Jan 12 2010, 03:10 PM

WAFDA is very proud to hold another Ice Bowl at historic Tilles Park, featuring an expanded from 9 hole to 18 hole layout

This will be very similar to the layout played in 2008

Saturday is our "Traditional Disc Golf" format

On Sunday for those that want we'll have a completely separate Super Class event (probably just the original 9 hole layout)

Both of the Tilles events are PDGA sanctioned, due to the charitable aspect of these events there will be no $10 "Non-Member Fee" and all PDGA player fees will be donated to charity, these rounds will not receive "Ratings" due to mulligans being sold for charity, Current PDGA members will receive points.

In 2009 WAFDA raised $3,050 and several hundred pounds of food for charity with our Ice Bowl endeavors. We hope to raise that bar even higher this year. Our charity for the Tilles events is the Community Services Clearinghouse which is a large Food Bank serving Western Arkansas and Eastern Oklahoma. The money raised is earmarked for the Backpacks for Kids Program which sends children home with food for the weekend that may not be provided good nutrition otherwise

Ten Dollars from every entry, all mulligan and raffle proceeds, donations and ALL profit made from amateur merch payouts and additional merchandise sales will go directly to the charity. The remaining portions of the entry will go to a traditional PDGA payout back to the players

While it is true that most food banks can use cash vs. can goods due to their wholesale buying abilities I feel that this is still a good venue to accept food donations, many of us have food in the kitchen that we may not really need so feel free to donate, those that bring 10 or more non-perishable food items will recieve an Ice Bowl disc as thanks

The money used to buy these "food for plastic" discs comes from outside sponsorship

This is another area that players can help with:

For $25 you may sponsor a hole, if we go over 18 sponsors I'll allow double, triple, whatever sponsorships - after around $350ish all further proceeds help the charity - I have a little bit of local sponsorship from area businesses but you - the players would really help, it could be for your business or where you work (tax deductible advertising) or you could have fun and smack talk your favorite adversary

Another area we can use help in is merchandise to boost the Raffle, CTP's, perhaps a Ring of Fire or even payouts

We'll have a good selection of Ice Bowl Discs from several manufacturers and plastic types plus some clothing for am payouts and for sale also

We'd like to encourage everyone to support as many Ice Bowl events that you can, play 1 or play em' all, all for fun and a great cause, feeding the hungry.....we'll see ya on the courses!!

Feb 01 2010, 12:14 PM
Wow !!!! The 4th annual Fort Smith Ice Bowl is almost here !!!!!

I'm looking forward to starting 2010 off right !!!! ;)

It's always nice to see the disc golf community coming together for a worthy cause !!!! :) :D :cool:

Feb 01 2010, 01:38 PM
I wish I could make it this year. Will be my first miss. Already scheduled the weekend with the wife for our 15th ann.

Have fun guys, I'll try to send something that way since I can't be there.

Feb 01 2010, 01:45 PM
We'll miss ya Two Putt, I wouldn't of designed an all righty course if I knew you were'nt gonna make it ;)

Have fun with the wife, spread the word over in T-Town for us :)

Feb 01 2010, 03:28 PM
What's this, an all righty course.:mad: Roger would never stand for that. At least I hope not. I'm counting on you Roger (if you need some help moving baskets just yell at me):D

Feb 01 2010, 03:56 PM
I just be kidding Duff

same course as 2 years ago with a good mix and LOTS of OB :D

Feb 02 2010, 01:20 PM
Duff, you know that lefties rule in Arkansas !!!!! ;)

Looking forward to seeing you and all the Okies this weekend !!!!! :cool:

Feb 03 2010, 11:55 AM
Wow !!!! The Ice Bowl layout is a welcome change to this historic course !!! Lots of interesting new looks and OB's to challenge our skills and make use of all those mulligans that we'll have !!! ;)

Maybe, we need to look into the cost of converting the old permanent basket positions into baskets with multiple sleeves and locking collars !!!! : :cool:

Just a thought !!!! might be a good way to spice up one of the first disc golf courses in the state !!!! :)

Feb 04 2010, 01:47 PM
rain, rain, go away and come back some other day !!!! :eek:

like maybe a couple of days before "Hell on the Border" !!!! ;)

Should be an AWESOME weekend !!!!!! See ya in the Fort !!!!!! :) :D :cool:

Feb 04 2010, 04:17 PM
luckily no rain forecasted for Saturday or Sunday, cloudy, high of 41 - prime Ice Bowl Weather :D

We're looking at building a tee box for hole 16 out of some built up material with carpet on top - that area is gonna be soggy after today's rain - also looking at modifying the target position to an elevated position on top of a picnic table - the rest of the course should handle the wetness well

Tomorrow afternoon I'll be at Tilles to lay OB lines - between 1 & 2 o'clock - any help is appreciated

Looking forward to Saturday & Sunday :)

Feb 05 2010, 10:33 AM
Evan, just asking is enough !!!!! I'll see you this afternoon !!!!! :)

Looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow for the 4th annual Ice Bowl in the Fort !!!! WAFDA and the Community Services Clearinghouse, a perfect match for a worthy cause !!!! :) :D :cool:

Also anyone interested in LIVE disc golf on the net. The discount for The Memorial Championship runs out Feb. 5 (today) !!! sign up and be eligible for over $2500 worth of prizes !!!! :cool:

I'm waiting for the 1hr. lesson with Avery,Nate, and Valarie that should be interesting !!!!! ;)

Feb 05 2010, 11:07 AM
It's Ice Bowl Eve and im ready-ing my humble but excited Russellville crew. Can't wait to get some fun winter disc golf in at the Fort!


Feb 05 2010, 11:10 AM
Low 40s is not winter golf. You should have been at the Fayetteville Ice Bowl, now thats WINTER golf.

Feb 05 2010, 02:19 PM
I'm hopig to make it out, at least for the Super Class day. Ya'll know that my house has been keeping me down, even made me cancel the idea of a Chester I ce Bowl this year. All my energy and money has been in this addition, but we are SO close to being done. I feel I may HAVE to sneak away Sunday and get in at least one day of Ice Bowl action. Everyone get to the Fort and put in as much support as you can. And anyone looking for a place to hand Saturday night, I am about 25 minutes North of the Fort and have a trailer set-up in the yard. Stay over and play the Sunday Super Class too.

Feb 05 2010, 02:50 PM
Low 40s is not winter golf. You should have been at the Fayetteville Ice Bowl, now thats WINTER golf.

Heck ya - that was awesome!! Broke a Champion Roc it was so cold

as of today I have my first ever case of Larengitis - feel fine but can't talk :eek:

I'll probably have to have an interpeter for tomorrows players meeting and awards :rolleyes:

All good - NO WIMPS - NO WHINERS!!:D:D:D

Feb 05 2010, 04:42 PM
Looks like I now know what I will be doing with my VP duties. Looking forward to this and will be there to help with whatever else I can.