Apr 15 2010, 10:42 AM
Good Job Dan.
Nice Payout for sure...
Hole # 16 is the only ace I have had at Hunter.
Same way, Ace on the CTP hole.
Paid about $300 Total.
Apr 15 2010, 10:58 AM
Congrads Dan...cha ching!!!
Apr 22 2010, 12:57 AM
Kyle Wilkes 49
Josh Crowl 52
Zac Lund 54
Abraham Barbour 54
Adam Hunt 57
pro Master
Jerry Stacey 53
Jim Geurin 56
Brad Zimmerman 59
Richard Why 54
Tim Mirabal 55
Zac Phillips 58
Drew Custer 60
John Barton 63
Casey Fletcher 64
Bobby Barnes 66
Zac Phillips hole 3
next event tomorrow Chandler park 6:00 pm
Be on time
Apr 29 2010, 12:14 AM
Adam Hunt 49
Paul Dorries 53
Abraham Barbour 56
Dan Bougher 59
Gary Harrison 61
Jerry Stacey 61
James Patton 63
Tim Mirabel 54
Casey Fletcher 56
Sean Young 59
Richard Why 60
John Barton 64
Brandon Beach 57
Jeff Shepherd 60
Charlie Chung 66
Kelly Watkins 66
Matt Gibbs 56
Corbin Capagas 60
Adrian Gastelum 63
Ray Weis 67
Kyle Chancey 73
Ryan Ohair 73
Tony Clark 77
Jacob Weis 78
Zac Flournay 78
Brad Bauman DNF
CTP #16 Adam Hunt
Thanks to everyone who came out and braved the wind.
Next Event Thursday 6:00 p.m. Chandler Park. Be on time.
May 05 2010, 10:54 PM
Jerry Stacey 54
Adam hunt 54
Johnny Thompson 58
zach Lund 58
Kyle chancy 67
Richard why 54
zac Phillips 58
Mathew treat 58
Casey Fletcher 64
Brandon beach 60
Matt Gibbs 61
Adrian Gastelum 64
Steven Kelso 66
Corbin capages 72
Adam hunt. Hole 16
thanks for all that came out
May 12 2010, 11:07 PM
Paul Ulibari 47
Jared Pennington 48
Josh Crowl 54
Kyle Wilkes 55
Gary Harrison 57
Adam Hunt 57
Chris Hatton 63
pro masters
Jerry Stacey 60
Dan Bougher 60
Charlie Chung 62
Mike Conners 55
Matt Razmus 56
Kyle Razmus 57
Bryan Hinds 58
Richard Why 59
Norman Brassfield 60
Zac Phillips 61
Chris Stine 62
Casey Fletcher 63
Luke Pilkington 63
Shane Gray Dnf
Corbin Capages 65
Jared Pennington hole 13
next event Thursday weather permitting at Chandler
6:00 pm
May 13 2010, 12:14 PM
Ok, so you let Paul Ulibari come into our town and whip up on your Pro's..
Come on now, defend our turf!!!
May 13 2010, 03:37 PM
They'll have another chance against him this week-end in Little Rock :)
May 13 2010, 04:07 PM
Ok, so you let Paul Ulibari come into our town and whip up on your Pro's..
Come on now, defend our turf!!!
What did you want us to do Treat ???? Hire some of the kids from Owasso to come in and steal his discs after each shot, lol. Dude has got some serious skills. Only wish I could have seen him play a lil.
May 13 2010, 05:02 PM
I had the chance to play with him. Actually twice in the last two weeks (St. Louis/Hunter). He had a sick anti on hole #8 with a CE Leapord that hit dead center chains and spit. Stupid shot. He also put hole 5 in the circle. Solid putter, massive distance control, and a good dude.
May 13 2010, 06:33 PM
I know, I was just giving you guys a little grief.
Paul is a great guy and since he wons Am Worlds here I have always thought he had a special tie to Tulsa..
Good luck to all those traveling to Little Rock..
May 26 2010, 11:51 PM
Kyle Wilkes 50 (tag 1)
Paul Dorries 51
Coda Hatfield 52
Jared Pennington 56
John Belty 57
Zach Lund 58
Richard Why 56
Jim Geurin 57
Casey Fletcher 59
Brandon Peak 60
Zac Phillips 62
Gorden Hall 57
Roger Lawrence 60
Nate McGinnis 60
Corbin Capages 60
Christian Walsh 61
Josh Roark 64
KJ Rollaja 64
Holden Harper 67
John Roberts 70
Brent Bacon 71
ctp Casey Fletcher hole 16
next event Thursday 6:00 pm
Chandler park
be on time
you will be playing on some expertly finished
tee pads hope you like them
May 27 2010, 12:18 AM
Thanks Jerry. The fastest score poster in town!
May 27 2010, 12:03 PM
6 missed putts INSIDE the circle <--- learn to putt please holy COW
May 27 2010, 01:22 PM
I'm only commenting so I can help tbe Hunter mini page get a new page. The top of this one has scores from forever ago. :)
May 28 2010, 12:21 PM
I'm only commenting so I can help tbe Hunter mini page get a new page. The top of this one has scores from forever ago. :)
good plan
May 29 2010, 10:56 AM
thanks Kyle
Jun 02 2010, 11:22 PM
Coda Hatfield 53
Jerry Stacey 55
Sam Neilson 55
Jared Pennington 56
Kyle Wilkes DNF ( had an injured wrist but tried )
Richard Why 55
Chris Hatton 59
Adrian Gastelum 60
Mathew Treat 65
Matt Gibbs 66
Casey Fletcher 67
Sam Morton 57
Tyler Grosinsky 65
Tommy Agent 65
John Roberts or J.R. or (bean dip) 67
Ian Curran 70
Brad James 74
Jerry Stacey hole 3
next event chandler park
thursday at 6:00 pm
park in the new gravel parking lot by hole 11 the new hole 1
Thanks for coming out everyone
Jun 02 2010, 11:34 PM
Adrian Gastellum had a tough shot on hole 12 tonight very interesting
Jun 09 2010, 11:45 PM
Josh Crowl 49
Jared Pennington 49
Coda Hatfield 51
Gary Harrison 52
Jerry Stacey 53
Jesse Sellers 62
Mike Connors 63
Richard Why 54
Sam Morton 55
Matt Shoemaker 57
Lee Joshua 57
Adrian Gastelum 59
Tyler Grazinsky 59
Zac Phillips 60
Casey Fletcher 63
Corgin Capages 66
Aaron Dack DNF
Brad James 65
Victor Frescaz 66
Ian Curran 68
Bobby Mylen 71
Chris Cervantes 78
CTP Hole 16 Lee Joshua
Next event Thursday 6 pm at Chandler. Meet at new gravel parking lot.
This weekend, don't forget Haikey Creek Classic
Jun 16 2010, 01:40 PM
... Hunter Park mini tonight hosted by "Haikey Creek Advanced Masters CHAMPION" Jerry Stacey ... (helping with course-work and loaning Baskets DOES create Karma , ay?) ...
... I 'wish' I could peel away from work and catch some of these minis ... everyone should if they can ... make you a better Player while having Fun ! ...
... side-note : Jerry is looking kinda 'old' though ... he looks about 40.995 years old these days ...
Jun 17 2010, 12:23 AM
Jared Pennington 47
Coda Hatfield 50
Sammy Nielson 56
Jesse Sellers 59
Drew Custer 64
Pro Masters
Brad Hoi 52
Jerry Stacey 57
Richard Why 52
James Patton 55
Zac Phillips 56
Seth Cook 57
Adrian Gastellum 61
Shane Gray 62
Matt Gibbs 64
John Barton 64
Drew Buchman 71
Charlie Chung 62
Kimble Johnson 67
Matt Colon 70
Matt Gurnz 71
Ian Curan 72
CTP Hole 3 Coda Hatfield
Chandler tomorrow at 6 p.m.
Thanks to all who came out!
Jun 17 2010, 11:27 AM
... .
... side-note : Jerry is looking kinda 'old' though ... he looks about 40.995 years old these days ...
... correction : looking like 40.996 years old ...
Jun 17 2010, 06:19 PM
Hey Wayne
you doing a count down for me
Jun 17 2010, 06:39 PM
... only cuz I know about next wednesday ...
Jun 23 2010, 02:23 PM
happy birthday jerry....a big 41 to ya....
Jun 23 2010, 03:11 PM
... yes INDEED ... the ol' feel froggie grey ghost Stacey has hit 41 ! ... HAPPY BIRTHDAY , Jerry !!!
Jun 23 2010, 03:41 PM
... yes INDEED ... the ol' feel froggie grey ghost Stacey has hit 41 ! ... HAPPY BIRTHDAY , Jerry !!!
and now you are a master's player congrats on an other year!:D
Jun 24 2010, 02:18 AM
Jared pennington 49
coda hatfield 50
Kyle Wilkes 54
Jesse sellers 55
Richard why 57
open masters
Jerry Stacey 57
bill pennington 59
Jim Geurin 63
chris stine 58
zac Phillips 60
Casey Fletcher 62
Nick roesle 63
sam Morton 67
Matt Gibbs 54
Adrian gastellum 58
Bobby reed 64
Charlie chung 66
drew buchman 76
Matthew why 61
Tommy agent 62
Josh Stanley 69
will long 78
Casey Fletcher hole 16
next event Thursday 6:00 pm
Chandler park
Jul 08 2010, 01:19 AM
Coda Hatfield 49
Gary Harrison 50
Richard Why 55
Jared Pennington 57
Casey Fletcher 57
Eric Rainey 59
Zac Phillips 59
Gordon Hall 66
Bobby Clark 63
Christian Walsh 67
Matthew Why 60
Tommy Agent 61
Kyle Gilmore 65
Brad James 66
Bobby Goodman 67
Chad Wafford 67
Phillip Nolan 69
Drew Buchman 71
Coda Hart 72
Craig Manning 74
Mike Wallis 74
Brittian Harrison 77
bobby clark hole 16
next event
Chandler park 6:00
Jul 15 2010, 01:22 AM
tonight was a great night for disc golf for at least 1 person!!!
Jared Pennington 52
Coda Hatfield 54
Taylor Sears 54
Kyle Wilkes 55
Richard Why 59 ( 1 of our newest TDSA members)
Corey Leemus 55
Zac Phillips 58 ( won in playoff) another of TDSA's newest members
Tyler Grosinsky 58
Casey Fletcher 59
Aaron Petrikin 60
Sam Morton 61
Gordan Hall 67
Mathew Why 62
Mike Morgan 67 ( won in playoff )
Bobby Clark 67
Drew Buchman 69
KJ Kollaja 73
Matthew Miller 81
Will Long 82
Richard Why hole 13
Richard Why Hole 12
Way to go Richard Why 180 in your pocket!!!
see what coming to all my minis can do for you!!
Kyle got his member swag bag tonight Wayne
next weeks ace pot is starting at $ 89 dollars
so see ya in a couple of months Bougher LOL
Thanks again everyone for coming out
next event tomorrow chandler park
6:00 pm
Jul 15 2010, 12:18 PM
Great job Jerry. Thanks for the membership package. If you have not joined TDSA yet you are missing out!!!
Jul 15 2010, 12:45 PM
And you may end up missing more than you think.
Jul 21 2010, 11:46 PM
Richard Why 59
Eric Rainey 57 (1st in playoff)
Zac Phillips 57
Scott Whitman 59
Bill Slim Moyers 59
Drew Custer 60
Joe White 61
Casey Fletcher 62
Corbin Copages 58
Charlie Chung 62
Luke Pilkington 63
Greg Walton 63
Drew Buchman 67
Matthew Why 69
Gabriel West 78
Joe White
next event tomorrow chandler park 6:00
Jul 28 2010, 11:25 PM
Richard Why 57
Casey Fletcher 60
Drew Custer 64
Zac Phillips 57
Aaron Petrikin 62
Joe White 57
Tommy Agent 59
Matthew Why 64
drew Buchman 65
Tony Houdek 66
Brad James 70
Taylor Toothman 70
Zac Price 73
Cody Walden 74
Nick Claybrook 79
Julie Welch 98
Richard Why Hole 16
thanks everyone for coming out
Barber Shop
Jul 29 2010, 10:41 AM
whats the ace pot up to.... or do we still keep that a secret :)
Jul 29 2010, 11:20 AM
Can't be much, Bougher cleaned it out a couple of months ago.
Big Easy
Jul 29 2010, 11:59 AM
Can't be much, Bougher cleaned it out a couple of months ago.
Should have had some reseed in reserve.
Seth hit bartlesville last week for $110. :(
There was almost $90 in reseed. :)
Jul 29 2010, 12:02 PM
101 with a reseed of 14
if u look back 2 weeks ago u will see that it was hit again!!!!!!
Aug 04 2010, 11:05 PM
Adam Hunt 53 (won in playoff)
Richard Why 53
Johnny Thompson 58
Tyler Grosinsky 58
Casey Fletcher 59
Matt Shoemaker 60
Graham McIntyre 64
Sam Morton 73
Drew Buchman 58
Tommy Agent 59
Matthew Why 68
Chris Cervantes 68
Peter Lee 68
Zac Price 69
Koa Cervantes 79
Dustin Tibbens 82
CTP Drew Buchman hole 16
Thanks for coming out on a really, really hot night. Next event Thursday, Chandler Park at 6 p.m.
Aug 12 2010, 12:07 AM
Richard Why 52
Johnny Thompson 57
Chris Hatton 58
Cris Hicks 60
Chris Stine 57
Casey Fletcher 59
Charlie Chung 59
Tommy Agent 60
Matthew Why 66
Mike Morgan 63
Zac Price 68
Brittian Harrison 69
Peter Lee 73
Marshall Pearce 75
Will Long 75
next event
chandler park 6:00 ish
Aug 18 2010, 11:13 PM
Richard Why 50
Paul Dorries 51
Adam Hunt 54
Johnny Thompson 60
Zac Phillips 58
Casey Fletcher 58
Charlie Chung 62
Drew Buchman 66
Matthew Why 67
Tommy Agent 67
Greg Walton 67
Cody Walden 67
Tiffany Bigler 69
Zac Price 69
Peter Lee 74
Marshall Pearce 75
JR Hightower 86
CTP Hole #3
Casey Fletcher
Next event, Chandler Park, tomorrow 6 p.m.
Aug 25 2010, 11:59 PM
Billy Lund 56
Johnny Thompson 57
Zac Phillips 61
Richard Why 64
Corbin Capages 58
Tommy Agent 64
Zac Price 62
Peter Lee 70
CTP Hole 16
Billy Lund
Next event tomorrow at Chandler Park at 6:00
Aug 26 2010, 11:48 AM
So 17 players go to Hunter last week when it was 105 degrees, now that it is 85 degrees 8 show up??????
Aug 26 2010, 12:09 PM
apparently people are afraid of improving their disc golf game, 2nd best course in town next to blackhawk, HANDS DOWN.
Aug 26 2010, 03:10 PM
apparently people are afraid of improving their disc golf game, 2nd best course in town next to blackhawk, HANDS DOWN.
Ok so let's have your opinion on all the Tulsa courses with a brief explanation on why!!!
Aug 26 2010, 03:21 PM
Let me guess his response
1 Black
2 hunter
3 haikey
4 red
5 dovillio
6 mc clure
7 riverside
8 moose
9 centennial (because the tee pads suck)
10 chandler (original)
Aug 26 2010, 03:44 PM
well... I will use your list of courses, we can disregard copperhead since it doesn't get much playtime, and pawhuska because its an hour away.
1 Black ... distance+lines+difficulty+scoring variation
2 hunter ... distance+lines+difficulty+scoring variation
3 mc clure ... (golds layout) distance+small amounts of elevation+difficulty
4 centennial ... (long pins) but since it's hardly ever on all long pins, it could move down on the list. the teepads are crappy? I like the teepads...
5 dovillio... distance + birdie holes = good mix
6 red... distance + birdie holes = good mix, but far from the best in town
7 haikey ... it was number 3 before all the long holes became short holes, and it went from really challenging with variation, to mostly birdie-fest (still a great course..)
8 moose.. after some of the courses ive been forced to play recently in sanctioned events, I can see a big benefit to getting good at courses like moose. It is a good course because you need to be able to kill it with many birdies to seperate yourself from the rest of the pack that will shoot just a handful of birdies.
9 riverside
10 chandler (original)
numbers 3-8 on my list could change depending on pin locations of some versus others ...
all of the courses offer some sort of challenge, there isn't a "bad" course in tulsa, in my opinion. both chandlers, riverside, centennial, regular mcclure, and haikey are good challenges because you need to be able to score multiple birdies, and shake off bad holes to have a phenominal round. the others require distance and control to score birdies, and the two best courses hunter and blackhawk will punish you if you miss your line (black moreso)
thats my breakdown, like it or not, agree or not. to become a good player tulsa offers a great variety of courses, which is why we have a good group of golfers here! I would challenge the casual players, and the people who play a lot of chandlers and riverside, to try out hunterpark and blackhawk more often. You may not be trying to get a "two" on every hole, but it will force you to throw shots that will better your game!
Aug 26 2010, 03:54 PM
Just digging you on the tee pads at Centennial. yes you are right, in the longs = tough, short = easy. Yes it is not in the longs very often becuase i have to accomodate a large majority of casual players. I want them to come out and play often. If I leave it in longs they get really frustrated with me. Which, if I was a newer player, I would probably get frustrated also with the long lay out.
But, Paul, if you have a group of players going out there and you give me notice, I can have it set up any way you like.
Aug 26 2010, 06:39 PM
I agree with Paul about Moose Run.
Beside the fact it is closest to my house, it reminds me of out of town courses, especially east of Tulsa, where you either hit your line or pay..
Aug 27 2010, 12:57 AM
7 haikey ... it was number 3 before all the long holes became short holes, and it went from really challenging with variation, to mostly birdie-fest (still a great course..)
just curious.. are you referring to just 5-6-7 or other holes also?
wait'll you see what i have cooked up for that side of the road... hee hee hee
Aug 30 2010, 10:30 AM
just curious.. are you referring to just 5-6-7 or other holes also?
but the changes on 9, 12 and 18 are awesome.
Aug 30 2010, 12:47 PM
5, 6, 7 are first thing to change on my priority list. it's a delicate balance of tough golf shots and keeping discs away from the path so the joggers dont complain to the county, thus having us get asked to pull the holes back out.
8- moving the basket and/or tee-pad to make a more challenging hole without getting in the way of people playing on 18 (which is right "behind" it) will be tricky. perhaps moving 18's basket closer to the large tree in the middle, moving 18's tee further south (we've got the room) and stretching 8 out to the approximate location of 18's basket would work.
13's tee-pad was moved to where it was because of that stupid picnic table always having a cookout of some sort with dozens of folks on or around it.the only thing i can think of to toughen that hole back up would be to move the teepad closer to the edge to the east. that hole needs work though, i agree.
14 - i dont even need to explain why this hole needs work. the tee pad is too close! it's a birdie hole! we've just got to move and tweak that tee placement so as to not interfere with park patrons and still provide a challenging hole.
all of these changes aren't going to happen overnight. it's going to be a growing-in process that will take place over the next 12-24 months. My goal for the rest of 2010 is raise enough with the "bubble gum mullies" to buy 6 sleeves and enough concrete, hardware, and excess pipingto re-do 5, 6, and 7. baby steps...... :)
Aug 30 2010, 03:09 PM
5, 6, 7 are first thing to change on my priority list. it's a delicate balance of tough golf shots and keeping discs away from the path so the joggers dont complain to the county, thus having us get asked to pull the holes back out.
8- moving the basket and/or tee-pad to make a more challenging hole without getting in the way of people playing on 18 (which is right "behind" it) will be tricky. perhaps moving 18's basket closer to the large tree in the middle, moving 18's tee further south (we've got the room) and stretching 8 out to the approximate location of 18's basket would work.
13's tee-pad was moved to where it was because of that stupid picnic table always having a cookout of some sort with dozens of folks on or around it.the only thing i can think of to toughen that hole back up would be to move the teepad closer to the edge to the east. that hole needs work though, i agree.
14 - i dont even need to explain why this hole needs work. the tee pad is too close! it's a birdie hole! we've just got to move and tweak that tee placement so as to not interfere with park patrons and still provide a challenging hole.
all of these changes aren't going to happen overnight. it's going to be a growing-in process that will take place over the next 12-24 months. My goal for the rest of 2010 is raise enough with the "bubble gum mullies" to buy 6 sleeves and enough concrete, hardware, and excess pipingto re-do 5, 6, and 7. baby steps...... :)
Keep in mind, I wasn't saying I don't like the course, I was merely stating why it moved down on my list of courses in Tulsa. I still reallly reallly enjoy Haikey, it is one of the closest to my house and I started playing disc golf on that course, I'm very fond of it.
I see the challenge with 8 + 18 being so close, I'm not even saying I don't like 8 the way it is, I was just listing the holes that changed to be easier.
I'd be interested in hearing your plans for 5,6,7 if you want to share here or next time I see you. Thanks again slim.
Aug 30 2010, 03:24 PM
i'm running a mini tonight. play on my card and we can chat :)
i'm gonna twist the mini up a tad bit anyways, just to see how it works.
playing 8 to 18's basket, and 18 to 8's basket. hole 8 will have a "clown's mouth" mando between the two trees everyone shoots for on "short" 8. hee hee hee
Aug 30 2010, 04:32 PM
i'm running a mini tonight. play on my card and we can chat :)
i'm gonna twist the mini up a tad bit anyways, just to see how it works.
playing 8 to 18's basket, and 18 to 8's basket. hole 8 will have a "clown's mouth" mando between the two trees everyone shoots for on "short" 8. hee hee hee
not sure if I can make it tonight, but interesting TWiST... sounds good :)
Sep 01 2010, 10:54 PM
Kyle Wilkes 51 (number 1 tag holder)
Travis Koehring 51( Treat is he current ?)says you renewed him at the glide
Paul Dorries 52 ( Mad about Kyle being the # 1 tag holder)
Zac Phillips 58
Richard Why 60
Chris Hatton 60
Casey Fletcher 61
Jeremy Taylor 67
Charlie Chung 59
Zach Holderness 62
Drew Buchman 65
Tommy Agent 65
Nik Stophel 68
Caleb Chung 61
Cody Walden 64
Zac Price 69
Marshall Pearce 76
Casey Fletcher is now a paid member We owe him a member Swag bag
I don't have any who does?
Next event Chandler Park tomorrow 6:00 pm
Sep 01 2010, 11:26 PM
Thanks Jerry as always. Good to see you.
Big Easy
Sep 01 2010, 11:52 PM
Thanks Jerry as always. Good to see you.
If you left the park with #1 bag tag I am sure you were glad to see him.
Oh and BTW Jerry good job getting scores up as always :)
Sep 02 2010, 04:14 AM
first of all, i wasn't mad about kyle taking #1 from me, I was mad that basket #17 spit me out from 20 feet to lose the #1 tag!!!
pretty sure you greased those chains when you moved it 40 shorter. :)
did my CTP hold on #3??
thanks for running the mini as always. was fun for 16 2/3 holes.
Sep 02 2010, 04:19 AM
is it coincidence that the number 1 tag and like the number 8 tag are the only gold tags Ive seen since the thing started? who are the freaking pansies that are hanging out in their basement massaging their #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7 tags.... its silly that the only good one we have to pass around is #1.
I also love how people never offer to trade tags when I beat them, it happens a lot... when I lost #1 to kyle today the first thing i did was take it off my bag and get the right tag. its not like it means you are any better by holding your tags people, play the game, pass em around
Sep 02 2010, 09:38 AM
Here's to you.....sucking on my # 77.:)
And BTW, only wimps and panzies blame their losses on chains.:p
Sep 02 2010, 11:02 AM
Travis is current, he joined at the Glide. Sorry for the oversite, I will get with Mr. Ward and have the member list updated..
Sep 02 2010, 11:05 AM
I agree with Paul, the people just hanging onto these tags are ruining the event, I would not even want to have this event next year if everyone is going to act like this. This is a great format and even better idea to have a tag challenge, everyone should be participating.
Holding onto a low number tag is like not putting out on the final hole of a round too help protect your rating "wise" just kidding wise...kinda!
All tags should be displayed on the outside of the bag and if you play a scored match, the tags are on the line!
Also who cares if you forgot your tag at home, the person should get it asap.
Everyone needs to lighten up and remember this is a local bag tag challenge...HAVE FUN!!!
Sep 02 2010, 11:36 AM
Matt, this has been going on since the inception of it here in town. I ragged on them also but it doesn't matter. Dough has done a great job this year, selling more tags than ever, except for Worlds.
Low tag or not, it won't help them come match play. If you have a weaker player in a low seed, he will more than likely lose his first match anyhow. Thats why he hid his tag in the first place, because he doesn't have enough game to hang on to it.
Also, it may be some of them may have ended up in players hands that don't play too ofter or they could be out of town.
Don't worry about it, there can only be one winner out of all the tags anyhow. Having #1 means nothing other than you will play #64. We have seen #1 go down in the first match before. It can happen again.
The only thing that ever bothered me was the ones that don't buy a tag all year. Have no desire to support it but when it gets close to the tournament, they start scrambling to buy a tag from someone who will not be there. This is WAY worse than someone sitting on a tag. Usually they are the same ones who are not club members also. They don't want to support anything other than their pocket and will try to steal their way in just so they can try to win something for nothing.
Sep 02 2010, 12:25 PM
Kyle Wilkes 51 (number 1 tag holder)
Travis Koehring 51( Treat is he current ?)says you renewed him at the glide
Paul Dorries 52 ( Mad about Kyle being the # 1 tag holder)
Zac Phillips 58
Richard Why 60
Chris Hatton 60
Casey Fletcher 61
Jeremy Taylor 67
Charlie Chung 59
Zach Holderness 62
Drew Buchman 65
Tommy Agent 65
Nik Stophel 68
Caleb Chung 61
Cody Walden 64
Zac Price 69
Marshall Pearce 76
Casey Fletcher is now a paid member We owe him a member Swag bag
I don't have any who does?
Next event Chandler Park tomorrow 6:00 pm
jerry i have three in my car. if he shows up at the chandler mini tonight, i'll give him one for you.
Sep 02 2010, 12:50 PM
Matt, this has been going on since the inception of it here in town. I ragged on them also but it doesn't matter. Dough has done a great job this year, selling more tags than ever, except for Worlds.
Low tag or not, it won't help them come match play. If you have a weaker player in a low seed, he will more than likely lose his first match anyhow. Thats why he hid his tag in the first place, because he doesn't have enough game to hang on to it.
Also, it may be some of them may have ended up in players hands that don't play too ofter or they could be out of town.
Don't worry about it, there can only be one winner out of all the tags anyhow. Having #1 means nothing other than you will play #64. We have seen #1 go down in the first match before. It can happen again.
The only thing that ever bothered me was the ones that don't buy a tag all year. Have no desire to support it but when it gets close to the tournament, they start scrambling to buy a tag from someone who will not be there. This is WAY worse than someone sitting on a tag. Usually they are the same ones who are not club members also. They don't want to support anything other than their pocket and will try to steal their way in just so they can try to win something for nothing.
I agree with Dave. He did the best BT tourney so far. I believe he limited the quantity of tags available to 100 and probably sold most all of them.
Even then though I believe there still wasn't a full 64 field of players because a few people got first round byes. Even if you had tag 100 you still could have qualified to play.
Now that Duff has sold 128 of them and because he will probably "Super Duff" this event, people will come out of the woodwork to play.
If he has made a list or record of the players he originally sold tags to then he should be able to call out the ones not on the list as those who had bought a tag from someone who can't attend.
I bought one early, lost it to my arch enemy Sarah Slane, and now sit with # 77. I'll put it up for grabs with the others this Sunday but if I get smacked with #128 and don't make the tourney because someone bought their way in then that is BS.
I want my "One and Done" t-shirt and my name on that bracket.:(
To fill the event I don't mind if someone shows up who bought a tag from someone that can't attend but they should be on a stand-by list.
In other words, original tag holders who show up on the day should have first shot by tag # for a spot over the "buy in" people so if you aren't on the list then get in line behind me.:cool:
Sep 02 2010, 02:56 PM
Great point"s" Wise
Also I am not speaking against DUFF at all, I agree this is a great format.
Another good point from Furrdog that a buy in should not be ahead of someone that bought the tag originally but I am not sure if that list exists...
Can't wait to play this event next year when it's not on U.S.D.G.C. week!
Sep 02 2010, 06:16 PM
I have been telling players that I know that are not going to make the event to sell me those tags if they are going to get rid of them......I want this thing to be as fair as possible! So if you know someone that isn't going to be here....Tell them to sell their tag back me...
Sep 02 2010, 10:28 PM
It will all work out in the end.
Sep 08 2010, 05:54 PM
Sorry everyone I am canceling the mini tonight due to rain
Big Easy
Sep 08 2010, 07:12 PM
Good Call
Creek crossing would probably be impassable.
Wish the USArmy Chore would put in a Bridge there :P
You needed the night off anyway :)
Sep 15 2010, 10:33 PM
Zac Phillips 55
Richard Why 56
Casey Fletcher 59
Johnny Thompson 62
Drew Buchman 58
Charlie Chung 60
Lee Joshua 60
Corbin Copages 65
Nic Stophel 60
Alex Gavrilov 64
Zac Price 66
Seth Harcrow 66
William Nozak 76
Nick Cobroi 88
CTP #16 Zac Price
Thanks for coming out. Next event Thursday at Chandler 6 p.m.
Sep 23 2010, 12:28 AM
Richard Why 51
Kyle Wilkes 52 (owe ya 15 )
Zac Phillips 55
Johnny Thompson 56
Casey Fletcher 60
Tommy Agent 56
Corbin Copages 58
Drew Buchanan 63
Nic Stophel 66
Luke Kennedy 67
Blake Nix 60
Ray Weis 62
Peter Lee 63
Ken Barnes 68
Zac Price 69
William Joseph 69
Cres Stophel 84
Corbin Copages hole 16
next event Chandler park
thursday 6:00 pm
I have 1 more weeknight mini next wednesday so come out and play a real course
Sep 30 2010, 12:01 AM
I would like to thank everyone that came out to the wednesday minis this year
Carrie and I enjoyed getting to meet new up and coming players
Sam Neilson 51
Richard Why 54
Jerry Stacey 60
Zac Phillips 61
Casey Fletcher 67
Lee Joshua 56
Charlie Chung 61
Jeremy Geiger 62
Jacob Lindley 61
Zac Price 64
Zac Price hole 13
great shot from a new player he has gotten at least 10 shots better since he started playing the minis about 2 months ago