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Global Masters Series

The Global Masters Series is a disc golf competition series for PDGA members ages 40 or older, of all skill levels and genders, that accommodates racial, geographic, and economic inclusion.


Members Worldwide

All current PDGA members ages 40+ will automatically be included in the series. The PDGA Global Masters Series will count the top 8 round ratings from every eligible member in PDGA sanctioned events worldwide that is a C-tier or higher during a calendar year.


Top 8 Rated Rounds

Bracket winners are determined by the average of their best 8 round ratings throughout the year, in any division they are eligible to play.

Players may choose to compete in different age and class divisions, or in any other division they are eligible for. This allows competitors the most number of options for winning a Global Masters Series divisional title.


Tie Breakers

If there is a ratings average tie in a division at year end, the first tie breaker will be the single highest rated round posted over the course of the year by the tied players.

If needed, the second tiebreaker will be the total number of PDGA points the players earned across all events played during the year, regardless of division played.


Awards & Recognition

The PDGA Global Masters Series will offer recognition for year-end bracket winners. This can include trophies and special recognition on various PDGA media offerings.

In addition to the overall Global Masters Series bracket winners, the Global Masters Series will also recognize eight outstanding international masters (who did not win their age bracket outright): 4 men and 4 women, who are not from North America.

*Please note - the qualification criteria for the Global Masters Series has been updated so that any sanctioned rounds played by a player that is Masters-age or above will count, regardless of the division that they participate in. For example, sanctioned rounds played by a 45-year-old in the FA1 division will still count towards GMS standings.

The player with the eight highest rated rounds will become a PDGA Global Masters Series Champion!

For questions about the Global Master Series or to opt out, contact Event Support.
