Sep 04 2007, 11:19 PM
That's right,Just got the news today from Robbie Shaw.
It looks like John Kittrel put in the bid and got it.
I told Robbie to let WAFDA know what they could do to make this rock.(IT WILL ROCK!!!)
I'm calling out all Arkansas clubs and volunteers to get involved.
Let's let our boys in Central AR know we're here to make it happen.
See Ya!!! :cool:

Sep 05 2007, 04:21 PM
This is HUGE!!

This is one incredible opportunity for clubs to work together.

Not only do we have the SN Series running from 6-1-07 to 5-31-08 for points to qualify....

We also have the PDGA year from 1-1-08 to 12-31-08 for points to the PDGA World Championships held at Kansas City in 2009.....

Now we need ALOT MORE TDs willing to step up and run some events

Not to mention some FUNdraising Events to help out with making Arkansas' First Ever Major Event (not PDGA sanctioned as such, yet, but over $20,000) one to remember!!!

and I was just thinking/wondering if WAFDA had anything really worthy on the agenda for next Tues. nights Club Meeting Agenda :cool:

Sep 21 2007, 08:04 PM
Im thinking this is the 3rd to 5th largest Purse of all tounrys. And they are bringing it to our back yard!!

You guys going to start coming down to the roc and practing ?
Bring your game and get your number 3 donkey tag, to take back home if u can :) Also bring down tags 1 or 2 :)


Jun 18 2008, 11:22 AM
For those unable to make the LODGE in Pawhuska this weekend

There will be a SNPC fundraiser event at Alma (Sunday B4, Alma Greens)

Non-Sanctioned, June 22nd

1 round of 18, Payouts Pro=Cash, Am=Merch

Registration: 10:00am
Tee Time: 10:30am
Entry Fees
Amature $15.00
Advanced $15.00
All Pro Divisons $20.00

$ 5.00 of each entry fee goes to 2008 Southern Nationals Pro Championship in Little Rock, August 30 & 31

Top 33% of each divison payout

Contact Info: Lori Maxwell hm: 501- 246-5698 wk: 501 614-6400