Nov 27 2009, 07:49 PM
Morning skins match prior to the Saturday Northshore Mini.
Groups/group will tee off no later than 9:30 a.m. Saturday morning.

$5 - $10 group decision, very willing to play for more if everyone wants to.
Could be RIPT Revenge Skins if so agree'd. Let's have some fun and help design a new course. Questions: give me a call-530-5367.

Corner of S.1st and W. Nursery.
Rogers, AR.

Course will be set up by 8:30 and available for play until a little before noon. I want everyone to be able to make it to the Northshore Mini in plenty of time.

Quick skins then clean up on us helpless Arkies at Northshore. May as well come on over since there is no since in watching OU this year