Sep 29 2009, 04:06 PM
Ok, it looks like if all goes as planned there will be a second PDGA-sanctioned Super Class event in Chester Arkansas on November 8th. This event will piggyback behind the C-tier "Battle at Bell Park" that is being held November 7th in Greenwood (about 40 minutes South of Chester). This may be the last chance for folks to play Super Class for a while, as next year the sanctioning fees are going up. So come out, see how fun Super Class is, play a fun private course out in the woods, get free burgers and hot dogs, and try to beat out Roger Knight for the top Super Class rating in the state!!! :)
Flyer will be coming soon. If you would like to stay in a local cabin or Bed and Breakfast please let me know and I will talk to the owners about reduced rates.
Also, I will have a camper trailer open for folks to stay in, and there is plenty of room to camp on my place (choose mountain top, or creekside).
Oct 05 2009, 11:28 PM
It was confirmed tonight. WAFDA is backing Super Barrels 2, and sanctioned Super Class event in Chester, AR on the Backwoods Disc Golf course, November 8th.
For those that don't know, this is a private object golf course, that utilizes 55 gallon barrels as targets, and has many elevation changes and lots of hole variety (toot toot goes my horn!! :) ).
The event will include a Super Class disc in the players pack of all Am's and will also include a free lunch! Flyer is in the works and sanctioning agreement will be sent in tomorrow.
Just wanted to get everyone looking at doubling up this weekend with aPDGA sanctioned C-tier on Saturday in Greenwood and then the Sanction Super Class event in Chester. If you want to camp out here friday and/or Satuday night that would be fine. I have a camper for the first who wants it, and there are a couple of really nice tent sites, where you will fall asleep to the sound of a waterfall! Get your name in the hat now! See you soon.
Oct 19 2009, 04:08 PM
OK. I am renting equipment this weekend and doing a clean-up on the course in preparation of the upcoming Super Barrels event. I am planning on doing an all-day workday this Sunday. I will be starting early and working until done. Anyone who can make it out and lend a hand would be greatly appreciated. I will have something for lunch, and I will have beverages to cool you down if you get too hot, or warm you up if you get too cold. :) As of right now they are saying the weather should be really nice.
I am renting a walk-behind weedeater and a walk-behind trail mower. I will ned peoplke to run them, and also some people on other weedeaters, loppers, rakes, etc. (I have quite a bit of stuff but bring what you have too)
Hopefully, with many hands involved, this thing can be cleaned up and we can be playing a warm-up round by afternoon! :)
Anyone who can make it call or just come on down Sunday morning.
AlmaWillie 479-670-2641
Oct 20 2009, 12:20 PM
Willie, I've got Phil's big weedeater and I will be there !!!!! I was wondering if you'll be around Saturday and I would come up after the mini at Ben Geren !!!! maybe I could bring a car load !!!!! :)
Also the Greenwood mini is at 2:00PM, that means I would need to come up early on Sunday to make the mini !!!
Just pick a time and I'll be there with a smile !!! :)
Chester and the backwoods barrel course "ROCKS" !!!! :cool:
Oct 20 2009, 10:21 PM
Hey, Sounds good Roger. I'll be glad to see you nd have the help. I got to run the brushhog today for about 6 hours, and got everything done except the last 2 holes. I am planning on brushhogging on them Saturday morning and afternoon. In the middle I have a basketball game at 11:15. I should be back home by around 2:00. If anyone wants to come then, I'll be glad to point them in the right direction while I finish the brushhogging. ;) Otherwise I'll be up and outside by 7 or 7:30 Sunday morning (daylight), so bring it on anytime after that.
Oct 20 2009, 11:45 PM
Oct 20 2009, 11:46 PM
YAY! I finally figured it out! (now, how did I do it?) :)
Oct 23 2009, 10:03 AM
Anyone free this weekend to help out with some clean-up in Chester, please feel free to come on down (or up). I will start brushhogging again tomorrow morning (Saturday) around 7:30 or 8:00, and will keep at it until around 10:00. Then I have a bball game for my son in Farmington. Should be back brushhogging around 1:00 or 1:30.
On Sunday, I am going to start with a weedeater and cutters around 7:30 or so, and will stay after it until I get done. I managed to get the tractor everywhere on the front except hole 3 and 13 (and the rental was $48 for the trimmer, and $60 for the mower), so I am just gonna work with my weedeater and loppers. The only bad hole will be 13, but I figure for $108, I can do some manual labor. (my wife thought so too) :)
So anyone, who wants to show up can do so. The more hands we have, the quicker we can get done and have some fun. I would love to see an impromptu mini Sunday, to make sure the course is really ready to go.
If you do come out, and I am not at home yet, all my tools will be out on the picnic table in the yard, and hole one is to the right of the house, just inside the wood line. If you are here at lunch time Sunday, I'll be sure we have a little something cooked up to keep up our energy!
Thanks everyone, hope to see you this weekend.
AlmaWillie 479-670-2641
Oct 25 2009, 11:28 PM
Thanks to everyone who came out and helped on the course today! We have Chester in definite playing condition, as we showed when we played all 18 around 1:00!! :)
I'll do a few more little things here and there to make it really shine, but mostly I will be trying to get my game to shine between now and the 8th! I just love having good friends who are willing to help clean up my playground! ;)
If anyone wants a practice round next weekend, just let me know. I know I need it and will try hard to be around for one or two.
Oct 29 2009, 02:12 PM
OK guys! I need some help. I have a potential sponsor for the food for this event. I would love to see it come from a sponsorship, and not from individual pockets, so.....
I really need to have an idea of how much food I will be looking at. If you think that you may attend this event, or you know someone who says that they are going to attend it, please let me know. In order for me to get the sponsorship settled, I really need to give them a number by next wednesday. So at that point, I am going to turn in what I have and then anything extra will be out of pocket. So, Early notice will really help me!
Thanks and see you soon.
Oct 29 2009, 04:31 PM
I plan on playing :)
Oct 30 2009, 10:21 AM
The very first forecast is out. So far it is looking like a GREAT weekend for disc golf!! Next Saturday it says will be 63 with 0% chance of rain, and Sunday says 59 with a 20% chance of rain. The night in between says 48, so it would be great for camping (hint hint). :)
Oct 30 2009, 04:41 PM
Looks like a beautiful day tomorrow for a practice round of SC. I have a ball game to attend at 11:15, then we'll do lunch, so I figure I'll be home around 1:30. That will give time for a quick round before the Trick-or-treating starts. If we get 4 or 5 together, and anyone is intereswted, we'll turn it into a mini.
I would be willing to put money on Roger being there, so let's get some more out to give him a run for his top SC rating in the state!! (yes Roger, mini partner or not, I'll still be gunning for that top spot) ;)
Oct 30 2009, 07:22 PM
Hey Willie !!!!!
Might be up after the Ben Geren mini in the morning !!!!
If I can talk a few into coming up with me !!!! :rolleyes:
We might be up before you get back, but I know the direction to hole #1 !!!!! :)
Oct 31 2009, 05:04 PM
Sorry Willie !!!! :(
Didn't get a chance to come up today !!!
hopefully I'll get a chance sometime this week to play a little before next weekend !!!! :)
Oct 31 2009, 11:14 PM
Well looks ike I am going to be home again tomorrow. Had plans to go watch some ultimate in Fayeteville, but the heat&air guy said "I'm bringing a bunch of stuff up there tomorrow and we'll see what we can do." Of course he gave no time frame, and I still wouldn't bet on it, but it is enough to lock me in at home. So I'll be either working on the house, or on the course. If anyone wants to come out give me a call, or just show up, I'll be around.
Also, keep letting me know who is planning on coming and who isn't. I really would like to get as much of the food ahead of time as I can.
Nov 03 2009, 09:26 AM
Looking to be a great weekend in the river valley! If you are interested in camping out, get your name in the hat quick, as there are only 2 of the prime spots left! Of course with 70 acres there is plenty of room elsewhere, but these two are nice spots.
We're beginning to see some pre-regs come in, if you are thinking about coming (whether you are sure or not) please let me know so I can get the food purchased. I am fine with having too much, and getting it paid for, instead of having too little and it having to be bought the day of.
Greenwood and Chester are the places to be this weekend! How nice it would be to leave the weekend as the champion of both a disc and Super Class tourney! :)
Nov 03 2009, 06:31 PM
This is a COOL video that will give people that don't know anything about Super Class, a taste of what could happen if they come to Chester this weekend !!!! :cool:
Old school the way it use to be !!!!! :)
you can see were the old guys use to refer to how the disc flew, as a spiritual experience !!!! :) :D :cool:
Nov 04 2009, 09:36 AM
Thanks Roger! That is an awesome video for sure! How can that guy throw that disc as hard as he does sidearm and not flip it over!?!?!?!? BE sure and check this out. :)
Also, you can now register to attend this event on Facebook! You put on there that you will attend and I will save you a players pack Sunday. Just go to events and search for "Super Barrels", then click that you will attend.
For anyone coming out, just come to the Chester Exit (Exit 34 on I540, between Alma and Fayetteville) and follow the SUPER BARRELS signs to the course. We are only 3 miles off the interstate and easy to get to. And with signs up advertising "Super Barrels" in Chester you never know what kind of folks you are going to see! :) ;)
Who remembers..........
"What are these frozen barrels ya'll have the signs up for? "
Nov 04 2009, 10:04 AM
How about the hair on Westerfield and the excitement of the spectators !!!! :)
also the disc's look like zephyrs !!!! what a beautiful slow glide through the air !!!! :cool:
Nov 08 2009, 08:17 PM
What a GREAT day!! It was an absolutely beautiful day for disc golf in Chester. As far as I know a good time was had by all! The results are up, with ratings for each round.
Thanks to all who supported this tournament again, and those who provided our CTP and Ring-of-fire prizes. I'm pretty sure everyone left with something! And some of them left with ALOT (Flying G - CTP, Ace Pot, Ring-of-Fire and 2nd place Open) :)
Keep watching for more events, as there will be an Ice Bowl out here!!
Nov 09 2009, 12:36 PM
A big THANK YOU goes out to Willie and Shawna Williams for putting on a excellent Super Class Event in Chester !!!!! :)
ps. as always the WAFDA family appreciates the hard work that goes into one of these events !!!!! :) :D :cool:
Nov 09 2009, 04:23 PM
Thanks to the Williams Family and helpers plus the players, great times as always, this is one of my favorite places to have tournaments!!
Super Class is the most underrated thing in disc golf, like Heath said, "I love watching those big fat things fly so slowly" :D
We'll definitely have another Super Class event at Tilles after the Ft. Smith Ice Bowl and I can't wait till the Frozen Barells Ice Bowl :)