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Oct 10 2007, 03:57 PM
i think lee is referring to his own sweet shorts, the shot with lee and the tractor is now my wallpaper :D:D:D

Oct 10 2007, 04:00 PM
Lee's 3rd leg is showing in that pick. Very cool......
Bigger than a baby arm. Lucky man.

Oct 10 2007, 04:15 PM
Yikes! That picture is horrendous close up! :o

I should have looked at them more closely before posting.

Oct 11 2007, 10:47 AM
Lee's 3rd leg is showing in that pick. Very cool......
Bigger than a baby arm. Lucky man.


Oct 11 2007, 10:49 AM
Need to get an emerging team together........

Need some Flyers !!!

Looking for 2 MA1 players, and 3 MA3 players

Anybody out there ?

Oct 11 2007, 01:46 PM
Need to get an emerging team together........

Need some Flyers !!!

Looking for 2 MA1 players, and 3 MA3 players

Anybody out there ?

when is the tournament? Imight be down for some MA1

Oct 11 2007, 01:52 PM
Need to get an emerging team together........

Need some Flyers !!!

Looking for 2 MA1 players, and 3 MA3 players

Anybody out there ?

when is the tournament? Imight be down for some MA1

11-17/18 I BELIEVE

Big Buck and the Discboomer, that would be sweet!

Oct 11 2007, 09:21 PM
Friday night haltom 6:30
bounty #11:$0 because it got hit last week
Bring night lights.
Give us a call if you are running late ,we will wait for you.

Oct 12 2007, 05:28 PM
[/QUOTE]Big Buck and the Discboomer, that would be sweet!


Oct 14 2007, 12:37 AM
I want to play MA3 for team ZBOAZ ;)

Oct 14 2007, 09:22 PM
Team Crowley

Oct 18 2007, 03:58 PM
Okay so how many Funkytown Flyers are making the trip to Tulsa next week?

Oct 18 2007, 04:06 PM
Maybe PJ and Eric.

Miles and I were going to go but after the lack luster performance of twisted flyer last month we are going to play the VPO.

Oct 18 2007, 05:31 PM
Miles and I were going to go but after the lack luster performance of twisted flyer last month we are going to play the VPO.

I only play about one tourney a month. And I couldnt see travling to Tulsa for a good tourney over driving 20 min for a good tourney. No OO for me.

Oct 19 2007, 10:47 AM
Is nolan going to defend his OO title , or play VPO ?

Oct 19 2007, 11:11 AM
why wouldn't he play both? Seems he is playing every tournament on the calender this year. I would expect to see him whop some okie arse.

Oct 19 2007, 01:01 PM
Is nolan going to defend his OO title , or play VPO ?

Nolan's job right now is disc golf. The VPO and OO are on seperate weekends. Expect to see him at both the OO and VPO, followed by the Lewisville Open, then he'll make his first Players Cup appearance. Sounds like 4 straight weekends of golf to me.

Oct 19 2007, 01:53 PM
Good for Nolan. He's too good not to be playing regional events. I was hoping to see a better finish out of him at USDGC. At least he was there.

Oct 19 2007, 02:04 PM
I have Landis +2 staying with me. I can probably find a place for a few funkytowners to stay.

Oct 19 2007, 08:06 PM
Is nolan going to defend his OO title , or play VPO ?

Nolan's job right now is disc golf. The VPO and OO are on seperate weekends. Expect to see him at both the OO and VPO, followed by the Lewisville Open, then he'll make his first Players Cup appearance. Sounds like 4 straight weekends of golf to me.

If I was 95% sure I am going to get atleast couple hundred a weekend playing disc golf, I would play every weekend too. Someday.....someday....... :cool:

Oct 22 2007, 05:51 PM
I only play about one tourney a month. And I couldnt see travling to Tulsa for a good tourney over driving 20 min for a good tourney. No OO for me.

2006 OO Pro Purse: $10,429 2006 VPO Pro Purse: $6,675 I am having a hard time understanding what a good tourney is. :confused:

Oct 22 2007, 06:05 PM
Don't judge the VPO off of last years numbers. Terry was jacking us around.

Oct 22 2007, 06:16 PM
Let's not start throwing mud PJ. The old ADGA's financial books were neglected and taken advantage of. The ADGA has done a complete 180 degree turn around with it's new body of fearless leaders. This new blood has actually turned profits on events where the old blood always lost money. Kind of makes you go Hmmmmmmm, what was really going on then?!?!?! :mad:

I think Miles is saying that it's a smarter business decision for him to stay home and play a familiar supertour course rather than travel out of state to play in a supertour.

Oct 22 2007, 07:31 PM
Exactly. And how much more am I going to make to cover the cost of gas and food by going up there. My thing was its one or the other. So i chose the home town event. Thats all.

Oct 23 2007, 01:58 AM
That, and he got dominated by an advanced player his last round at Blackhawk... :o

Oct 23 2007, 03:02 AM
LOL. This is true. But you can come down to my home course anytime for a rematch!

Oct 23 2007, 04:01 PM
dont know if you know it or not but, Z-Boaz was Jake's home course for a few years. he was playing out there before it was a full18 holes.

Oct 23 2007, 05:27 PM
Oh I know. But I still think I have an edge on him here! ;)

Oct 23 2007, 08:10 PM
Thank god we got rid of those **** dogs!!!!!!!!!!

Oct 31 2007, 06:12 PM
You guys should ask Landis what it was like playing first round at OO with Cale and Coda.

Big Buck has mad skillz!!!

Nov 01 2007, 11:39 AM ;)

Nov 01 2007, 12:29 PM
Playing with those guys the second round would be something to talk about.

Nov 01 2007, 12:31 PM
that is probably what I needed was a good pistol to take care of my game better in Tulsa. It was FUN and I did get hooked up on my first round with 2 1000 rated players. PJ got to play with the champion the first round and he shot the HOT round at the BLACKHAWK a 50. That is SUPER BIG!!

Nov 02 2007, 11:13 AM
Shawn Wooten Probation 10/8/2007 1/8/2008 Personal attack
John Maurio Probation 10/2/2007 1/2/2008 Material not suitable for a minor

<font color="red"> Funky Town Flyers are bad! </font>

Nov 02 2007, 11:31 AM
I got hooked up with the RooR on friday night...I think that I am just now back to normal. ;)

Nov 02 2007, 02:16 PM
Playing with those guys the second round would be something to talk about.

For me just getting to play with them at all is BIG. I do not have the game to be able to see them at all past the first round. For me I drop like a rock and then try my best NOT to finish DFL. That is the only thing that I still have to my game is NOT finishing DFL ..... yet! :D

Nov 02 2007, 02:28 PM
Are there any plans for a club meeting any time soon? I would like to know where we stand as a club and where we are headed now that we have already put in one course. :D

Nov 02 2007, 02:45 PM
A BIG THANK YOU to all of Funkytown for their sponsorship of the 2007 VPO.

Nov 03 2007, 03:54 PM
Shawn Wooten Probation 10/8/2007 1/8/2008 Personal attack
John Maurio Probation 10/2/2007 1/2/2008 Material not suitable for a minor

<font color="red"> Funky Town Flyers are bad! </font>

what did i do? :confused:who did i attack cause i hope i kicked his puusy arse! :p

Nov 04 2007, 10:23 AM
Attention all members !!!!!

Keep your schedule clear for 1-1-08......

The format is not etched in stone, and I need to
get together with the B.O.D. , but I am planning on the
club hosting the 1st annual Hangover Classic @ Haltom City.

This event will act as the 2007 bag tag finale, so if you have a bag tag ESPECIALLY A SINGLE DIDGIT bag tag, plan on
being there , or plan on sending your bag tag with somebody whom will be there. There will be no excuse for the # 1 tag
not being there. PERIOD!

Talk to you guys soon!

Nov 04 2007, 07:53 PM
Hey Funkytown Flyers,

I'm going to make a personal sponsorship for the Lewisville Open to help close out the best two weeks of North Texas disc golf with the VPO and Lewisville Opens going back to back. And I wanted to see if there were any Funkytowners out there who would like to kick in with me.

If you would just let me know!!!

Nov 04 2007, 11:53 PM
"Hangover Classic". LOL. Sounds like easy money and tag for me! :D

Nov 05 2007, 12:14 AM
"Hangover Classic". LOL. Sounds like easy money and tag for me! :D

Oh really... :D

Nov 05 2007, 09:19 AM
My bad. you and me can fight it out.

Nov 05 2007, 10:55 AM
Too bad we have to play at Haltom. :confused:

Nov 05 2007, 01:23 PM
Too bad we have to play at Haltom. :confused:

Wasn't Haltom the main course focus for the FFC in 2007?

Nov 05 2007, 03:33 PM
Don't know.
It is kinda weird playing a fort worth bag tag challenge 35 min outside of fort worth. Not to mention the course is boring as heck.

Nov 05 2007, 04:41 PM
Haltom is the first course the flyers helped get in the ground. I see it fitting to be held there.

Nov 05 2007, 05:29 PM
Thanks again to all the Funkytown Flyers for the sponsorship of the VPO. Thank you to Mr. Letts for coming by and helping us out on Sunday. It made a big difference. I got to put a face with "THE NATURAL'S" name. I had never met Myles before this weekend, it was nice to finally meet him.

Nov 05 2007, 08:20 PM
It was nice to meet you too Clay! Thanks again for all your hard work. Awesome job you guys did! And just for the record, it Miles. :D

Nov 06 2007, 01:10 PM
Gotcha! Miles, Kinter, BFF's Cox and Covalt. I'm slowly learning.

Nov 08 2007, 10:50 AM
Ok DFW golfers Mr Charle Cox III backed out of teams on us, so we are looking for a masters player.

Nov 08 2007, 11:52 AM
Charles wants to play for team Crowley

Nov 08 2007, 12:03 PM
Pipe Down there Bricie! :D

Nov 08 2007, 04:59 PM
Ok DFW golfers Mr Charle Cox III backed out of teams on us, so we are looking for a masters player.

what the..he said nothing of this last night at the vet, what was his excuse? :mad:

Nov 08 2007, 05:51 PM
Maybe Brice made him a better offer. Question is, what was it, and can you guys top it. Is Cox worth it?

Nov 08 2007, 06:19 PM
i heard he wants to be with crowley

Nov 08 2007, 06:42 PM
The sad truth is that he can't make it. Some unexpected events happened and he'll be busy taking care of that during teams.

Any good Masters players out there for Team Z???

Nov 09 2007, 02:05 AM
Some friends and I will be spending a few days in Funkytown in late December and are interested in the locals' course suggestions. Other than Z Boaz, which we'll definitely be playing, what area courses do yall recommend (within 30 or so miles)? Thanks in advance

PS---is it true that Lewisville has a 24 hour course? Or is that a bourban legend?

Nov 09 2007, 07:30 AM
My list would go like this. Z Boaz, Veterens, Cedar Hill, crowley, Lake lewisville. There are lots more in the area, but those are my favorite five. And yes its true, The lake course in Lewisville is a 24 hour course.

Nov 09 2007, 08:41 AM
rockwall is a drive but it tops all of those.

Nov 09 2007, 11:11 AM
The sad truth is that he can't make it. Some unexpected events happened and he'll be busy taking care of that during teams.

Any good Masters players out there for Team Z???

I think that Brad Bishop is old enough to play masters.

Nov 09 2007, 11:26 AM
rockwall is a drive but it tops all of those.

Agree 100%. Played there yesterday for the first time. Houck outdid himself with this one.

Big E
Nov 09 2007, 12:52 PM
My buddy and I and my baby are playing saturday morning. How is the water issue out there? The last time I played was in the spring I think or early summer and they had some water crossing issues I think on 4 and some other holes.

Nov 09 2007, 01:09 PM
My buddy and I and my baby are playing saturday morning. How is the water issue out there? The last time I played was in the spring I think or early summer and they had some water crossing issues I think on 4 and some other holes.

There was a little bit of standing water in a few places, but none of it was in fairways or walking paths.

Big E
Nov 09 2007, 02:46 PM
Thanks DocB :DWhat about 18's mando is it more clearly defined?

Nov 12 2007, 06:36 PM
Thanks DocB :DWhat about 18's mando is it more clearly defined?

I didn't know at the time that there was a mando on that hole. I played red tees, though, so if it was on the blue I wouldn't have necessarily noticed it.

Nov 13 2007, 05:41 PM
The sad truth is that he can't make it. Some unexpected events happened and he'll be busy taking care of that during teams.

Any good Masters players out there for Team Z???

I think that Brad Bishop is old enough to play masters.

Jake you only wish you had Bishops skills on teh DG Brad playing anymore?

Nov 13 2007, 06:29 PM
Mike the Beatnick still lives and plays DG and gets beat down by the wootang-clang on a weekly basis. Wootang-clang and nothing to puck with! :D

Nov 14 2007, 12:28 AM
Leaderboard ( updated.

Nov 14 2007, 09:11 AM
Hey Samurai, does the leaderboard include events that haven't gone into the official PDGA ratings yet? Such as the Mr. Jims or this past weekends Lewisville Open.

Nov 14 2007, 10:01 AM
Not at this time. But as TD reporting becomes more streamlined there will be fewer excluded outside of the typical lead time for the ratings update.

Nov 14 2007, 11:32 AM
so how does the funky rating work, the two people higher than me have lower pdga ratings, but higher funky ratings? :confused:

Nov 14 2007, 12:46 PM
so how does the funky rating work, the two people higher than me have lower pdga ratings, but higher funky ratings? :confused:

They are obviously funkier than you. :p

Nov 14 2007, 01:57 PM
so how does the funky rating work, the two people higher than me have lower pdga ratings, but higher funky ratings? :confused:

It all comes down to the difference between how the two ratings systems calculate predicted performance. Where the PDGA system uses double weighting of the most recent rounds, the funky system uses a linear fit across all of the rounds.

As it turns out, your recent performance has been on fire! But overall, the upward trend in the tournament ratings isn't as aggressive yet. On the other hand, the two players above you have had a recent downtrend, but overall the downward trend in the tournament ratings isn't as aggressive yet.

So, basically, the Funky Rating is currently less sensitive to recent changes in performance. There's a detailed explanation of the calculation at the bottom of the leaderboard.

If worse comes to worse, click on the "PDGA Rank" column header and it will resort so that you are in the lead. :D

Nov 14 2007, 02:34 PM
If worse comes to worse, click on the "PDGA Rank" column header and it will resort so that you are in the lead. :D

kewl, i'll do that :D

Nov 20 2007, 09:04 AM
Too bad we have to play at Haltom. :confused:

Wasn't Haltom the main course focus for the FFC in 2007?

who knows what the main focus was? not me. when was the last meeting? when is the next meeting? do we still have all the $$$$$$$ that was collected in the begining? i have spoken to stacia who should know all this, but doesnt. i feel that a meeting is very overdue. :confused:

Nov 20 2007, 11:40 AM
Too bad we have to play at Haltom. :confused:

Wasn't Haltom the main course focus for the FFC in 2007?

who knows what the main focus was? not me. when was the last meeting? when is the next meeting? do we still have all the $$$$$$$ that was collected in the begining? i have spoken to stacia who should know all this, but doesnt. i feel that a meeting is very overdue. :confused:

I don't know about all that money stuff, but I know there is a communications meeting coming up the Thursday after Thanksgiving. Because there is confusion out there this meeting will likely need to cover how best to report the board's status as well as the other things we've planned. But I will let Colin decide on all that. Thanks for bringing this up goose!

I will be glad to post meeting times on the website if they are sent to me!

Nov 20 2007, 02:33 PM
I have 6 tag and $80. for the 4 tags I have sold from the 10 intrusted to me. ;) And yes we are slacking and over due on everything and need to know what's up and where we are. :confused:

Nov 21 2007, 12:23 AM
The current status of the club is as follows...

Meeting : Far overdue!

Time : not enough

People stepping up to help : minimal

Money : $ 1357.00 cash. Including the $50.00 Ace Race monies for the tee sign sponsor ship.
That money is less the sponsorship's
for Texas Womens, Bi-centennial Park Open,VPO, Bag tags, PO box, supplies to install Haltom city, and a round the world cruise for me and mine! Thanks guys :p

Big up's to Brownlow , he has stepped up and given his time and produced numerous things for the club. Most impressive is the website and rating's system. Some may not realise that his rating's system in fact parallel's the pdga, but it takes into consideration some of the systems flaws...

Kudos!!!Also, be expecting a Funkytown newsletter for 08 !This should help members stay informed regarding the status of the club and it's current direction!

Officially, the next meeting will be on 01/01/08 for the 1st annual HANGOVER CLASSIC . 1 round , prolly 20-24
holes @ Haltom City. Be expecting this to be fun, informative, and most assuringly competative! This will be
the bagtag challenge for 07, and the first shot @ the new
tag's for 08!!!! Entry fee covers 1 year membership + bag tag, plus a little funkytown plastic! Planning on an awards
ceremony for some members that went above and beyond in our 1st year!

Much unlike this post , the event will be short and sweet !
Too much football on TV to spend the day in the park..

Possible afterparty .. We shall see.

Please excuse the lapse in communication , life has
been extremely busy for several board members, including myself.


Nov 21 2007, 08:46 AM
The current status of the club is as follows...

Meeting : Far overdue! <font color="red"> Par for the course. </font>

Time : not enough <font color="red"> Pretty much normal </font>

People stepping up to help : minimal <font color="red"> surprise, surprise! </font>

Money : $ 1357.00 cash. Including the $50.00 Ace Race monies for the tee sign sponsor ship.
That money is less the sponsorship's
for Texas Womens, Bi-centennial Park Open,VPO, Bag tags, PO box, supplies to install Haltom city, and a round the world cruise for me and mine! Thanks guys :p <font color="red"> Excellent 1st year, minus the all enclusive 2 person trip :D </font>

Big up's to Brownlow , he has stepped up and given his time and produced numerous things for the club. Most impressive is the website and rating's system. Some may not realise that his rating's system in fact parallel's the pdga, but it takes into consideration some of the systems flaws... <font color="red"> Very cool. </font>

Kudos!!!Also, be expecting a Funkytown newsletter for 08 !This should help members stay informed regarding the status of the club and it's current direction! <font color="red"> come to think of it, I wonder what happened to the ADGA's newsletter. I haven't received one in 7 or 8 years. </font>

Officially, the next meeting will be on 01/01/08 for the 1st annual HANGOVER CLASSIC . 1 round , prolly 20-24
holes @ Haltom City. Be expecting this to be fun, informative, and most assuringly competative! This will be
the bagtag challenge for 07, and the first shot @ the new
tag's for 08!!!! Entry fee covers 1 year membership + bag tag, plus a little funkytown plastic! Planning on an awards
ceremony for some members that went above and beyond in our 1st year! <font color="red"> Very excited to hear this! It will most likely be my first trip out to HC to play in the HC! :D</font>

Much unlike this post , the event will be short and sweet !
Too much football on TV to spend the day in the park.. <font color="red"> Football would be cool if it were hockey </font>

Possible afterparty .. We shall see. <font color="red"> Margarita machine maybe?? </font>

Please excuse the lapse in communication , life has
been extremely busy for several board members, including myself. <font color="red"> Disc Golf before life! </font>


<font color="red"> Shut up Tang! </font>

Nov 22 2007, 12:08 PM
HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO ALL!! gobble gobble gobble

Nov 24 2007, 04:40 PM
I feel the love vibe you're giving off John :oand you know you are way too cool for the HC Biotch! :D

Nov 24 2007, 07:41 PM
Wah-Wah! Is your thingy hurting again Tang? :D

Nov 29 2007, 09:17 AM
I feel the love

Nov 29 2007, 10:23 AM
Wah-Wah! Is your thingy hurting again Tang? :D

I'm a calling you out Johnny and it's going down at the HC! I'm putting in the card request and we will see who slapping who around! ;)

Nov 29 2007, 10:49 AM
I have no doubt that you have a chance of beating me on a course i'm playing for the 1st time.

How 'bout that 'Tang! :D

Nov 30 2007, 11:39 AM
Don't get scared John, I have only play original 9 once so it will be half new to me as well. :confused: maybe side betting might make it alittle more interesting? Do i hear a ten spot? :p

Dec 03 2007, 11:42 PM
Diggin the smack talk!!!!
Keep it up, we may have a main event for the Hangover Classic... The epic battle of The Almighty Wooten -vs- My Hero. Greco Roman style !!!! I will bring the E.V.O.O.

Dec 05 2007, 10:10 AM
i have an extra bag tag if anyone has lost one, especially if you left it at a mini and forgot it, let me know. there will be a 20$ recovery fee, jk

Dec 06 2007, 06:55 PM
Greenbriar community center in south central Ft Worth is putting in a new course. They have asked Brandon Melton of "inches of mercury" (those responsible for North park in Haltom) to design it. With nine baskets they hope to have it installed by Christmas. There will be a full 18 eventually but no date as of yet. If you would like to know more contact Shane Mize at 817-926-6214. Any and all sponsorship, money or time donation are greatly appreciated. ( (

Dec 06 2007, 08:36 PM
I don't mind helping. How much land is it. Looking online , it does not seem to be very big. Sure it can hold 18?

Dec 10 2007, 11:59 AM
way to go Miles, representin funkytown in rose city, tying for third shooting hot golf, i'm sorry to say that the funky ams were at the bottom of the pack, having a blast, partying a little too hard maybe. :D

Dec 11 2007, 02:16 PM
We should have an award for the Funkytown Flyers Club Player of the Year.

Dec 11 2007, 05:10 PM
Send the Award my way... etch it for me....
Big Bookiss

Dec 11 2007, 05:12 PM
If we go by ratings and money won I will gladly accept my award. :D Def people who go from lead card to not cashing should not be in the mix. :eek:

Dec 11 2007, 05:25 PM
Well, since no one responded in a timely fashion, the award goes back to me.

Dec 11 2007, 05:29 PM
you gave us 20 mins Bookiss, i say we should have a most improved, and a most drunk, and a biggest clown, and uhh.....

Dec 11 2007, 06:53 PM
Chris, you have only won $100.00 more than Miles has this year, and this is his rookie year. Plus he has two 1st place wins. One of them being a B-Tier. Your best finish is 4th place in a tournament. Except for A-Z doubles when Miles was your partner.

You might have a higher rating than Miles, but his rating has jumped up 20 points since the beginning of the year and will only get higher due to his last 2 tournaments, having four 1000 rated rounds out of six. Your rating has only improved by 3 points. Chris, you will never win a player of the year award.

My vote would be for the Natural.
Great year Miles....Keep it up!!!

Dec 12 2007, 12:38 AM
I will do my best to keep it up! But it will take my rating a while to go up. My last AM and first 4 pro tourneys were bad ones for the rating.

Dec 12 2007, 09:23 AM
Actually I have $480.00 that is not updated, which will bring me up to around 1700.00. Hell of a lot better than your cashing in 2 events out of 10. :eek: Plus I only played in 11 events this year.

You would know nothing about this but when your rating is near 1000 and it goes up 3 points that is a lot better than a rating going from the 60's to the 80's.

I agree Miles has had a good year but the fact that he is a Rokie should not matter. Your just mad because your an Adv player that can't keep up with the big boys.

Dec 12 2007, 09:52 AM

look at em go! :D

Dec 12 2007, 11:21 AM
Funny stuff guys keep it up.

Dec 12 2007, 12:00 PM
Funky Town most improved: Teague
Most Drunk: Drunk Dre
Biggest rating jump: Miles
Open player of year: cfles
Biggest choke job: Brice
Biggest Win: Miles
Adv player of year: ?
Int player of year: ?
Biggest Ace: Don Q/ Bishop?

Dec 12 2007, 02:38 PM
Biggest choke job: Brice

omg, lmfao :D :D

Dec 12 2007, 03:16 PM
I'm glad that it's cold outside so that I can cool down from the BURN I just received.

Dec 12 2007, 03:26 PM
lol ! .^. brice i thought u were gonna gracefully bow out and be the bigger man from all this bickering. Were having personal attacks and fun stuff on our board too. This club thread is in my faves now! rock on.

Dec 12 2007, 03:40 PM
I got my jiffy pot popcorn ready for this mud butt sling'n show.

Dec 12 2007, 03:53 PM
Ok Sissy La La....Even if you were the most qualified for the Player of the Year award, you would never win one because most of the disc golf world can't stand you or your attitude.

Dec 12 2007, 04:30 PM
Well my true friends know I am just joking around. I don't want the award, but I am the most qualified. Most money won, most cashes, most cashes in a row, highest percentage of cashes, highest rating. Someone will probally read this and be offended, but I really don't care. Disc golf is just a hobby for me.

You guys take this shiat talking too seriously. I am usually just on here to kill time inbetween classes, and I enjoy watching you get your pink panties in a bunch. :eek:

Dec 12 2007, 05:04 PM .jpg

Dec 12 2007, 05:20 PM (

Dec 12 2007, 10:02 PM

Dec 13 2007, 01:10 AM
It just makes me laugh that Brice and Chris have there message board spats every three months or so. Almost like clockwork. :D

Dec 13 2007, 09:45 AM
I dig the spats as well...

Dec 13 2007, 09:52 AM
It just makes me laugh that Brice and Chris have there message board spats every three months or so. Almost like clockwork. :D

It's my reason for checking this thread....some of the best laughs I get come from their banter.. :D

Dec 13 2007, 11:11 AM
**** i gotta wait another 3 months?

Dec 13 2007, 12:47 PM
Z-Bloaz today @ 4:00

Dec 13 2007, 03:30 PM

Dec 13 2007, 04:09 PM
It just makes me laugh that Brice and Chris have there message board spats every three months or so. Almost like clockwork. :D

It is all most like they are on the same cycle. :cool:


Dec 13 2007, 11:48 PM
I've added some primitive payout tables to the courses page on the funky website. I can generate custom tables for those that are interested. Currently the ones available are $5 and $8 entry with 1/3rd payout and 3-150 entrants.

One neat feature (I think) of these tables is that they tell the TD how many ones, fives, and tens are needed to do payout.

Suggestions welcome! One known problem is that when the number of spots for payout is too high for the payin, payout amounts start to repeat to meet the required number of payout spots.

Course Page (

Dec 14 2007, 03:59 PM
So far these are the suggestions:
- Fix duplicate payouts
- Push more of the payout toward 1st place while still eliminating duplicates and keeping last place cash at least half of the payin.

A $9 entry was requested as well.

Dec 14 2007, 04:14 PM
is this for something specific, or like minis or what?

Dec 14 2007, 04:15 PM
Non-sanctioned minis ONLY. :D

Dec 20 2007, 05:59 PM
Haltom tommorow start at 6:30
so...come out and play and get some practice before the bag tag challenge

and the weather is going to be nice out
winds 5-10 mph

Dec 21 2007, 11:07 AM
this site has some special info that will be of interest to the entire disc golfing world: (


Dec 21 2007, 04:45 PM
Dont be mad because the saints suck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dec 21 2007, 05:23 PM
That is great! I'm going to have to move it to a cowboys thread.

Dec 21 2007, 06:39 PM
yeah, at least our best players want to play for our team :o

Dec 22 2007, 09:36 AM
so whats up with the hangover classic, we just going to gather at the park and when enough people show up play a round? or shall we meet at a specified time of the day? how much money do we bring? how are the new tags going to be given out? how many questions can i ask?

Dec 22 2007, 01:22 PM
so whats up with the hangover classic, we just going to gather at the park and when enough people show up play a round? or shall we meet at a specified time of the day? how much money do we bring? how are the new tags going to be given out? how many questions can i ask?

Players meeting : 9:30
Round soon to follow .
08 bag tags will be assigned following the rounds.
07 bag tags will be collected and allocated accordingly.
$30.00 dollar entry fee will cover 2008 membership and 2008 bag tag!

Special awards to follow rounds .

We will crown our 2007 bag tag champion!

Also, the kind folks @ Haltom City will be letting us
shoot @ their ace pot !!!

additional 5 dollar ace pool to get in on the action .

Keep in mind , this event will be fun , and short . We will
play 1 round of 18 , with a final 9 showcase for the top 5, ace race format .

Afterparty, quite possible if there is enough interest!
I believe I heard rumors of a Margarita Machine @ the Hero's! Dunno yet!!!
More to follow!

Dec 22 2007, 02:15 PM
will we still have a bagtag champion if the number one tag is not there? dallas boys todd jones has #1 and justin jones has #2, someone else over there has #5. anyone have these guys numbers. everyone get on the omb v ygb board and hound them into coming. or we could just go all black ops and take things in to our own hands

Dec 23 2007, 08:32 PM
or yall can come over to our house and party

Dec 24 2007, 04:59 PM
Afterparty, quite possible if there is enough interest!
I believe I heard rumors of a Margarita Machine @ the Hero's! Dunno yet!!!
More to follow!

Yes, there is a Marg. Machine at the casa, and you are welcome to borrow it. Right now just the thought of drinking Margs the day after New Years Eve makes me want to:

Dec 25 2007, 03:03 AM
Afterparty, quite possible if there is enough interest!
I believe I heard rumors of a Margarita Machine @ the Hero's! Dunno yet!!!
More to follow!

Yes, there is a Marg. Machine at the casa, and you are welcome to borrow it. Right now just the thought of drinking Margs the day after New Years Eve makes me want to:

That looks like hero's bathroom!


Dec 25 2007, 03:08 AM
will we still have a bagtag champion if the number one tag is not there? dallas boys todd jones has #1 and justin jones has #2, someone else over there has #5. anyone have these guys numbers. everyone get on the omb v ygb board and hound them into coming. or we could just go all black ops and take things in to our own hands

Everybody that plans to be there will know who the real champion is. Anybody else that is holding a low tag , that does not plan to be there, we will all know what a grande' pu$$ie you are. BELIEVE THAT !

Please , if you are holding a low tag, and you can not be there, dont ruin it for eveybody else ! Man up and send your tag. Be the bigger person and be part of the soultion!


Dec 26 2007, 12:16 PM
i have #4 tag. if i cannot make it i will hide it.

Dec 26 2007, 12:18 PM
ok,ok i will send it with someone.

Dec 27 2007, 02:33 PM
I have the #7 tag if somebody wants it.

Dec 27 2007, 02:54 PM
I have the #6 tag

Dec 27 2007, 04:48 PM
there are ph numbers on our thread area call em im sure they will send em or play. OR maybe not i havent seen em in a while..

Dec 27 2007, 08:51 PM
Friday night haltom starts at 6:30
bounty-you have to pay a dollar to get in it and it is on hole 12 and the bounty is up to $43

so.....come on out to get some practice be fore the hangover

Dec 28 2007, 05:28 AM
New payout tables are posted ( They are in CSV format for now.

Fixes:<ul type="square"> Removed duplicates
Made 1st place payout not decrease as entrant count rises
Clamped last place payout

Dec 28 2007, 10:53 AM
so flesner, brice, you guys are'nt going to be there? what the? que'la?

Dec 28 2007, 10:58 AM
I will be there

Dec 28 2007, 12:16 PM
It's supposed to be chilly chilly!

Dec 28 2007, 12:27 PM

Dec 28 2007, 12:34 PM
suck it up!

Dec 28 2007, 03:45 PM
come on out to night for the mini at HALTOM

Dec 28 2007, 05:49 PM
I have bag tag 98 and everyone is going to take it off my hands..... Thats right!
All of u can go slam it down your can hole....
Hang over on that!

Dec 28 2007, 06:30 PM
I have bag tag 98 and everyone is going to take it off my hands..... Thats right!
All of u can go slam it down your can hole....
Hang over on that!

Dec 31 2007, 12:32 PM

Dec 31 2007, 02:31 PM
Players meeting : 9:30
Round soon to follow .
08 bag tags will be assigned following the rounds.
07 bag tags will be collected and allocated accordingly.
$30.00 dollar entry fee will cover 2008 membership and 2008 bag tag!

Special awards to follow rounds .

We will crown our 2007 bag tag champion!

Also, the kind folks @ Haltom City will be letting us
shoot @ their ace pot !!!

additional 5 dollar ace pool to get in on the action .

Keep in mind , this event will be fun , and short . We will
play 1 round of 18 , with a final 9 showcase for the top 5, ace race format .

I've been asked this by a few and did not know the answer, so i'll ask "le discboomier", Will there be some sort of payout for this event?

Dec 31 2007, 02:57 PM
I don't think that any payout will be paid......$20.00 for the bag tag. $10.00 for the membership.

This is a bragging rights tourney. The winner will be paid with the best bag tag.

Dec 31 2007, 03:07 PM
ya ya, either a low bag tag, or a high bag tag :D

Dec 31 2007, 04:29 PM

Dec 31 2007, 05:28 PM

Dec 31 2007, 10:15 PM
I don't think that any payout will be paid......$20.00 for the bag tag. $10.00 for the membership.

This is a bragging rights tourney. The winner will be paid with the best bag tag.

ding, ding, ding ,we have a winner !!
" The Brice is right "

There will be more to this than you realise. A little awards ceremony will follow the rounds . Some interesting ob's and mandos ( nothing crazy ) . But most important is fellowship amongst disc golfers , and some pride induced competition.

But if $$$ is the name of your game, come shoot at the ace
pot that starts around 300 bucks!!!! That pot could get really sweet tomorrow.

Hope to see you all there , I promise a good time .
Come start the new year off right ..


Big E
Dec 31 2007, 10:19 PM
Hey Lee for those just joining the club will we get the new 08 tags the day of or will they be given out later? Happy new years to all!

Jan 01 2008, 06:08 PM
posted this in the wrong forum.

Funkytown Flyers appear to be off to a great start. Nice showing for the 1st annual Hangover Classic on a chilly New Years Day morning. Anxious to hear the numbers and $$ raised today. Surprisingly fun and challenging course too. The company of Brice, Miles, and Sandals made it even more pleasurable. Happy New Year!

Jan 02 2008, 11:14 AM
results :confused:

Jan 02 2008, 11:36 AM
Michael Brownlow took home the #1 Gold Tag shooting -3.
Miles has #2, Brice has #3.

Jan 02 2008, 12:18 PM
Was there a final 9? It was still undecided when i left. I promised the wife that i'd be home for lunch. Didn't want to start the new year off in the dog house. Although i shot Even and should have taken home the #3 tag (if there was no final 9) i'm glad that i left with the #34 tag so that i can drop that on someone at the PIO this Sunday. :D

Jan 02 2008, 12:20 PM
No final nine. But a lot of people played doubles afterwards.

Jan 02 2008, 12:22 PM
There was no final 9 and i took #4 home with me

Jan 02 2008, 12:28 PM
I was screwed! LOL. I'll pass the screwing along. :D

Jan 02 2008, 05:31 PM
Thanks to Lee Letts and the B.O.D. for making the event happen! It was a treat to play the bag tag challenge on the new 18 hole course. Thanks to Brice Longerbone for the great awards and Levi Tucker for the awesome bag tags. Also thanks to all of those responsible for the course work, especially Brandon Melton and David Landis! It really is a nice addition to metroplex discgolf. And finally thanks to Stephanie McFarland for the super cool newsletter. ;)

Looking forward to '08!

Jan 02 2008, 05:43 PM
whats circle 3 suppossed to be?

Jan 02 2008, 05:52 PM
Circle 3 is the name of the newsletter. It was chosen out of the hundreds of names we looked over for several reasons. Here are some main reasons:
- A circle 3 is a funky score
- A circle 3 shows determination and followthrough

Jan 02 2008, 06:47 PM
very kewl

Jan 02 2008, 07:18 PM
I almost aced hole eighteen and instead I carded a...
Circle 3

Jan 02 2008, 07:19 PM
btw, there is a group on discgolfersRus for the funkytown flyers

Jan 02 2008, 07:54 PM
Circle 3 is the name of the newsletter. It was chosen out of the hundreds of names we looked over for several reasons. Here are some main reasons:
- A circle 3 is a funky score
- A circle 3 shows determination and followthrough

Great name for a news letter.

I had the pleasure of seeing Chris Sprague at the 2002 USDGC card a circle 3 in spectacular fashion. Chris threw his drive OB on the hay bale island hole 17. He had to retee and aced it for a circle-3, hence one of his nicknames on the tour; Chris "circle-3" sprague! :D

Jan 02 2008, 08:18 PM
I'll shut up and sit back down now, mine pales by comparison, I didn't even get metal.

Jan 11 2008, 12:39 PM
The staff for Texas Women�s Championship is challenging every club in Texas to be a part of the Girly station program for TWC 2008 April 26 &amp; 27. Last year Live Oak set the bar for Girly stations and spurred a friendly competition between the clubs. This year�s winner will be judged by the players and will receive a lil something special for the best girly station during the event to be used for the winning clubs discretion.
So come join us in showing the ladies what Texas hospitality is all about. Please contact Ed or me of your commitment to a girly station.
We are also need artist for the inner color fund raiser disc; follow the Innova Inner-color format. If you want to see your art on a disc and submit to Ed or me

Jan 12 2008, 01:49 AM
The staff for Texas Women�s Championship is challenging every club in Texas to be a part of the Girly station program for TWC 2008 April 26 &amp; 27. Last year Live Oak set the bar for Girly stations and spurred a friendly competition between the clubs. This year�s winner will be judged by the players and will receive a lil something special for the best girly station during the event to be used for the winning clubs discretion.
So come join us in showing the ladies what Texas hospitality is all about. Please contact Ed or me of your commitment to a girly station.
We are also need artist for the inner color fund raiser disc; follow the Innova Inner-color format. If you want to see your art on a disc and submit to Ed or me

Is there any way you can post what other clubs have committed to , so that this friendly competition does not
become redundant?

All this tourney needs is a couple thousand wet nap's and 50lbs of chocolate :D

Jan 14 2008, 10:11 AM
The TWC thread will post ALL attending....
Thanks for yah support......the biggest help would .....Bring Out Women Lades

Big E
Jan 18 2008, 11:30 AM
Lee whats next for Funky Town?

Jan 19 2008, 02:04 AM
I heard something about the back nine at Weatherford, any truth to that boomer

Jan 19 2008, 02:11 AM
Here's some ideas though if someone wants to go to a concil meeting, Lake Worth, where Jacksboro Hwy crosses the lake, on the west side of the bridge, and in downtown Fort Worth by 30 and University in Trinity Park by the river along Riover Road
I wish I had more time but my company just opened a new warehouse in Grand Prairie and I just don't have the time right now

Big E
Jan 22 2008, 12:44 PM
Lee whats next for Funky Town?


Jan 22 2008, 01:07 PM
Lee whats next for Funky Town?


kegger at macemans house :D

Big E
Jan 22 2008, 01:09 PM
sweet :D

Jan 29 2008, 04:52 PM
I got #3. Who wants to take it?

Jan 29 2008, 04:59 PM
i know where you live, you better lock your doors, i will have the #3 :D

Jan 30 2008, 05:12 PM
I don't know if a 20 hour drive is worth a tag.

Feb 04 2008, 11:19 PM
we need are rocs Chris. Where ya at ? :confused:

Feb 05 2008, 12:43 AM
I would like to get my hands on one of these illusive "are rocs" as well! Where can I find these! They arent even on ebay yet?!

Feb 05 2008, 11:55 AM
we need are rocs Chris. Where ya at ? :confused:

You have my phone #. Don't expect to see me out at the disc golf course any time soon. I have way too much going on this semester to be f-ing off out there.

Feb 05 2008, 02:55 PM
we need are rocs Chris. Where ya at ? :confused:

You have my phone #. Don't expect to see me out at the disc golf course any time soon. I have way too much going on this semester to be f-ing off out there.

Chris, your delivery never disappoints.

Feb 06 2008, 04:01 AM
The Funkytown Flyers Leaderboard has been updated:

Big E
Feb 06 2008, 11:08 AM
I guess I did not make the list :confused:

Feb 06 2008, 11:17 AM
Why am I not on that list. I payed my money on New Years Day.

Feb 06 2008, 12:11 PM
There are a few things here and there that you missed, But yuo have done a great job once again!

Feb 06 2008, 12:41 PM
Just like cankles to stick her nose where it does not belong. Some of us are too busy to be out at the disc golf course every day. So mind you own.

Feb 06 2008, 01:52 PM
Just like cankles to stick her nose where it does not belong. Some of us are too busy to be out at the disc golf course every day. So mind you own.

I read your posts and then remember you are in graduate school.

It makes me wonder if your parents are getting their money's worth. :p

And thanks for noticing my thick ankles, they do me just fine. :D

Feb 06 2008, 03:29 PM
My apologies for the missing entries! I'll get those in there ASAP. I'm also waiting on an updated list from Lee as well.

More to come!

Feb 06 2008, 04:04 PM
cool site sam er rye....
Good drive on hole 3 btw..............

Feb 06 2008, 04:36 PM
me likes the stats, vr e kewl.

Feb 06 2008, 04:44 PM
cool site sam er rye....
Good drive on hole 3 btw..............

Thanks! Colin Evans, our comms director, created the logo for the club. So we should thank him for that great design work! Thanks Colin!

That was my first time to basically reach long pin-deep from the tee. The wind was very favorable! Still, I would rather have been 30 ft short and make that putt. :D

Feb 06 2008, 04:52 PM
Keep practicing that hole. Before long it becomes an easy 2.

Feb 07 2008, 12:19 AM
Eric and Brice, you are on the leaderboard ( now.

Feb 07 2008, 01:17 AM
One more update and The Natural will be at the top of that list! :D

Feb 07 2008, 11:24 AM
not after I reup. :D

Feb 07 2008, 12:06 PM
I guess My hero knew what he was doing by not playing in any events. The best way to keep that 1000 rating is not play at all.

Feb 07 2008, 12:16 PM
not after I reup. :D

Well at least I will be ahead of the great Hero. Maybe, if he does bad the next tourney. Go John Go!! :D

Feb 07 2008, 12:54 PM
How do u go about getting on the LB?

Feb 07 2008, 02:26 PM
I guess My hero knew what he was doing by not playing in any events. The best way to keep that 1000 rating is not play at all.

LOL. It's a number you'll never reach Brice! Please prove me wrong.

Believe me it is/was extremely tough playing with a groin injury especially as a 35 year old golfing with kids like Nolan(11 years younger.) It actually hurt me to take time off b/c all of my other 1000 rated rounds dropped off. Now i am down to the minimum # of rounds, all of which are double weighed. Every shot counts for me now....not that it matters.

I took 13 months off, recovered, and started playing again at your Crowly course on 12/1/07. The rating suffered, but a lot of it had to do with my penalty strokes at Crowley being rated. 1st round of 985 would have been bad enough, add the practice throw and the 2 strokes for wrong score and get 955. Ouch!.....but that's a regular round for you. :D

I still love you though. :D

Feb 07 2008, 02:30 PM
not after I reup. :D

Well at least I will be ahead of the great Hero. Maybe, if he does bad the next tourney. Go John Go!! :D

LOL. I'm really going to be screwed when my 1036 drops off at the next update. My PIO first round sucked too so it looks like i have some more dropping to do before the rise of the Phoenix. :D

Feb 07 2008, 02:44 PM
How do u go about getting on the LB?

The leaderboard and personalized webpages are benefits for members that are current. :cool:

Feb 07 2008, 02:54 PM
LOL. It's a number you'll never reach Brice! Please prove me wrong.

As the sport continues to grow and more and more people start playing, that # will be hard for alot of people to achieve.

I would actually prefer for my rating to drop so that I could play Advanced for the rest of my life.

Feb 07 2008, 02:57 PM
LOL. It's a number you'll never reach Brice! Please prove me wrong.

As the sport continues to grow and more and more people start playing, that # will be hard for alot of people to achieve.

I would actually prefer for my rating to drop so that I could play Advanced for the rest of my life.

I might be down there with you. :D

Feb 07 2008, 03:18 PM
You two dont need to play advanced. Just wait a few years and play in the I am good enough, but going to use my age as an excuse not to play open division. Masters. :eek: :D

Feb 07 2008, 05:08 PM
Amen!.....and i'll never have to play against Nolan again being we are 11 years apart. :D

Feb 07 2008, 10:38 PM
To all valued Funkytown Flyers of past , present and future,

It is with a heavy heart and a busy schedule I am posting this message . Over a year ago , when the Funkytown Flyers came to be , there was one primary objective . The efforts and resources of many hands working together towards a common goal. That common goal being the expansion and exposure of disc golf in the local community. Here it is a over a year later , the club has generated some serious money to contribute to disc golf! Thats about it !
I have cought word of some complaining , and seen a minimal amount of effort from at one point 67 members. There are some out there ( you know who you are ) that have made an effort. Then there is the other 85% of the club.

I am willing to admit that my personal time has dwindled down to nothing . When this started , I was easily able to commit 10-15 hours
a week to the clubs efforts. That number is now a little closer to 1-2 hours a week if I am lucky. Unfortunately my job and family are going to
have to come before this outstanding group of individuals.

I come before you today to offer some sort of resolution , and I need some help from the members . If you have time or resources available
for the club to use , please let me know how you can help . I do not need a list of concerns that you would like to see addressed , I need to know how you can be a part of the solution . If you have time , materials , anything to offer... MY EARS ARE WIDE OPEN !

The board of directors , unfortunately does not have the time that we once have had. If you would like to assume a position on the board,

I only wish to see the best for the club, if somebody else can get involved and make a difference , please say so now . If you have nothing positive to
offer the cause, I would recommend you reserve your comments for somebody who cares.

I hope this e-mail finds all of you well , and I look forward to all of the POSITIVE feedback the members have to offer.

Lee Letts
[email protected]
[email protected]

Post Script :

We need assistance ordering plastic ! We have the logo, we have the money , just dont have the time to get it done during business hours . PLEASE HELP

Feb 07 2008, 11:39 PM
If you would like to assume a position on the board,

What are the types of board positions available?

Feb 08 2008, 01:02 AM
I too would like to know.

Feb 08 2008, 02:24 PM
'Tang has not stepped down from the PooperScooper position, so it is not available. :D

Feb 08 2008, 03:52 PM
I'm willing to help out. I don't have tons of extra time, but I do have a little bit! Just let me know...

Feb 08 2008, 04:25 PM
'Tang has not stepped down from the PooperScooper position, so it is not available. :D

You just crushed my hopes and dreams.... darn you Wooten!

Feb 08 2008, 06:15 PM
chuckle it up ladies! /msgboard/images/graemlins/ooo.gif You know I got the best pooh in town. ;)

Feb 11 2008, 09:25 PM
first time in advanced cash at ceder hill! go me!

Feb 11 2008, 09:27 PM
Nicely done sir!

Feb 11 2008, 09:54 PM
first time in advanced cash at ceder hill! go me!

good to see you out Goose, cant wait to cya win at the Z!
and you too Miles :D

Feb 12 2008, 01:19 AM
You guys know I am going to my best! Thanks for the support!

Feb 12 2008, 01:48 AM
Miles, I WILL regain possesion of that #1 tag this weekend.

Feb 12 2008, 02:07 AM
Well I hope you dont, but if you do I will gladly hand it over. I hope the two of us can keep it around for a while before it gets lost in dallas.

Feb 12 2008, 12:56 PM
Can any of you FtFs tell me what the layout of Veterans if as of Sunday? As far as, long or short pins? I don't need a hole-by-hole, just an idea of how difficult the current layout is.

Feb 12 2008, 01:21 PM
It is mostly long right now.

Feb 13 2008, 11:10 PM
if anybody wants activities director they can have it. i have 0 time right now as i have 2 jobs.

Feb 14 2008, 01:59 PM
A forum has been added to the website. The primary reason for the forum is to provide a way for the board of directors to hold online meetings. Members are welcome to make use of the forum as well!

Currently only members can post. Make a request to join the "Members" group after signing up and a moderator will authorize the request.

Forum (

Feb 14 2008, 03:19 PM
Nice job brownlow......Love the site...

Feb 14 2008, 04:06 PM
Thanks shabookie! If anybody has any cool ideas for the website let me know and I'll see about implementing them. Here are some things in the works:
<ul type="square"> Media page back online (photos/etc..)
More features for course pages
More features for personalized pages
Pro shop!!

Feb 19 2008, 01:14 AM
Lee, clean out your inbox! You have to many messages! :D

Feb 20 2008, 09:46 PM
Haltom mini on friday night is going on
so.....come on out it is fun

Feb 21 2008, 01:47 AM
Hey everyone, Matt W. here I'm getting married on March 8th and would like to get in a round at Z-Boaz that morning, as is tradition for many guys to play golf the morning of their wedding. Just looking for a few folks to join me, as I am out of the loop these days and unable to ask anyone in person.
Anyone that would like to join me can respond here or give me a call at (817)909-0207.
Will need to start at 9 am as the wedding is at 3.

Thanks, Mighty_Matt

Feb 21 2008, 11:02 AM
If I didn't work at 10 I'd be there. :mad:

Feb 21 2008, 01:00 PM
Any of you guys going to see Shawn Davis in the near future? I have a pro Firebird with his name on it.

Feb 21 2008, 10:17 PM
I may see him, I'll let him know

Feb 22 2008, 12:35 PM
Hey everyone, Matt W. here I'm getting married on March 8th and would like to get in a round at Z-Boaz that morning, as is tradition for many guys to play golf the morning of their wedding. Just looking for a few folks to join me, as I am out of the loop these days and unable to ask anyone in person.
Anyone that would like to join me can respond here or give me a call at (817)909-0207.
Will need to start at 9 am as the wedding is at 3.

Thanks, Mighty_Matt

Is this the same woman who told you how Smoke did?

Feb 23 2008, 02:29 AM
No it 's not Steve, That was just a good friend of mine that is also a big fan of #20. She didn't no I wasn't watching and was recording for later. It took me 3 days to watch it all. After that finish I'm kinda glad I knew he didn't win. It softened the blow.
Renee knew better than to say anything.

Mar 02 2008, 10:28 PM
I have the #3 tag. Well, i had the #3 tag. Well actually Ryan has the #3 tag, or should i say was last seen with the #3 tag. One thing is for sure, it's in the house. Amy and i both recall seeing it in the last week or two in a strange place. :confused: I'm sure it will turn up.....just like a lot of Ryan's jigsaw pieces. :D

Mar 07 2008, 07:46 PM
I hope to see some of you guys from the Fort Worth and Dallas area come up for the Shootout in Amarillo! This year is shaping up to be bigger and better than last year! Its worth the drive! Also just added today- The Top 4 Open players will be playing for Skins as well as that 1st place $1000 in the finals! :D;Number=791703&amp;an=0&amp;page=0#Post7 91703

[email protected]

Mar 10 2008, 09:10 PM
DisCrazy is a Great Tournement and for those who have never been to Amarillo now would be the perfect time. Thompson Park is a true challange and will test your game in every way.
This year Matt has added a par 70 course and talking to some of the locals this will be by far DisCrazy's best year.

Great Player pack - food(lunch &amp; dinner) - tasty beverages - mini-course - ctp prizes.

I have played the past two years and it was well worth the trip.
A few of us from Fritz are going hoping to get a few more from the area. Check out the link and don't miss out on a good time.

Manny - Fritz Park

Mar 11 2008, 11:31 AM
Miles, thanks I would love to get that Pro firebird back lost it on 15 in the creek my cell is 817-521-1884.

Shaun Davis #24094

Mar 15 2008, 11:17 PM
Have registered....looking forward to Helping any way I can

Mar 16 2008, 02:39 AM
Welcome, Steve! :cool:

Mar 17 2008, 01:22 PM
Somebody was gracious enough to allow me to take the #1
bag tag from them on Saturday!!!!!

Thanks Brownlow.

By the way , Funkytowns first run of plastic is in.

Predators , Surges , and Cryztal Buzz's are now available

Pricing is as follows.

Non-members : $15.00
Members : $ 14.00

Members only package deals : 2 Discs of your coice for $25.00
3 Discs for $36.00

Keep it Funky

Mar 17 2008, 01:36 PM
I would like some funkytown plastic, but I want a Firebird.

Mar 17 2008, 01:39 PM
Somebody was gracious enough to allow me to take the #1
bag tag from them on Saturday!!!!!

Thanks Brownlow.

Well, I can't have the tag all the time. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif :D