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2023 Masters Worlds Parking and Warm-up Areas

2023 Masters Worlds Parking and Warm-up Areas

Last updated: Wednesday, July 5, 2023 - 14:27

Little America


If you are staying at Little America, you can park in their parking lot. If you are not staying at Little America, please park in the designated parking which is on the south end of the truck parking lot.


The practice area is the open field located south of hole 8’s teepad on LACC. This is the same location as distance competition for field events. There will also be a net and baskets centrally located to the two courses.

Thorpe Park


Located at the Armory just south of first Tee on Thorpe Road. If full, park near the Adult Center next to the tennis courts. DO NOT PARK on the road or you will get towed.


Use Thorpe Multi-purpose Field (1540 N Thorpe Rd) for warm-up. It’s a block away northeast of hole 1’s tee.

McPherson Park


Park on the road before Jay Lively Arena. Please try to avoid parking in the Jay Lively lot as there’s an ice hockey tournament going on simultaneously. Alternate parking is along Turquoise Ave.


Use Thorpe Multi-purpose Field (1540 N Thorpe Rd) for warm-up. It’s a mile southwest of McPherson Park. An alternate location is south of McPherson in open fields.



There is designated parking in Lot 62 near the course.


Nets and baskets will be provided for warm-up.

Fort Tuthill


Park in the lot next to the course


Nets and baskets will be provided for warm-up.