Apr 10 2008, 10:26 AM
Happy B-day to Tom Pitchford. :)
Since it appears that you are not current and can't post, I sent you a cake via the PDGA. Once you renew, your cake should arrive in 2-3 months. ;)
Apr 11 2008, 10:24 AM
The Pitch is a bit older huh?
Well Happy Birthday my friend! It has been a while, and I hope you still read this and are keeping up with all that is going on. I fully expect to see you at the Backwoods Bash!! I'll call you when it is all set up!!
Take care and I hope you had a good one!!
Apr 11 2008, 04:12 PM
Who in the hell is Tom Pitchford?
I bet ol' Pitch would be mad at this guy for having such a similiar name and would give him a good arse whooping :p
Apr 12 2008, 01:23 PM
had a good time last night evan. thanks roger k for getting us in. big smith puts on a great show. :cool:
May 08 2008, 08:25 AM
Happy B-Day Willie :cool:
May 08 2008, 09:36 AM
Is that Willie as in "AlmaWillie" or is that Willie as in what you call your manhood? I think Wise calls his "Turkey Neck" because God left him with nothing to be thankful for. :o
Anyway, Happy B-Day AlmaWillie. :cool:
May 08 2008, 09:43 AM
I'll take Turkey neck over your pencil d.........! :o
May 08 2008, 10:13 AM
Well if that was the case then you shouldn't be having such a hard time digesting it. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
May 08 2008, 10:28 AM
You do know that the same statement you just made got Jake and I put on probation? :confused:
May 08 2008, 10:45 AM
Thnaks guys, for the initial good thoughts! Wish my name didn't bring up the other thoughts though! It is a bit disturbing that that was the first thing you thought of! :o
Anyway, I am officially 30 as of this morning, and my birthday wish is to get my drive back! DG drive of course! :)
If anyway has a miracle cure I would like you to wrap it up and send it to me! This driving under 250ft is killing me in my rounds.
Thanks again for the well wishes. Hope to see ya'll at my house before long!
May 08 2008, 10:57 AM
I'm sorry. :(....I need help. I've been playing GTA4 and it's affected my thinking. ....I was driving my car through a park in the game the other night and there was a couple of guys playing disc golf and I accidentally ran over one of them. :confused:....Then the other guy, (who was smoking a doobie) pulls out a uzi and starts filling my car with lead so I ran over him too. :(....I really feel bad about it so maybe I need to be put on probation. :confused:
Sorry Willie, I wasn't trying to ruin your birthday party.
May 08 2008, 11:25 AM
It's all good FurDog. I hope your karma is not down for the smashing of the DG'ers. Although, I think you are in my division, so maybe I wish for the bad karma so I can be one of the ones that earns Evan some money! ;)
I know have a new Birthday wish! Thanks!!! :D
May 08 2008, 11:37 AM
Last years Alma Results....
Intermediate Show Round Ratings
Place Points Name PDGA# Rating Rd 1 Rd 2 Total Prize
1 64 Shawn Guynes 53 53 106
2 60 Chuck Mcallister 31602 883 53 56 109
3 56 Roger Knight 31810 895 57 54 111
4 52 Willie Williams 28387 855 55 59 114
5 48 Jake Smith 32691 912 59 56 115
5 48 Kevin Solik 20263 907 56 59 115
7 40 Joshua Byers 31628 921 57 60 117
8 36 Terry Blanton 31911 882 58 60 118
9 32 Steve Turnbaugh 33284 895 59 61 120
10 28 Tony Wimsett 61 60 121
11 24 Kenny Reynolds 64 58 122
12 20 Zach Rogers 32012 911 61 63 124
13 16 Scott Schumacher 24527 836 62 64 126
13 16 Evan Mckee 28702 863 64 62 126
15 8 Rick Symonds 65 68 133
16 4 Robert Harris 27876 792 74 68 142
Recreational Show Round Ratings
Place Points Name PDGA# Rating Rd 1 Rd 2 Total Prize
1 27 Jeremiah Custar 56 56 112
2 24 Chris Lawrence 57 56 113
3 21 Jr Bowden 58 56 114
4 18 Chris Shelton 28417 935 57 58 115
5 15 Seth Kleman 56 60 116
6 12 Dustin Watkins 28431 844 58 62 120
7 9 John Middleton 29021 841 62 64 126
8 6 Andy King 68 64 132
9 3 James Salisbury 71 70 141
Don't worry about me Willie. I'm playing Rec this year. Hopefully if those four top baggers in Rec last year move up then I may have a chance in the Rec division. :)
Last year Evan faultered on his home course and could only manage to tie me. The wet course on the second round was to his advantage and kept me from moving forward with final victory. I'm sure this year he will be doing a rain dance on the sidelines for sure. ;)
May 08 2008, 03:25 PM
Happy Birthday Willie!!
Wow, 250 feet...and that's Discussion Board Distance at that
you should try this form and technique, also notice that the disc being used is an Aerobie, that will also help your distance :cool:
May 08 2008, 09:08 PM
Happy Birthday Willie!
May 09 2008, 04:45 PM
Happy birthday Willie, 30 years with yourself, 3 years with me. Man I bet you fell good. Anything you want (Disc Wise) I can get for you! Happy b-day
Sep 09 2008, 11:41 AM
Happy B-day Evan!!!
Sep 09 2008, 12:10 PM
Happy BD you TwoFinger Nose Picking Burger Flinger. :cool:
Sep 10 2008, 10:12 AM
Thanks for the birthday wishes!!
the older and wiser I get the more I realize just how bad Furdog sucks :D