Dec 29 2009, 03:21 PM
There's an Ice Bowl scheduled for January 9th at Northshore in Fayetteville
TD's are Darrell Bailey and Jeff Ash so I'd trust it to be a good one!!
neither post often on the PDGA Board so any real questions you may contact Darrell from the info at icebowlhq.com (http://icebowlhq.com/index.php?view=details&id=147%3Anorthshore-ice-bowl&option=com_eventlist&Itemid=100053)
Jan 05 2010, 12:05 PM
Plan on getting some mulligans and get in the ace pot, hole 15 will be set-up in a very aceable position, this hole is already short...lefty or righty shot...thing is there's gonna be 4 baskets set-up in a "clustered Y" configuration, you may finish the hole on any of these baskets - this will present a much larger target for the ace :)
Jan 05 2010, 01:34 PM
Jeff wanted me to pass on the info that their will be a players pack, choice of Ice Bowl Disc or Towel, there will also be Trophies for the division champions
Also, everybody that plays in all 3 of our Arkansas Ice Bowls will be entered in a special drawing at Horseshoe Canyon, winner will get to light the Fireworks for Saturday night and a special merchandise package :)
those events are:
Northshore Ice Bowl on Jan. 9th
Ft. Smith Ice Bowl on Feb. 6th
Horseshoe Canyon Ice Bowl on Feb. 27th
Jan 05 2010, 04:40 PM
I thought Fort Smith's was going to be on the 13th? Did you move it so you could do the Super Class too?
What is going on the 13th or 20th in the area? I'm still looking into a Chester Ice Bowl, but the house, Super Bowl party (same day as SC Ice Bowl at Tilles :( )and etc... is weighing me down.
Jan 05 2010, 05:05 PM
Yes, I changed it to the 6th so we could do Super Class on the 7th (info is on wafda.org - I guess I'll start a thread on here soon) I know Super Bowl is the same day but the 14th would be worse - I bet we'll be done by 3 to 3:30 on the Super Class
I'd love to change it to 4 WAFDA Ice Bowls, the club has merch for payout if needed and no problem putting merch profit towards the charity!!
the 13th or or 21st (Sunday) of Feb. could work for a Chester Ice Bowl
FYI - Tulsa Spring Fling #1 is Feb. 20th
Jan 08 2010, 08:00 PM
In a proactive attempt to alleviate the possibility that any participant, or prospective participant, may feel compelled to �whine� about the distance they will have to walk to get from their warm, toasty, automobile to the pavilion at Northshore- fear not, as we are going to be setting up �Tournament Central� adjacent to tee #1 and the parking lot.
I am going to offer players that have registered the opportunity to start their first round any time after 8am if they have a card of 3 or 4 players and want to do so. This will increase speed of play, and avoid a possible long, cold, wait for the �official� start time of 10am. I will group all first round scores after they have been turned in and we will still start the 2nd round at 2pm.
There will be media coverage tomorrow so wear your collared long johns...
Jan 10 2010, 01:58 PM
I would like to thank everyone for supporting our ice bowl.
We had 22 players plus 4 people that paid entry fee but elected not to play. Thanks so much.
Air temp. was 4 deg. with a little wind, snow on the ground and also snowing.
open men.
Paul Dorries. 43/45 (88)
Josh Crowl.. 42/48 (90)
Erik Bailey... 51/43 (94)
Adam Hunt.. 49/45 (94)
Aaron Triska.53/50 (103)
Zack Asbury.53/52 (105)
Keith Lundy..56/55 (111)
Kelly Ganzel..--/65 missed 1st rd
open women.
Stacey Whitley.. 69/68 (137)
Heath Whitley.. 46/45 (91)
Tony Walker.... 48/51 (99)
Sean Young..... 52/DNF
Dave Wise... 54/49 (103)
Jeff Ash...... 53/55 (108)
Buck Hadlock... 51/51 (102)
Adv. Masters.
Sam Dodd.... 51/51 (101)
Dough Duff... 54/55 (109)
Brad Hoi....... 57/60 (117)
Phil Drenckpohl. 55/DNF
Evan Mckee... 59/63 (122)
Kevin Bennoch.62/64 (126)
David Dodd.....72/64 (136)
Once again I would like all that helped the cause and the support from the Tulsa crew.
Thanks to Jeff, Evan,Heath,Erik and all else that helped out.
we raised $1000.01