Marco Polo Program
The goals of the PDGA Marco Polo Program are to support the introduction of Disc Golf into new countries and to strengthen its development in other countries around the world. The program provides up to $3000 funding for innovative international projects that promote the growth of Disc Golf, and that create links between PDGA, the countries, and the local Disc Golf communities. To date funding grants have been awarded for disc golf development activities in more than 25 countries.
Please note that in 2022, a PDGA Europe Disc Golf Development Fund was introduced, which replaced the Marco Polo Program in European Countries. See the Europe Disc Golf Development Grant Program for more info.
Grants will be provided to PDGA international members in, and to USA/Canada/Europe members who have the opportunity to travel to, Latin America, Asia, Oceania, and/or Africa. Materials and equipment purchased with grant funding must become the property of an in-country participating not-for–profit disc golf, sports or community association or group, and not the individual participants.
Applications may be submitted at any time. Following PDGA review, including requests for further information, applicants will be notified of the PDGA’s decision. Grants may or may not reflect the amount requested.
Guidelines and Eligibility
- Funding is for programs and projects in countries outside of USA, Canada, and Europe.
- Applicants must be 18 and a current PDGA member.
- PDGA staff, consultants and Board are not eligible for grants.
- Recipients must submit progress reports, including, within one month after project completion a final report for projects lasting 3 months or less, as well as quarterly reports for projects lasting longer than 3 months. These reports should be well written with the intent of publication by PDGA, and should include photos of the activities, and other supporting information such as press coverage, testimonial and thank you letters.
- Grants may be used to fund purchases and activities for 12 months from the date of award approval. Applications that include activities scheduled prior to the date of notification will not be considered.