Nov 30 2007, 05:15 PM
I have just secured Tilles Park and registered for our 2nd Ice Bowl in Ft. Smith for Feb. 9th
In 2007 Ft. Smith's Ice Bowl with 51 players raised $600 and over 700 pounds of food thru Disc Golf and $205 thru concessions sold by our charity, Community Services Clearing House
In addition to that we had 18 disc and a few bucks donated by Ice Bowl players to the Darrell Lynn (PDGA#784) E-Bay Auction, by the way, he got his special needs computer, details can be seen HERE (http://www.unclejoes.org/darrellynn.html)
For 2008 I would like to see over $1000 from the Ft. Smith Ice Bowl go to the Community Services Clearinghouse, more info about our charity is available HERE (http://clearinghousefortsmith.com/)
I anticipate more than 51 players this year and will be expanding the Tilles layout with additional baskets, last year's Ice Bowl was my 1st experience as a TD and I have learned much in the past year to make 2008's even better but I'll need You, the Disc Golfers to meet these goals!!
See ya'll on Feb. 9th :)
Flyer will be available soon!!
Nov 30 2007, 10:38 PM
I "WILL"be there.
My elbow "WILL" be healed(Finaly went to the doctor yesterday,)
And i'd "LOVE" to see some bull s'n masters show up to this one.
Good job Evan.
Dec 04 2007, 04:34 PM
How long are we going to have to hear about your elbow? :(
Face it. It all probably comes from overuse of the TV remote switching between Baywatch and the Motorcycle channel. ;)
Dec 04 2007, 07:42 PM
Dec 05 2007, 07:54 PM
FurDog funny.
Yeah I should have went to the doctor 4 months ago.
It's cool now.I have 4 guys working for me.
I just crack the whip and ride around on the freshly painted scooter every day.
Bummer huh.
Jan 07 2008, 08:17 PM
Fort Smith's Ice Bowl is now PDGA Sanctioned as a "C" Tier under the new Competition Endowment Program.
There is NO $10 NON-MEMBER FEE
The Charity will not lose any money to this
the $2 per player PDGA fee will be go to the Community Services Clearing House
This event's rounds WILL NOT BE RATED due to mulligans being sold for charity
This is the First PDGA Tournament of the 2008 season in this area. All 2008 Divisions will be offered, remember that now amateurs may accept prizes in lieu of cash in the pro divisions and maintain am status
here's the New Flyer.........
Jan 10 2008, 02:13 PM
Online Registration is now available at titleDISC.com (http://titledisc.com/eventDisplay.php?eventid=306) :cool:
Jan 16 2008, 12:15 PM
The course is marked for 18 holes (orange flags) and plays very well with some very interesting shot's
we'll have an island hole and an elevated basket shot, several other unique and memorable holes, I was very surprised how well Tilles laid out for 18 especially using all the original 9
Jan 16 2008, 10:42 PM
Too bad there's not another 9 just like the ones out there sitting around somewhere.It would be a cool little 18 hole course.
Where the H is everyone.WAFDA's board looks like a ghost town.
Jan 17 2008, 03:21 PM
Too bad there's not another 9 just like the ones out there sitting around somewhere.It would be a cool little 18 hole course.
Where the H is everyone.WAFDA's board looks like a ghost town.
It could be a nice permanent 18, not sure about finding the same old school mach's, modern dga baskets wouldn't be bad.
as for activity on the board I think it's happening to the whole pdga board, especially with the newer strict posting rules, I also think that most current members in our area just don't use the thing and a lot of local golfers troll it but don't post, either because they don't want to or not pdga, I still believe that it's a good communication tool, I've been spending more time using the new disgolferR.us site and the Southern Nationals boards
Jan 21 2008, 07:00 PM
... hey there Evan ... bring some of your Flyers to Tulsa's Ice Bowl ... thanks ... :cool:
Jan 21 2008, 07:28 PM
Will do, Tryed to bring a LaMastus with me also but he's looking on the Wimpy Whiny side :( Will be a few of us coming though........Thank ya Wayne :cool:
Jan 28 2008, 04:52 PM
Ice Bowl made the front page of Sunday's Times Record
very cool photo of WAFDA Charter Member Burel Schaberg watching his 10 yr. old son tee-off at Ben Geren
caption read: Ice Bowl Practice Throw and went on to mention the date, host, beneficiary and amounts raised last year :cool:
Jan 28 2008, 07:52 PM
Thats great Evan!
Any and all media exposure like that is good.
Have you tried getting any TV coverage from one of your local morning shows?
Wayne got all the locals to cover it this year and he had the biggest attendace year for Tulsa so far. I talked with a whole card of players that found out about it form one of the local channels. ;)
The local charity that you are giving to should pull a lot of weight with the media. Hit 'em up.
Jan 28 2008, 10:06 PM
we had good event coverage last year on local news, TV and Print, I've sent press releases to every TV, Radio and News Print that I can think of......
Morning news shows is a good idea, I'm ashamed to say that I have a deep phobia about talking on camera but if the right representative could be found to do it..........
Jan 30 2008, 04:28 PM
I'm happy to announce that McDonalds will be providing quarter pounders with cheese for luch to all participants of the Fort Smith Ice Bowl on site at Tilles Park for FREE as a sponsorship donation, WAFDA will also supply soft drinks for FREE :cool:
There will be plenty of fun side games including a throw off for an Innova Traveler Portable Basket and a Skills Contest for prizes by division, the throw off will cost $1 per throw or 7 throws for $5, the skills competition will cost $3 with all proceeds from these side games going to our charity, The Community Services Clearinghouse :)
Jan 30 2008, 05:14 PM
Dude....this is Arkansas. Can't I get a McChicken instead? :(
Jan 30 2008, 06:54 PM
FurMutt, we'll have a special McChicken for you /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
until then watch your whining..........you know...No Wimps, No Whiners..........it's an Ice Bowl
Jan 31 2008, 11:09 AM
free quarter pounder, with cheese. well i was on the fence about this icebowl but with this kind of deal i'm going to bring the whole family :D.
Jan 31 2008, 11:45 AM
Bring on the U of A cheerleaders!
Jan 31 2008, 11:46 AM
FurDog will also be showing off his new tatoo for everyone.
Jan 31 2008, 11:56 AM
FurDog will also be showing off his new tatoo for everyone.
That looks used,and WRONG Furdog you need to let the hair grow back and get that covered! :o
Jan 31 2008, 12:27 PM
holy cow! :eek:
Jan 31 2008, 03:18 PM
after the Ice Bowl we need to get this thread renamed.......post your gross out pix here :eek: :D
Jan 31 2008, 04:19 PM
Bring on the U of A cheerleaders!
Next time TwoPutt comes to Arkansas we'll have to unleash Super Chicken on him :p /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif :D
Jan 31 2008, 04:31 PM
No problem, I'll have FurDog bring his cat.
It shouldn't take long to send another chicken to Tyson.
Jan 31 2008, 04:53 PM
well now we have to unleash the dog :p.....
be careful, that chicken's already been in your head before ;)
Jan 31 2008, 05:20 PM
Bring that Dog, we'll teach it how to climb a tree. :D
Jan 31 2008, 05:25 PM
Hell, have Bailey bring his dogs over, it doesn't matter. :o
Jan 31 2008, 06:54 PM
Jan 31 2008, 07:16 PM
Bring on the U of A cheerleaders!
That is so F'ing disgusting /msgboard/images/graemlins/ooo.gif and funny at the same time :D
Wouldn't you love to get between those two and their french fries?
Jan 31 2008, 07:58 PM
TwoPutt would like that, Ketchup anyone?? :eek: :D
Feb 01 2008, 10:09 AM
Mmmmmmmm Kethcup....
Feb 01 2008, 02:35 PM
The Fort Smith Ice Bowl has a couple of young 9 year old junior players wanting to participate :cool:
We'll be setting up a very small 3 to 5 hole "junior course" to accomodate them, anyone that wants to bring any children to let play may do so...........entry fees for them are by donation only, they don't have to pay, we'll make sure that they all receive a light weight beginner disc and any other goodies that we can come up with.
They will have an adult(s) with them to keep them safe and help them learn rules and courtesy. A parent or guardian will need to be at the park and they may play the normal Ice Bowl or just hang out, waivers will need to be signed by the parent or guardian
The plan is to let them circle the junior course 2 or 3 times to make a 9 basket tournament round, morning and afternoon for two 9 basket rounds, participation is much more important than "winning" or even completing these rounds. All junior players will also receive some form of prize payout in addition to the disc.
The Future of the Sport is our Children :)
Feb 02 2008, 10:07 PM
Sounds cool Evan!
If the weather is god I'll try and get my boy out there. For 3 he has a pretty good backhand, and the sidearm is OK too. Just gotta work on the "play from where it lays" idea. :D
Me, not him!! :o
See you there!
Feb 05 2008, 11:02 AM
How do I get to this park and where do I sign up for the Jr course? :)
Willie, your 3 yr old is going down!!!! ;)
Feb 05 2008, 03:25 PM
How do I get to this park and where do I sign up for the Jr course? :)
we've already got warnings with your picture up at the playground in the park, only problem is that some dead heads with pictures of that guy that you look like on their shirts keep getting harrased now
your probation officer was real nice allowing you to go out of state for this ;)
here's a link for some Okies who don't know how to navigate this website to the course directory.........check out the mapquest function :p
LINK FOR DIRECTIONS (http://www.pdga.com/course/courses_by_city.php?id=29)
Feb 05 2008, 05:30 PM
You need different directions for the Okie folk. Going around 540 to grand is just WAY out of the way. Coming in on 64 from Roland, Ok, is the shortest.
Feb 05 2008, 06:28 PM
Leave it to Twoputt to know everything there is to know about Okie short commings. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
Feb 06 2008, 01:32 AM
Mapquest Directions from Tulsa to Tilles (http://www.mapquest.com/directions/main.adp?go=1&do=nw&rmm=1&1gi=0&un=m&1da=-1.000000&1rc=A5XAX&cl=EN&qq=1ADqpk24ofC5OmCMJqYH6r vXrzfcjWRiMnAicTHjGsoyZsqi8u08vO2GzD2DlOc49tso0kqp ZuYfdkDukYSY9THf2ruqoUL85bLVpxkvWGFl0DUMeT%252fY5a F%252fqh1jNufF56s2%252fVqFgIo0ibTXbYtJKQ%253d%253d &ct=NA&r=f&1si=gaz_us&rsres=1&1y=US&1ffi=&1l=2JFgr apg3SKVtd7bW%252bH8VA%253d%253d&1g=05%252ba1jQrddc 9IAb66pGZDA%253d%253d&1pl=&1v=CITY&1n=Tulsa+County &1pn=&1a=&1c=Tulsa&1s=OK&1z=&2y=US&2ffi=&2l=&2g=&2 pl=&2v=&2n=&2pn=&2a=Grand+Ave+%26+N+39th+St&2c=For t+Smith&2s=AR&2z=72904&panelbtn=2)
Park is on the right before 39th Street
Furdog, if you need directions from somewhere in Ft. Smith to Tilles call me :p
Feb 06 2008, 10:36 AM
its not hard when you're the poster child.
Feb 06 2008, 11:05 AM
"Everybody loves somebody.....sometimes."
Feb 07 2008, 03:16 PM
Am I going to be able to wear my Moose pajamas at this deal? :confused:
It's the only way I can get Marie to follow me around as my personal gallery. :cool:
Feb 07 2008, 03:23 PM
We're getting some more good media exposure :cool:
several people have told me that they've heard radio promos on it (I don't listen to much radio) :)
Another good write-up in the Times Record Newspaper in the "Encore/Entertainment" part :)
There's a great article along with full color pix in the "Entertainment Fort Smith" slick, glossy, free for the taking magazine available at alot of places :)
that mag's probably better quality than the new "Flying Disc" mag, got mine and my daughter's last night......badly damaged and torn, no envelope, and then we have actual cussing that would get you banned from this board and stupid innuendos referencing the word "F-Bomb" and the Ron Jeremy reference in the Guts article, if it were a private mag, I wouldn't think anything about that stuff except that I join my 9 year old daughter up as a PDGA member, juniors don't have an opt out option, and now am wondering if I should let her have her mag, I guess I could sharpie censor it for her :mad::p
sorry to get on the thread drift soap box on the mag, but when I'm done with this Ice Bowl, I'll definitely let the editor and the PDGA office know how I feel about it
Feb 07 2008, 03:26 PM
Am I going to be able to wear my Moose pajamas at this deal? :confused:
It's the only way I can get Marie to follow me around as my personal gallery. :cool:
only if you patch that hole that TwoPutt left in the rear ;)
when you coming? Ya'll crashing at Marie's friends pad?
Feb 07 2008, 04:07 PM
We are coming down tomorrow afternoon. If Marie's girlfriend gives me any crap then I'm going to dump Marie over there and I'm coming over to your place to teach you the proper way to drink. :cool:
I'm going to try and be there around 4 so I can check out the park and set some Claymore's for my competition. My rating says I can bag down into the beginners division so make sure my trophy is "Good to Go" because afterwards I going to have to race Twoputt back up the hiway to Tulsa.
I've got a $5 reward for whom ever can lift his Pikepass from his vehicle and bring it to me before I leave. :)
Feb 07 2008, 04:09 PM
If it were'nt for the age thing, your ratings would let you play in the Jr Division. :o
Feb 07 2008, 04:15 PM
Well I'm glad I'm playing in an age-protected division then. Those Jr divisions are the best talent those Arkies have. :o:D
Maybe you can show them a sales Pitch and get them to move over to our side of the border. :cool:
Feb 07 2008, 04:28 PM
Am I going to be able to wear my Moose pajamas at this deal? :confused:
It's the only way I can get Marie to follow me around as my personal gallery. :cool:
That's the only reason I'm coming there,so get them things in the wash!!!
Feb 07 2008, 04:52 PM
Well I've farted several times since then so I don't think the brown skid marks will be coming out in the wash. Ya'll need to focus on your game and quit looking at my butt. Wise probably can't help it but there may still be hope for the rest of you.
I'm sure you and Wise will like this modified course because according to Evan there will be lots of OB. So when you're standing in it you'll think you're back at the USDGC all over again. ;)
Feb 07 2008, 05:04 PM
Not unless the OB is yellow. :D
Feb 07 2008, 05:34 PM
What time are you going out to tillis on friday to set up all the OB's?
Feb 07 2008, 05:55 PM
Not unless the OB is yellow. :D
Well just in case they aren't yellow I'll drink a lot of beer and mark them for you the night before so you'll be able to sniff them out with your eyes closed. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
Feb 07 2008, 05:58 PM
Trust me, you don't have to mark anything for us to sniff you out. :o
I've seen it before, someone has said, "****, what smells like Crap?"
"oh, Fudog just got here" :o:D
Feb 07 2008, 06:27 PM
Not unless the OB is yellow. :D
All not clearly defined OB (i.e. areas of dirt and grass coming over payment, particularly on the inner circular access road)
Will be marked with <font color="yellow"> YELLOW </font> :eek:
I tried to exhaust the WAFDA Bank account on thick yellow rope to outline everything but the motion didn't pass ;)
so we have yellow kite string type stuff :)
in the wind last Tues. night, people that card 10 down on the normal Tilles Layout were shooting in the mid to high 60s, may have had something to do with that $270 ace pot though :D
Feb 07 2008, 06:54 PM
What about my limo? Is there going to be better than what you got at Geren or am I going to have to park on someone's yard and risk getting towed? :confused:
Feb 07 2008, 07:08 PM
Ample parking is available, if you need a limo, maybe you should consider geeting a new manager, TwoPutt should've already had you set up with jet planes, limos, women and big gold bling chains.......you have to think about these things sooner than the day before you leave /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
ever since you faked your death and the band stopped touring with you apparently the cash money and bling have taken a turn for the worst........don't you still get royalties
Feb 08 2008, 12:32 PM
IT'S ICE BOWL EVE!!!! :cool:
I'll be dropping by the park for a round when I get there today so have those brewskies ready!!!! :)
Feb 08 2008, 03:38 PM
cool, I'm fixing to be going out there in a very few minutes :cool::D
Feb 08 2008, 11:11 PM
Rumor's have started to surface that certain lovable, highly anticipated disc-golfer will make his 2008 debut at the Ft. Smith Ice Bowl.
Feb 09 2008, 01:16 AM
Not true. You gotta learn not to listen to rumors. I'd love to make it down, but low cash flow, a missing piece of thumb and the possiblity of finishing Lake Bella Vista tommorrow will keep me up here.
Good luck with your Ice Bowl! Looks like you've done a heck of a job as usual Evan!
Feb 09 2008, 11:50 PM
WOW :cool:
Scores (http://www.pdga.com/tournament/tournament_results.php?TournID=7547&year=2007&incl udeRatings=1#Open)
thanks everyone :)
Feb 10 2008, 12:12 AM
thanks to all. good times.
way to get the scores up.
nice to see everyone :D.
Feb 10 2008, 11:18 AM
Thanks alot Evan. Awesome tourney, and great job with the layout and all the OB. How much went to the charity? Hopefully you reached the $1000 goal. Job well done WAFDA, thoroughly enjoyed it.
Feb 10 2008, 12:02 PM
Good Job Evan.
Also thanks Dave,Phil and everybody else that put this together.
Great show of support from all the golfers too.
Awsome day for sure.
Feb 10 2008, 12:19 PM
WAFDA RULES. way to get so many young and new players out.
Feb 10 2008, 01:40 PM
Thanks Soooo much Evan and crew. I had a blast, the course layout was a lot of fun, with some good challenges and everyone I met was fun to be around. (Notice you didn't see me around FurDog all day) ;)
That is one fun little course, now I know why thats where you play night golf at every week. Almost worth the drive over.
Thanks also to what seemed to be a large crowd of Tulsa folk that drove down for the day.I knew Tulsa would support Evan and the Ice Bowl. ;)
Thanks again to all that helped with hosting this event! :D
Feb 10 2008, 10:54 PM
So let's see here..the largest event ever in Arkansas and at the smallest 18 in Arkansas....maybe it was the TD's long hair and pretty smile that brought so many people in! :eek: :D:D Naaaaaa..... it was knowing how awesome the tourny was going to be run. Well done volunteers Willie Williams and Super Dave.
Another good tourny, Evan. Thank you. :D
Feb 11 2008, 01:57 AM
I had a blast!! Good job everyone! I really like the course. Good thing they came out with the Destroyer or I would never be able to reach any of those holes! :D I wish I had a course like that in my backyard. Any tally of how much money was raised?
Feb 11 2008, 10:21 AM
I think it was like a million or so.
Evans kickin back in Mexico right about now. :D
Feb 11 2008, 10:33 AM
Thats okay, all we wanted to see was the scores. :D
Feb 11 2008, 11:47 AM
Thanks for the great tourney Evan and staff. I had a great time. Even though I didn't cash, I still went home with an extra $100 from Twobutt from past poker losses. For some reason he doesn't want to pay on Okie turf but as soon as he crosses the border I guess it is a given. :o.....Thanks little buddy. :cool:
Feb 11 2008, 11:53 AM
Well, I cashed and offset half of what you got.
You did well, you shot 2 points above your rating.
Feb 11 2008, 12:07 PM
Well at least I didn't bag down into "Novice" division like 2Guns. Then you got the -19 from another Tulsa guy. I guess every Ice bowl needs a couple of "baggers" to bag up all those food items. :confused:
Feb 11 2008, 12:12 PM
I'm not sure if I'd call that baggin down, he tied you at 20 back of the leader in your division. :o
Feb 11 2008, 12:21 PM
Well I didn't see you playing with the young guns. Obviously the only "Open" you're good at is your mouth. :o
Which must be why you "blew" your playoff for 1st against Pitch.
Feb 11 2008, 12:37 PM
Hey you can try to justify your play any way you want, the fact is I was playing and getting paid while you were standing around watching.
I even noticed that you tried to screw with me during a playoff and called dollar on me. of which you OWE me. :mad:
And I didn't blow 1st place, I only blew the chance of owning one of Evan's trophies. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
I got paid for playing golf, you didn't. I may have lost the trophie to Tom, which is fine, we both had great shots, he made his putt I didn't. :p As bad as I played that second round, I should just feel lucky I got into a playoff. ;)
Feb 11 2008, 12:52 PM
I didn't hear you accept that dollar bet? Even Marie noticed that you were ignoring me as I was waving it. Speak donkey, mouth won't. ;)....But I'll give you a dollar for your effort. ;)
Why don't you ask the Patriots how good # 2 feels.
And did you donate your winnings to the Ice Bowl like you were telling me to do? :confused:
My point is....you were the "Great Okie Hope" and you broke my heart Fredo. You play probably 4 or 5 times a week compared to Tom who probably plays maybe once a month if that. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
The cash is secondary in a charity event. You were supposed to bring the trophy home!!! :D
Do we have to send Coda to do everything now? ;)
Feb 11 2008, 01:12 PM
He may not play that much but it was on his home turf.
And that roller the threw on hole 2 was definately a homeboy route. :D
Feb 11 2008, 01:23 PM
Well you should have paid me to caddie for you because you always make the putt when I call "dollar". ;)
I helped you out on # 1 but after that you were on your own. :D
On a side note, somebody needs to tell that "Wookie" guy to move up. He must be Arkansas's version of Mitchell.
Feb 11 2008, 03:07 PM
Any tally of how much money was raised?
I'll post an exact amount in the next few days when it's all for sure, rough totaling looks like a little over 2 grand for the charity and a heck of alot of food also.
thanks to the PDGA for this new charity sanctioning program, I think that really helped the turnout along with the real nice weather
I'm using some accounting software to line item everything, it's pretty amazing how you can see what raises what and be able to use it to make next years better which is the first thing I thought after getting some rough totals.....
it's gonna be tough to beat it next year :cool:
Thanks to everyone involved, all of the pre-planning and work means nothing if the players don't show to support it, and that they did :cool:
btw, nice win Pitch :D
Feb 11 2008, 07:36 PM
Feb 11 2008, 07:47 PM
"On a side note, somebody needs to tell that "Wookie" guy to move up. He must be Arkansas's version of Mitchell."
My rating is still just 909 so I should be playing Intermediate but by Tulsa rules that would be a Rec rating
Feb 11 2008, 11:29 PM
Grand Total is $2,262 cash to our charity, the Community Services Clearinghouse :)
also a large amount of food
the tournament also provided players with $395 cash and over $1500 worth of merchandise :cool:
who says you can't have your cake and eat it too :D
Feb 12 2008, 12:18 AM
That's amazing Evan.
Great freakin job homie. :cool:
Feb 12 2008, 11:09 AM
"On a side note, somebody needs to tell that "Wookie" guy to move up. He must be Arkansas's version of Mitchell."
My rating is still just 909 so I should be playing Intermediate but by Tulsa rules that would be a Rec rating
Even though you played advanved, a 909 golfer does not very often shoot a 994 and a 976 rated round and beat the field by 6 strokes, unless they are extremely lucky or severly underrated. ;)
arnt thos mulees sumthin spesial?
Feb 12 2008, 01:17 PM
Speaking of Baggers....
What about the Intermediate player who shot a -21 (3rd best score in the tourney). That is an even more extreme bagger!!
I only missed first by 46 strokes over 36 holes!!!!
(and if this guy is on here I am only goofing!!)
Awesome job Evan. It was amazing, not only what you did for the charity, but also what you did with the park! I never thought an 18 would work in there. But it not only worked, it excelled!!
Feb 12 2008, 01:26 PM
I agree with that one and we have that problem over here with the same guys. I give them crap every time I see them at an event to step up. I don't tell them to go pro but to step up and create their own adv division at the minis. We have guys over here that can shoot in the low 40's at Riverside and Chandler and still try to play Int at the locals minis. :(
Low 40's at either of those courses will have you cashing in the Open division.
It seems to happen most at FurDog's course at Chandler. :DBut I guess thats understandable since the course Pro is only rated at 829. :o:D
Feb 12 2008, 02:35 PM
At least I HAVE A COURSE!!! :p
You've been riding the coatails of your Am Worlds involvement ever since it ended and you haven't done crap since but show up one time at a meeting to ambush an admin.
You can ya-da-ya-da all you want but your duck doesn't fly anymore and even when it did it was surrounded by orange barrels and highway construction. :o.
Your Twisted Flyer sponsorship don't mean crap other than it signifies that you've managed to lick your way down Joe's chocolate highway to the point where he finally promoted you chief fudge packer. :eek:
Why don't you go out and run some mini's that raise money for the club? You had a chance a Dovillio but you blew it but Reed is still available. :D
We could have TD wars!!!! ;)
Feb 12 2008, 02:59 PM
All I know, is that if your going to tell somebody to move up based on a mully round, then we need to start playin' for MONEY! Even his momma threw him back once! :eek: :D:DIf i could throw some more money at charity I would....but for now I'll be happy with the "no-mulligan" Course Record!!! 10 down, one bogey.... maybe he could change his name to twookie! :eek:
Feb 12 2008, 03:14 PM
Well if I had known there were only going to be two Open players, especially two quality quality Arkie players like you and Kyle, I would have played Open just for the lessons if you guys would have been willing to wait while I got my disc out of the street. ;)....Then I could have bragged that I got 3rd place in the Open division. :)
At least you earned your spot at the USDGC unlike someone over here I know. :o:D
As for the Wookie, he's ok. I think the guy with the -21 in intermidiate from Tulsa might have been suffering from low self esteem. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
By the way, my psychic powers tell me that Tubehutt will be posting a rebutal shortly. ;)
Feb 12 2008, 03:16 PM
You wouldn't stand a chance at TD wars, for one, I show up on time and my events run on time.
Riding coat tails? What have you done lately, running a mini doesn't count, you don't have to do any thing but show up and collect the money. I think that if you'll remeber back a lttle bit, that course was given to you because I forced you to take it. Kind of like Chandler Stock, it is nothing you have created, only something you continue to ride the wave on that others started. :o
At least when I show up for a meeting, there isn't a line of people trying to collect for merchandise from 6 months back. :o:D
By the way, haven't seen you out for a work day in a while either? Remeber, even the workers need a good waterboy. ;) :p
If you want sponsorship, I'm sure I and a few others will be more than happy to sponsor up a few dollars for you to STFU! :o
Oh and the closest you'll ever get to Rock Hill is by using mapquest. :o
Feb 12 2008, 04:20 PM
You wouldn't stand a chance at TD wars, for one, I show up on time and my events run on time.
<font color="red">That's right buddy. That's why all the mini's you're running at Mohawk or anywhere else for that matter have brought in ZERO dollars. I imagine a lot of it has to do with the fact that at your job your wife does all the work and since you don't bring her to mini's than nothing gets done and the mini's don't happen.</font> :o
Riding coat tails? What have you done lately, running a mini doesn't count, you don't have to do any thing but show up and collect the money.
<font color="red">No, I have to entertain and deal with the stresses of everybody offering me free beer. Nobody treats you with any respect if you just say "No" all the time. It's a tuff job but I'm doing my part to keep that kind of stuff out of the schools and the hands of kids like yours. You should be thankful. </font> :D
I think that if you'll remeber back a lttle bit, that course was given to you because I forced you to take it.
<font color="red">No, I volunteered because John was a old hippy and that course deserves and was made for long haired hippies. Do you really think that yuppy used gray brillo pad hairstyle of yours is going to bring in the players? </font>
Kind of like Chandler Stock, it is nothing you have created, only something you continue to ride the wave on that others started. :o
<font color="red">True but where there were no moose,....moose now thrive. It tis' better for the CS image than the pug nose yappy dog collection you boast of at your place. </font> :p
At least when I show up for a meeting, there isn't a line of people trying to collect for merchandise from 6 months back. :o:D
<font color="red">That whole thing was BS and obviously a ploy by Joe to subsidize the Pro wannbe he carries by having you in his stable. </font>
By the way, haven't seen you out for a work day in a while either? Remeber, even the workers need a good waterboy. ;) :p
<font color="red">Well since you sit on your butt on a borrowed four wheeler all day and instruct people to drop trees on my head I've decided to let you maintain your own course since your wife is not there to do it for you. </font> ;)
If you want sponsorship, I'm sure I and a few others will be more than happy to sponsor up a few dollars for you to STFU! :o
<font color="red">What would you do without me?..Sit around and sing "Zippidy do da, zippidy day....my oh my I can have it my way!!!" </font> :D
Oh and the closest you'll ever get to Rock Hill is by using mapquest. :o
<font color="red">Hey the fact that they let you in tells me that they will let anything in that a sponsor like Joe can smuggle up his donkey's backside. </font> :p :D
Feb 12 2008, 04:34 PM
At least when I show up for a meeting, there isn't a line of people trying to collect for merchandise from 6 months back.
<font color="red"> That whole thing was BS and obviously a ploy by Joe to subsidize the Pro wannbe he carries by having you in his stable.
That goes down as one of the funniest moments I have been witness too. The look on your face was priceless.
Almost as good as the look on Joe's face when he got his bartab at Worlds. :D:D:D:D:D
Feb 12 2008, 04:47 PM
Right now there are thousands of non-members laughing at the Furdog and Twoputt show but like I just told you in a PM.
It's like I'm on a national comedy tour and you're still trying to earn a free beer at the local Karioki bar. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
That's why I get paid the big bucks. :cool::) :D
Feb 12 2008, 05:12 PM
on the other hand, if you want to know who does deserve a little razzin'...it's Blake Bailey....he had half as many mulligans as either Kyle or Wook and was only four strokes off of wookie's tourny record...not too shabby for a Baile.....oh, i mean a gim... I mean Blake! :D:D:D
Feb 12 2008, 07:54 PM
I can't wait till the twoputt-furrdog show gets on comedy central, it will probably be on right after Reno 911.
Feb 13 2008, 12:19 AM
It would at least make a good commercial.
"Now here's Furdog and Wise for Depends Undergarments"
No I didn't S h t my pants,
Oh yes you did I can smell it,
Nah man that's your breath,
Oh but your face is in my A z,
(I can see it now. Next stop Blue Collar.)
Oh and Ganzel,
I know you read my PM.
Feb 13 2008, 12:35 AM
I can't wait till the twoputt-furrdog show gets on comedy central, it will probably be on right after Reno 911.
don't you mean the Furdog-Twoputt show :confused: /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
Apr 28 2008, 07:10 PM
Somehow Fort Smith's Ice Bowl got included in the ratings, mulligans were sold for charity, it was approved by the PDGA but wasn't supposed to get rated because of the mully's, I'll be contacting them to get it fixed
Apr 29 2008, 10:27 AM
Dude????.....Why do you have to say anything? :(....My rating just went up 7 points and it's probably from my FS appearance. What the PDGA doesn't know won't hurt them. Take a break "Father Fix It" and let me enjoy the view from up here. ;)
Apr 29 2008, 03:52 PM
The PDGA made a mistake, the event should be removed from affected players ratings sometime in May per the PDGA
May 13 2008, 04:55 PM
Looks like the ratings have been corrected!
And somehow I gained one point, even though neither of the Ice Bowl rounds went on my ratings before!! Oh well, I look so much better as an 856 rated golfer!! :)