Sep 09 2009, 01:14 PM
Just so everyone over in Arky land knows and you were thinking about what to do this weekend, there are two, Thats right two C Tiers this weekend in T-Town. The first is on Sturday at Hunter Park and offers a $15,000 Hole in one and a good players pack. They will also have Doubles on Friday afternoon.

The second is at the NEW Centennial course in Owasso. This is the newest course addded to the Tulsa list of courses. Owasso is only 10 minutes from Mohawk and only about 20 minutes from Hunter Park. It is 2.5 miles off of 169 hwy.
Lunch will be provided by Steak-2-Go here in town and they will be cooking angus burgers. If you're a vegan and you're coming over let me know and I'll have other food for you.

Come to both or either one, they will both be worth attending.
You can sign up at or show up early at the event.

Just go to the top of the page for each of these links, there is also a discount on line if you sign up for both.

Sep 09 2009, 02:06 PM

Sep 09 2009, 07:18 PM

I'm coming for YOU FurMutt, at Centennial, can't do both, you better bring your B game since you don't have an A game, it'll be fun... we'll have to chew tobacco and eat rum cake since we can't smoke or drink there, but we can adapt and overcome :D:p:D

anyone looking to car pool let me know, It'd be great if I could find a ride but I can get us there if need be

Hey TwoPutt, can you post some good directions to the course from the Fort, I could google/mapquest but was hoping that you'd know the easiest most direct way there

Sep 09 2009, 07:28 PM
Evan, Love to go over and play some disc golf in Tulsa !!!! :)

Come on out to the mini tomorrow and we'll try to get a car load !!!!!

looking forward to playing the newest course in "T" town !! :cool:

Sep 10 2009, 10:54 AM
Hey TwoPutt, can you post some good directions to the course from the Fort, I could google/mapquest but was hoping that you'd know the easiest most direct way there

It's easy. When you get to Tulsa take 169 north to 86th street north. Turn right and go about 3 miles east and when the road turns from 4 lane to 2 lane the park will be on your left. Just look for the burning cross and the guys dressed in white with pointed hats.

Sep 10 2009, 02:00 PM
Thanks, those better be good directions, I know of your tricks to make your competition gain strokes :D

Looking forward to it :)