This is a Copy/Paste from the Joplin thread concerning Disc Golfers that are affected by the recent tornado disaster:
Disc Golfers,
We've received some news that one of our own, Uriah Johnson, is at a Springfield hospital in serious condition. He has swelling on his brain and internal bleeding. Right now, that is all we know on his condition but the update was from this morning. Please keep Uriah in your thoughts and prayers.
Others that have have had their house destroyed or at least damaged include Pat Wooley, The Davison Family (Michael and Isaac), and Zack Jones. Please let us know if there are any other disc golfers that will need help and assistance.
Finally, don't forget about the Disc Golf Monkey's raffle this Saturday at the Lake Bella Vista Open, where the money raised will go to help the area disc golfers who were affected by the tornado. If you are unable to attend but would like to make a donation to your fellow disc golfers, contact the Disc Golf Monkey, information is on his website at (, contact the club, or paypal money to
[email protected]
Please keep all those affected in your thoughts and prayers as we all come together as a disc golf community.
JDGC Officers