Jun 04 2009, 09:33 PM
I have an Innova Discatcher Sport for sale. $120 will get you a brand new basket still in the box.
Jun 07 2009, 01:36 PM
Wow really you have a brand new Discatcher Sport for sale!! i might buy it if no one else grabs up these great deal. I heard you have a lot of Discs for sale too priced from $5-$10, thats awesome
Jun 08 2009, 01:38 PM
Wow really you have a brand new Discatcher Sport for sale!! i might buy it if no one else grabs up these great deal. I heard you have a lot of Discs for sale too priced from $5-$10, thats awesome
hey cduncan,
if that guy with the basket really wanted cash he'd be playing in open instead of bagging, I'd make him come down on price, he only has like a $50 entry fee into it :D:eek::D
Jun 09 2009, 06:30 PM
Ya thanks Evan really helping me out here. I have $50 and awesome second round in on this one. Will toss in a free Signature for the buyer.
Jun 22 2009, 11:53 AM
Well I sold the Basket, and quite a few discs, but still have plenty left. New and Used
New:$10 unless otherwise marked
First Run Champ Grooves 175g $21
First Run Venom
Star Orcs
Star Starfires
Champ Starfire
Z Cyclones
DX Rocs
Glow Wizard 175g
Champ beast(Twisted Flyer) 175g
Z Predator (brain wave dyed)
Star Destroyer 175g
Star Max 175g
Champ Coyotes
Champ Panther
Champ Starfire
DX Orc and Valk
Gateway discs
Z predator
Jun 22 2009, 02:13 PM
Where's the DX Cobra :confused:
Jun 23 2009, 04:29 PM
Already sold it, thanks for the $5 though. Should have plenty of discs to bring down to Alma Greens though. A couple brand new First Run Champ Grooves. No more black magics, but i do have a white one if your interested.
Jun 23 2009, 06:01 PM
Already sold it, thanks for the $5 though. Should have plenty of discs to bring down to Alma Greens though. A couple brand new First Run Champ Grooves. No more black magics, but i do have a white one if your interested.
I told you that the Cobra is a highly sought after disc, you earned it
as far as the Magics, once you go black, you never go back
you'll have to get with me about your flymart application though, a disc or 2 for ctp/ring of fire should work