Jul 14 2011, 03:57 PM
WAFDA is proud to present one of the most anticipated and highest quality events of the year


Online registration is now open at NPCtour.com (http://npctour.com/npc-tour/hell-on-the-border-online-sign-up/)

PLEASE PRE-REG - this event will fill and there were several at our last event's wait list
that didn't get in - don't let this happen to you!

Our plan is to not have registrations on Saturday morning,
player check-in only and an earlier start time

one thing I really like about this online registration through NPC is that
the little bit of profit made from it (around $1 a head) goes to
a Disc Golf Scholarship(s) to be awarded next year

Bring Your Own Partner Doubles will be held on that Friday, 2pm till 6:30ish flex start
$20 per team Pro / $10 per team Ams, we will also offer mixed (boy/girl) and female divisions in both PRO and AM
you don't have to be registered in the event to participate in Doubles

Schedule is basically 2 rounds of 18 on Saturday with a 1 1/2 hour lunch break
and 1 round of 18 on Sunday using tee-times

the great thing about this is that once divisions finish,
payout will be provided, you don't have top wait for the awards ceremony


We will be doing a handicap based formula through DGU at Innova,
the same way that the 2011 USDGC will be scored
MUST BE PDGA CURRENT and a Legal Resident of Arkansas with a minimum rating of 850+

Awesome Players Packs as always (Pro and Am), lots of CTP's,
as always added payout to Pro's and Am's (pick your own plastic also)
and the highly coveted Wood Trophy Discs

As always we will be raising money for the EDGE program through a very sweet raffle,
with our area having 2 permanent school courses in the ground now and a great potential for more going in
this is a win win for all involved

while this is not "official host lodging" - everyone usually stays at the Motel 6,
I-540 at Rogers Avenue, Exit #8/8-A
6001 Rogers Avenue
Ft Smith, AR 72903
(479) 484-0576

rooms start at $38

We are very much looking forward to showing you how good a disc golf event can be!!

Jul 18 2011, 06:04 PM
Peace has been achieved.

Jul 18 2011, 06:16 PM

Jul 18 2011, 06:29 PM
Peace has been achieved.

Jul 18 2011, 06:36 PM

Jul 20 2011, 10:12 AM
Peace has been achieved.

Jul 20 2011, 01:48 PM
Looking like players packs are even more than usual - around $45 value per AM and close to $30 for PROS - and still paying out above and beyond expectations

pre-regs are rolling in, don't get left out - sign up at NPCtour.com (http://npctour.com/npc-tour/hell-on-the-border-online-sign-up/)


Jul 27 2011, 02:41 PM
Registered players list is available HERE (http://www.pdga.com/tournament_results/73898)

registrations are rolling in, don't get shut out, this will fill up - register online at NPCtour.com (http://npctour.com/npc-tour/hell-on-the-border-online-sign-up/)

to make sure of proper fitting dry fit shirt please be registered by August 2nd

Aug 03 2011, 01:02 PM
We're at our halfway mark of 45 registered players and I'm aware of many more fixing to register

players list can be found HERE (http://www.pdga.com/tournament_results/73898#Recreational)

Don't get shut out - this event is capped at 90 players!

online registration is available at www.npctour.com (http://www.npctour.com), or contact me to arrange other methods of registering

remaining shirt sizes are first registered, first served (Very Nice Dry-Fits)

Players packs have a few more goodies in them than dry-fit for pro and dry-fit/disc for ams :D

Aug 07 2011, 06:13 PM

Thanks Everyone! Hell on the Border is full at 90 and starting a wait list in case of possible drop outs - THE ONLY WAY to get on the waitlist is to call me - the # is on the flyer

Aug 09 2011, 10:18 PM
We are pleased to announce the Player's Party for Hell on the Border!! - Golf Etc driving range located off of hwy 71 at 5202 E. Hwy 45 - hot dogs and refreshments and Trophies for Long Drive, Long Roller, Long Mini Drive and Mini Golf as well as some CTP's - 6:30 to 10ish Sat. evening - Long Drive starts at 7pm, players, families and friends are welcome to attend!!

Aug 12 2011, 12:38 PM
Bring Your Own Partner Doubles will be held Today, 2pm till 6:30ish flex start
$20 per team Pro / $10 per team Ams, we will also offer mixed (boy/girl) and female divisions in both PRO and AM. You don't have to be registered in the event to participate in Doubles. "So come on out and lets play some B":)

Aug 15 2011, 04:03 PM
Awesome weekend !!!!!! Thanks to everyone involved especially Evan and Shawn !!!!!! :cool:

Check-out the Sunday and Monday articles in the Times Record !!!!!!! Great Disc Golf exposure !!!!!! :cool:



Also Congratulations to Kevin Jones and ALL the divisional champions !!!!!!! :cool:

Arkies ruled this one !!!!!!!!!! 6 out of 8 division champions !!!!!!! :eek:

Aug 17 2011, 11:46 PM
I noticed that the scores for the Advance Masters Division didn't get posted in the SWTIMES. :confused:

Aug 18 2011, 12:06 AM
Did an okie win that div.?

Aug 18 2011, 03:55 PM
I noticed that the scores for the Advance Masters Division didn't get posted in the SWTIMES. :confused:

The reporter physically wrote the scores down from the scoreport, right before we left the park, sorry if you got missed, congrats on your 3rd place finish Eric, but like momma always told me if you ain't 1st - you're last ;)

and the only divisions the Okies won were Pro Masters and Pro GM - that's because the Okie pros were scared to enter the div of the WAFDA 15 year old :eek::D:eek:

6 out of 8 divisions in Arkansas is HUGE for this event :)

Aug 18 2011, 03:56 PM
Eric, I think Grant Tolley must of missed the advance masters !!!! Because he was just scribbling down scores at the end !!!!!! :D

And that's a Big "NO" on the question that it was an Okie !!!!! :eek:

Mark "stinky" Hill from Mena, Ar. won the advance master division !!!!!! :cool:

Aug 18 2011, 04:05 PM

this Advanced Master all the time didn't get his scores reported to the paper so he finally started calling them in straight from the course ;)

Aug 24 2011, 09:06 AM
Congratulations Joseph Brandenburger!!

Joseph has been selected as the Arkansas State Rep for the 2011 United States Disc Golf Championship through his play at Hell on the Border XVI

This year the USDGC is using a handicapped scoring method to allow a greater range of players to experience the greatest DG event in the world, to reflect this new format, our state spot also used this method, the spot was available to only legal Ark. residents that are current PDGA members with a rating over 850

The top 4 on the list couldn't go because of commitments to school or work so in this case it was passed down the list

I am confident that Joseph will be a fine representative for our state through his play and sportsmanship :)

Aug 24 2011, 12:08 PM

This is how it was scored

I broke the ties by performance adjusted score hot round