Rev. Jan 1, 2024
The online version of the Official Rules of Disc Golf and the Competition Manual for Disc Golf Events is the authoritative version. Major revisions are published and effective on January 1 of each year. Revisions made after January 1 are noted as follows.
Rev. Jan 1, 2024
The object of the game of disc golf is to complete a course in the fewest throws of the disc. A course typically consists of nine or eighteen holes, each of which is a separate unit for scoring.
Play on each hole begins at the tee and ends at the target. After the player has thrown from the tee, each successive throw is made from where the previous throw came to rest. On completing a hole, the player proceeds to the teeing area of the next hole, until all holes have been played.
Disc golf courses are normally laid out in and around wooded areas with diverse terrain to provide natural obstacles to the flight of the disc. The course must not be altered by the player in any way to decrease the difficulty of a hole. Players must play the course as they find it and play the disc where it lies unless otherwise allowed by these rules.
The above options for an out-of-bounds area may be limited by the Director only with prior approval from the PDGA Director of Event Support. Whether or not prior approval has been granted, during tournament play players must still observe the course rules announced by the Director.
At the Director's discretion, the player may additionally choose to play the next throw from:
The thrower then continues play from whichever of the two throws is deemed by the group or an Official to have resulted in the correct lie.
If no subsequent throws have been made after the misplayed throw, that throw is disregarded. The player plays from the correct lie and receives one penalty throw for the misplay. If an additional throw has been made after the misplayed throw, the player continues play and receives two penalty throws for the misplay.
All measurements listed in the rules are given in metric units. The following US customary/imperial unit equivalents are to be used when no metric measuring device is available:
Metric System | English System |
10 meters | 32 feet 10 inches |
3 meters | 9 feet 10 inches |
2 meters | 6 feet 6 inches |
1 meter | 3 feet 3 inches |
30 centimeters | 1 foot |
20 centimeters | 8 inches |
1 centimeter | 1/2 inch |
Yes. The violation with the most severe penalty is applied. Ties are broken by what happened first. A single throw cannot be penalized for more than one violation.
The meaning of “first” in the rule is the common understanding of when the disc first enters a state where it is in violation of a rule. One common pair of rules that can be violated during a single throw are OB and Mandatory. As soon as a disc enters the restricted plane it is considered to have missed the mandatory, whereas a disc is not considered OB until it comes to rest. Therefore, the missed mandatory happened first.
Yes. The affected player may then choose to play provisional throws.
Benefit of the doubt only comes into play as a tiebreaker when the group cannot make a decision, for example if two players see the disc as safe and two see it as OB. If a majority of your group thinks it’s OB, then it’s OB.
You are responsible for playing the course properly. If you disagree with the group and an official is not readily available, play a provisional and have the TD make a ruling later.
If you are playing an event where it is announced that PDGA rules apply, then the Official Rules of Disc Golf apply, whether the event is sanctioned by the PDGA or not. The Competition Manual only applies to PDGA events. If no announcement has been made regarding the rules, you can play by whatever rules your group or the event participants agree on, including the PDGA rules.
All PDGA-sanctioned tournaments have a Tournament Director. For non-sanctioned events or casual play, if anyone has authority over the players, they can take on the responsibilities of the Director. If no one wants to be the Director, then you will have to play without some of the functions of the Director. For example, there may not be any appeals of group rulings. Some Director functions may be available in other ways. For example, the course signage should tell you in what order to play the holes, where any out-of-bounds is, and other things that are normally covered in the players’ meeting or caddie book.
No. To make calls during tournament play, you must have been authorized by the Director as a Tournament Official. Passing the test does not make you a Tournament Official (referred to throughout the rules as an Official). Additionally, Officials have restrictions on making calls depending on whether they are playing or not. An Official (including the TD) who is playing cannot act as the sole Official for calls that affect players in their division. A non-playing Official can be the sole person to make a call where rules indicate an Official may make the call. A spotter can make calls (for example, regarding the position of a disc that has gone out-of-bounds) if they are also an Official. If they are not, their call should be considered as input for a group decision.
No. A disc dropped or knocked out before or during a backswing does not count as a throw.
There are no restrictions on how you throw the disc. You may throw backhand, sidearm, overhand, thumber, or any other way that occurs to you. You can throw it with your foot if you want.
Directors may use any of several methods to define the teeing areas and drop zones. A single course may use more than one type of tee. When in doubt, ask the Director. Here are some common ways of designating teeing areas:
No. The rule states that all supporting points must be within the teeing area at the time of release. “Supporting point” refers to any point on the player that is in contact with the playing surface (in this case the tee pad), rather than to a complete body part such as a foot. The part of the foot that is hanging off the end is not a supporting point because it is not in contact with the playing surface, so no violation has occurred.
The TD will need to clarify their intentions in this situation. If the course rules are unclear, use a provisional. In general, if the edges of the water are the OB line, and if the disc is completely within that area, regardless of the item it is resting on, then the disc is considered OB. The out-of-bounds line extends a vertical plane (806.02.F). If any part of your disc is over the in bounds shore, then your disc is in bounds.
That is a marking violation since an improper method was used to mark the lie. A player’s first marking violation results in a warning.
If there is room to mark your disc directly below it, that is what you do. If not, you mark at the first available spot back along the line of play.
Yes. The phrase “part of the player’s body” should be interpreted to include not only clothing but also mobility devices such as canes or crutches (as long as they are providing support).
Holding on to something behind your lie for support is not prohibited by the rules, provided that the object is in-bounds. It also must not be moved, since you are required to take the stance that results in the least possible movement of obstacles on the course. You are not allowed to hold onto another person for support, as that person is not part of the course.
Yes. Inside the culvert is not a playing surface, but the hillside above it is. If the TD has not provided guidance on how to handle discs entering these culverts, then players can mark on the hillside directly above their disc with no penalty.
Yes, that is allowed. Your stance was legal when you released the disc, and you did not go past your lie (closer to the hole) after releasing.
Picnic tables, along with any other park or course equipment, are obstacles on the course. They are to be treated as any other obstacles, for example a bush or a tree. How you play your next throw depends on the picnic table. If there is room for you to take a stance under it, even by sticking your leg underneath, that’s what you do. If your disc is on top of the picnic table and there is room underneath, it is a lie above ground, and you mark directly below it and play from there. If the disc is on top and there’s no room underneath, the table is treated as a solid obstacle, and you mark directly behind it on the line of play.
Yes, if you are able. There is no limit on the size of a casual obstacle as long as it meets the definition. You can move it as long as that’s practicable and you throw within the 30 seconds allowed by the Excessive Time rule.
Yes. If part of the branch is anywhere on the playing surface behind the front of your lie, you’re allowed to move it, even if another part is closer to the hole than the back of your marker.
No. Since it is not on the playing surface behind your marker, it has the same status as a healthy, connected branch. You will have to play around it.
No, unless the Director has declared casual relief for them. Those plants affect players differently, and very rarely pose a serious health risk. If your disc goes into some plants and you don’t want to play from there, you can take optional relief, or abandon the throw, at the cost of a penalty throw.
The Director may declare an area to be OB or a Relief Area, in which case you mark your lie according to the relevant rule. If no special handling of the area has been announced by the Director, and you are prohibited from entering it, then it is a Relief Area, and you play according to the applicable rule. Note that you can take optional relief, or abandon the throw, at the cost of a penalty throw.
If the problem with the tee is a casual obstacle that cannot be easily removed (such as standing water), you can take casual relief behind the tee. No relief is provided for other adverse tee conditions, though you can place a towel down to provide traction if the tee is slippery. If the tee is poorly marked, locate an Official or a local player in another group, if possible, to help identify the tee area boundaries.
Only if at least some of it is on the playing surface behind the front of your lie, in which case it is debris and can be removed as a casual obstacle. If it’s only in your flight path or it doesn’t touch the ground, it cannot be moved.
Greater relief could be a drop zone, a re-throw, or the ability to move the lie. Relief (moving the lie without penalty) is granted for situations that are out of the ordinary, so the Director has a lot of leeway to deal with exceptional situations.
Once your disc has entered the restricted plane, the rest of the flight does not matter. You have missed the mandatory.
You go back to your previous lie.
The rules that apply to a disc above the playing surface also apply to a disc below the playing surface. If you can locate your disc in the crevice and no reasonable stance can be taken there, you can mark your lie directly above it on the playing surface without penalty. If the point directly above the disc is in the air or within a solid object, mark your lie at the first available spot back along the line of play.
By default, the two-meter rule is not in effect. The TD may choose to put it into play for as much of the tournament as they choose, including for particular obstacles. If that happens, it will be covered in the players’ meeting and/or the caddie book.
That is still subject to the two-meter rule, as it is not a target. The only exception is the target for the hole being played, so if you somehow manage to get your disc stuck above two meters on a target for another hole, it is subject to the two-meter rule.
Since an Official has ruled, the two-meter penalty is applied, and the lie is placed directly below where your disc had stuck, as can best be determined by the Official and your group.
If your group agrees that there is compelling evidence that the disc went into the OB lake, then you assume that that is what happened, and play it as OB. If there is uncertainty about whether it went in the lake, then you play it as lost.
No. Your other foot can be as close to the target as the back of your marker. So, your other foot does not have to be directly to the side of the foot behind the marker. In fact, the foot behind your marker can be as much as 30cm back (the length of the lie) and/or 10cm to the side (half of the lie’s 20cm width), which means that your other foot can actually be closer to the target. It just can’t be closer than the back of your marker. Also remember that the shape that marks the same distance to the target as the back of your marker is a circle whose center is the target.
Yes, as long as you make your next throw within the 30 seconds allowed by the Excessive Time rule.
Yes. Going back to the previous lie is one of the OB options. Alternatively, you could declare an abandoned throw with the same result. You can also take optional relief back along the line of play (without it costing you an additional penalty throw) because you would be taking optional relief following a penalty for out-of-bounds. That is probably your best option.
No. The fence defines an OB plane which flexes as the fence flexes. Unless the disc has penetrated and remained lodged within the fence, the fence is considered to be a continuous impenetrable surface. Your disc was not in-bounds at any point when it struck the fence.
Optional relief is available for free (without adding a penalty throw) after a throw that results in a penalty throw and that requires placement of a lie (such as OB or above two meters). First relief is taken as specified in 806.02.D, then optional relief is taken straight back on the line of play (803.02.D,E). A player may not take one meter of relief from OB after taking optional relief even if the relocated lie is near an OB line.
No. If you move your possibly OB disc, it is automatically OB. But there is no corresponding rule that makes it automatically in-bounds (nor automatically out-of-bounds) if someone else moves it. If that happens, you restore your disc to its approximate position as agreed upon by your group.
A player’s first stance violation results in a penalty throw. In this case, there were multiple violations. Normally, the first violation to occur is the one that counts. In this case, that’s the foot fault (though it doesn’t really matter as it’s one penalty throw either way). There’s no re-throw, so the disc is played as OB. Since a player cannot receive penalty throws for multiple violations on a single throw, there’s just one penalty throw.
It’s when the entire disc crossed the line. To be super-technical, since the disc is a circle, there will be a single point of last contact with the inner edge of the OB line. That is the point you use for marking.
No. If you choose not to take casual relief back along the line of play, then you must take your stance as you would anywhere else on the course. The only time you are allowed to move obstacles is to move casual obstacles out of your lie. If you do not want to play the lie as is, or take casual relief, you can take optional relief, or abandon the throw, at the cost of a penalty throw.
No. “Casual water” as listed in the rules is water as it’s commonly understood, in its liquid form. The rules do not grant casual relief from snow, ice, or even steam should you encounter it. Note that the Director can announce that ice or snow are casual obstacles, in which case they may be moved if they are on or behind your lie.
You can place it in the tray, but you must release it and let it come to rest before retrieving it. A release is a required part of a throw, so merely touching the chains or the tray with your putter is not a throw and does not complete the hole.
You have not completed the hole. Mark your lie below the disc and continue.
Yes. The flight of the disc does not matter. If it is supported by the tray or the chains below the chain support, the hole is complete.
It’s hard to say. To demonstrate “full control of balance” the player must perform some action that breaks up the flow of movement toward the target after release, before proceeding toward the target. Some examples of actions that could demonstrate balance might be: (1) a clear pause and display of balance, (2) placement of the back foot on the ground behind the mark, or (3) retrieval of the marker disc. The key to all of those is to show balance and control of your body behind the mark before moving forward. The best course of action is to leave no room for doubt, which is easy to do if you are indeed in control of your body after you’ve released the putt.
No. Once your disc came to rest supported by the basket, you completed the hole. You can pick up your disc and go to the next hole.
Yes. If the disc is supported by the tray or the chains below the chain support, the hole is complete.
Yes. Scorecards submitted without a score marked for a hole are incorrect and will have two penalty throws added to the correct total score.
They are not penalized if there is a simple mistake for another player's score, but randomly writing numbers down is not keeping score, and that player could be subject to disqualification by the tournament director. Players need to make a good faith effort at keeping score and totaling up the scorecard correctly. At the end of the round, the group should reconcile any differences between their scorecards before they are submitted. That cannot be done if someone is not keeping an accurate scorecard.
Abandoning a throw means that (except for being added to the score) the throw never happened. The original throw plus one penalty throw are counted in your score. When you abandon a throw, the resulting lie is disregarded, and any penalties incurred by that throw are disregarded as well.
You will be throwing 3 after declaring that you are abandoning your drive. You count your original throw and add one penalty throw for abandoning that throw. Penalties incurred by an abandoned throw are not counted.
Yes, just have your group agree on an approximate lie from which the abandoned throw was made and play from there.
A provisional throw is used when a player disagrees with the group’s ruling and no Official is available, or when it might save time in case of a possible lost or OB disc, or missed mandatory. Provisional throws allow play to continue by deferring the ruling until the status of the disc in question can be determined, or an Official is available to settle the matter. In the case where a ruling is disputed or uncertain, a player may have to play out from both the original and the provisional throws, essentially completing two legs. Once a ruling has been made, only the throws for the correct leg are counted.
No. A throw of less than five meters (in the air) to return a disc is not a practice throw.
Yes. It traveled more than five meters in the air, so it was a practice throw, regardless of the purpose of the throw.
Yes. The throw was not made as a competitive throw, nor was it made to set aside an unused disc or to return a disc to a player. That makes it a practice throw.
The interference rules state that a disc that has been moved is played relative to where it first came to rest. Since that was clearly above two meters, you are subject to a penalty throw just as if the disc had stayed in the tree.
If the hole was played in place of a hole that is part of the course, then two penalty throws are added to each of the scores for that hole. If the hole was played in addition to the holes that make up the course, two penalty throws are added to each player’s total score (the scores for the extra hole are disregarded).
That’s a misplay because the wrong lie was used. A foot fault, or stance violation, presumes that the correct lie is being used but that the player missed it when throwing.
Your second throw was a misplay because you made it from an incorrect lie. It should have been made from the drop zone (or from the tee if there is no drop zone). Since you caught your mistake after a single misplayed throw, you don’t count or play that misplayed throw. Instead, you get one penalty throw for the misplay. Your next throw is from the correct lie for the missed mandatory. The penalty for missing the mandatory still applies since it was made before the throw that was a misplay.
The penalty is two throws, as stated in 811.C. An additional throw is added (based on 811.F.2) to represent the final throw on the hole that was not completed. The score for that hole is the number of throws that were made, plus two throws for the penalty, plus one more for completing the hole.
Yes. See 811.F.4 and 811.F.5 on how to handle this.
Not so much. Intentionally misplaying a hole to your advantage can get you disqualified. Any throws played with the wrong starting group are disregarded. You need to find your assigned group.
Treat the target like any other obstacle and mark your lie on the playing surface below the disc (805.01.C) and throw your next throw. If you find that you mistakenly have played the next hole (or finished the round) without finishing the hole correctly, then you have failed to complete a hole. See 811.F.2.
Maybe. Though being a jerk isn’t explicitly listed as a courtesy violation, any action that is “distracting or unsportsmanlike” can be penalized. You will need to decide if the player’s behavior is bad enough to call. Short of that, it is something you, your group, and/or other players will have to work out with them. If the behavior is bad enough, or there’s a pattern of it for that player, you can notify the TD and/or the PDGA Disciplinary Committee.
Yes, but you must still throw within the 30 seconds allowed by the Excessive Time rule.
Yes. They are legal for PDGA play as long as they also meet the overall restrictions (weight, rim sharpness, flexibility, etc.) as outlined by the PDGA Technical Standards document. Players always have the right to question the legality of a disc used in competition. In such cases the TD will make the final call.
Yes. You are allowed to add discs to your bag after the round has started. Make sure the errand does not distract other players and that you don’t violate the Excessive Time rule. The best time to do that is between holes.
Yes. Gloves are specifically allowed by 813.02.C as a device that controls abrasion.
Yes. You may place a towel or a small pad which is less than 1cm thick when compressed on the lie, including within a drop zone or teeing area.
No, this is a post-production modification which alters the original flight characteristics (813.01.C.1). The disc is no longer in a round, saucer-like configuration required by the Technical Standards. Even though the modification may be temporary, it is illegal to throw the disc while in this configuration.
No. Once your opponent concedes a throw, you have completed the hole. A throw after that is a practice throw. The penalty for a practice throw is added to the number of throws it takes you to complete the next hole.
No. Team members must use a single marking method to mark the lie and mark the lie only once.
A woman may play in any division as long as she meets the qualification criteria for that division. There are no divisions that are restricted to men only.
If a group mistakenly starts play early and then hears the official start signal, they return to the tee and start over. None of those throws count as practice throws even if made after the two-minute signal. If the group actually started early but never heard the official start signal, their scores stand as thrown with no penalties.
Rev. Jan 1, 2024
The PDGA Competition Manual for Disc Golf Events outlines procedures and guidelines for PDGA events and is to be used in conjunction with the Official Rules of Disc Golf and the Tour Standards document. These procedures and guidelines are required for all PDGA-sanctioned events unless specified otherwise. This includes limited exceptions for events in countries outside the United States and Canada which are noted in the International Program Guide. All references in the Competition Manual or Tour Standards to a "Tournament Director" or "TD" mean the person in charge of the event under 801.02.G. If a Tournament Director finds any provision in any of these documents unacceptable, they may request a waiver by contacting the PDGA Director of Event Support at [email protected].
Disc golf is typically played without the supervision of a referee or umpire. The game relies on the player to show sportsmanship, integrity, consideration for other players, and to abide by the Official Rules of Disc Golf. All players should conduct themselves in a disciplined manner, demonstrating courtesy and sportsmanship at all times, irrespective of how competitive they may be.
Make the call. Accept the call. It’s not personal; it’s the rules. That is the spirit of the game of disc golf.
NEVER throw into a blind area or when players, spectators, pedestrians or other facility users are within range. Use a spotter.
Observe all posted rules. No littering, graffiti, or abuse of equipment or flora.
Be positive and responsible. Teach others.
Some exceptions to first-come, first-served are appropriate to reward local clubs and volunteers for their grassroots work and service, to give the Tournament Director (TD) a useful tool to raise money for a tournament that benefits all of the event’s players, and to allow TDs to prioritize growing specific demographics of the sport in their area as they find appropriate.
These Unlimited Permitted Exceptions are not limited by percentage of event spots, but the specific early registration tiers for the Unlimited Permitted Exception must be first-come, first-served to any player who meets the specific requirements of that registration tier. TDs may offer tiered registration based on:
TDs may offer tiered registration to the registered members of local disc golf clubs who are hosting, running, or otherwise facilitating the event’s success and who are registered as PDGA Affiliate Clubs. Club membership must not be exclusive and must be publicly posted so anyone can meet the requirements to be part of the Affiliate Club Membership Exception if they so choose.
TDs may offer tiered registration to players who agree to sponsor the event (or an event sponsor’s designated player) at a level determined by the Tournament Director. The sponsorship opportunity must not be exclusive and must be publicly posted so anyone can meet the requirements to be part of the Event Sponsorship Exception if they so choose.
TDs may offer tiered registration to volunteers for their work in prepping the course etc., for the event at a level determined by the TD. That volunteer opportunity must not be exclusive and must be publicly posted so anyone can meet the requirements to be part of the Volunteer Exception if they so choose.
Note: It is highly recommended that high-capacity events do not include personalized items within their player packs due to the complexity that creates for withdrawals and refunds. Personalized items should only be offered as merchandise for purchase during registration for a separate non-refundable fee that is not part of the tournament entry fee.
The safety of everyone at PDGA-sanctioned events is of paramount importance. TDs are highly encouraged to make use of all available resources such as lightning detectors and online weather maps (that display storms and lightning strikes moving into the area) in order to suspend play before conditions become dangerous to the players, staff, and spectators. (see PDGA Mid-Event Suspension & Cancellation Policy)
True Amateur is the designation used by the PDGA in reference to those amateur events, or the amateur portion of an event, which promote the true spirit of amateur athletics by presenting only trophies to the top finishers of the tournament rather than a payout in merchandise. Instead, all players in the event receive equal value through their tournament experience due to the tournament amenities that are provided (see the True Amateur Guidelines).
The public display or use of tobacco products by event staff, players, and by extension their caddies, is prohibited at all times at PDGA events of any Tier that solely offer Junior divisions (i.e., divisions beginning with MJ and/or FJ prefixes).
Such public display or use is also prohibited at events held concurrently with PDGA Major and Elite Series events. For policies at PDGA Major and Elite Series events, see 4.04.A.
may act as a caddie for that event.
The PDGA recognizes that the strength of the organization and the sustainability of tournament disc golf are reliant on the partnership between the PDGA and the Tournament Director. In order to help the Tournament Director to better perform their job, the PDGA has endowed them with certain rights. The Tournament Director also has responsibilities to the PDGA and its players, including but not limited to the following:
and may be accompanied by:
No other people may be with the playing group. All others (including players who have already finished their round) are considered spectators and must remain in designated spectator areas away from the playing group.
Note: This document applies to PDGA Tour events beginning January 1, 2025. You can find the 2024 version here.
Failure to obtain a waiver may result in the hole being thrown out when computing scores and/or ratings. See the Use of Non-Standard Rules at PDGA-Sanctioned Events document for more details.
Worlds | Other Majors | Elite Series | A-Tier | B Tier | C Tier | League | |
Sanctioning Fee | Waived | Waived | Waived | $100 | $75 | $50 | $25 |
Sanctioning agreement submission deadline | Not applicable | Not applicable | Not applicable | December 1st (of prior year) | 45 days prior | Recommended 30 days prior | Recommended 30 days prior |
Per player fee (post-event) | $0 | $0 | $5 | $5 | $4 | $3 | $0.50 per player for each round they played during the league |
Membership requirements | Current PDGA Member; Certified Official; See also 4.02 Eligibility | Current PDGA Member; Certified Official; See also 4.02 Eligibility | Current PDGA Member; Certified Official; See also 4.02 Eligibility | Current PDGA Membership | Current PDGA Membership | $15 Temporary Membership Fee (except Junior Divisions) | No Membership Requirement |
Length of event | 4 to 5 days | 4 to 5 days | 3 to 4 days | 2 or 3 days | 1 or 2 days | 1 or 2 days | 6-10 consecutive weeks played the same day each week |
Minimum number of holes | 72 | 72 | 54 | 54 | 36 | 18 (36 Preferred) | 18 holes per week on the same layout for all players |
Course must be in tournament format for practice | 4 Days Prior | 3 Days Prior | 3 Days Prior | 1 Day Prior | No Requirement | No Requirement | No Requirement |
Start Type | Staggered or shotgun start | Staggered or shotgun start | Staggered or shotgun start | Staggered or shotgun start | Staggered or shotgun start | Staggered or shotgun start; flex start is available for one-round events only. | Staggered, shotgun, or flex start |
Certificate of Insurance | Complimentary | Complimentary | Complimentary | Complimentary | $50 (non-refundable) | $50 (non-refundable) | $50 (non-refundable) |
Required Minimum Added Cash to Pro Purse | 25% of Net | 25% of Net | $30,000 | $3,000 | $750 | None | None |
Pro Purse % (Cash Purse Only) of Net Entry | 125+% of Net | 125+% of Net | 100+% of Net Entry Fees | 100+% of Net Entry Fees | 100+% of Net Entry Fees | 85+% of Net Entry Fees | Variable - pre-set by League |
Amateur Payout % (Prize Purse + Player Packs) | True Amateur | True Amateur | Not applicable | 110+% of Net Entry Fees | 100+% of Net Entry Fees | 85+% of Net Entry Fees | Variable - pre-set by League |
Minimum retail value of Amateur Player Pack | 125+% of Net | 125+% of Net | Not applicable | $25 retail value to each player in Amateur divisions | $10 retail value to each player in Amateur divisions | None Required | None Required |
Upload Scores via PDGA Tournament Manager (TM) | After each round | After each round | After each round | After each round | After each day | Within 24 hours of completion of the event | Within 24 hours of completion of each round |
Must submit TD Report online via PDGA TM | 24 hours from end | 24 hours from end | 24 hours from end | 48 hours from end | 72 hours from end | 1 week from end | 1 week from end |
Payment of event post-event fees within | Not applicable | Not applicable | 30 days from end | 30 days from end | 30 days from end | 30 days from end | 30 days from end |
Certified official requirements | TD & ATD of record may not play. 1 non- playing official on site per course. | TD & ATD of record may not play. 1 non- playing official on site per course. | TD & ATD of record may not play. 1 non-playing official on site per course. | TD & ATD of record may not play. 1 non-playing official on site per course. | Must have either non-playing TD or ATD of record. One official on site per course. | One official on site per course. | One official per week. |
Required Minimum Distances Between PDGA Events. See 6.03.J.2 for events outside the United States and Canada.
The following table shows the minimum distance required between sanctioned tour events in order to avoid a scheduling conflict. The PDGA gives priority of dates to Majors, Elite Series, and A-Tiers, and handles the scheduling of these events directly. State Coordinators are responsible for the scheduling of B and C Tier events and should give preference to reliable events with a successful history, and then to smaller or new events where there is no scheduling conflict.
Major | Elite | A | B | C | League | |
Major | n/a | n/a | 750 | 200 | 150 | 0 |
Elite | n/a | n/a | 500 | 175 | 100 | 0 |
A | 750 | 500 | 200 | 100 | 50 | 0 |
B | 200 | 175 | 100 | 50 | 25 | 0 |
C | 150 | 100 | 50 | 25 | 0 | 0 |
must be listed as “Did Not Finish” (DNF) with a 999 code.