Jan 17 2011, 01:36 PM
... by way of getting-the-most-information possible to any visitors on this sport-message-board , the following are copies from "The TULSA ICE BOWL" instruction pages for all her supporters and heroes ... (4 pages) ...
" The intent is to have the LARGEST GATHERING of
Charity-Minded Citizens enjoying the Recreation of Disc-Golf .
Our steadfast goal remains : to accumulate the most support we can provide to The Community Food Bank of Eastern Oklahoma .
What DIVISION do you want to enter ? ? ?
Men , Women , Girls , Boys
Since our 15 years of "Ice Bowl" history in Tulsa began,
our "age divisions" have been . . .
(The PDGA has made changes. We have chosen not to at this Event.We were here first,
and we want to keep all options openfor all players who support this Event.)
They have been and remain to be:
Masters Divisions : age 35 +
GrandMasters : age 45 +
Senior GrandMasters : age 55 +
Our Tradition Endures
: Mulligans for sale: .50 each
buy "Max Mulligans" (36 holes) for only $15
(You don't even have to carry Mulligan slips.
Your scorecard would be marked "MAX".)
REGISTRATION begins as early as 7:45am
FIRST TEE-TIMES range from 8:00am until 11:30am in groups. (Second Tee-Times at your Option)
ONE 18-HOLE ROUND on Bear�s Lair (original 18)
� and �
ONE 18-HOLE ROUND on Moose Run (new 18)
! PLEASE turn in ALL Scorecards , Pencils , Baggies back to the Tournament Director !
* * *
Welcome and thank you for your support of The Community Food Bank of Eastern Oklahoma. Huge Thanks as well to Scott Schumacher (Furdog), Marie Greninger, and Tulsa County Parks for loaning us the Course. Also, Big Thanks go to Steve and Kathy Ward for our website maintenance.
This event at Chandler Park is geared for you to enjoy disc golf while enhancing our reputation in the community. Your participation to compete in two-rounds will support this very active Charity and their superior distribution of food and nutrition to the hungry.
Both of the 18-hole courses at Chandler are �short and sweet�,
thereby needing less time to play.
There is not a �long lunch break� in the schedule.
The only O.B. anywhere on these courses is over the fence into the baseball fields.
There is NO two-meter rule. There are NO mando-throws.
Players will accomplish their 36-holes by their choice of two options:
Optional back-to-back Rounds of 18
With a "break" between Rounds of 18
The order in which you play the two courses is also optional, pending your Group decision -or- the TD. As long as you play all 18-holes on both courses.
Remember: turn in everything including the baggie after completion of 36 holes .
Each Player will be issued their own two-round scorecard, enabling playing-groups to be formed quickly by the TD -or- by the Players themselves.
�Group Size�: Most practical size would be 4 or 5 Players.
We�ll try to have no more than 6 per Hole assignment. The minimum-size for a Tee would be 3 Players. Also, the possibility is okay that a smaller-or-faster Group may ask the Group ahead to allow them to "play through". Good manners go far.
ONE TD-requested �MANDO� :
No matter where you are in the Park at 12:00 NOON , We need a �pause� for our (hopefully) largest group-photo possible. This includes YOU , your caddy , your family , your dog , your mother-in-law , etc. If you�re playing some Holes at 11:50am : PLEASE find a stopping-place ; walk back toward the Shelter ; gather-up with the Crowd and SMILE BIG for the Camera ! Then your Group can return to your position on the Course and resume your Round.
My personal thanks to all of you for this �pause�.
C-T-P for "Original 18" ( Bear�s Lair ) Course is Hole #13.
Measure tape is there and we need one overall winner for the day.
C-T-P for "New 18" ( Moose Run ) Course is Hole #18.
Measure tape is there and we need one overall winner for the day.
. . . expect some possible "extra" C-T-P throws and prizes during the day . . .
Awards and Payout would start as-soon-as-possible after the last Scorecards are turned-in to the TD. So PLEASE do not delay turning them in. Also , if you choose to leave before Awards , please give the TD your phone-number or contact-info in case you win anything.
The Ace Pot must be hit or there will be an extra "throw-off" afterwards.
�Choice � Mulligans� are coupons good for one (1) extra throw anywhere on a hole: tee-shot, approach, or putt. This extra throw will enable the player to choose between their two shots for which one to play. If used, the mulligan coupon must be reported to the scorekeeper in your group after each hole �
Limit for use: one (1) mulligan-coupon per hole.
Side-notes on Mulligans: You do not have to throw both shots back-to-back unless you want to. You must announce to your group before you re-throw.
A Mulligan shot is valid everywhere: Aces, CTPs, Birdies, Side-Bets.
We will be earth-friendly and litter-free on Mulligans in 2011. Rather than carry paper mulligan-coupons, the scorecard will be marked before the round by your TD for your mulligan count. As so many players buy the maximum amount of mulligans (in support of a good charity), I will mark that scorecard as �MAX� before your round and Players in your group will know that you have one (1) extra throw per hole. If a lower number than �MAX� is written on the card, Mulligan-use must be recorded on the Scorecard in an appropriate manner.
And, as always seems to be the case, generous additional donations help "pile up" the totals of Cash. As in previous years, any individual who brings a $100 cash sponsor to the Food Bank totals, will receive their personal "max-mulligan-deal" ($15 value) for free.
SMILE! . . . Because no matter what the weather conditions,
and with your participation, we�re literally feeding thousands!
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For more information, call Wayne Forest at (918)576-8569
As always, your participation and attendance is WELCOMED!
EVERYONE bundle up and BE THERE !!!
Above All : ENJOY ! "
" The intent is to have the LARGEST GATHERING of
Charity-Minded Citizens enjoying the Recreation of Disc-Golf .
Our steadfast goal remains : to accumulate the most support we can provide to The Community Food Bank of Eastern Oklahoma .
What DIVISION do you want to enter ? ? ?
Men , Women , Girls , Boys
Since our 15 years of "Ice Bowl" history in Tulsa began,
our "age divisions" have been . . .
(The PDGA has made changes. We have chosen not to at this Event.We were here first,
and we want to keep all options openfor all players who support this Event.)
They have been and remain to be:
Masters Divisions : age 35 +
GrandMasters : age 45 +
Senior GrandMasters : age 55 +
Our Tradition Endures
: Mulligans for sale: .50 each
buy "Max Mulligans" (36 holes) for only $15
(You don't even have to carry Mulligan slips.
Your scorecard would be marked "MAX".)
REGISTRATION begins as early as 7:45am
FIRST TEE-TIMES range from 8:00am until 11:30am in groups. (Second Tee-Times at your Option)
ONE 18-HOLE ROUND on Bear�s Lair (original 18)
� and �
ONE 18-HOLE ROUND on Moose Run (new 18)
! PLEASE turn in ALL Scorecards , Pencils , Baggies back to the Tournament Director !
* * *
Welcome and thank you for your support of The Community Food Bank of Eastern Oklahoma. Huge Thanks as well to Scott Schumacher (Furdog), Marie Greninger, and Tulsa County Parks for loaning us the Course. Also, Big Thanks go to Steve and Kathy Ward for our website maintenance.
This event at Chandler Park is geared for you to enjoy disc golf while enhancing our reputation in the community. Your participation to compete in two-rounds will support this very active Charity and their superior distribution of food and nutrition to the hungry.
Both of the 18-hole courses at Chandler are �short and sweet�,
thereby needing less time to play.
There is not a �long lunch break� in the schedule.
The only O.B. anywhere on these courses is over the fence into the baseball fields.
There is NO two-meter rule. There are NO mando-throws.
Players will accomplish their 36-holes by their choice of two options:
Optional back-to-back Rounds of 18
With a "break" between Rounds of 18
The order in which you play the two courses is also optional, pending your Group decision -or- the TD. As long as you play all 18-holes on both courses.
Remember: turn in everything including the baggie after completion of 36 holes .
Each Player will be issued their own two-round scorecard, enabling playing-groups to be formed quickly by the TD -or- by the Players themselves.
�Group Size�: Most practical size would be 4 or 5 Players.
We�ll try to have no more than 6 per Hole assignment. The minimum-size for a Tee would be 3 Players. Also, the possibility is okay that a smaller-or-faster Group may ask the Group ahead to allow them to "play through". Good manners go far.
ONE TD-requested �MANDO� :
No matter where you are in the Park at 12:00 NOON , We need a �pause� for our (hopefully) largest group-photo possible. This includes YOU , your caddy , your family , your dog , your mother-in-law , etc. If you�re playing some Holes at 11:50am : PLEASE find a stopping-place ; walk back toward the Shelter ; gather-up with the Crowd and SMILE BIG for the Camera ! Then your Group can return to your position on the Course and resume your Round.
My personal thanks to all of you for this �pause�.
C-T-P for "Original 18" ( Bear�s Lair ) Course is Hole #13.
Measure tape is there and we need one overall winner for the day.
C-T-P for "New 18" ( Moose Run ) Course is Hole #18.
Measure tape is there and we need one overall winner for the day.
. . . expect some possible "extra" C-T-P throws and prizes during the day . . .
Awards and Payout would start as-soon-as-possible after the last Scorecards are turned-in to the TD. So PLEASE do not delay turning them in. Also , if you choose to leave before Awards , please give the TD your phone-number or contact-info in case you win anything.
The Ace Pot must be hit or there will be an extra "throw-off" afterwards.
�Choice � Mulligans� are coupons good for one (1) extra throw anywhere on a hole: tee-shot, approach, or putt. This extra throw will enable the player to choose between their two shots for which one to play. If used, the mulligan coupon must be reported to the scorekeeper in your group after each hole �
Limit for use: one (1) mulligan-coupon per hole.
Side-notes on Mulligans: You do not have to throw both shots back-to-back unless you want to. You must announce to your group before you re-throw.
A Mulligan shot is valid everywhere: Aces, CTPs, Birdies, Side-Bets.
We will be earth-friendly and litter-free on Mulligans in 2011. Rather than carry paper mulligan-coupons, the scorecard will be marked before the round by your TD for your mulligan count. As so many players buy the maximum amount of mulligans (in support of a good charity), I will mark that scorecard as �MAX� before your round and Players in your group will know that you have one (1) extra throw per hole. If a lower number than �MAX� is written on the card, Mulligan-use must be recorded on the Scorecard in an appropriate manner.
And, as always seems to be the case, generous additional donations help "pile up" the totals of Cash. As in previous years, any individual who brings a $100 cash sponsor to the Food Bank totals, will receive their personal "max-mulligan-deal" ($15 value) for free.
SMILE! . . . Because no matter what the weather conditions,
and with your participation, we�re literally feeding thousands!
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For more information, call Wayne Forest at (918)576-8569
As always, your participation and attendance is WELCOMED!
EVERYONE bundle up and BE THERE !!!
Above All : ENJOY ! "