Nov 12 2010, 10:26 AM
Just didn't want anyone to forget that in three weeks on Dec. 4th. The WAFDA crew will be having "The End of the Year" !!!!!!!

Tag Match Extravaganza for 2010 !!!!!! :cool:

Who will take home the #1 tag for the start of 2011 !!!!!!! :eek:

Also I think lunch will be provided for all that attend !!!!!! :)

This is a PERFECT way to say "THANK YOU" to all the WAFDA members that supported the club throughout the year !!!!!!!

WAFDA is looking forward to a bigger and brighter 2011 !!!!!!! :cool:

Nov 12 2010, 12:00 PM
Thank you Roger. You are correct We are having our end of the year tag match on Dec 4th. Like always Its going to be BIG!!!!!!! My goal (just like every other year) is to make sure every one walks away with a disc, a full stomach, and a chance at the 2011 #1 WAFDA tag.....
We will be closing off competition for tags the weekend of Thanksgiving. So the last day to improve your tag is on Nov. 28th. After that I will need to be notified of your tag number so that I can get the Bracket set up.

This will be a PRE REG only so that I am not having to change things last minute.....

Nov 15 2010, 10:50 PM
dec 4th hmmmm. i might try to make it. pretty sure i have a tag, and ive only played like zero times since the pipes.

Nov 15 2010, 11:43 PM
To whom it concerns,

I've apparently lost my tag. Do I need to purchase a new one, or can I have it replaced? I believe the # was 68.


Nov 16 2010, 11:24 AM
Eric, If you just forgot to get your tag after a mini than !!!! :confused:
Maybe I've got your tag, because I've got an extra tag that I'm holding and looking for it's owner !!!!!! :)

If not than Chris would replace the tag # for sure !!!!! But I'm not for sure if it might cost $$$ to replace !!!!:confused:

In regard's to Matt Scott !!!!! What are you thinking !!!!!! NO Disc Golf !!!!! Boy, get your @#% out of the house and have some FUN !!!!! ;)

Also remember that "Life's Worth Living in Fort Smith" especially on the golf course with the WAFDA crew !!!!!!! :cool:

Nov 16 2010, 12:32 PM
Replacement tags for current members are $5

Non Members can pay $15 and get a 2010 tag, into the "Dirty Disc Match Play Championship" and also get a 2011 tag and membership

Free BBQ, Quality Competition in a unique format, lots of prizes (usually everyone leaves with something) not to mention great times with good folks - membership has its privalages :)

also everyone remember - club officer elections are also held during this - so step and run if you want to help and be involved with WAFDA on a larger level

Nov 16 2010, 02:13 PM
Roger, I think you may have my tag. I actually left it at the Russellville Tournament a LONG time back, and have been playing with Shawna's ever since. At the time was tag was like #28 or #23, but I am not sure what I would have left with. Anyway, if you have had it that long, it is probably mine (they said they gave it to a WAFDA person).

Nov 16 2010, 04:12 PM
Willie, I just aquired this one a week or two ago !!!!! I thought it was James tag, but James has a tag !!!!! I'm sure we'll find its owner before the tag match !!!!!! :)

If know one claims it !!!!!! We'll find a home to a needy Disc Golfer somewhere !!!!!! ;)

ps. I second that what Evan said about STEPPING-UP and giving something back to the Disc Golf community as a whole !!!! A win/win for everyone !!!!!! :cool:

Nov 16 2010, 09:28 PM
Eric, If you just forgot to get your tag after a mini than !!!! :confused:
Maybe I've got your tag, because I've got an extra tag that I'm holding and looking for it's owner !!!!!! :)

If not than Chris would replace the tag # for sure !!!!! But I'm not for sure if it might cost $$$ to replace !!!!:confused:

In regard's to Matt Scott !!!!! What are you thinking !!!!!! NO Disc Golf !!!!! Boy, get your @#% out of the house and have some FUN !!!!! ;)

Also remember that "Life's Worth Living in Fort Smith" especially on the golf course with the WAFDA crew !!!!!!! :cool:

Man I joined the rest of the real world and got a job back in August. I will see what I can do. Ive been itching for a reason to come back up to NWA. I miss it up there.

Nov 24 2010, 07:16 PM
STOP THE PRESSES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This just in WAFDA will be giving away a BRAND NEW REVOLUTION disc golf bag donated from the EDGE program
This will be given away at the WAFDA tag match and can only be won by a current tag member and he/she must be present to win.

Nov 29 2010, 12:37 PM
Alright tag challenges are now CLOSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Please get me your tag numbers so I can start preparing the brackets.

Contact info
cell 479-739-2266
email [email protected]

Nov 29 2010, 01:24 PM
Evan and Chris the only thing we need to make sure is ALL current 2010 members, with the e-mail information that we recieved, each member should be contacted and Thanked for their support over the year !!!!! personally if possible !!!!!! :cool:

I wouldn't want to see a member two months from now and explain why we didn't get a hold of him or her and let them know when the tag match date happened !!!!!! :o

If I can do anything to help make sure that scenario doesn't happen let me know !!!!!! :)

Chris remember that I've got a ticket wheel coming and this might be a good time to try it out !!!!! :cool:

ps. No more drawing out of a plastic bag for WAFDA events !!!!!! ;)

Nov 29 2010, 02:00 PM
I like the plastic bag drawing!:rolleyes: And I also like the idea of you personally giving me a call... Dare You!:p

I have tag# 40..:eek:

Nov 29 2010, 02:07 PM
Does that mean you are in for next Saturday Mr. Duff?

Nov 29 2010, 02:14 PM
If I knew what time to be there

Nov 29 2010, 03:22 PM
We will be teeing at 9am so that we can finish with light left. Now there may be some people with bye's that may not play until the second round.......But with that tag number I would just plan on playing at 9 :) :) :)

Nov 30 2010, 09:28 AM
Duff, just a personal e-mail message !!!!!!! ;)

We just want to let the member make the decision on whether he or she can make the event !!!!!! :)

We'll be looking forward to seeing ya on Saturday !!!!!! :cool:

Should be a lot of FUN !!!!!!!!! :cool:

Nov 30 2010, 09:38 PM
We are currently at 24 registered players. Hopefully we dont get more than 8 more people so that way we can keep it at 5 rounds of 9 holes. If we have to go 6 rounds we may not make it with the little light that we have.
Either way this is going to be the best Tag Match we have had. Giving away $300 in merch including a New Revolution Disc Golf Bag.
You dont want to miss this one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dec 01 2010, 12:03 AM
Hey DGers,
Weather forecast shows Saturday to be the warmest day of the week; 65 degrees is the projected high. The disc golf gods are looking out for us this fall and winter. We've had great weather the past few tournaments. Let's bring our best :cool: and most importantly, let's have some fun. :)
See ya Saturday,

Dec 01 2010, 09:23 AM
Unfortunately I will not be making the Tag Match AGAIN this year (I'm not sure I have played one yet....) I have an invite to stay at a cabin and do some deer hunting on 300 acres of unhunted land, so......
I did want to wish everyone great rounds and a wonderful time. I also wanted to let you know that Shawna (our first LADY board member??) and I both are willing to take board positions this year if you need us. So just put us in a position where we can do good and let the votes be counted!

Dec 01 2010, 01:36 PM
I think we have 80+ members !!!!!! So 24 registered players doesn't sound like very many !!!!!! :(

Hopefully we can make things more interesting for Chris by having more members registering to join in the FUN !!!!!!! :cool:

Evan is Shawna the only one so far to step-up for a board position !!!!!!!

WAFDA is looking for a few more good people to further advance the Disc Golf scene for everyone in the River Valley !!!!!!:cool:

Remember it "Takes a Village", so step-up and be apart of the future growth of the sport !!!!!!!

Dec 01 2010, 02:18 PM
I'm showing 75 current members (unsure how many new memberships may have been taken during Oct./Nov.)

so 1/3 ain't bad and I bet it'll grow by Saturday :)

Shawna is the only new person so far willing to run for the board - I'm just gonna automatically put all current board members in except for Joey

so now it looks like:

Willie Williams
Shawna Williams
Phil Drenckpohl
Chris Eads
Roger Knight
Dave Hudson

7 board positions to be filled

anyone else wanting to run let us know, it's fairly informal and considering very few want to do it more of a legality/formality thing

basically a list will be posted at the tag match, read off and voted on by membership present

Dec 01 2010, 02:31 PM
And oh yeah, remember - NO plates allowed, eat off of your disc or face DQ :eek:

Phil cooks some awesome food so Zephyrs or Ultra-Stars are the preferred dining dishes :D

Dec 01 2010, 07:49 PM
Chris has any none member (2010) signed up yet !!!!!! :confused:

Because we had 21 golfers show up at the mini last Saturday and some where going to sign up !!!!!!! :cool:

just wondering !!!!!! :)

Dec 01 2010, 08:20 PM
Chris Winders brother is going to play and he isnt current and then Brandon Weaver is also going to be signing up the day of but thats all so far.

Dec 02 2010, 12:41 PM
Shawna is the only new person so far willing to run for the board - I'm just gonna automatically put all current board members in except for Joey

so now it looks like:

Willie Williams
Shawna Williams
Phil Drenckpohl
Chris Eads
Roger Knight
Dave Hudson

7 board positions to be filled

anyone else wanting to run let us know, it's fairly informal and considering very few want to do it more of a legality/formality thing

basically a list will be posted at the tag match, read off and voted on by membership present

Add Chase Campbell to the elections

so now it looks like:

Willie Williams (incumbent)
Shawna Williams (new)
Phil Drenckpohl (incumbent)
Chris Eads (incumbent)
Roger Knight (incumbent)
Dave Hudson (incumbent)
Myself (incumbent)
Chase Campbell (new)

7 board positions to be filled, 8 Candidates

anyone else wanting to run let us know :)

Dec 02 2010, 11:54 PM
Go ahead and put me in if you need someone else Evan. Even though I'm not living there I feel like I'm there enough and definitely care enough to be a contribution in whatever way I can.

Dec 03 2010, 08:56 AM
No problem Robert

Tony Blanchard is wanting to run also

for the first time we have more people wanting to be on the board than our current constitution has positions for

a few people on the list won't make the 7 positions

everyone please keep in mind, elected or not, EVERYONE is welcome to attend meeting, come up with ideas (most importantly with a way to make those ideas happen) and help out however they can

we will issue paper ballots with names of people wanting to be elected on it, we'll need the voters to choose 7 names, we will issue these in the morning with a small players pack as people check-in

we'll supply a box for voters to deposit their voted on ballots and we'll count them up during lunch

this is the 1st time we've ever had to seriously pick (6th election)

I'd personally like to thank everyone for taking an interest in this!!

as of now we have:

Willie Williams (incumbent)
Shawna Williams (new)
Phil Drenckpohl (incumbent)
Chris Eads (incumbent)
Roger Knight (incumbent)
Dave Hudson (incumbent)
Myself (incumbent)
Chase Campbell (new)
Tony Blanchard (new)
Robert Davis (new)

10 good people with a passion for the sport!!

Dec 03 2010, 10:01 AM
Awesome !!!!!! These are good signs for the growth of Disc Golf in the River Valley and WAFDA !!!!!!! :cool:

I would also want to shout a big THANK YOU to the guys and gals that are willing to step-up and give something back to the Disc Golf community !!!!!!!! :)

Evan are we offering an absentee ballot for the members that can't make the tag match this weekend !!!!!!

Dec 03 2010, 10:12 AM
I would love for there to be an absentee method, but also realize that may be difficult to do and to make official. I will send Shawna by to vote. I woudl recommend that all members that can, please at least go by and let your voice be heard on who you would like to be on your board to further the sport of disc golf!
Thanks to all of you willing to step up and help out the sport. You are all appreciated!

Dec 03 2010, 10:21 AM
Oh, and forgot to say. Once board members are decided on, we need to have a meeting and pick the best days and times for ALL board members to be able to attend. In order to have good, productive meetings, we really need to have as many people present at them as possible. And as Evan pointed out, not just board members (although we do have to have quorum to get anything done), but also just disc golfers in general to give us ideas and input!

Dec 03 2010, 11:10 AM

I'm unsure about absentee ballot, per our bylaws votes may be done by "proxy" however

I feel that if someone wants to let someone vote on their behalf we should have some sort of "common sense" way of making sure it's legit (i.e. phone call, ect.)

per our constitution the vote must take place during a yearly membership meeting and this will definitely be the time when the most members would be present

theirs also the option of a constitution change to allow more board positions, the draw back of that is that in order for the constitution to change is:

ARTICLE IX: Amendments

Amendments to this constitution and its bylaws by the membership must be submitted in written petition form
containing two-thirds of the active membership�s signatures at least 60 days prior to a WAFDA meeting.

I want to be clear that even if you aren't an elected board member - that everyone is able to attend our monthly meetings and provide input and help out however they can

Dec 03 2010, 12:02 PM
Thanks Evan, just so everyone has an opportunity to cast their vote, it doesn't matter if its absentee, proxy, phone, or what ever we call it !!!!!!! :cool:

So now let the "Matches Begin" !!!!!!!! Who wants that #1 tag !!!!!! :cool:

ps. I'm going out this afternoon to try and get my game were it should be, so maybe I'll have a shot at that elusive number !!!!!! ;)

Dec 03 2010, 01:46 PM
ps. I'm going out this afternoon to try and get my game were it should be, so maybe I'll have a shot at that elusive number !!!!!! ;)

May I suggest that you work on your 400+ foot max distance drive, 100 or more of those in practice this afternoon should have you just where I think your game needs to be tomorrow ;)

Dec 04 2010, 01:37 AM
hey this is joseph im jumpin on the board too. put me in even.

Dec 05 2010, 04:44 PM
Results? Results? Who is #1 for next year, the WAFDA Champ?

Who's on the board? Do I get a year off while the wife has to go to all the meetings?
Is there a meeting tomorrow night, or are we counting the tourney as our meeting?

I know, I should have been there if I wanted to know anything!! But somebody help a guy out!

Dec 05 2010, 07:10 PM
Board Members
Roger Knight
Chris Eads
Evan Mckee
Willie Williams
Shawna Williams
Phil Drekenpole
Chase Campbell

Dec 05 2010, 07:17 PM
Results for Tag Match

4th Michael Adams
3rd Blake Bailey
2nd Josh Hendrix

We had a total of 41 people show and gave LOTS of stuff away Including a REVO disc golf bag which I unfortunately have to inform that Dough Duff from TULSA was the recipient.
Congrats to all the winners and THANK YOU to everyone for their support all year long. We already have sold multiple tags and have more left. If you are interested see Roger Knight, Evan Mckee or Joseph Brandenburger

Dec 06 2010, 11:24 AM
Thanks for running an awesome event! I'm glad to be a part of this amazing club! I had a great time this weekend. I played against and with some good friends and somehow managed to make it to the elite 8...won a couple of discs and of course a brand new Revo golf bag... I also restocked my Oklahoma fridge with some Arkansas Budweiser! Thank again WAFDA!

Dec 06 2010, 01:11 PM
WOW !!!!!! I think this was our 3rd annual tag match to finish off the year and start the next one !!!!!!! We've grown our numbers every year and 2010 was the biggest yet !!!!!!! THANKS to ALL our members for making this year a big success !!!!! :cool:

Congratulations to the final four that received their 2011 tags for FREE !!!!!! Jeremy, Josh, Blake, and Mike hope to see ya on the course soon and get a chance to play for the gold !!!!!!!! :cool:

Also Congratulations to Shawna and Chase for becoming new board members and I'm looking forward to working with everyone in making 2011 even better !!!!!!!! :)

WAFDA ROCKS !!!!!!! :cool:

Dec 06 2010, 01:25 PM

Yes, meeting tonight 7pm, Library on Rogers Ave.

all are welcome to attend

Dec 06 2010, 05:08 PM
Well crud! I saw the post about the voting having to be at a WAFDA meeting, and just assumed that the tourney/vote was going to be our meeting for this month. I am in Farmington with 1 car and Shawna has a Christmas Choir Concert for her kids that she has to attend. I will try to get home and get a car and let her come back here, but I want to say her thing is at 6pm and we don't get away from school/sitter until 4, so it will be close. If I don't make it, call me for any important vote and I'll cast mine.