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Apr 20 2006, 12:46 PM
That's no joke, Kris....I can't stand seeing Hummers on the road. I read an article that stated Hummers are technically illegal to produce and sell in the United States.

I'm thinking a Moped might be the way to go:

Apr 20 2006, 12:53 PM
Tax people with SUV's, and put that money into research for alternative fuels.

Well they (we, since I drive a full size pickup) are being "taxed" at a higher rate in that they're buying more gas.

At some point the Supply & Demand curve will kick in and people driving gas guzzlers will change their habits. I haven't decided at what point I'll be riding my motorcycle to work instead of the truck, but it will happen. The only reason I'm not doing that now, is that daycare is on the way to work, so I'll still have to drive the truck to daycare, then go back home & get the bike, then do the reverse on the way home.

Apr 20 2006, 01:12 PM
Tax people with SUV's, and put that money into research for alternative fuels.

Well they (we, since I drive a full size pickup) are being "taxed" at a higher rate in that they're buying more gas.

One thing I cannot stand is when people assume that transportation is cheaper for me then it is for everyone else.

There is a reason I bought a hybrid vehicle, I was tired of paying so much for gas. I ordered it when gas broke over $1.50/gallon for 87 octane. So needless to say at almost $3/gallon I am slightly P.O.ed.

I pay the same per gallon as everyone else. And in fact I am punished more for increased gasoline prices by people who suck up more gas then anyone else.

An executive for Shell Oil Company said that at current consumption levels (2004) and with current growth rates taking China and India into account, the worlds oil supply would last until 2025.

And just think....Dodge just re-released the Charger! Smart, very smart. What are these Hummer driving brick heads going to do when gasoline runs out? Push it?

Time for teleports, electric scooters, and tight knit urban areas.

Apr 20 2006, 01:24 PM
I've got the solution:

Plus you can take it offroad for your rounds!!!

Personally, I'd get the Police Version.

You will respect my authorit-ie!

Apr 20 2006, 02:13 PM
One thing I cannot stand is when people assume that transportation is cheaper for me then it is for everyone else.

I pay the same per gallon as everyone else.

Transportation measured in cost/distance is cheaper for you then it is for me. Price per gallon is the same, price per mile is not. Congrats for making choice to drive a hybrid, just don't choke on your own smug.

Apr 20 2006, 02:33 PM
An executive for Shell Oil Company said that at current consumption levels (2004) and with current growth rates taking China and India into account, the worlds oil supply would last until 2025.

Source please. Googling on 'Oil Shell 2025', I get this article ( which says absolutely nothing about running out of oil.

And just think....Dodge just re-released the Charger! Smart, very smart.

And just think... we still live in a capitalistic society. Companies want to make a profit, and will sell what people will buy.

Time for teleports, electric scooters, and tight knit urban areas.

When they become econmically beneficial these solutions will happen, but not before then.

And in fact I am punished more for increased gasoline prices by people who suck up more gas then anyone else.

How so? Is this some kind of New Math?

Apr 20 2006, 02:42 PM
I'm waiting for the Aptera ( to come out.

Apr 21 2006, 12:02 PM
I read an article that stated Hummers are technically illegal to produce and sell in the United States.

Got a link?

All I could find was that they may be illegal to drive on some residential streets which limit Gross Vehicle Weight to 6000 lbs.

Pizza God
Apr 21 2006, 04:21 PM
The key to the solution is high gas prices.

Demand in March was already lower than for March of 2005 :D

We actually used less gas than 1 years ago. Wow, that was amaizing. The article I read said it may have something to do with the fact that gas is $1 more per gallon now than 1 years ago.

I know I am looking at a new car, my requirements. That is gets better than 30mpg or I will NOT EVEN LOOK AT IT.

Did you see that car companies. I know I am not the only one thinking that way. Most of the cars that get better than 40 have waiting lists as long as 6months.

Personally, I am thinking about the Jetta TDI and equipting it to run on vegitable oil. There are Asian resturants on every corner in Carrollton, I am willing to bet I can get lots of free oil. Of course this is a $25K investment I am talking about :(

Apr 21 2006, 04:26 PM
...and equipting it to run on vegitable oil. There are Asian resturants on every corner in Carrollton, I am willing to bet I can get lots of free oil. Of course this is a $25K investment I am talking about :(

When did McDonalds, Jack in the Box, Carls, Taco Bell, and Long John Silvers become "asian" restaurants???

Apr 21 2006, 05:04 PM
Gas in Warner Springs , Ca. $ 3.79 a gallon.

Apr 21 2006, 05:05 PM
I've got the solution:

Plus you can take it offroad for your rounds!!!

Personally, I'd get the Police Version.

You will respect my authorit-ie!

How's that in snow ? :D

Apr 22 2006, 01:38 PM
I've got the solution:

Plus you can take it offroad for your rounds!!!

Personally, I'd get the Police Version.

You will respect my authorit-ie!

How's that in snow ? :D

Cold. :D

Apr 22 2006, 02:39 PM
2.85 here in Tarboro, NC......hate to see what it is out WEST.

Apr 22 2006, 04:37 PM
Just hitting $3.00 in Michigan BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!

Apr 22 2006, 04:37 PM
Well , last night on Jay Leno , he said gas prices in Hollwood are $ 4.10 a gallon. :eek: Over 4 bucks already.

Pizza God
Apr 22 2006, 05:55 PM
Yes, because our government's mandate to add ethinal to our gas, prices may reach over $4 for everyone before all this is done.

It is not possible for the refineries to keep up with demand, even though it is actually lower than 1 years ago.

Why, because they can't get the ethinal into the gas. Why, because they can't get enough of it. Why, because there is not enough trucks or production of ethinal to put in our gas supply.

Why didn't the government think of this before they mandated it???????

10% achohal gas will result in a 10% reduction in your gas milage.

E85 results in a 27% reduction in gas milage.

So now we will be using even more gas. Which will negate the "less emitions" that grain gas gets.

BTW, E85 puts out MORE emitions per MILE than straight gas. Why do you think they keep talking about the "less emisions per gallon and not per mile.


BTW, did you know that the producers of Ethinal get government moneys to make it. If it were not for Government backing, it would not even be made.

Very few cars in the US can run on E85, you would have to get a new chip for your car to change to it. (BTW, the government give producers 51 cents per gallon to make it)

BTW, I looked at a Toyota Prius today. Actually a pretty nice car. I hope to look at the Honda Civic tomorrow.

Pizza God
Apr 22 2006, 05:59 PM
BTW, Oil just broke the $75 per barrel price Friday. Funny thing is that there is not a shortage of oil right now. The supply of oil out there is more than the demand. Fear is what is driving the price up. In the US, the refineries can't even refine more oil than they are right now.

On another note, Brazil (who uses E85 that they produce themselves and has offered to export some to us) just hit oil bigtime. They will now be an exporter, and will not have to import any more oil. (There is a Tarriff against Brazillian Ethinal, so much so that it impractical to ship it hear)

BTW, the E85 made in Brazil is made from sugar cain. Sugar cain is 7-8 time more productive than corn

Apr 23 2006, 05:35 PM
Over $ 3.50 a gallon in San Diego for premium.

Apr 24 2006, 10:20 PM
Just drove by a gas station in La Jolla , CA. about an hour a go. Price for full serve premium $ 4.50 a gallon. :eek:

Apr 24 2006, 10:25 PM
its $5 this year for sure

Apr 24 2006, 11:00 PM
By end of Spring. :eek:

Apr 25 2006, 08:40 AM
Stop trading oil futures....Supply and demand will then level out the price. Consumers should dictate price, not stock market traders trying to make money on it. They do not care if gas hits $5/gallon. Because by then, they will be so rich off the transactions, $5 will be drops in the bucket filling up their Hummers and Escalades.

BTW, I loved that South Park Episode, but I bought my Prius because I was tired of spending so much per week on gas. We have been killing the environment for hundreds of years. The years I spend driving a hybrid is not going to matter. But at least now I do not have to waste gas sitting at an intersection.

Apr 25 2006, 10:05 AM
What you propose would result in the collapse of the American economy. Oil futures are traded in dollars. The only reason we can run a 9 trillion dollar debt is that we print dollars. We can print as many as we want because every country needs dollars to buy/sell the most important commodity in the world. Iraq tried moving there oil market to the Euro in the 2002/2003. Iran started hinting at it earlier this year. It will not be tolerated.

Oil is now a seller's market because of increased demand and ever diminishing supply. The only thing we can do anything about any more is demand.

Apr 25 2006, 11:12 AM
The status of the american and world economy floated on debt and traded around the world frightens me with the abundant risk of severe inflation.

The problem with trading oil futures, is that the traders are watching tv and reading the news papers and seeing that there are threats of increased terrorism. This leads them to trade/buy faster then needed. Their fear is that the supply will be cut off. This is already happening with the impending hurrican season coming up in the Gulf. When they buy/trade at higher volumes, the prices obviously rise.

This is not dictated by the true consumer/supplier interactions. People do not fill their tanks excessively when we are 2 months from hurricane season. They will fill their tanks as a hurricane approaches and they flee town.

Oil futures traders are inflating the demand component. Sure it is a sellers market, and it always has been, always will be. But the problem is fear and not actual supply problems.

Sure if a tanker goes down in the Atlantic, it decreases supply, but it does not decrease future supply or runs the risk of us running out of oil.

Apr 26 2006, 10:21 AM
No, it's always been a buyers market because excess supply was there except for a few relatively brief periods of time. Before 1970 the Texas railroad commission controlled the spare capacity avaialbe to markets, after it was OPEC and primarily Saudi Arabia. All they had to do was open the extra spickets. That's over. OPEC has openly admittted they can't pump anymore and for the first time in their history have actually produced below their quota. Supply is never again going to be able to keep up with demand.

Apr 26 2006, 07:31 PM
Gas Gougers , pray on fear. Isn't that a symptom of Terrorism.

If so , the Terrorist are winning. :eek:

Apr 27 2006, 12:40 AM
Thank you George W. Bush for signing the energy bill into law. A law which mandates the use of ethanol in gasoline. An additive that decreases the efficiency of the fuel.

Smart automakers make more fuel efficient cars, Bush pulls out the joker card.

Way to go, what a genius. I never knew GW had buddies in the ethanol industry?

BTW, did you mean Prey on fear or Pray? It could be taken both ways and have been funny though.

Pizza God
Apr 27 2006, 01:39 AM
Thank you George W. Bush for signing the energy bill into law. A law which mandates the use of ethanol in gasoline. An additive that decreases the efficiency of the fuel.

Smart automakers make more fuel efficient cars, Bush pulls out the joker card.

Way to go, what a genius. I never knew GW had buddies in the ethanol industry?

BTW, did you mean Prey on fear or Pray? It could be taken both ways and have been funny though.

Ah, history dude, The Democrats pushed the ethanol industry to the point it is now.

And I already stated it lowers your gas milage. Your emisions per gallon go down, but your emissions per mile actually may go up.

Apr 27 2006, 08:21 AM
Yes, I know who it was pushed by, but I have to have a black sheep, I pick Bush.

Afterall, he had to sign it into law, unless the Bush Administration has completely changed the way government works now.

I am curious about how many vehicles on the road right now are engineered to burn an ethonal mix gasoline? Will this increase our vehicle maintenance costs per year?

Apr 27 2006, 08:42 AM
I feel like screaming at the top of my lungs when I fill up.

I thought war profiteering was considered treason?

Along with leaking information about CIA agents?

Not when you're the prez apparently...

Absolutely sickening.

"He feels our pain..." Chyah! He feels our money filling his and his croanies pockets is what he feels.

Apr 27 2006, 12:25 PM
Ah, history dude, The Democrats pushed the ethanol industry to the point it is now

Wasn't that about a year and a half ago? And yes the predictions back then were that, oh, right now, we would experience gas shortages due to problems in getting the ethanol to the refinieries/mixing stations/wherever the heck they blend the gasoline.

What I'm saying is that the time to speak up and accomplish anything about this was about 1.5 years ago. Now you are just whining. I suggest you pay more attention and save getting worked up for stuff coming down the pipe, so to speak, that you can still do something about.

Dang I'm a righteous dude. :cool:

Apr 27 2006, 12:29 PM
Is that all? I thought this crap had been around a lot longer then that.

Apr 27 2006, 01:50 PM
Maybe. I'm old and lose track of time now.

Pizza God
Apr 27 2006, 03:29 PM
yes, during the 90's, the Democrats pushed through the goverenment support for Ethenol industry. If it were not for them, the Ethenol industry would not be a factor.

Apr 27 2006, 08:09 PM
still 2.88 here in Tarboro, NC...... .03 cents cheaper thatn the National Avg., which is .64 cents more than the Avg was last year at this point.

Lyle O Ross
Apr 28 2006, 11:27 AM
Thank you George W. Bush for signing the energy bill into law. A law which mandates the use of ethanol in gasoline. An additive that decreases the efficiency of the fuel.

Smart automakers make more fuel efficient cars, Bush pulls out the joker card.

Way to go, what a genius. I never knew GW had buddies in the ethanol industry?

BTW, did you mean Prey on fear or Pray? It could be taken both ways and have been funny though.

Ah, history dude, The Democrats pushed the ethanol industry to the point it is now.

And I already stated it lowers your gas milage. Your emisions per gallon go down, but your emissions per mile actually may go up.

Ahhh history. These kinds of statements by Pizza always strike me as amusing. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Without even looking, it strikes me as odd that the Dems would be responsible for pushing ehtanol legislation given that the two primary ethanol producing states, Iowa and Nebraska, are very conservative and dominated by Repulican legislators. You sure about who pushed this Pizza or are you simply pulling more dooky out your donkey?

Perhaps if one were to puruse this thread back some they would find where you have repeatedly supported the poor oil giants who are reaping windfall profits saying that none of this is their fault. Cripes Pizza, stop trying to blame everyone but those responsible for this mess. We've got a President and a VP who are in the back pockets of Oil, there's your reason.

Lyle O Ross
Apr 28 2006, 11:38 AM
yes, during the 90's, the Democrats pushed through the goverenment support for Ethenol industry. If it were not for them, the Ethenol industry would not be a factor.

The depths of the uninformed... Pizza, the push for ethanol in the 90s? The current issue with ethanol is as a replacement for MTBE, (I believe MTBE is carcinogenic but am not sure) that is added to gas to increase oxygenation and decrease CO2. Ethanol's tenuous relation to high gas prices is due to the short supply of plants where gas/ethanol blends can be made and has nothing to do with earlier pushes for gasahol.

Let's put this in perspective for Pizza. In the last year, there has been a 14% increase in the price of crude and about a 150% increase in what we are paying. At the same time the Oil companies are reaping windfall profits. Hmmmm, are costs due to ethanol, or the fact that Jr's friends are getting rich?

BTW - the push for ethanol started way eariler than the 90s...

Pizza God
Apr 29 2006, 11:13 AM
Yes, it started in the 70's and failed.

It started in in 90's under clinton and failed

It is now starting under Bush and WILL FAIL

Read this to understand what I have been saying. (

I will let the article stand on its own. Ed Wallace can say it better than I can and I have been refering to him when I post what I have posted. He sites his sources in the article which come from studies done and IGNORED by our stupid government.

Yes, the Democrats pushed Ethanol in the 90's, now the Republicans are.

Apr 29 2006, 12:38 PM
The current cost of gasoline has more to do with refinery capacity than the cost of crude. Refineries are expensive to build, especially in countries that have tight pollution standards. One of the major refiners just announced that they are expanding their facility in Port Arthur, TX. They can do this because they are making outrageous profits. These kinds of cycles are self-correcting in free markets.

Pizza God
Apr 29 2006, 03:44 PM
yes, I have posted that before. There has not been a new refinery built in almost 30 years. Actually, there are fewer refineries now than 30 years ago. (but the ones in place have expanded)

Right now, the refineries can't get enough Ethanol and then, can't ship it out. Plus some are still off line while gearing up for the new summer gas.

Read the article.

It will be another month before prices start to drop. We are paying more because there is not enough supply. Therefore demand for the gas being made is high, therefore high prices. Simple economics.

(if you read one of my other posts, you would see that March of this year was .6% less gas used than March of last year.)

Apr 29 2006, 04:17 PM
so in other words, its all good.
you are in for a surprise

Pizza God
Apr 29 2006, 06:07 PM
so in other words, its all good.
you are in for a surprise

I did not say it was all good. It sucks.

We need to find other resorces for fuel. Or at the minimum, high mileage autos. But as long as people are wanting power and huge auto's, they will not make them.

5 years ago, the only reason car companies made high mileage cars or even hybrids was because of government mandates.

But now there is a small demand for them. As long as gas prices stay like they are, the demand is going to increase for them.

Apr 30 2006, 05:06 PM
Still around $ 3.50 ,here in San Diego this week.

Apr 30 2006, 05:26 PM
I have a feeling by next year it will be 98 cents per gallon . . . .

Apr 30 2006, 05:53 PM
I have a feeling by next year it will be 98 cents per gallon . . . .

I have that same feeling if you add about 2 bucks. :confused:

May 01 2006, 08:03 PM
Still around $ 3.50 ,here in San Diego this week.

:mad: Is it Enron or Exxon ?

Where is all the Oil from Iraq or even Iran ?

Sanctions ?

We are a Super power , Let's act like one !!!!! :o

May 02 2006, 03:31 PM
dont like paying 3 bucks for gas? dont buy gas. buy a segway
ah yes i can see it now riding to the disc golf course on the sidewalk in my segway. standing for ten consecutive minutes leaning back and forth maybe it could solve americas obesity problem.

can t hemp be turned into fuel lets use hemp and just say no to gas

Lyle O Ross
May 03 2006, 12:46 PM
Yes, it started in the 70's and failed.

It started in in 90's under clinton and failed

It is now starting under Bush and WILL FAIL

Read this to understand what I have been saying. (

I will let the article stand on its own. Ed Wallace can say it better than I can and I have been refering to him when I post what I have posted. He sites his sources in the article which come from studies done and IGNORED by our stupid government.

Yes, the Democrats pushed Ethanol in the 90's, now the Republicans are.

What's your point Pizza, and what's it's relevance? If I remember correctly, the point was that the high cost of fuel is being driven by the lack of ethanol. The fact that ethanol really isnt' a viable fuel alternative, while true, has nothing to do with that issue. Nor does that issue have much relevance to the high cost of gas as I already stated. Ethanol is a minor note in the reality that gas prices are due more to the greed and profit taking of the large oil producers that are being helped and protected by our current government.

BTW - The one point your guy left out is that when gas prices become high enough, in a free market economy, ethanol will become viable and will be used. Whether that is good for the environment or for America won't much matter. Bid Bidness, as usual will do what it wants.

Also, you still haven't proven that this is somehow a Democratic issue (not that that is relevant, like Fox News you say it but you're pulling that fact out of nowhere). The reality is that it is a big business lobby issue and that is usually Republican territory.

May 06 2006, 05:29 PM
Gas prices in San Diego today.............$ 3.65 a gallon.

May 14 2006, 07:04 PM
I hear the gas prices are to come down $0.01 per gallon.

May 18 2006, 07:28 PM
OK felt kinda weird posting this but anyway it's funny....

I will go down on you

to make you

EXTREMELY happy...

but only long enough

till you think its going to get even



I will come back up..


Screw you.

Gas Prices

May 19 2006, 04:54 PM
I did find gas today for $ 3.31 a gallon.

Pizza God
May 20 2006, 08:13 AM
You have to love this.

The Department of Energy says you need 1.4 gallons of E85 to drive the same distance as 1 gallon of regular Gas.

E85 emissions are 14-19% better than regular gas according to the EPA.

So right now E85 cost 20cents less per gallon that Regular Unleaded.

In the midwest a gallon of E85 cost $2.00, regular Unleaded cost $2.20

to drive the same distance it will cost you 27% MORE to use E85 than Regular.

Your emissions are actually 13% MORE than regular gas in that same distance

So why in the world would anyone use E85???????????????

Right now it cost you more and it is worse for the enviroment.

Pizza God
May 20 2006, 08:15 AM
BTW, if the E85 price is less than 30% of the price of regular gas, it actually will cost you slightly less to use it for the same distance.

Then the benifit is for Farmers and not OPEC.

May 20 2006, 12:50 PM
Isn't that less than 70% of the price of regular gasoline,
or 30% less than the price of regular gasoline ?

At 30% of the price of regular gas, you would be doubling your miles per dollar.

Pizza God
May 21 2006, 12:51 AM
Sorry I was in a hurry to get to work that morning. I had just read an article that said what i had been saying for a while. There is NO good reason other than it only uses 15% unleaded, to use E85.


IT WILL NOT SAVE YOU MONEY, unless the price is 30% less than the price of Regular Unleaded.

That is all.

May 21 2006, 05:18 PM
Gas prices went back up !!!! Price now in San Diego for regular $ 3.42 a gallon !!!!

May 31 2006, 04:57 PM
:eek: Went down a little ..............$ 3.39 a gallon.

May 31 2006, 05:05 PM
Yet another reason I will never live in California! I just filled up for $2.67 a gallon.

Jun 01 2006, 09:42 AM
$2.53/gallon here in Lawrence, Kansas... :eek:

Jun 01 2006, 06:35 PM
Gas was $2.59, but since "hurricane season" started, it just jumped $.10 in about 8 hours. :mad:

Jun 01 2006, 07:39 PM
Don't drive motorhome out here.......................Seen a couple , fill their motor launch and it cost them $ 431.67 :eek: Single fill up !!!! :eek:

Jun 09 2006, 05:36 PM
Still around $ 3.25 - $ 3.32 a gallon.

Jul 14 2006, 12:25 AM
sorry to break up the fight, but ...

the Energy Tax Act of 1978 was the first federal legislation that gave support to ethanol (Farrell, 1998). HR 5362 was passed by the House 231-168, and the Senate concurred at 60-17. It became Public Law 95-618 on when the President signed it on 11/9/1978. (Library of Congress, 1978)

sounds like both sides were supporting it.

Library of Congress. Retreived July 13, 2006 from|/bss/d095query.html|

Farrell, B. (1998, Winter). Fill `er up with corn: The future of ethanol legislation in America. Journal of Corporate Law Vol. 23 Issue 2 Retrieved July 13, 2006 from Business Source Elite database.

Pizza God
Jul 14 2006, 02:39 AM
Gas is about to skyrocket again, fill up ASAP and wait it out if you can. If this crap escilates in Israel anymore, the price of oil is going to keep going up.

Jul 14 2006, 09:18 AM
what, you think its gonna go up right after you fill up and then come back down just before your tank goes empty? are you nuts? it aint coming back down.hurrying to fill up does absolutely nothing.

Jul 14 2006, 09:39 AM
try $14.00 euro in Napoli,Italy :(

Jul 14 2006, 11:16 AM
that cuz Pizza runs out and fills up his H2 whenever he hears prices might go up.

Jul 14 2006, 12:49 PM
Hey the pizza suck here and so does the pasta and don't get me started about wanting a taco :(,i have to go to the NAVY base so i can go in the PX and get some ranch dressing :D

Pizza God
Jul 14 2006, 02:18 PM
What I am saying is that if this Israel thing blows over, the price of gas will drop. It may take a week or more. I filled up yesterday at $2.82 and will not need gas for about 2 weeks. If this Israel thing blows over by this week, when I need gas again, it will be around that same price or lower. (gas was already dropping after the 4th weekend as expected)

As I have stated before, I keep a close eye on the trends of gas prices.

Right now, the prices are up based on speculation, not actual demand or supply. When the reason the prices jumped up blows over, the price will drop back to almost where it was before the occurance.

Pizza God
Jul 14 2006, 02:23 PM
2.940 - average us price yesterday
2.952 - average us price today

Jul 14 2006, 04:23 PM
ok, thats a reasonable explanation... except "this isreali thing" is not gonna blow over in less than 2 weeks. a more meaningful measure wouldbe how many countries will be involved by two weeks from now. its isreal, palestine and leganon now. dont be surprised if syria and iran are hotter by then. look, isreal is wiping out the pro-west/anti-syria that is geographically the closest to it! its almost as if they are trying to bait syria or iran (probably iran is the ultimate goal) into doing something so they can go git 'em.

Jul 14 2006, 04:36 PM
Still $ 3.25 - $ 3.61 average here in San Diego.

Pizza God
Jul 15 2006, 12:29 AM
Ok, I talked with a customer of mine who's husband just got back from Lebanon last week. Last summer they spent a whole month there.

The feeling from there family is the hope that Israel gets the Hezbollah out of Lebanon. They are causing the problem. Even the Lebanon government can't/wont do anything about them. Hezbollah holds most of the souther part of Lebanon. She told me when you drive around you see there yellow flags flying everywhere.

I asked how far there family was from all this stuff. She said closer to the sea, down from where all the bombing has been going on. They can see all of it with a telescope. Right now, you can't get out of Lebanon. The Israel navy is blocking all ships, they bombed the main road to Syria and the Israel airforce has bombed all the airports. The American Embasy is trying to get Americans out by using helocopters. They are working on getting Israel to let them do it.

This will all be over in a few days. Most Terrorist like Hezbollah are really chickens. When it comes down to outright war, they will back down.

However, I could be wrong. If Israel invades Lebanon, this will get drawn out longer. (I don't think they will invade)

It would take quite a bit to get Syria or Iran involved. They wont do it. They are Chickens too.

Pizza God
Jul 15 2006, 12:32 AM
Post script:

Israel out guns and out mans the oposition. They will crush anyone who attacks them. Syria and Iran know this. So does Lebanon, that is why there military has not done anything. I is a war they can not win.

In my opinion, the only way we would get drawn into a war WITH Israel is if they started loosing. With all the AMERICAN weapons and support we give there military, that is not going to happen.

Pizza God
Jul 15 2006, 12:42 AM
BTW, I DO NOT SUPPORT what Israel is doing right now. Watch the movie Beyond the Gates of Splendor ( or End of the Spear ( and to a point Munich ( These movies point out that when you kill someone in retaliation, it just escilates out of control. The tribes in the first two movies (both are about the same thing) almost killed themselves out of existance.

Jul 15 2006, 01:38 AM
i am glad to read the your last post. but you are wrong that isreal will crush anyone who attacks them, and that all that american weaponry will prevent their loss.

this is not a zero sum game isreal is playing. at thispoint it is either a win-win (stand down) or a lose-lose (continue to escalate). that is got to this point is isreal's miscalculation.

Jul 15 2006, 12:16 PM
Not so sure, Iran seems to be looking for an excuse to start shooting.

Pizza God
Jul 15 2006, 02:33 PM
2.940 - average us price yesterday
2.952 - average us price today

2.966 - Average us price today

Pizza God
Jul 16 2006, 11:01 PM
2.940 - average us price yesterday
2.952 - average us price today
2.966 - Average us price today

2.970 - Average us price today

Pizza God
Jul 16 2006, 11:01 PM
2.940 - average us price yesterday
2.952 - average us price today
2.966 - Average us price today

2.970 - Average us price today

Pizza God
Jul 16 2006, 11:08 PM
I am starting to think I might be wrong.

I didn't think Israel would invade Lebanon, but now I think they just might. It would be the only way to root out Hezbollah.

I still think it will take a direct attack on Syria for them to get involved. Same with Iran. (not that Iran can do much from where they are)

More than likely, Israel is just going to bomb the heck out of Lebanon and put them back into the dark ages. That solves nothing other than hatered of Jews from those that loose family members or homes.

If Hezbollah is allowed to stay in Lebanon, they will keep the tension up and this will keep happening over and over.

The only way to stop this would be for the Lebanese government to disarm Hezbollah and use there own troops to keep the peice. As long as Hezbollah is allowed to keep rockets and big guns, this will continue.

Jul 17 2006, 09:16 AM
This is not an attack on anyone in particular, just something to ponder:

What would you do if you were surrounded by 10 people and they kept hitting you? Would you hit back? What if you had been surrounded by 10 people hitting you your whole life? And your "buddies" were off somewhere in the distance saying "let us know if you need some water, or a new shirt".

Israel has been fighting for its right to exist for 2000 years. Israel does not just want to retaliate, they want to send a message. Israeli troops are trained better than any other in the world, and their army is not one to be messed with. They do not need to threaten with nukes, because they aren't wimps. I think Israel has finally been pushed too far. If you keep poking a sleeping dog, don't be surprised if he tears you to shreds when he wakes up.

BTW, I filled up yesterday for $2.74 per gallon. I would stuff kittens in my gas tank if I thought it was worth it.....and it almost is.

Jul 17 2006, 09:28 AM
Israeli troops are trained better than any other in the world, and their army is not one to be messed with.

they really need all that training when they kill women and children dont they?

: ):

Jul 17 2006, 10:04 AM
What would you do if you were surrounded by 10 people and they kept hitting you?

I do my best to aviod being surrounded by 10 people who hate me.

Gas is still cheap. Americans will have no choice but to change their lifestyle.

Jul 17 2006, 10:38 AM
I do my best to aviod being surrounded by 10 people who hate me.

Israel doesn't have that option. They face it everyday.

they really need all that training when they kill women and children dont they?

: ):

To what are you refering? I think you have them confused with the suicide bombers that walk into Israel everyday and blow up cafes and buses.

Jul 17 2006, 11:22 AM
what did they expect when they appropriated other people's lands to set up a permanent, completely off-limits, US puppet state in the middle of the most insane territory on earth?

the first ya do when you move into a new neighborhood is try to get to know your neighbors and fit in./ isreal has done nothing but the exact opposite every since it was legislated into existance.

Pizza God
Jul 17 2006, 12:11 PM
what did they expect when they appropriated other people's lands to set up a permanent, completely off-limits, US puppet state in the middle of the most insane territory on earth?

I would not call Israel a puppet state of the US. True we give them billions of dollers each year, however we have no controle over them.

Remember, the unofficial policy of the US was to support the State of Israel because we did not want all the Jewish people to come to America after WWII. That is why we were the first countnry to recognize Israel.

Israel was in the Ottoman Empire pre WWI, becauses they sided with Germany, the Ottoman Empire was was split up into several countries (Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq, Turkey, Palestine) England had controle over the area known as Israel. There were Zionist settlements pre WWI however with English rule, they grew by leaps and bounds. By the 30's the Zionist wanted to rule the area and did the same things that Palastinians are doing now. They blew up bombs, as in terrorist activities.

After WWII there were so many Jewish people in Israel, they had the numbers to take over.

Pizza God
Jul 17 2006, 05:54 PM
2.940 - average us price
2.952 - average us price
2.966 - Average us price
2.970 - Average us price

2.978 - Average US price today

Jul 17 2006, 06:55 PM
i love it how you make my point so well. :)

Pizza God
Jul 18 2006, 08:26 PM
2.940 - average us price 7/13
2.952 - average us price 7/14
2.966 - Average us price 7/15
2.970 - Average us price 7/16
2.978 - Average US price 7/17

2.987 - Average us price 7/18

Well A 4 cent rise in price is really not that big of a deal, however I would like to see it stop rising at least for a day.

Jul 19 2006, 12:31 PM
Futures anal-yst's and market watchers are predicting the possibility of $125 a barrel for crude by the end of the year. So what does this mean? Well.... at $80 a barrel right now, most places are over $3 a gallon. So this means we could be looking at a $4.50 gallon of gas by the end of the year. Unreal. :p

Jul 20 2006, 09:55 AM
at $125 it might be more than $4.50. i'd guess closer to $5.50 or even $6 in some places. m_cephalus, i believe it was, predicted rationing at $5/gallon, but that was also predcated on my aseesment of the probability of

a) Iraq in an undeniable civil war
b) a serious Isreal - Hamas flareup
c) direct confrontation, if not a full shooting match, with Iran
d) continued smaller BGS with syria, afghanistan, nd other peripheral players.

hmmm.... sheeeet... i should really stop making predictions. the only missing is the oil price runup

Jul 22 2006, 03:52 PM
San Diego today ...............$3.45 - $3.65 average price per gallon.

Pizza God
Jul 22 2006, 07:07 PM
2.940 - average us price 7/13
2.952 - average us price 7/14
2.966 - Average us price 7/15
2.970 - Average us price 7/16
2.978 - Average US price 7/17
2.987 - Average us price 7/18

2.986 - Average US price 7/22

At least it stopped going up.

I was wrong about the Israel thing, they are invading as I type this.

I still have 1/2 a tank of gas so I will wait it out. Oil prices dropped after jumping up at the start of the offensive.

Jul 24 2006, 02:17 PM
just got the heads-up at my local station...

Kalamazoo, MI: currently $2.99/gal
in two hours: $3.20+/gal

:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

Pizza God
Jul 24 2006, 02:36 PM
2.940 - average us price 7/13
2.952 - average us price 7/14
2.966 - Average us price 7/15
2.970 - Average us price 7/16
2.978 - Average US price 7/17
2.987 - Average us price 7/18
2.986 - Average US price 7/22

2.985 - Average us price 7/24

however, the big news story of the day yesterday (other than the truck Highjacker who started a block away from my store and hyjacked his second vehicle a block away from my house) was that average gas prices had risen above $3 for the first time ever.

i get my average price from It depends on peoples input instead of some random survey.

Jul 24 2006, 02:55 PM
Gas prices have actually gone down the last few weeks here in California. Three weeks ago I was paying at least $3.35 and now it is down to $3.14.

I noticed last year when Hurricane Katrina struck, everyone else noticed a rise in prices and our prices stayed the same or decreased slightly.

The US average is going up because someone is raising the prices on speculation and to take advantage of consumer fear. Again, prices here have dropped .20 cents a gallon!!!

Note: California charges 18.9 cents in Federal tax and 18.9 in California taxes. Does anyone know if the "National Average" includes state taxes in the equation?

Jul 25 2006, 04:43 PM
Still $ 3.35 in San Diego.

Jul 25 2006, 08:36 PM
I really wish you guys would quit whining about gas prices in the USA.

Price of a gallon of gas in Switzerland today: $6.35

And it's pretty cheap here compared to some other countries in Europe.

Jul 26 2006, 01:04 PM
I ain't whining...just reporting that gas is $2.92/gallon here in Lawrence, Kansas.

Jul 26 2006, 09:39 PM
I really wish you guys would quit whining about gas prices in the USA.

Price of a gallon of gas in Switzerland today: $6.35

And it's pretty cheap here compared to some other countries in Europe.

I guess more than $6.00 a gallon is crazy. I'd either get a motorcycle , bicycle , use public transportation or hitchhike !!!!

Jul 26 2006, 10:18 PM
Gas is about to skyrocket again, fill up ASAP and wait it out if you can. If this crap escilates in Israel anymore, the price of oil is going to keep going up.

that was from 7/14, pizza. you gonna fill up this week or take the risk it will all blow over in the next coupla days?

(the only thing i think is gonna blow over is the stench of a rotting southern lebanon blowing over the rest of the middle east after Isreal gets done with it.

Jul 26 2006, 10:42 PM
$2.94 here in Tarboro, NC

Pizza God
Jul 28 2006, 01:53 PM
2.940 - average us price 7/13
2.952 - average us price 7/14
2.966 - Average us price 7/15
2.970 - Average us price 7/16
2.978 - Average US price 7/17
2.987 - Average us price 7/18
2.986 - Average US price 7/22
2.985 - Average us price 7/24

3.008 - Average us price 7/28

I got gas for $2.85 yesterday. 3 cents higher than last time I filled up, however I saved about 4 cents because gas has dropped locally at most stations this week. (that and Tue- thursdays are usually the best days to buy gas)

Jul 28 2006, 04:42 PM
Exxon/Mobil , just posted some Multi-Billion dollar profits for the second quarter. :eek:

Pizza God
Jul 28 2006, 06:33 PM
2nd highest quarter for any US public company. (of course they got 1st in the last year)

When you drill for oil and it is going for $75 a barrel, you are going to make LOTS of money. You can't fault them for that.

Jul 29 2006, 12:57 AM
in the islands here its 3.24 on ohau

and 3.55 in maui

thats the price to pay driving around pardise

Jul 29 2006, 05:05 PM
2nd highest quarter for any US public company. (of course they got 1st in the last year)

When you drill for oil and it is going for $75 a barrel, you are going to make LOTS of money. You can't fault them for that.

It's not the drilling for oil that's a concern , It's drilling the Billions of dollars out of the general public without any concern whatsoever of any consequences on the environment.

Jul 29 2006, 05:40 PM
$2.89 here today.

Jul 30 2006, 05:19 PM
in the islands here its 3.24 on ohau

and 3.55 in maui

thats the price to pay driving around pardise

Sounds identical to San Diego's prices.
You guy's may have more palm tree's though. :cool:

Aug 10 2006, 01:58 PM
in the islands here its 3.24 on ohau

and 3.55 in maui

thats the price to pay driving around pardise

Sounds identical to San Diego's prices.
You guy's may have more palm tree's though. :cool:

Dohhhhhhhhh.................Sudden spike it gas prices.........$3.65 a gallon.

Aug 10 2006, 02:00 PM
$3.03 in Lake Elsinor, Ca

Lyle O Ross
Aug 10 2006, 05:25 PM
My company leases space in a facility that is primarily used by BP. Their employees don't seem to be as dumb as they look in the news.

Aug 10 2006, 05:33 PM
$2.85 in Pearland
$2.91 in MO City

Anyone want me to UPS some? :)

Aug 10 2006, 11:02 PM
$2.85 in Pearland
$2.91 in MO City

Anyone want me to UPS some? :)

Nope. I can get it for $2.86 in Plano. :p

Aug 11 2006, 01:33 AM
$2.85 in Pearland
$2.91 in MO City

Anyone want me to UPS some? :)

Nope. I can get it for $2.86 in Plano. :p

I've been getting it at $2.85 for several weeks. Welcome to Texas. :cool:

Pizza God
Aug 11 2006, 02:53 AM
Filled up at $2.82 yesterday.

Gas has gone down by my store by 3 cents in the last 2 weeks. They have not raised there prices yet.

Lyle O Ross
Aug 11 2006, 11:30 AM
I heard a great story on BP yesterday. It turns out that at least one watch-dog group has been warning them about their practices in maintenance for several years now and has sent them a number of letters.

If it isn't an incompetent government driving up prices, it's incompetent oil companies. On the other hand, since our current admin is heavily invested in oil and the companies are getting rich, maybe they know exactly what they're doing...

Aug 11 2006, 12:50 PM
Filled up at $2.82 yesterday.

Gas has gone down by my store by 3 cents in the last 2 weeks. They have not raised there prices yet.

So how far do I have to drive for that price, HEB on Slaughter?

Aug 11 2006, 01:03 PM
nuevo loredo :eek:

Aug 11 2006, 01:34 PM
I just dropped off my wife at the airport for a trip to Florida. This would be a great time for a trip to Nuevo Laredo. Any takers? :D

Pizza God
Aug 11 2006, 02:13 PM
Cheapest gas in Texas right now is at an Exxon station in Gunter at $2.75

Aug 11 2006, 02:19 PM
Would that be in Grayson or Wood county?

Aug 11 2006, 02:20 PM
Filled up at $2.82 yesterday.

Gas has gone down by my store by 3 cents in the last 2 weeks. They have not raised there prices yet.

So how far do I have to drive for that price, HEB on Slaughter?

The Valero station next to West Guth in Corpus usually runs pretty cheap, probably because the refinery is right across the freeway.

Any CC guys reading this?

Aug 11 2006, 02:32 PM
Found gas for $2.71 below.
Austin Gas Prices (

Aug 12 2006, 12:13 PM
2.88 here in Tarboro...cheapest around by 10 cents

Aug 12 2006, 07:43 PM
$2.85 in Pearland
$2.91 in MO City

Anyone want me to UPS some? :)

Nope. I can get it for $2.86 in Plano. :p

I've been getting it at $2.85 for several weeks. Welcome to Texas. :cool:

$2.75 in east Plano.

Aug 12 2006, 10:52 PM
3.14 for freakin REGULAR here in MI!!!

Pizza God
Aug 13 2006, 12:08 AM
What is up with this, I got gas yesterday (for my truck) at $2.79 and today it dropped to $2.75???????

Aug 13 2006, 03:48 PM
you should have waited, bryan. i tried to tell ya.

Pizza God
Aug 13 2006, 04:19 PM
I already put 15gal in a 12.5gal tank :D

Aug 13 2006, 05:55 PM
3.14 for freakin REGULAR here in MI!!!

I was happy to find gas here for $ 3.29 a gallon.

Aug 13 2006, 08:46 PM
I'm leaving for the States in 5 weeks and staying for a month. Gas can go up to $4 or $5 a gallon and still look like a bargain to me because gas is still at $6.35 a gallon here. (Of course, it's gone up a bit and the dollar has gone down so I'm still paying more than I was a few weeks ago!)

(If anyone wants to do the monetary and metric conversions, we're paying CHF 1.79 for a liter.)

Pizza God
Aug 17 2006, 08:05 PM
drove by the gas station today.

$2.65, I almost got excited :o

Aug 17 2006, 08:41 PM
And I was overjoyed to only pay $3.15 just yesterday....

Aug 17 2006, 10:13 PM
I don't pay for gas anymore.....

So technically the higher gas prices get, the more money I make per year.

Pizza God
Aug 23 2006, 04:50 PM
$2.55 at 3 different gas stations in Carrollton right now!!!!!!!

I filled up at $2.67 on Friday. About to go fill up right now. (I drove to the Scout camp this weekend, so I used a tank of gas in less than a week)

Aug 23 2006, 04:53 PM
$2.55 at 3 different gas stations in Carrollton right now!!!!!!!

Bryan, Can you buy 20 gallons for me and I'll get them from you when I come down for Mr. Jim's? :D

Aug 23 2006, 05:02 PM
thats how the airlines do it... at least SouthWest does.... buy those gasoline futures when the price is down, lock in the price, and collect the gallons later. brian could get a second business going :cool:

Aug 23 2006, 05:59 PM
There is a gas station in Minnesota that allows you to lock in on a price. If you think the current price is as low as it is going to go, this place will let you buy as many gallons at that price as you want, and take delivery over time. The station covers its position in the futures market. The price it is willing to sell for is tied to the futures market price also, and not the price on the big sign. They don't make or lose anything on the deal but they lock some customers into only buying from them, because that's where they are pre-paid.

The price dip right now is being caused by a temporary surplus in summer blend and by the Katrina-hit refineries all getting back in production. The higher prices caused less consumption over the summer, and now that we are heading into the end of summer blend season, the refineries have to move that gas to make room for winter blend.

Everyone fill up the spare gas can and pre-register for Paw Paw. :D

Pizza God
Aug 24 2006, 12:32 AM
Filled up at $2.529 with my Kroger card :D

Aug 24 2006, 02:32 PM
$3.05 yesterday.

Might be time to look at a Titan instead of a Frontier...

Pizza God
Aug 24 2006, 03:42 PM
Titan V8 is the only Nissan that can use E85 ($2.229 at Krogers last night)
Nisson E85 (

Aug 24 2006, 05:50 PM
Free at my neighbors last night. :o

Fule transfer sysytem :D

Pizza God
Aug 27 2006, 10:27 PM
Just logged on to and found gas for $2.32 in Carrollton. Told my drivers and they said they heard something on the radio about it.

The station across the street is $2.35

The next cheapest in Carrollton is $2.50 (get -.03 more with kroger card)

Lyle O Ross
Aug 28 2006, 11:41 AM
Free at my neighbors last night. :o

Fule transfer sysytem :D

Two things, first, weiner, get a garden hose. Second, many cars today put a block in the gase pipe that prevents syphoning. I discoverd this during Katrina when you couldn't get gas and I tried to syphon gas out of one of my vehicals... with a garden hose. :D

Aug 28 2006, 12:44 PM
You just need to SUCK harder. :D

Pizza God
Aug 28 2006, 02:26 PM
it was a price war or radio promo because today both stations had there gas at $2.49.

A garden hose is too big, you needed something smaller

Aug 28 2006, 10:03 PM
$2.58 in Tarboro, NC

Aug 28 2006, 10:52 PM
$2.60 in ATX..

Aug 29 2006, 09:25 AM
$2.57 in Tulsa.

Aug 30 2006, 04:27 PM
Filled up this morning in Downey, Ca. for $2.89 :D

Aug 30 2006, 04:30 PM
2.39 In Capital city...

finally filled my scion for under 25.00 :D

Aug 30 2006, 11:50 PM
$2.57 here in Lawrence, Kansas...just 22 miles from Topeka, the capital city...WTF!? :mad:/msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Aug 31 2006, 12:15 AM
Corpus Christi, TX is at $2.39 better fill up today it will go up Friday.

Aug 31 2006, 07:59 AM
down .03 more cent to $2.55

Aug 31 2006, 04:01 PM
:eek: I actually found gas today in San Diego for $ 2.99 a gallon !!!!

Aug 31 2006, 08:47 PM
2.34 just outside of Des Moines, Iowa

Sep 01 2006, 02:03 PM
Filled up this morning in Downey, Ca. for $2.85 :D
gas prices have droped 15 cents in the last week and a half :confused: :D

Sep 05 2006, 01:10 PM
$2.39 in Lawrence. :cool:$2.33 in Topeka...$2.99 in Hays, KS... :eek:

Sep 05 2006, 01:24 PM
Last Friday, we saw $2.37 here at work, but $2.59 at home.

Pizza God
Sep 05 2006, 01:38 PM
on my way to work today, the news on the radio said "according to, Carrollton has 10 stations at $2.34 per gallon"

of course I filled up on Saturday night at Krogers for $2.33.

Sep 05 2006, 02:16 PM

Pizza God
Sep 06 2006, 08:34 PM
$2.31 today when I drove by with your Krogers card.

Usually on the drive to Austin, Flying J has the cheapest gas just on the south side of Waco. Today I saw the Flying J gas truck in front of Albertsons. Same gas. ($2.34)

Sep 06 2006, 10:12 PM
2.48 here in Tarboro, NC

Sep 07 2006, 12:09 AM
$2.39 yestereay, $2.31 today...! :eek: :cool:

Sep 07 2006, 01:28 PM
$2.79 a gallon in Downey, Ca. today :)

Sep 07 2006, 02:52 PM
$2.39 yesterday, $2.31 today...! :eek: :cool:

Now $2.27 just a day later...WHOO HOO! I put 10 gallons in and I'm trying to figure out what to do with the buck-twenty I saved over last week's price... :p

Sep 07 2006, 02:55 PM
$2.26 in OKC last weekend...

Pizza God
Sep 07 2006, 03:58 PM
OK, usually is 5 cents cheaper than Texas due to taxes. (TX gas tax is 5 cents more) This is why when driving to OKC, I try to make it to Ardmore to get gas.

Sep 09 2006, 10:05 PM
$2.39 yesterday, $2.31 today...! :eek: :cool:

Now $2.27 just a day later...WHOO HOO! I put 10 gallons in and I'm trying to figure out what to do with the buck-twenty I saved over last week's price... :p

And 2 more days later - $2.21 - :cool::eek:

Pizza God
Sep 09 2006, 11:17 PM
now that is a drop.

$2.29 at Krogers today, 3 more cents off with a kroger card.

Sep 11 2006, 05:05 PM
$ 2.95 - $2.83 still best price in San Diego.

Sep 11 2006, 05:29 PM
Ouch...just filled up at the lowest price in the the nation @ $2:17 in DSM, Iowa last night.

Sep 11 2006, 06:12 PM
Happy Birthday Aaron!

Sep 11 2006, 09:49 PM
Enjoy your B-day!! :cool:

2.19 here in Lawrence...and 2.17 in Topeka 22 miles away.

Sep 11 2006, 10:55 PM
Enjoy your B-day!! :cool:

Thanks, but kind of hard to enjoy it on this exact day :(.

Sep 12 2006, 12:35 AM
$2.99 in Dexter, Or last night heading home from Eugene Celebration.. :p
$3.07 in Sun River, Or this morning.. :mad:

Sep 12 2006, 07:09 PM
$2.69 in Long Beach, Ca. :D

Sep 12 2006, 07:40 PM
Just saw $2.67 in Fairfax, which is basically the same in downtown DC.

Sep 12 2006, 11:22 PM
$2.75 in Vegas.

Sep 13 2006, 09:47 AM
$2.25 in Oklahoma.

Sep 13 2006, 03:40 PM
$2.36 in sin-tex!!

Sep 13 2006, 04:04 PM
Saw 2.269 in Pontiac today.

Sep 13 2006, 04:42 PM
saw 2.15 down the street, filled up yesterday for 2.17 go figure :D

Sep 13 2006, 08:22 PM
2.39 in Tarboro, NC

Sep 13 2006, 08:43 PM
2.39 in rock hill.

Sep 14 2006, 12:10 PM
2.27 in San Antonio Tx :D

Sep 14 2006, 02:43 PM
2.13 in Toldeo, OH. Glad I filled up before the drive home. :D

Sep 14 2006, 02:55 PM
2.27 in San Antonio Tx :D

we're also around $2.27 in north dallas as of last night. hallelujah, I can get my truck out of the garage :)

Sep 14 2006, 05:22 PM
The analyst who made a name for himself by predicting $3.00 a gallon gas a year before it went there is now predicting that it could go as low as $1.15 over the next twelve months.

I'm trying to do the math on time wasted going to the pump more often versus money wasted by filling up today when it is going to be a nickle cheaper tomorrow. :D

Sep 14 2006, 05:34 PM
Still over $3.09 for premium in San Diego today !!!

Sep 14 2006, 06:29 PM
The October surprise got here a bit early this year..

Sep 15 2006, 12:04 PM
$1.99 in Abiliene Kansas...!! :cool: $2.13 here in Lawrence! :D Fill'n up!!

Sep 15 2006, 02:21 PM
$2.54 in OshKosh Wisconsin

Sep 15 2006, 05:24 PM
$2.07 in Des Moines and gettin lower by the day.

Sep 16 2006, 12:27 AM
Outrageous how the gasoline stocks fall when the oil prices fall !!!

Sep 18 2006, 03:37 PM
It's a real simple equation. Election year=lower gas prices. See what happens when the elections are over and the holidays come up. We will be right back to $3 a gallon.

Sep 20 2006, 08:30 PM
Click on the Gas Price Map ( and explain why Missouri has the cheapest gas. :confused:

Sep 20 2006, 09:57 PM
Well .................the map says San Diego 2.724

Still about $ 2.83

Sep 20 2006, 09:58 PM
I paid $2.69 today in Vista.

Sep 20 2006, 10:15 PM
That's pretty cheap !!!! :eek:

Sep 20 2006, 11:44 PM
$1.99 in Wright ,MO. :confused:

Sep 21 2006, 12:39 PM
$2.59 in Downey, Ca. today :D

Lyle O Ross
Sep 21 2006, 12:50 PM
Take a look at today's NYT. There's a great article on how Big Oil has shorted the U.S. on lease payments for drilling rights in the Gulf. Turns out that the leadership in the Dept of the Interior has been protecting them from fines. Now why would they do that?

Sep 21 2006, 01:44 PM
2.09 at the station down from my house

Sep 21 2006, 03:33 PM
2.09 at the station down from my house

$1.96 a mile from my house at I-35 and Chouteau. It was $2.69 like 3 weeks ago. I smell an election coming.

can't explain why Missouri has the cheapest gas, other than we probably have the lowest gas tax in the country.


Sep 21 2006, 05:43 PM
I saw gas for $2.08 in Lewisville on tuesday afternoon... not sure if it was a stunt, but it beat all the DFW prices I've seen by at least 10 cents. it's back up to 2.17 right now at that same station.

edit: back to 2.08 at 7-11 on 121B in lewisville for you n-dallas folks

Sep 21 2006, 11:05 PM
$1.99 today about a block from my house - just west of Des Moines :D
its actually a lil cheaper in DM though, i saw 1.96 somewhere

Sep 23 2006, 10:49 AM
2.39 in DC if you pay with cash.....they still give seperate prices for cash/credit here.

It is 2.49 for credit.

About 10 miles westward from my house, further away from DC, gas is 2.39 cash or credit.

Sep 23 2006, 04:38 PM
Yes !!!!! $ 2.55 in San Diego at Costco !!!!!

Sep 23 2006, 05:15 PM
$1.96 in GVegas

: ) :

Sep 23 2006, 05:49 PM
$1.96 in GVegas

: ) :

Wow !!!!! Under 2 bucks is awesome !!!!!

Pizza God
Oct 02 2006, 07:28 PM
Carrollton has finally hit $1.99 :D

Oct 03 2006, 09:35 AM
2.25 in Madison. Hopefully the anal-ysts are right and we will see a .99 gallon one day again. :eek:

Oct 04 2006, 10:35 PM
Yes !!!!! $ 2.55 in San Diego at Costco !!!!!

$ 2.35 at Thrifty Gas in San Diego !!!!

Oct 05 2006, 07:21 PM
$2.51 in Chico CA at Arco

Oct 05 2006, 07:55 PM
$1.96 here in Oklahoma City

Pizza God
Oct 05 2006, 08:26 PM
Cheapest in Carrollton is $2.03 now.

Oct 06 2006, 02:58 PM
We seemed to have leveled out at $1.95 here in Des Moines.

Oct 06 2006, 08:35 PM
Under 2 bucks is just a dream , here in San Diego.

Best I have seen today is $ 2.39 a gallon.

Oct 09 2006, 06:02 PM
$2.31 a gallon in Lake Elsinore, Ca.

Pizza God
Oct 10 2006, 07:36 PM
filled up today in Cockrell Hill at $1.98 :D

Oct 14 2006, 11:27 PM
high gas prices offend me, please delete this thread.

the camera guy
Oct 15 2006, 11:18 PM
finally below 2.00 in tulsa, barely--1.99

Oct 16 2006, 01:37 PM
$2.25 in Lake Elsinore, Ca. today ;)

Oct 16 2006, 10:31 PM
$2.17 in DC (cash-only)

$2.12 cash/credit out in the burbs.

Oct 18 2006, 10:15 AM
Was $1.93/gallon in parts of K.C. yesterday. Mysteriously it's $2.09 today, at the same places.

Oct 18 2006, 11:36 AM
Paid 2.09 yesterday, but saw 1.93 over the weekend here in NJ.

Oct 19 2006, 06:22 PM
Nice.................................price here in San Diego is still around $ 2.65

Oct 19 2006, 07:16 PM
I paid $1.97 yesterday here in tulsa.

Nov 09 2006, 08:42 PM
I hear now from wallstreet week , that since the democrats control the house , gas prices will rise again ?

Pizza God
Nov 09 2006, 09:17 PM
Gas prices tend to rise this time of year. It has gone up over a nickle per gallon last week, and should go up another 5 to 10 cents around thanksgiving.

Nov 09 2006, 09:43 PM
nice cover pizza
we all know that the republicans are #$*&$! about the election and they will raise the prices on gas .

Pizza God
Nov 09 2006, 10:25 PM
No, that is the trend in November every year. Trust me, being in the delivery business, I watch gas prices all the time. I am sorry I didn't post last week that gas prices were going to move back up in November.

Nov 09 2006, 11:58 PM
Yes that is the trend. Amazing how the price of gas drops about a month before the elections, and rises back up again afterwards...

Pizza God
Nov 10 2006, 02:41 AM
Gas dropped due to less demand. There was lots of summer gas left and they had to sell it off quick. It has run out and we are now on Winter gas. (in most areas)

Gas goes up for Thanksgiving because it is a high demand weekend. (same reason gas goes up every June for the normally high summer travel season)

Nov 10 2006, 09:40 AM
yeah Rhett, it is so simple, whats a matter with you. even a burgundy could understand this.

Pizza God
Nov 10 2006, 01:48 PM
24 month history (
oh look, it did the same thing last year.

some people just don't get it.

Pizza God
Nov 10 2006, 01:49 PM (
oh look at the 36th month history, SAME #$*&$! THING

Pizza God
Nov 10 2006, 01:53 PM
I will point out that we had a very warm fall 2 years ago, I remember the prices actually were at the lowest durring thanksgiving break. The stats show that.

Nov 10 2006, 02:05 PM
Be careful using that word "stats". It's short for statistics. I will ask that you use them appropriately or well, you know what happens...

Now is it surprising that the price came down very sharply from the after effects of a devastasting hurricane season in 2005. Did you already forget about that? Also, while you are right about the general trends in gas prices, have you failed to notice the HUGE difference in the magnitude of these changes?

Pizza God
Nov 10 2006, 02:31 PM
Just look at the 3 years worth of data. Yes, other factors always effect gas, however the trend of gas pricing dropping in November is a true statement. IT IS NOT SOME RIGHT WING CONSPIRACY.

Also note the price of Gas in Canada drops the same as the US.

Pizza God
Nov 10 2006, 02:38 PM
<table border="1"><tr><td> Year</td><td> Jan</td><td> Feb</td><td> Mar</td><td> Apr</td><td> May</td><td> Jun</td><td> Jul</td><td> Aug</td><td> Sep</td><td> Oct</td><td> Nov</td><td> Dec
</td></tr><tr><td>1973</td><td> 0.402</td><td> 0.418</td><td> 0.437
</td></tr><tr><td>1974</td><td> 0.465</td><td> 0.491</td><td> 0.528</td><td> 0.537</td><td> 0.550</td><td> 0.556</td><td> 0.558</td><td> 0.554</td><td> 0.550</td><td> 0.534</td><td> 0.528</td><td> 0.528
</td></tr><tr><td>1975</td><td> 0.532</td><td> 0.533</td><td> 0.534</td><td> 0.540</td><td> 0.550</td><td> 0.567</td><td> 0.591</td><td> 0.595</td><td> 0.597</td><td> 0.594</td><td> 0.589</td><td> 0.586
</td></tr><tr><td>1976</td><td> 0.584</td><td> 0.578</td><td> 0.569</td><td> 0.567</td><td> 0.576</td><td> 0.592</td><td> 0.599</td><td> 0.603</td><td> 0.604</td><td> 0.603</td><td> 0.602</td><td> 0.600
</td></tr><tr><td>1977</td><td> 0.600</td><td> 0.607</td><td> 0.612</td><td> 0.619</td><td> 0.626</td><td> 0.630</td><td> 0.631</td><td> 0.630</td><td> 0.629</td><td> 0.627</td><td> 0.626</td><td> 0.627
</td></tr><tr><td>1978</td><td> 0.607</td><td> 0.605</td><td> 0.604</td><td> 0.606</td><td> 0.611</td><td> 0.620</td><td> 0.629</td><td> 0.638</td><td> 0.644</td><td> 0.645</td><td> 0.650</td><td> 0.659
</td></tr><tr><td>1979</td><td> 0.668</td><td> 0.681</td><td> 0.706</td><td> 0.753</td><td> 0.797</td><td> 0.856</td><td> 0.908</td><td> 0.943</td><td> 0.973</td><td> 0.982</td><td> 0.994</td><td> 1.018
</td></tr><tr><td>1980</td><td> 1.086</td><td> 1.159</td><td> 1.202</td><td> 1.212</td><td> 1.215</td><td> 1.217</td><td> 1.216</td><td> 1.210</td><td> 1.197</td><td> 1.188</td><td> 1.188</td><td> 1.197
</td></tr><tr><td>1981</td><td> 1.238</td><td> 1.321</td><td> 1.352</td><td> 1.344</td><td> 1.333</td><td> 1.324</td><td> 1.315</td><td> 1.310</td><td> 1.305</td><td> 1.299</td><td> 1.297</td><td> 1.293
</td></tr><tr><td>1982</td><td> 1.285</td><td> 1.260</td><td> 1.206</td><td> 1.148</td><td> 1.166</td><td> 1.242</td><td> 1.263</td><td> 1.254</td><td> 1.236</td><td> 1.219</td><td> 1.207</td><td> 1.181
</td></tr><tr><td>1983</td><td> 1.150</td><td> 1.099</td><td> 1.064</td><td> 1.131</td><td> 1.177</td><td> 1.197</td><td> 1.207</td><td> 1.203</td><td> 1.189</td><td> 1.172</td><td> 1.156</td><td> 1.146
</td></tr><tr><td>1984</td><td> 1.131</td><td> 1.125</td><td> 1.125</td><td> 1.145</td><td> 1.154</td><td> 1.147</td><td> 1.129</td><td> 1.116</td><td> 1.120</td><td> 1.127</td><td> 1.124</td><td> 1.109
</td></tr><tr><td>1985</td><td> 1.060</td><td> 1.041</td><td> 1.071</td><td> 1.119</td><td> 1.144</td><td> 1.153</td><td> 1.154</td><td> 1.143</td><td> 1.129</td><td> 1.117</td><td> 1.123</td><td> 1.123
</td></tr><tr><td>1986</td><td> 1.107</td><td> 1.034</td><td> 0.894</td><td> 0.815</td><td> 0.852</td><td> 0.885</td><td> 0.822</td><td> 0.778</td><td> 0.797</td><td> 0.771</td><td> 0.762</td><td> 0.764
</td></tr><tr><td>1987</td><td> 0.806</td><td> 0.848</td><td> 0.856</td><td> 0.879</td><td> 0.888</td><td> 0.906</td><td> 0.921</td><td> 0.946</td><td> 0.940</td><td> 0.931</td><td> 0.928</td><td> 0.912
</td></tr><tr><td>1988</td><td> 0.881</td><td> 0.859</td><td> 0.850</td><td> 0.883</td><td> 0.911</td><td> 0.910</td><td> 0.923</td><td> 0.945</td><td> 0.933</td><td> 0.910</td><td> 0.904</td><td> 0.885
</td></tr><tr><td>1989</td><td> 0.876</td><td> 0.886</td><td> 0.907</td><td> 1.047</td><td> 1.098</td><td> 1.093</td><td> 1.075</td><td> 1.034</td><td> 1.007</td><td> 1.001</td><td> 0.975</td><td> 0.961
</td></tr><tr><td>1990</td><td> 1.006</td><td> 1.011</td><td> 0.999</td><td> 1.027</td><td> 1.044</td><td> 1.077</td><td> 1.089</td><td> 1.198</td><td> 1.297</td><td> 1.354</td><td> 1.351</td><td> 1.335
</td></tr><tr><td> </tr></td></table> Sorce (

Pizza God
Nov 10 2006, 02:41 PM
Ok, This is an average US price per gallon for that month. I could not find any other better data, but this still proves my point

13 times gas prices dropped in November over October
3 times gas prices rose in November
1 time it stayed the same.

I rest my case

Nov 10 2006, 02:57 PM
Gas prices tend to rise this time of year. It has gone up over a nickle per gallon last week, and should go up another 5 to 10 cents around thanksgiving.

Yes, other factors always effect gas, however the trend of gas pricing dropping in November is a true statement.

Ok, This is an average US price per gallon for that month. I could not find any other better data, but this still proves my point

13 times gas prices dropped in November over October
3 times gas prices rose in November
1 time it stayed the same.

I rest my case

Easy to prove you point when your point is actually both points? Did you say prices go up or down this time of year(November)? You're just spewing things out with no regard to logic or even consistency. Did you miss the point of Rhett's comment? It was the big drop right before the election. It was the MAGNITUDE of that drop that is shocking. Find another example outside of 2005 where you see something like that.

Pizza God
Nov 10 2006, 03:14 PM
I see your point. I got off track (something I tend to do)

I started off by saying that gas prices usually go up for Thanksgivinig weekend. But was also trying to point out that the gas price drop at the begining of November was normal.

Ok, back to the original point

The larger decrease was in August this year. If I am not mistaken, I posted there was a decrease in Demand this summer over 2005. Also, the shortages of early summer due to the rollout of Ethinol in gas was caught up. It had zero to do with the upcomming elections. Same as the increase before Thanksgiving has no corilation with last weeks election.

Nov 10 2006, 03:15 PM
ok. well, then... that's settled.