Jul 18 2007, 11:03 PM
tonights Mini!
Billy Lund 48
Jerry Stacey 52
Dave P 53
Hunter 53
Steve B. 53
Matt Cooper 54 with 7 birdies
Johnny Thompson 55
Jarrett Moore 56
Coda Hatfield 56
Dave Wise 57
Ben Powell 59
Billy Swanson 60
Dan Bougher 64
Open women
Ashley Hoster 71
Shanna Swanson 88
CTP Matt Cooper
I would like to thank all that came out i really appreciate every one helping pick up the trash i would say we got at least 4 lawn and leaf bags full of garbage
GOOD JOB everyone!!!!!
next mini thur. at furdogs mountain at 6:00 pm
be on time
and golf every night this week through sun.
fri fri night flights at McClure around 8
sat McClure 10 and 2
sun hunter at 2
thanks again for the trash crew :D
Big Easy
Jul 18 2007, 11:53 PM
Schedule says 11am and 3pm @ Mohawk Saturday?
Is this a schedule change?
Jul 19 2007, 12:29 AM
tonights Mini!
Billy Lund 48
Jerry Stacey 52
Dave P 53
Hunter 53
Steve B. 53
Matt Cooper 54 with 7 birdies
Johnny Thompson 55
Jarrett Moore 56
Coda Hatfield 56
Dave Wise 57
Ben Powell 59
Billy Swanson 60
Dan Bougher 64
Open women
Ashley Hoster 71
Shanna Swanson 88
CTP Matt Cooper
I would like to thank all that came out i really appreciate every one helping pick up the trash i would say we got at least 4 lawn and leaf bags full of garbage
GOOD JOB everyone!!!!!
next mini thur. at furdogs mountain at 6:00 pm
be on time
and golf every night this week through sun.
fri fri night flights at McClure around 8 on ALT. TEES
sat Mohawk 11am / 3pm (Chri s Wagle)
sun hunter at 2 "return to 'Jerry's Woods' "
thanks again for the trash crew :D
... TD's gotta lot to do / we gotta back each other up ! ... :cool:
Jul 19 2007, 12:31 AM
Schedule says 11am and 3pm @ Mohawk Saturday?
you are correct Dale ... it's at Mohawk
Jul 19 2007, 09:37 AM
oops sorry I kept looking at the 28th which is 10 and 2
no spaces
Jul 19 2007, 01:56 PM
Schedule says 11am and 3pm @ Mohawk Saturday?
Is this a schedule change?
Not sure what's up with that. Chris is running Blackhawk so maybe that's why the times are a little different.
Jul 19 2007, 02:23 PM
where's furdog's mountain?
Jul 19 2007, 02:57 PM
Chandler Park has been deeded to FurDog..
Jul 22 2007, 01:19 AM
sun 2:00 be on time!!
See ya there
Jul 23 2007, 12:04 AM
todays mini!!
We had 27 players today weather was nice for July
Thanks everyone for coming out Next mini
TUE. Riverside BE EARLY I know Mike likes to Start on time!!! as do I
Ben Powell 47 with 3 bogeys nice shooting
Johnny Thompson 50
Sam Neilson 50
Coda Hatfield 51
Ryan Allensworth 51
Chris Wagel 52
Scott Sable 52
Scott Wilkenson 53
Dave Wise 54
Dave pennicamp 54
Mike Conners 54
Dave Nich.54
Taylor Sears 55
Brent Doeksen 55
Brad HOI 58
Kris Morita 59
Chris Stine 59
Matt Cooper 63
Billy Swanson 68
open Grand masters
Wayne Gregory 60
Bud Johnson 69
Brian Hinds 57
Ethan Angle 58
Duff 61
Kent Vanbuskirk 74
Clint Lanbert 81
Ashley Swartz 86 Good job thanks for coming out ashley I know it was a long round keep it up you will just get better!!
Chris Wagel like Bagel :LOL
Jul 25 2007, 11:19 PM
tonights mini
Justin Bougher 50
Chris Hutch 52
Matt Cooper 53
Hunter 54
Corey briley 55
Scott Sable 57
Steve B. 58
Jarrett moore 58
Billy swanson 59 Not a typo
Ben powell 59
James Patton 59
Kris morita 59
Pro Masters
Phil Hagen 56
Jim Geurin 62
Ray Peterson 65
Chris Beard 56
Ethan angle 57
Daniel Chee 57
Brian Hinds 60
Matt Logsdon 55 moving to am
Sean Wylie 56 moving to Am
Kent Vanbuskirk 67
Billy Swanson
Thanks everyone for coming out
really nice night out shoulda been there
Aug 01 2007, 11:45 PM
tonights mini at Reed park
chris hutch 43
matt cooper 45
justin bougher 45
randy forsander 52
jesse carlisle 53
pro masters
brad zimmerman 49
ray peterson 49
billy swanson 51
bud johnson 56
wayne gregory 58
pro women
melissa stacye 56
shana swanson 65
john reed 49
matt shipley 50
randy watson
danniel wilson 54
david duncan 55
josh sterns 57
dane roesle 58
mathew hill 55
jake wilson 66
thanks to everyone who came out tonight
Aug 09 2007, 12:15 AM
tonights mini
Coda Hatfield 49
johnny Thompson 54
Chris stine 55
jerry stacey 56
james roubideox 57
ethen angle 59
Advanced grandmasters
Jim geurin 55
Wayne gregory 58
wayne forest 61
harry henshaw jr. 52
adam hunt 55
2 guns 64
snake 64
harry henshaw sr 72
chris cervantes 77
robert dine 79
ashley swartz 86
chris stine
thanks to all 17 people that came out tonight even the late comers we had a great time !
Aug 15 2007, 11:12 PM
tonights mini at reed park
mike conners 41
coda hatfield 41
matt cooper 43
taylor sears 46
johnny thompson 47
chris stine 47
dave wise 49
dan bougher 50
billy swanson 53
randy wilson 51
ethan angle 51
harry henshaw 53
jarred henshaw 55
snake 57
duff 59
aaron warburton 54
matthew hill 57
jake wilson DNF
am ladies
ashley swartz 68
carolyn McCarty 72
Matt cooper
reed ace pot throw off
mike conners 1st
jarred henshaw 2nd
thanks to everyone who came out and thanks for picking up any trash you might have came upon!!
I really do appreciate everybody for pitching in and picking up trash. the parks that I have been privileged to run are looking pretty good again, keep it up for TULSA and TDSA!!! :D
Aug 15 2007, 11:47 PM
Nice shootin Mike. I think you're ready for the big league :cool:
Aug 16 2007, 01:07 PM
Nice shootin Mike. I think you're ready for the big league :cool:
Thanks JC...I plan on floating back and forth from Open to Advanced depending on the tournament.
Aug 18 2007, 01:32 PM
Hey Jerry you still owe me some merch :) You having a mini this Wednesday?
Aug 18 2007, 02:24 PM
yea wed at hunter i owe you more than that I owe you a round
you playing anywhere today
Aug 18 2007, 04:01 PM
yeah, I'm going to head over to McClure or Dovillio (prob McClure) here in about 30. I've got an idea...you can always tell me that you'll meet me at McClure and then not show up or call :mad:
Aug 18 2007, 05:08 PM
hey i sent you a pm and appoligized i had to move my dad into a home sorry again
Aug 18 2007, 09:23 PM
Jerry Jerry ...tis tis , shame on you :(
Barber Shop
Aug 22 2007, 02:24 PM
anyone bravin the 20 mh wind today at the mini
Aug 22 2007, 10:51 PM
Coda Hatfield 52
Sam Neilson 52
Dan Bougher 53
Jerry Stacey 53
Jake Regier 53
Abraham Barbour 56
Matt Cooper 57
Billy Swanson 63
Pro Masters
HOI 59
Ray Peterson 60
Harlyn Unruh 57
Bryan Payne 59
John Rutyna 61
Greg Smith 63
Jarred Stockard 66
Ashley Hoster 64 Very nice
Thanks for playing tonight ! The park is looking good ,hardly any trash left .Of course we still have players walking over some!!!
My next mini is going to start earlier in 2 weeks will try to start by 5:45 we finished in the dark I may also send out 3 somes
Aug 23 2007, 11:41 AM
HOI 59
So Hunter is 19 strokes harder than Riverside?????
Sep 05 2007, 11:00 PM
Kyle wilks 50
sam neilson 53
dan bougher 55
jerry stacey 56
matt cooper 57
johnny thompson 58
jesse sellers 64
phil grandstaff 52
grant thompson 57
jacob lindly 64
measured it twice and wouldn't believe it if I diddn't measure it
Johnny thompson
dan bougher
Sep 19 2007, 10:47 PM
Kyle Wilks 46
Dan Bougher 46
Coda Hatfield 47
Dave Wise 53
Jerry stacey 56
Howard Dine 56
Greg Winzworth 61
Adam Hunt 53 no relation to mike lol
bryan Hinds 62
robert dine 79
jeremy marshman 58
darin briggs 63
ken winkle 64
drew chism 66
sean murphy 73
Thanks to all who came out sorry I was running a little late will be better next week
Tomorrows (thur) mini 6 pm at McClure Please be on time
Sep 20 2007, 09:27 AM
Mike? :D:D:D:D:D
Sep 20 2007, 10:01 AM
... ooooo ... that Adam Hunt guy can throw a ton ... :eek: ... he's got great-distance and superb-control already in his game ... kinda reminds ya of Taylor Sears' meteoric rise in his first six months ... nice guy , too ...
Sep 20 2007, 10:49 AM
Bbut his brother Mike is a wuss. :D
Sep 24 2007, 11:58 AM
We almost lost # 4 basket over the weekend somebody pulled it out but apparently couldn't carry it So I went last night and broke off the concrete ball and now have the basket at my house . I will be replanting it and the tee signs that I have later today probably after 3
Call or show up if you can help
Sep 24 2007, 12:14 PM
****, it is too bad that Hunter has the vandalism that it does. It is in the most well to do part of town and it suffers the most damage. :mad:
If I didn't know better, I'd think your park is in the ghetto.
Sep 24 2007, 12:24 PM
even worse its in the spoiled little get anything you want ,drive what your mamma buys you , and get outof trouble free part of the city ;)
Sep 24 2007, 02:11 PM
Yeah that sounds like your typical Jenks student...frikin punks.
Sep 24 2007, 03:00 PM
excuse me but part of the neighborhood is Union!
Sep 24 2007, 03:14 PM
Union or Jenks, same thing.
Sep 24 2007, 03:16 PM
True enough since i was in the Union district until this July and now i am in Jenks and the bite is the same or worse.
Sep 24 2007, 05:42 PM
teen vandals...straight up BS :confused:
Sep 25 2007, 01:50 PM
well jim geurin and I got # 4 basket replanted again and we also replanted hole 7 and 11 tee signs we are still missing hole 10 tee sign but I think it might be in the creek below the tee pad will look when the creek clears up
thanks jim
oh yea i will pay for your entry into the hunter mini wed night for your help
Thanks again
Sep 25 2007, 02:59 PM
Good job guys, :cool:it is good to see active course maintenance in the parks from all of our TD's and members! :)
Thanks again for all the work, everyone who can remember to bring sacks or bags and scoop up trash as we play and show the park people that we give a hoot and don't pollute! :D
Sep 25 2007, 03:11 PM
Thanks Jerry and Jim,
It is nice when people actually do some work instead of just saying that work needs to be done. I was in the same boat about a month ago trying to work on Blackhawk. Lots a "yeahs" and "good jobs" but not much help otherwise. :(
Sep 25 2007, 03:14 PM
Yea I know what you mean I have had people pick up trash in all my minis but nobody sees that either
But good job penny
Sep 25 2007, 03:55 PM
Course Dovillio needs some work along with minor trash detail.
The wooden Course Dovillio sign near hole one basket has been torn down, it can be fixed pretty easy. In order to fix it I would need to make a trip to the hardware store but I'm sure someone already has the part we need.
Sep 25 2007, 03:56 PM
what do we need I probably have it
Sep 25 2007, 04:01 PM
what do we need I probably have it
What part we need he said.....not what tool.... :o:D;)
Just kidding...
Sep 25 2007, 04:04 PM
what do we need I probably have it
The sign was hanging from a 4 x 4 peice of wood. One of the screws holding the sign up snapped. We can probably get the broken screw out with some vice grips. Then replace it with a hook screw or something. Should not take long to fix.
Jerry if you are going out there tonight I might meet you, I noticed some other minor work that needs tending to.
Sep 25 2007, 04:04 PM
And a pair of vise grips to take out the broken one and a scre driver or tool to install the new one.
Sep 25 2007, 04:14 PM
know what size that is probably 3/8 or bigger?
Sep 25 2007, 04:16 PM
No bigger than the girth of a #2 pencil.
Sep 25 2007, 04:17 PM
It looked like about a 3/8,not any bigger.
They were just screwed in so that sign hung on them.
Sep 25 2007, 04:19 PM
K I have a 3/8s screw that will work looks just like it about 2.5 inches long will head that way shortly and fix it what other probs is there C
oh and MC are you missing a roc a red one
Sep 25 2007, 04:31 PM
I lost a red DX Roc a while back, probably at Black or McClure. Along with a Blue DX bottom stamped roc at McClure.
Sep 25 2007, 04:34 PM
K what other probs is there C
I need to trim a few branches. The tee sign on 17 was yanked out of the ground but Wise put it back in. The only other sign we saw yanked was a street sign, that's probably something for the city to take care of. Was there something else, Wise?
Sep 25 2007, 04:58 PM
Just the limbs on 9's basket. They're almost hanging in it.
Sep 25 2007, 05:10 PM
Just the limbs on 9's basket. They're almost hanging in it.
Sep 25 2007, 05:22 PM
Jerry has a chain saw! :D
Sep 25 2007, 05:27 PM
They have done better than that. They removed the tall tree just to the right on hole one. Righties have it wide open now. :o:mad:
Sep 25 2007, 06:02 PM
What hole at Dovillio?
Sep 25 2007, 06:04 PM
I get off work at 6, you all gonna be out there still??
Sep 25 2007, 06:12 PM
I should be out there around 545 or 6....might head over to Schwags after that.
Sep 25 2007, 06:14 PM
I think i will have to do this in the morning fix the sign that is i have a bid to go look at in glenpool
Sep 25 2007, 06:15 PM
Sounds good :cool:
Sep 25 2007, 06:18 PM
It is pretty **** wet outside...tomorrow is a 20% chance of rain, maybe that would work out better.
Sep 25 2007, 06:18 PM
Yeah let's do it on Wed.
Sep 25 2007, 06:20 PM
I just glanced at the radar MC. Big round of storms getting ready to push into Tulsa...gonna be a WET night. Tomorrow works for me if help is still needed
Sep 25 2007, 06:21 PM
I have to do it in the morning cause hunter mini is tomorrow night!!! I will be there around 9:00
Sep 26 2007, 08:06 AM
Read the post again college student, I believe it says hole 1. :o
Sep 26 2007, 10:07 AM
No wait, not the basket, the big tree that makes it open for righties...?
Sep 26 2007, 10:10 AM
Yes, the big tree that was about 80 out from the tee pad on the right. :o
Sep 26 2007, 10:14 AM
Oh...ha ha ha...excellent...
Sep 26 2007, 11:07 AM
The sign and the limbs that needed trimed at Dovillio have been done. Jerry Stacy got out there this morning and dit it.
Thanks jerry.
Sep 26 2007, 01:27 PM
Thanks Jerry! You the man!
Sep 26 2007, 09:42 PM
tonights mini results
coda hatfield 46
dave wise 50
johnny Thompson 51
adam hunt 53
kyle wilks 53
greg winzworth 53
dan bougher 54
jerry stacey 54
andrew treat 55
hunter boren 55
taylor sears 57
brad Hoi 60
ray weis 64
kent vanbuskirk 67
adam hunt
this was our last wed mini at hunter thanks to all who came out and we will have some weekend minis in nov
and if possible maybee a c tier next year
Sep 27 2007, 09:18 AM
Thanks for all the great Wed. night mini's this year - sorry that I missed last night. Let's build some bridges soon! Does anybody know how to go about getting permission to build a structure in a Tulsa park. Is Hunter a city or county park?
Sep 27 2007, 11:47 AM
Thanks for all the great Wed. night mini's this year - sorry that I missed last night. Let's build some bridges soon! Does anybody know how to go about getting permission to build a structure in a Tulsa park. Is Hunter a city or county park?
I have been told that Hunter Creek requires intervention from more than just the park department, maybe even involving the Army Corps of Engineers.
Sep 27 2007, 11:55 AM
Thanks for all the great Wed. night mini's this year - sorry that I missed last night. Let's build some bridges soon! Does anybody know how to go about getting permission to build a structure in a Tulsa park. Is Hunter a city or county park?
... City of Tulsa Parks Dept. ...
... p.s. , ask Zooc about "Bridge" possibilities ... can-o'-worms ...
Oct 11 2007, 04:02 PM
Oct 11 2007, 04:26 PM
Today is my stepdaughter's 18th birthday! :)
Happy birthday Samantha!! :D
Jan 07 2008, 12:23 PM
I would like to appoligize for not getting the mini results posted yesterday . I will have them posted tonight ,I got home yesterday and took a couple of darvecets for my arm and ended falling asleep . We had a great turn out and some pretty good scores for as windy as it was
Thanks to all that came out!!!
Jan 14 2008, 07:39 PM
well aparently somebody found a dead body up behind hole#2at my park
that'll teachem J/K
Jan 15 2008, 01:00 AM
Wow. :eek:
All I can say is I hope it is not one of our own... :(
Jan 15 2008, 01:53 AM
Building a bridge would probably involve alot more than just asking. If it a CORP of Engineers creek add to the local,state and federal red tape. It would probably have to pass the 100 yr storm which would make it pretty large. A low water crossing might be more do-able but not sure. Tulsa has very strict stormwater restrictions and it would have to build something to stay in compliance. But it never does hurt to ask.. Have you thought about a rope swing complete with tarzan yell? lol
Jan 15 2008, 12:12 PM
a body hanging from a tree? that's pretty screwed up.
i'm glad i wasn't the one coming across that.
as for the bridge & creek, it is a FEMA Flood Hazard Area (100 yr floodplain) through hunter park.
i think the main concern w/ a bridge would be water backing up behind it, when the culvert under the bridge gets blocked, then flooding the park, 91st and all the houses north & east of hunter park. i think it would have to be a pretty tall bridge.
i like the rope swing idea :cool:
Jan 15 2008, 12:15 PM
Yea, I just don't understand that, I have taken an 8 on that hole before and never though about hanging myself. :o
Has anyone asked jerry if he caught someone trying to cut down another tree? :D
Jan 15 2008, 12:15 PM
we have been told by authorities there is no funding for a bridge of that type... it would be a corp. approved flood bridge and thats at least 25 grand. i may still have original email from my superiors.
Jan 15 2008, 12:23 PM
I thought everybody was superior to you? :o
What has it been?....Ten?....Twenty years and you're still clinging on the same "rung" of the city employee ladder?
Jan 15 2008, 12:28 PM
The problem is they want input from the adjoining neighborhoods and all of the houses that sit on the east side of the creek are admittedly against any bridge. They feel that the bridge would take away from the feeling they have of a private park now.
Any bridge that would be built would have to be a type of foot bridge that goes unnoticed by anyone but disc golfers. If it is noticed by any park or Corp official they will have it pulled out.
It continues to amaze me that Hunter Park is in the most affluent part of town and it is the most vandalized and un-monitored park we have in town. The had to put iron gates on the bathrooms and even changed the curfew to 9:00pm. I'm not sure but that may be the earliest curfew on a city park in Tulsa.
Jan 15 2008, 12:32 PM
Mohawk is 9pm. Which means no Nite Flights out there.
I think it is because after nine the deer and all the other animals pull out their DG bags and walk around on two legs. :cool:
Jan 15 2008, 12:39 PM
well aparently somebody found a dead body up behind hole#2at my park
that'll teachem J/K
I think I have come up with why they hanged themself.
I just received a call from one of our illustrious Grand Masters. He and a Master player were out at Hunter Yesterday and finished their round at approx 3:30.
Now lets look at the time line. The police report that the individual was there for about two hours. He was found at 4:00, so that would make it about 2:00pm that it happened. Just a few minutes after the Matser's start time.
I believe that this individual had a really bad time on hole two, decided to step aside and let the approaching GM and master play through. Once he was a witness to what a person's game will be in another 10-20 years, he made the decision to end it before Masters' age. :o
Jan 15 2008, 12:41 PM
Mohawk is 9pm. Which means no Nite Flights out there.
I think it is because after nine the deer and all the other animals pull out their DG bags and walk around on two legs. :cool:
We may be able to pull off a night round out there sometime. The nature center has night walks, we should have night golf.
Night golf at Blackhawk? :o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o
Jan 15 2008, 12:47 PM
Lions and tigers and bears....Oh my!!!!
Can't we just douse you with female deer in heat scent and tie you to a basket during rutting season? :D
I'd throw in ten BUCKS to see that!!! ;)
Jan 15 2008, 12:49 PM
It continues to amaze me that Hunter Park is in the most affluent part of town and it is the most vandalized and un-monitored park we have in town. The had to put iron gates on the bathrooms and even changed the curfew to 9:00pm. I'm not sure but that may be the earliest curfew on a city park in Tulsa.
It certainly sucks, but i'm not surprised by it. spoiled rich kids have it so, rough! they are all so bored w/ Xbox 360 that they have to go tear up public property for kicks.
It seems like the majority of the time ive been to hunter, i see high school kids that have got a hold of some beers and just want to get 'tore up' , which includes the park.
Jan 15 2008, 01:08 PM
well aparently somebody found a dead body up behind hole#2at my park
that'll teachem J/K
I think I have come up with why they hanged themself.
I just received a call from one of our illustrious Grand Masters. He and a Master player were out at Hunter Yesterday and finished their round at approx 3:30.
Now lets look at the time line. The police report that the individual was there for about two hours. He was found at 4:00, so that would make it about 2:00pm that it happened. Just a few minutes after the Matser's start time.
I believe that this individual had a really bad time on hole two, decided to step aside and let the approaching GM and master play through. Once he was a witness to what a person's game will be in another 10-20 years, he made the decision to end it before Masters' age. :o
Well if it was a DG'er that hung themselves it might have been that they surcumbed to the pressure and expectations that their peers may have placed upon them to raise their level of game and move up. :(
I would never be at risk of something like that because according to Marie, I'm already hung. :cool:
As for the vandalizim, what is it about alcohol that makes some want to tear things up while other substances make the user peaceful and mellow? /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
Jan 15 2008, 01:21 PM
Wow, That is just crazy. I am glad I didn't play out there yesterday, and take the chance of seeing someone hanging in a tree :(
Jan 15 2008, 04:09 PM
So they still haven't posted the name of the deceased???
Jan 15 2008, 05:00 PM
i tried to find it on the local news websites. looked in the tulsa world classified and had no luck either.
Jan 16 2008, 12:29 PM
I was starting a round around 4:30 and there were 4 or 5 police cars, a fire engine, and EMSA there with the entrance to hole 1 taped off. They took down the tape, so I started my round. Down into the woods, off to the right of hole 3 about 100 feet the police had an area still taped off, I'd say the center of the area was about 100 yards from the tee pad off to the right. When I finished my round, a medical examiner's car was parked in the lot, and the cops were all gone.
I'm glad that a golfer found the body, and not some mom walking with her kids, or some lady walking her dog.
Jan 16 2008, 12:39 PM
Well if the golfer threw 100 feet off the course then he must be someone that plays like me. :(... Guess I better make some improvements to avoid finding something like that.
Jan 16 2008, 12:47 PM
The TV news blurb referred to the 2 golfers as a "couple" - perhaps they weren't out in the woods just for golf.
Jan 16 2008, 02:54 PM
So does anyone know the "couple" that made the discovery. I am assuming they aren't TDSA members since we haven't heard anything else about it...just curious
Jan 16 2008, 03:26 PM
Twoputt & Regier. :o
They just weren't ready to come out of the closet yet and let everyone know. :D
Jan 16 2008, 03:33 PM
I can't wait til Chandler Stock! :o
Jan 16 2008, 04:05 PM
Twoputt & Regier. :o
They just weren't ready to come out of the closet yet and let everyone know. :D
Wow....that cracked me up..... :D:D :p ;) /msgboard/images/graemlins/ooo.gif :mad::D
Jan 16 2008, 04:09 PM
I can't wait til Chandler Stock! :o
sounds like a warning to me... :D
Jan 16 2008, 04:15 PM
Yea....I'll bet.
Now that the truth is out you won't have any reason not to wear your "Village People" cop uniform when you're doing security. :o....
Instead of just scaring the campers with your patrol Avalanche, now you'll be able to pat them down and inspect their cavities also. :D
You might also want to get a uniform for Deputy Opie too if you're going to involve him again like last year. ;)
Jan 16 2008, 04:50 PM
keep it up buddy, keep it up.......... /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
When I get done, you'll wish all you had to do was kiss my arse. :o:D
Jan 16 2008, 05:44 PM
Well you and Joe are banned from using the RV bathroom. I'm sure anyone that knows you guys will understand what I'm talking about. :D
Jan 17 2008, 03:45 PM
dont know the people who found the body. But how about another death over at Mohawk from the plane crash. 2 parks 2 deaths in a week. Hope the plane didnt screw up our refurbished course.
Jan 17 2008, 04:19 PM
Don't think it hit the course...from what I've heard...the debris field starts at the far north side of Mohawk
Jan 17 2008, 05:40 PM
Nothing like living life at the end of a runway! :D
My place is the house nearest the southern approach to Jones. :)
Hope they put enough deicer in the fuel for a few months. :cool:
Jan 17 2008, 05:44 PM
You can bet that if the plane was larger...we would see some serious damage to Mohawk. I am anxious to get out there and see if any debris made it to the course.
Jan 17 2008, 06:33 PM
The plane was well north of BlackHawk. Mohawk park stretches WAAAAYY back there. It's the 25th largest park in the nation.
Jan 17 2008, 08:21 PM
****...I didn't realize it was that big. Sounds like we need another course(or 2) out there then,eh?
Jan 18 2008, 10:28 AM
2,806 acres!
Jan 18 2008, 10:36 AM
now that's a long course :D
Jan 28 2008, 12:55 AM
Thanks to all that came out on a windy but beautiful sunday afternoon!!!
Kyle Wilks 48
Taylor Sears 49
Justin Bougher 50
Coda Hatfield 51
Dan Bougher 51
Adam Hunt 54
Greg Winzworth 54
Devon Owens 55
Dale Patterson 56
Jerry Stacey 59
Johnny Thompson 62
Randy Foresander 63
Pro masters
Richard Mitchell 57
James Diel 59
Wayne Gregory 64
Sean Wilie 55
Jeremy Geiger 61
Doug Duff 63
John (Snakeskin) Lane 70
Garron Hayes 62
Greg Curran 73
Kent Vanbuskirk 77
Jeremy Geiger
Mar 31 2008, 07:22 PM
well its that time again wed night the 2nd of april
if your not playing poker then come play the mini
Please be on time because i will be starting as close to 6 as possible so we don't run out of light
Apr 02 2008, 04:26 PM
Mini tonight right?
I am going...
Apr 02 2008, 05:23 PM
if the rain stays away we will play!!
Tee off by 6
be early
Apr 02 2008, 06:04 PM
its going to be touch and go
a large area of mod to heavy rain is not that far out probably within 30 to 45 min
May cancel
Apr 02 2008, 06:08 PM
Sissy's cancel mini's...
Did I say that out loud??? :o
Apr 02 2008, 06:12 PM
Hunter Creek floods easy, that is why there are so many pecan trees in the low spot.
Apr 02 2008, 06:12 PM
only if its got lightning and I don't mind playing in sprinkles but I am not playing in pouring down rain!!!
besides its just a MINI
Apr 02 2008, 06:22 PM
Sissy's cancel mini's...
Did I say that out loud??? :o
Yeah, real men just reschedule, right? ;)
Apr 02 2008, 06:24 PM
well ok then I may have to reschedule till the 9th
but we will see I will still be there if only to tell people to go home!! :D
Apr 02 2008, 07:31 PM
Is there anyone that wants to play in the rain?
or should I cancel now
Don't forget friday night flights at Chandler 7:30. Sign ups begin at 6:30
then sat
Hunter park sign ups will be cut off at 9:00 sharp
no late entries. no changing your division.
if you or someone turns in their entry with no division you will have till the end of the players meeting to choose your division after that you will be thanked for your donation!!! ;) :D
This is so there is no confusion as before
get ready for 2 fun rounds
HUNTER PARK is looking great!!!!!
I have been doing my part , so come out and enjoy!!!
Apr 08 2008, 11:27 AM
My Truck got smoked with hail last night
I wanna kill something!!!!! :mad::(
Apr 08 2008, 11:33 AM
Sorry to hear that Jerry. :(
Would you like Twoputt's address?
He's always up for a good beating. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
Apr 08 2008, 11:34 AM
Sorry to hear that Jerry. I saw that storm on radar about 3:30 this morning and it didn't look good on that side of town.
I got lucky and the big hail here was about 2-3 miles north of me. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
Apr 08 2008, 11:36 AM
I got lucky and the big hail here was about 2-3 miles north of me. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
Apr 08 2008, 11:52 AM
Oooooooooo! :(
Forgot about you being north of me, how bad was it?
Apr 08 2008, 12:30 PM
Its probably not as bad as Jerry's...sorry Jerry. Just an "O $hite" feeling knowing that your vehicle is getting worked.
And I've heard that it is going to do the same thing tonight. :(/msgboard/images/graemlins/ooo.gif
Apr 08 2008, 12:55 PM
About 9:00 they said a huge hail storm was coming through Sand Springs. So I took my normal approach and Drew and I headed south and drove out of the storm...
The hail at 3:00 am was pretty small on the west side..
Apr 08 2008, 03:50 PM
the Hail here was about 2.5 inches 1.5 times bigger then golfballs and all I could do was watch!!!
Apr 08 2008, 04:14 PM
Something like this? :mad:
Apr 09 2008, 04:31 PM
is the hunter mini going to happen tonight?
Apr 09 2008, 04:57 PM
no mini tonight
Apr 09 2008, 05:44 PM
Oh come on! :mad:
You know they will show, rain sleet or snow. :D
Apr 09 2008, 05:51 PM
Come on Jerry. You show up tonight and I'll promise to show up at mine tomorrow. :cool:
Apr 09 2008, 05:54 PM
Jerry, FurDog has to drive all the way up on the mountain. You live only a couple of blocks from the course. Whats the problem? :confused:
Its not like its going to hail or anything.
Apr 09 2008, 05:59 PM
OUCH Two putt thats just not right!!
We will see if there is any lightning and maybee we will play !!worst case we will play dubs again!!
Apr 09 2008, 06:03 PM
They need to have a truck completely covered with Rhino Liner. :p
If it were my mini, I'd cancel it but its up to you. :D:o:D
Apr 09 2008, 06:24 PM
Yeah Jerry. I was just kidding. In fact I was going to use your rain cancellation as an excuse to cancel mine should it happen to be sprinkling tomorrow. ;)
Apr 09 2008, 06:31 PM
make the call twoputt--I mean Jerry, mini or no mini
Apr 09 2008, 06:38 PM
Jerry has already stated that there will be NO mini tonight
Play will resume tomorrow evening at Chandler pitch-n-putt.
**** newbies................................. :D
Apr 09 2008, 06:48 PM
Apr 09 2008, 06:58 PM
Hang tight. I just spoke with Jerry on the phone and there is hope. It sounds like a decision will be made closer to the start time. The storm looks to moving North and staying West. If it is a light mist or less than there is no reason why its not MINI TIME. Stay Tuned.
P.S I hear birds chirping
Apr 09 2008, 07:05 PM
Make up your mind!
Apr 09 2008, 07:07 PM
I went by the Hunter a few minutes ago. I looks inviting. No noticiblle standing water. I have definatly played in worse. It has officially not rained in almost one hour where I am (one mile from the course). Temp is nice. Hope and pray.
Apr 09 2008, 07:10 PM
What do you think Treat. If it hasnt rained in a few hours and looks like there is a good chance additional rain may miss do you and your Dad run Riverside? OKC never cancelled unless lightening. I think Tulsa golfers are tougher though. I hope not fair weather golfers :)
Apr 09 2008, 07:16 PM
Dad has run his mini in the pouring rain when only snakeskinn and 2 guns where there!!!
I am all for keeping it on, I won't be there either way, but I endorse playing in general.
I do not like rain mini's though. If I have to deal with playing in the rain I want it to be at a weekend tournament.
Apr 09 2008, 07:24 PM
I hear ya. It has been my experience that if there is no one there to make an on the spot decision at 6:00 that it is tough to build a large consistant mini. The story about your dad holding it in the rain is no doubt why people have faith the best effort will be made to have the mini. Another concern is I bet 15% of people actually use this site as a resource to determine cancellations anyways.
Apr 09 2008, 07:32 PM
1 1/2 hours w/ no rain at Hunter. Storm potentially moving N and staying E of Hunter Park.
Apr 09 2008, 07:34 PM
Well, I'm not sure but I would say that Mr. Wilkes is wanting to play some golf ;)
I am guessing you've looked at the radar. Looks like a couple of heavy's are going to be moving into the area...fwiw
Apr 09 2008, 07:39 PM
radar is filling back in and we do have some severe weather heading our way!!
let me watch the weather and I will decide
Apr 09 2008, 07:39 PM
Dad has run his mini in the pouring rain when only snakeskinn and 2 guns where there!!!
I am all for keeping it on, I won't be there either way, but I endorse playing in general.
I do not like rain mini's though. If I have to deal with playing in the rain I want it to be at a weekend tournament.
Yeah, I gave them a scorecard and a pencil, told the loser to give the other guy $4.00 and headed to the house :cool:
Apr 09 2008, 08:05 PM
officially canceled!!!
Apr 09 2008, 08:16 PM
Optimism has always been a weakness of mine. Since I am under the weather (no pun intended), it is a blessing to have the weather come in to damper some putts.
Apr 09 2008, 08:28 PM
Jerry didn't want to leave his pillow either :)
Apr 09 2008, 08:35 PM
I am glad I am not playing right now...hope no hardcores out there get struck by lightening! /msgboard/images/graemlins/ooo.gif :eek: :(
Apr 09 2008, 08:43 PM
i wasn't going to go out since my partner wasn't....
Apr 09 2008, 09:13 PM
Another concern is I bet 15% of people actually use this site as a resource to determine cancellations anyways.
... wise words there , Kyle ..
Apr 09 2008, 10:59 PM
You my boy Duff!!!
But you know I am taken. ;)
Man once I jump to Pro it is going to be tough trying to find a partner in Tulsa, there are so many pros around now.
I just talked to an Advanced player the other day that is ready to make the move by the end of the summer...
Apr 16 2008, 05:56 PM
Tonight the mini will happen
please be on time
tee at 6 sharp
Apr 17 2008, 12:19 AM
Coda hatfield(of course) :D 45
Josh Crowl 53
Kyle Razmus 54
Taylor Sears 54
Ken Ward 56
Jerry Stacey 57
Johnny Thompson 57
Dan Bougher 60
Dave Townsend 62
Billy Swanson 68
Matt Razmus 58
Brad HOI 58
Wade Largent 66
Kent vanbuskirk 68
Open women
Shana Hatfield 67
Melissa Townsend 68
Dan Bougher
Thanks for coming out and I will see everyone this weekend at CHANDLERSTOCK on FURDOGS MOUNTAIN
Apr 30 2008, 11:54 PM
tonights mini Was windy!!!!!
Devon broke the bank tonight with a win in pro the CTP and the ace
Nice shooting dude
Devon Owens 47
Coda Hatfield 48
adam hunt 48
Kyle wilks 50
Taylor sears 53
James rubodu (?) 55
Chris stein 56
Johnny T 56
Dan bougher 56
Ken ward 57
Josh crowl 57
Kyle razmus ?
Berry Joe 53
Matt razmus 60
orville wagner 60
jason lindsay 62
Charley Y. 67
Josh hendriks 71
Pro grand master
Jim geurin 59
Brad zimmerman 63
Thanks to all that came out
Tomorrow at chandler 6:00
please do the great furdogo a favor and be on time
May 01 2008, 12:49 AM
... Roubidoux ...
May 01 2008, 09:45 AM
thanx wayne :D
May 01 2008, 10:42 AM
What hole did the dude ace?
May 01 2008, 11:16 AM
Yeah....what hole?
May 01 2008, 11:17 AM
I think it was the "A" hole. ;)
May 01 2008, 12:46 PM
May 01 2008, 03:46 PM
way to go digie
May 07 2008, 09:42 PM
well we tried to get in a quick round of flip doubs before the storms but we were rudly interupted by the tornado sirens
and when josh crowl and I were kicking serious tail!!! FIGURES
oh and the big tree by the tee on hole 7 is no longer by the tee it is laying on it!!! :(
Jun 25 2008, 12:15 PM
Tonight !!!
Hunter Mini come and play a better course then Dovillio
of course I don't have dave wise pimping my park and giving away freebees but come out anyway !!you are sure to have fun!!
so if you are not playing POKER come play Hunter!!!
Jun 25 2008, 12:27 PM
Will there be any free mullies? :cool:
I could have used one last night at Dovillio.
Jun 25 2008, 12:30 PM
if you show up tonight I will give you a free mullie a free mini and a free wedgie!!! ;)
Jun 25 2008, 12:40 PM
Sorry I don't pimp Hunter. You and I have talked and you know my opinions, the maintinance that the course receives from the city is crap. We keep putting money in that course and the little Juvenile delinquants around that neighborhood just keep trashing our stuff. :(
Plus they refuse to build a bridge, that fact alone takes that course out of a tournament line up because if it rains you can't get across. Overall it is a great challenging course but it is heavily vandalized and unsupported by the city.
Jun 25 2008, 12:41 PM
If you want to improve your game, GO PLAY HUNTER!
Me, I'll have to skip for the usual poker game. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
Jun 25 2008, 12:48 PM
**** silver spoons :mad:
I bet there is a park on the north side that those baskets could be used at...or maybe even a new course ;)
Jun 25 2008, 02:25 PM
careful twoputt you don't want to get tears on your keyboard from all that cryin. :( /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
Jun 25 2008, 02:30 PM
Muff, you have been around just long enough to not know shiet what I'm talking about. :o
Please re-insert head. :p
Jun 25 2008, 02:38 PM
I know that there are nice pads and all the baskets are still there. besides the occasional died body :D, it's a challanging course. But I've never seen you play it. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
Jun 25 2008, 02:45 PM
Aside from the first 4 holes...it really not that challenging IMO. I think what twoputt is saying is that he has officially given up on Hunter.
No real help from the city + vandalism from the kidddos in that area = lost cause.
I can remember when BAP was running minis out there (several years ago) we put in tee signs. It didn't take long for those little ****s to rip them out of the ground and deposit them in the creek. I wonder if the folks in that area would even notice if the course was gone??
Duff, as for your comment about the body found...I'm sure it was a joke, but man....did you really have to go there? :(
Jun 25 2008, 02:57 PM
Hunter is in my opinion one of our better courses. Good location with a lot of parking.
I do not think we should let a few local punks run us out of anywhere!!!
I am not aware of any recent vandalism. The lack of a bridge is a pain but 360 days a year it isn't a real problem.
Our past DGr's worked their tales off, spent personal money for baskets and made that course happen.
Any conversation about pulling that course just doesn't make sense to me. I don't want anything pulled, I want more added..
Jun 25 2008, 03:01 PM
I have dozens of rounds out there, with my best beig a 47. The problems I have are with the City, neighborhood associations and the vandalism.
Do you know why there is no bridge?
Because the neighborhood to the east of the creek is dead set against and has fought it everytime it has come up. They don't want the general public on that side of the park. With no bridge, they have the feeling of having a private park setting.
As for the city, they have done nothing out there that I have seen for the past 5 years. The only thing they have done is mow, change the curfew to 9:00pm (vandalism?) put an iron cage around the bathrooms(vandalism) but they have kept up the little water area for all the soccer moms to bring their future little delinquents. to. :o
We installed all new tee signs for that course before worlds and before the next day 7 of them had been pulled out and thrown in the creek. :oThe next freaking day! :mad: SInce that time, we have seen trees cut, signs stolen and a basket stolen.
While it is a beautifull park, the neighbors and obviously the deliquesnts don't want it there based on past actions. It is just a shame it has to be that way.
I have even made a motion before to approach the city about having it pulled. The motion was not accepted very well by the admionistration that was in place at that time. I really don't want that to happen but **** what does it take to get that course where it needs to be?
The TD alone can't do it and the TDSA alone can't do it. The neighborhood and the city both have to be on board or it will continue to be the biggest Ghetto park we have in the most Affluent side of town. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
It just doesn't make sense. :confused:
Jun 25 2008, 03:05 PM
I don't want it pulled either but if if someone keeps keying your car, do you keep parking it in the same place?
Jun 25 2008, 03:11 PM
I've got something you can pull. :)
Jun 25 2008, 03:14 PM
dudeeeee, i dont know what you are talking about, hunter park is my favorite tulsa park except when mohawk doesnt have a ton of standing water and ticks... which is like never in my past experiences.
just because there is no bridge and some of the signs are out of comission is no reason to consider pulling it, besides, its like the only course on the southside right now... haikey is down and riverside is down... if hunter went down i would have to buy a bicycle and ride my [censored] to north tulsa all the time.
i guess for you old guys like you dave hopping over rocks is a bit of a problem :P
Jun 25 2008, 03:15 PM
Hunter is in my opinion one of our better courses. Good location with a lot of parking. <font color="red">agreed </font>
I do not think we should let a few local punks run us out of anywhere!!! <font color="red">its not a question of a few, they keep breeding them over there and there is a new crop about every two years </font>
I am not aware of any recent vandalism. The lack of a bridge is a pain but 360 days a year it isn't a real problem. <font color="red"> you're not aware of any because we quit putting the tee signs back in, as for the bridge, can you really plan a major event out there and gaurantee there won't be a problem if it rains? Besides that, just getting across that creek twice is a safety issue. </font>
Our past DGr's worked their tales off, spent personal money for baskets and made that course happen. <font color="red">again, agreed. If not for Billy Moody that course wouldn't be there. If it were not for Worlds and the club upgrading some stuff, it would be in worse shape than it is now. </font>
Any conversation about pulling that course just doesn't make sense to me. I don't want anything pulled, I want more added.. <font color="red">I want more added also, we have talked about that very subject recently but I also don't want our hard work consitantly being trashed either. </font>
Jun 25 2008, 03:18 PM
those are some good points and they make sense, but still doesn't justify pulling the course totally!!! i would probably cry
Jun 25 2008, 03:33 PM
dudeeeee, i dont know what you are talking about, hunter park is my favorite tulsa park except when mohawk doesnt have a ton of standing water and ticks... which is like never in my past experiences.
just because there is no bridge and some of the signs are out of comission is no reason to consider pulling it, besides, its like the only course on the southside right now... haikey is down and riverside is down... if hunter went down i would have to buy a bicycle and ride my [censored] to north tulsa all the time.
i guess for you old guys like you dave hopping over rocks is a bit of a problem :P
You just haven't been around long enough to really know or go through what the club has with that course.
Don't get me wrong, I LIKE the course, it has easy access from the turnpike, bathrooms, water and pleanty of parking.
But get real dude! Ask yourself if that park should be in that condition on that side of the city?
There is a reason they put bars on evrything and changed the curfew to 9:00pm.
And with the City now talking about budget cut backs, cutting the amount of mowing that they do and other services, do you think we will get any help with it.
Getting across the creek is a REAL problem, young or old. That is a fact. :p
Jun 25 2008, 03:40 PM
I don't see how the club can really make a decision to "pull" a course unless the club is going to say it "owns" the baskets. I thought once you donate to the park then the park owns those baskets.
Tee signs aren't really needed. Just a small hole # marker on the ground IMO. If a newbie or deliquint wants to know where the baskets are in relation to the tee pads then they can show up at a mini and buy a caddie book from the TD.
I think Dave's got a point about the bridge. When the water is down it's no problem but when it's up then you need bigger rocks to step on.
I think the only thing the TDSA needs to do is decide at what point or how many baskets stolen will it take before the club decides to put support for that course on the back burner and move that money somewhere else where it can be better spent.
Jun 25 2008, 03:47 PM
those are some good points and they make sense, but still doesn't justify pulling the course totally!!! i would probably cry
Pulling a course is always the LAST resort of action.
Now if we were to propose that, I'm sure the neighborhood associations would get behind that one. They just don't have any respect for us over there, to them were nothing more than low life disc golfers on the wrong side of town. Call it what you want, but thats the way I see it.
They don't realize our presence cuts down on vandalism and illicet activites. (They don't think they have any)They don't know that we are willing to work to keep their park clean and their children safe for everyone to use. The reasons for this are casual disc golfers. They leave their Steel Reserve cans every where, trash and anything else they want to throw on the ground.
I have taken some trash bags out there before and filled up two of them before I got to hole 3. These casuals are the ones that get us the bad name and reputation that we fight so hard to erase.
I wish it weren't so but it seems to be.
Jun 25 2008, 04:12 PM
The club has no authority to pull a course from a city park but they can petition the city for it. As can any citizen or community group. Of course you would also need valid arguments and reasons.
You can also petition the city for a new course just as well.
I'm just tired of Hunter being neglected by the city or at least the disc golf portion of it and the bridge(s).
The last publicity the disc community got at that course was the two golfers finding the sucicide out there. :(
Jun 25 2008, 04:20 PM
With Riverside closed, and the increasing number of people that have been using the park anyway, do you not think that now we have a better argument or reason than before? How far has this actually gone in the past?
Jun 25 2008, 04:22 PM
Isn't Bill Christainson the coucilmen for that area?
Jun 25 2008, 04:26 PM
With Riverside closed, and the increasing number of people that have been using the park anyway, do you not think that now we have a better argument or reason than before? How far has this actually gone in the past?
Please explain what this has to do with Hunter?
Jun 25 2008, 04:30 PM
Isn't Bill Christainson the coucilmen for that area?
Yes, you are correct about that.
Jun 25 2008, 04:30 PM
The amount of public park area that there will be for the remainder of the summer... Those residents have huge city maintained back yards that is not accessible by the public
Jun 25 2008, 04:35 PM
Wow, I get back from lunch, and the board is on fire!!
Lots of valid points. I wasn't meaning to start a "Pull Hunter" petition. I agree with Papa Treat in that I want more courses added.
I can't see why there isn't more assistance from the city and area neighborhoods. Pretty sad actually, because it could be a wonderful park for that area. Unfortunately, I don't see it happening anytime soon.
Jun 25 2008, 04:37 PM
You are correct and they like it that way. Their voice carries more wieght as they live there and are property owning tax payers, we on the other hand are only visitors. :p
Jun 25 2008, 04:40 PM
First of all I am talking to people about the bridge issue!!
I think if you can walk the course in arkansas (the canyon)the you should have NO [censored] about the little creek that you may get a toe wet !!!
And I have had no vandelism in the last year or so so what is the problem with my park is it that it is to far for you to drive !!
I am in the middle of changing a few hole layouts and i am going to pour a few different pads pretty quick.
I just had to get my last big job done ,so that I could spend some time out, and walk ,and look around for different placements!!!
ignore the negitive nancies and come play my park tonight at 6
tee real close to that!!!!
Jun 25 2008, 04:41 PM
bump (sorry for the thread hijack, jerry. ;)
Tonight !!!
Hunter Mini come and play a better course then Dovillio
of course I don't have dave wise pimping my park and giving away freebees but come out anyway !!you are sure to have fun!!
so if you are not playing POKER come play Hunter!!!
Jun 25 2008, 04:46 PM
Dude, have you not read these threads? The course is fine, the park access needs improvement--
and someone to put up a fence to take care of that little freakn dog on hole 8. ;) Dough and his destroyer or dough the destroyer. :D
Jun 25 2008, 04:56 PM
so what is the problem with my park is it that it is to far for you to drive !!
Yes. Now days it is.
$7 for entry.
$16 for the disc that I loose in the friggin' creek everytime I come out there.
$8 for gas.
On top of that you got that crowded dinky little two lane road you have to drive on at rush hour just to get there by 6pm. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
When are you going to get that road widened?
Come on Jerry.....GET WITH IT!!!!! ;)
Jun 25 2008, 05:16 PM
I just talked with jerry and he is active with trying to correct some of the problems we have been discussing here on the board.
The bridge issue and the trash issue. He is in contact with the right people and with a little sales effort if he can get the neighborhood associations on board, Hunter could become the jewel it deserves to be. ;) Not that it isn't a good course now, it just needs some attention.
As for the two lane road being widened, the councilor that has been pushing the hardest for that is the councilor for that area. I'm sure they will be widened in the future, its just a matter of when. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
FurDog, if you'll just pay me $17.50 and stay home it will cut half of your costs, wear and tear on your vehicle and you can keep the disc in your bag. :D
SO................................................ ..
Golf tonight at HUNTER!
6:00+ tee time.
Don't be skeered, if you can play Dovillio, you can play Hunter. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
Jun 25 2008, 05:29 PM
I'm done with Hunter and De-smellio. The only reason I come out to 91st and Sheridan is for Segie's. Best brauts and German food in town.
I don't understand why they build all those rich houses out there and then make you have to crowd on to a two lane road just to get out there. :p
Jun 25 2008, 05:40 PM
... eye like the Hunter Park Disc Golf Course ... ( great place to take the kids fishing , also ) ... :cool:
Jun 25 2008, 05:51 PM
I'm done with Hunter and De-smellio. The only reason I come out to 91st and Sheridan is for Segie's. Best brauts and German food in town.
I don't understand why they build all those rich houses out there and then make you have to crowd on to a two lane road just to get out there. :p
Done? Didn't know you had ever started out there. :o
I will have to give you credit though for being a bigger biatch than my ex-wife. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
and they don't build rich houses, they build those houses for rich people.
Jun 25 2008, 05:51 PM
My final thought for the day related to this lively topic is this, we need to get Jim Geurin involved. He is traveling now which is the reason he hasn't chimed in yet.
Jim and his wife live in the area , they are both Doctors and Jim would be a great ambassador at any meeting.
Jerry has done a great job at Hunter, no doubt there.
But having a guy like Geurin on your side for the above noted reasons sure can't hurt...
We have to use all of our resources as each of us brings something different to the table. It is our diversity that makes us such a great group...
Jun 25 2008, 06:02 PM
Jun 25 2008, 06:51 PM
good post by the birthday boy :D
Jun 25 2008, 07:01 PM
kyle and matt razmus lay there heads down in that area also.
simple addition of trsh cans could improve conditions as well.
the trash can at #9 is overflowing and many of the t pads are collecting an enormous amount of debreis.
positively the dirtiest course in town.
Jun 25 2008, 07:50 PM
If Jim Guerin and the Razmus brothers team up we should have a bridge, trash cans, and a four lane road in no time. :D
Jun 26 2008, 02:10 AM
And the pharmaceutical knowledge paired with the street contacts to do some serious drug trafficking! :D
Jul 01 2008, 10:16 AM
Whew!! I go out of town for 2 weeks and find that there has been a tempest in a teapot on the Hunter Board. I guess I WILL chime in then:
I am 55 years old and I play Hunter almost every day. I live about 1 1/2 miles away from the park. Yesterday I played 4 rounds out there and both of my hip bones are still intact. I only remember one or two days in which the water was so high that I couldn't cross it where ever I wanted to. A bridge would make the rare high water crossing safer, but it is not necessary except after a storm.
Be careful what you ask for - you may get it. Who knows - if we built a bridge then perhaps the fairways of holes 8 and 9 would become soccer practice fields. I know that when I was coaching soccer I would have found that precious piece of pristine shaded grassy field and put up some orange cones and claimed it for an hour or so 3 times a week.
Hunter is a well used park, and those pesky casual golfers are the future of the sport, whether we like it or not. One in a hundred of them may turn into exceptional players like Josh Crowl, Adam Hunt, Paul Dorries and the Razmus brothers who will become the future backbone of the TDSA when Twoputt, Furdog and W.Forest are scooting around on wheeled walkers at the active seniors center.
I propose that we stop bellyaching about a great golf course and make it better. I'll donate $50 to be used as a prize to the golfer who brings in the fullest hefty trash bag at the end of the round at the next Hunter mini. Jerry can be the judge. I'll bring a kitchen scale to weigh them. Rocks, cans full of water, or other non-trash fillers will DQ your entry.
I am completely in favor of upgrading tee pads, adding new basket locations, or any other activities to improve the park. I'm willing to work, and I think that some of the other regulars would come out to help too. Jerry has a technique for planting tee pads and baskets that discourages vandalism - it does require a little more digging and an extra bag or so of concrete, but it will work.
I'm sorry that we have to keep our valuables off the seat of the car to avoid the smash and run crime - but that is a prudent precaution at any park, and a good habit to cultivate.
I'd be happy to put on a suit and attend a council meeting if that will help. I live in the neighborhood and pay a lot of property taxes. Hell, I'll even donate to the right politician if we can identify one who is friendly to our cause.
With the price of gas what it is, we need a good south side course.
Jul 01 2008, 10:25 AM
Very good post Jim. Hunter is a nice park and probably worth the effort put into it. And right now when so many other courses are closed, the TDSA needs all the mini money it can get. :cool:
I don't know about those Razmus brothers though. I'm still looking for Andrew Treat to bring the TDSA into a new relm once he passes the BAR and becomes a lawyer.
I think with him at the helm we'll get that 4 lane road. ;)
Jul 01 2008, 10:35 AM
Best suggestion so far! ;)
Jul 02 2008, 01:11 AM
i wish i could be there to collect trash during the mini, haha. out of town till july 8th. I would be more than willing to come out and help with any course improvements or work that jerry wants to do... just let me know! espcially before mid august when im back doing full time grad work
Jul 03 2008, 10:59 AM
a hole lot of thanks to Adam Hunt .
he came out of the first four holes with 5 bags of trash.
Jerry will have to organize trash day next week.
Jul 03 2008, 12:59 PM
There was no official mini at Hunter this week - just some impromtu flip up dubs, so we didn't do the rewarded trash pick-up.
. . . and get this, Adam didn't do it for the $$'s . . . he just wanted to make his park look more acceptable. The $50 that I offered is still on the table. I'll turn the cash over to Jerry Stacy and let him decide how to reward trash day next Wed. when there is an official mini on the schedule. In the meantime, any casual players out at Hunter are welcome to police up the area out of the goodness of their hearts as they go.
Jul 05 2008, 10:35 PM
The trash pick-up is a brilliant idea. The environ. club at my HS gathered out there one day and we picked up trash for three hours. We had the park looking exceptionally good (for about a week XD).
Is there a way to petition for trash cans or is that asking too much of the city? It's really a shame that people use Hunter's woods as a dump for cans and cups.
Jul 06 2008, 08:37 AM
The only problem with putting trash cans along the course is that the city doesn't empty them. I had to empty the trash myself from the new cans on holes 8 and 9 which had been overflowing for weeks. I'm sure that the city workers wouldn't come into the woods if they won't cross the creek to empty cans.
If you are playing Hunter and you see the lid open on one of those 2 cans, please do me a favor and close it to keep the rainwater out - it will make my garbage man job much easier in the future.
Jul 06 2008, 09:59 PM
lets drill some 1 inch holes in the bottom so that the cans cant hold rain water even if the lids are left open.
i have many 55 gallon drums and can get drum liners to add to the course.
the disc golfers need to organize a trash coop with a rotation schedule to keep cans from over flowing.
Jul 06 2008, 10:54 PM
hey everyone I appreciate what you guys have done for hunter park!!! I am in the middle of redoing a pool so I have been working every day for the last 10 so I can get this job done and then concentrate a little more on hunter .I have some tee pad ideas that we may try on wed.depending on when i finish work .
Jim G.
i appreciate you and adam hunt for getting the trash out of the woods and for empting the trash cans I WILL MAKE IT UP TO BOTH OF YOU!!!thank you again .I am in talks with peoplefor a possible bridge (not that it is really needed) but people want it so I am trying to get it done as far as the home owners associations i am in the middle of that too!
So until Wed.
Jul 30 2008, 11:19 PM
tonights Mini results
Kyle wilks 48
coda hatfield 49
josh crowl 49
Johnny thompson 51
adam hunt 51
devan owens 53
sean young 53
dave townsend 54
chris hutchinson 55
craig henson 55
ken ward 56
paul dorries 56
Jerry stacey 58
jim geurin 58
harry henshaw jr 61
matt razmus 54
robert wilson 56
john summar 58
mohamed elhefhy 60 ( made the drive from b ville) thanks
michael adams 61(ditto)
alvin west 63
chad samsel 67
chad patterson 67
eric jones 76
ctp was sean young it paid 13
Thanks to all that braved the heat
tomorrow at FURDOGS MOUNTAIN 6:00 be early
Aug 06 2008, 11:26 PM
results for tonight
open women
Melissa Townsend 65
Ashley Hoster 66 ( good to see ya again)
Paul Dorries 45 good shooting
Devan owens 48
adam Hunt 50
jerry Stacey 52
corey briley 52
Kyle razmus 53
andrew treat 53 glad to see ya
johnny thompson 55
harlyn unruh 52
matt razmus 54
orville wagoner 56
Jeremy geiger 59
casey fletcher 62
Mike adams 57
mohamed elhefny 62
bobby empson 63
kent vanbuskirk 65
kyle k 66
will pham 71
alec montgomery 72
parker williams 78
parker williams hole 16 like 6 inches or so good shot!!
Had about 5 or 6 newbees out tonight it was good to see and I about got every one playing in the right division!!!
Thanks to all that came out and see ya sunday 2:00 doubles
next event tomorrow at 6 on furdogs hill(chandler)
the ace pot is up for grabs tomorrow come get ya some!!!
Aug 06 2008, 11:42 PM
Great job posting the scores right away! It was so good to see so many new peeps out tonight! Fun night, fo sho!
Aug 06 2008, 11:45 PM
Great job posting the scores right away! It was so good to see so many new peeps out tonight! Fun night, fo sho!
That really means, "Andrew doesn't post his results until midnight."
Aug 06 2008, 11:45 PM
Thanks Babe oops I mean Mel ;) :D
Aug 06 2008, 11:47 PM
Great job posting the scores right away! It was so good to see so many new peeps out tonight! Fun night, fo sho!
That really means, "Andrew doesn't post his results until midnight."
OMG!!!! Are you really a girl in disguise, Treat?!?! :o:D Stop being so analytical! I was not meaning anything toward you...in fact, I didn't check last night's scores until today. I just happened to check the board tonight and noticed they were already posted. Goodness, Treat...I'm sorry I offend you so often!!!
Aug 07 2008, 12:12 AM
Hello from Chicago!!!
Andrew is very sensitive..
I hope he doesn't go into a molt :o
Aug 07 2008, 01:23 AM
Great job posting the scores right away! It was so good to see so many new peeps out tonight! Fun night, fo sho!
That really means, "Andrew doesn't post his results until midnight."
OMG!!!! Are you really a girl in disguise, Treat?!?! :o:D Stop being so analytical! I was not meaning anything toward you...in fact, I didn't check last night's scores until today. I just happened to check the board tonight and noticed they were already posted. Goodness, Treat...I'm sorry I offend you so often!!!
Hahaha :D
Just pushin' your buttons Mel... :p
Aug 27 2008, 08:32 AM
I talked to Jerry last night, and he wanted me to tell everyone that due to a family emergency (actually several of them) the official TDSA mini for tonight at Hunter is canceled. BRAVO will be at there running flip doubles for anyone who shows up and still wants to play. I'll try my best to make it out there to help Brad out. Dubs will need to begin right at 6pm in order to not finish in the dark, so please show up on time.
Aug 27 2008, 10:11 AM
... thanks for the heads-up , Melissa ... and thanks to Bravo for the back-up ...
Aug 27 2008, 04:44 PM
talked to BRAVO today, I think he is considering either 5 or 10 for entry per/person. And possibility up to 3 player teams. Up for a vote according to Brad.
Aug 27 2008, 05:10 PM
� late change-up � they�re callin� for a late-inning-reliever � HOI found difficulties on his job-site � I�ll be at Hunter � could run �normal� type mini -or- random-flip-dubs ; depending on the bodies � we�ll be covered �
Aug 28 2008, 11:59 AM
thanks Wayne
I am back in town now
after being up for 46 hours and driving both ways to and from western colorado over 26 hours of driving to pick up Jills son who broke his ankle (like Treat) just to bring him home and he can get surgery needless to say kinda tired so back to sleep
and thanks mel for posting for me
Aug 28 2008, 02:44 PM
... hang in there Jerry ... I know whereabouts you're going thru right now ... been there ...
... your Course looked pretty good all around ... I especially dig the additional trash-cans at some tees ... Good Work , buddy ...
... results were in the Tulsa World this morning ... also : next event , etc. ...
Sep 03 2008, 05:49 PM
Is the mini still going on today? Is anyone gonna be out there?
Sep 03 2008, 06:46 PM
I will probably show up and if anyone wants to play they can have fun as for me I am not interested
Sep 10 2008, 06:33 PM
raining again on WED. I will be there around 5:30 pm and if anyone wants to play I will give them a card and be on my way .probably no one will show up again.
Sep 24 2008, 10:21 PM
I would like to thank all who played hunter park summer minis this year sadly the weeknight minis have come to a close this week !so we will be seeing everyone on weekends for tdsa minis and such
tonights mini
Kyle wilks 49
Jerry Stacey 50
Josh crowl 52
Dan Bougher 53 :D
ken ward and OPIE 56
Advanced Masters
scott Wittman 58
Eric Rainey 59
Brad Zimmerman 60
Jeff Shepard 60 Also won the CTP and Opie threw in some stuff for the CTP THANKS TREAT
Kent vanbuskirk 61
Brandon Peak 62
Next event McClure park The last weeknight mini of 08 excluding specials, be there or be square 5:30 to 6:00 flex starts :D
Nov 16 2008, 07:08 PM
mini for 11-16-08
Jerry stacey 50
logan moody 51
brAD hoi 55
jim geurin 58
wayne gregory 62
doug duff 64
Kent propst 58
TD cassady 60
JT 68
Tereasa duff 74
jim geurin
thanks for coming out today It was really a beautiful day
I had a great time playing disc golf with my friends
Nov 20 2008, 11:39 AM
Nov 20 2008, 03:50 PM
Nov 20 2008, 04:02 PM
good news?? please share...
Nov 20 2008, 05:58 PM
dog park coming soon at hunter park we have been in contact with the powers that be and today Jim geurin and I have made a deal that no holes will be disturbed but there may be some new OB in the near future
Nov 20 2008, 06:38 PM
Not only do they name mountains after me,......Now they create parks in my honor. :)
Woof....woof!!!!.....Bark.....bark!!!! :cool:
Who's going to be first in line to clean up the dog poop??? :o
Nov 20 2008, 06:44 PM
I told the city that we have a fur dog pooper picker upper
and he would pay them to do it