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PDGA Elections

2024 PDGA Election Information

Annual PDGA Elections

PDGA elections take place each year from July 1 to July 31 with the elected candidates assuming office on September 1.

Voting Procedures

During the first week of the elections, all PDGA members (1) who are current as of June 25, 2024; and (2) for whom the PDGA has a valid email address will receive online election instructions, including their individual ballot. The PDGA will send the ballot weekly to those who have not yet voted. Members who do not have internet access can contact the PDGA office at +1 (706) 261-6342 no later than July 20 to request a mailed paper ballot. 

PDGA Global Board of Directors

About the PDGA Global Board of Directors

A Board of Directors is required for the organization’s 501c (4) nonprofit status and is mandated by the PDGA Bylaws. In addition to semi-annual summit meetings, the Global Board and PDGA staff conduct monthly teleconference calls and ongoing communication to coordinate and direct PDGA affairs. Some of the Board’s main activities include: 

  • Setting PDGA policies
  • Hiring and supervision of an Executive Director responsible for headquarters, staff, and ongoing operations
  • Financial management, including annual budget
  • Identification of responsible future Board members
  • Representing the membership’s vision for the future of the sport and the association

Nominating Committee

The NC consists of four to seven PDGA members. When possible, one or two should be past Directors of the Global BOD, with the remaining consisting of members with strong backgrounds matching the desired KSAs for the current election cycle. The NC selects its own members independent of the BOD and Executive Director. The NC will elect the Chair of the committee from within their current group, who will lead the committee through their charter. NC members may only serve two consecutive years on the committee before they must sit out for at least two years before being reconsidered for this committee again. The NC is charged with initial screening, vetting, and ballot selection of the candidates. The names of the NC members are posted on the Committee page on the PDGA website.  

PDGA Global Board Member Qualifications

  • Must be an active member in good standing and be at least 18 years of age as of September 1 of current election year
  • Must be an active member for at least two consecutive years as of the date of the first call for candidates (April 1, 2024) 
  • Must not have been on PDGA suspension or probation within the last three years, including violation of the PDGA Community Guidelines; Warnings within a three-year period will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis 
  • Must pass a criminal background check free of assaults, fraud, and/or other major negative indicators
  • Must have a history of conducting themselves in a positive and ethical manner as a member of the PDGA
  • Must not have a significant conflict of interest as identified in the PDGA COI Policy; Candidates must agree to sign nondisclosure and confidentiality agreements
  • Must be available to attend two in-person Board Summits per year (generally in the Spring and Fall; two days each); must be available to attend video conference meeting once per month, typically scheduled for the second Tuesday of the month from 4:00 - 7:00 pm ET. 
  • Must have access to an electronic device capable of video conferencing, opening Microsoft Office documents, accessing the internet and email, and similar general office administration functions 

PDGA Global Board of Directors Application Process

Prospective candidates must complete the requirements below. All candidate material must be submitted to the Nominating Committee no later than 11:59 p.m. EDT on April 30, 2024, by emailing [email protected].

Submit a professional cover letter and resume containing the following information:

  • Your intent to run for the Global BOD with the acknowledgement that this position comes with legal fiduciary responsibilities, and you are willing to take on those responsibilities if elected. 
  • Personal goals and priorities as a Director should you be elected. Simply explain why you are running and what you want to accomplish during your tenure. 
  • List your specific experience, background, certifications, etc., that qualify you to accomplish your goals and priorities and how they align with the PDGA’s KSAs, strategic priorities, and core competencies. 
  • Disclose any conflict of interest items as detailed in the PDGA COI Policy
  • Submit three letters of recommendation attesting to your experience, qualifications, and character, with at least one reference provided by an active PDGA member.
  • Applications will be received and initially reviewed for completeness by the NC. You will receive an acknowledgement of receipt from the NC and any follow-on instructions if required. 

PDGA Europe Board

About the PDGA Europe Board of Directors  

PDGA Europe, headquartered in Helsinki, Finland, serves the 29 PDGA Affiliate Countries on the European continent. PDGA Europe operates under the direction of the PDGA Europe Board of Directors with the overarching aim of growing disc golf throughout Europe in collaboration with PDGA Global, PDGA Europe members, and National Governing Bodies/Associations. 

PDGA Europe seeks proactive and dynamic candidates with the best and brightest minds to serve on the PDGA Europe Board of Directors. For 2024, there are two vacancies available, with each successful candidate expected to serve a term of three years, commencing 01-Sep-2024. 

Candidates should be motivated by the opportunity to play a leading role in both the governance and the development of disc golf on the European continent. They should be task-oriented and ready to work on behalf of the sport and should bring ideas and proposals that will strengthen the game of disc golf and enhance the PDGA Europe brand and image. 

2024 PDGA Europe Board Member Responsibilities   

Attendance at: 

  • the monthly PDGA Europe Board of Directors teleconference 
  • PDGA Europe Board of Directors Summit (in person, usually once per year) 
  • PDGA Europe’s Annual General Meeting teleconference 

The main activities of the PDGA Europe Board of Directors include: 

  • managing the PDGA Europe staff 
  • managing the PDGA Europe budget 
  • managing the PDGA Europe Disc Golf Development, Competition and Communication Programs 
  • managing the PDGA Europe National Association Support Plan & other projects 
  • developing and discharging PDGA Europe’s Policies and Procedures 
  • exercising ownership over specific projects and issues 

A PDGA Europe Board Member should anticipate dedicating approximately 15 hours per month to these responsibilities. 

2024 PDGA Europe Board Member Qualifications   

PDGA Europe reserves the right to perform background checks on candidates for the Board and disqualify any candidates who do not meet minimum qualifications. 

Candidates must: 

  • meet the definition of a PDGA Europe member. 
  • be at least 18 years of age; and 
  • must have access to an electronic device capable of video conferencing via Zoom, opening Microsoft Office documents, accessing the internet and email, and performing similar general office administration functions. 

PDGA Europe Members are current PDGA members who satisfy at least one of the following criteria: 

  • A PDGA Europe Affiliate Country listed as the player’s nationality; or 
  • A member address in a PDGA Europe Affiliate Country. 

Additionally, candidates should possess some of the following skills, training, experience, and intangibles: 

  • Proactive and dynamic rather than passive and reactive 
  • Professional experience involving tech or human resources management, sales and marketing, finance, strategic planning, entrepreneurship, and/or experience in the non-profit sector 
  • Oral and written fluency or semi-fluency in English 
  • Listening skills and patience in dealing with others 
  • A passion for disc golf 
  • Familiarity with and commitment to PDGA Europe 
  • Participation in competitive disc golf 
  • Organization of disc golf events 
  • Journalism 
  • Event Production 


  • Enthusiasm for the Task 
  • Time Availability 
  • Collaborative 
  • Creative Innovator 
  • Vision 
  • Flexible / Adaptable 
  • Respected 

Reaching the Voters 

PDGA Europe will interview each of the candidates as part of its "PDGA Europe Talks" program with a set of pre-established questions that will be communicated to the candidates in advance so that they can present the general outline of their candidacy. 

Additionally, candidates for the PDGA Europe Board of Directors have the option to personalize their campaign by providing a video message to voters. Videos are to be produced by the candidate and posted on YouTube with the Video’s URL included in their Candidate Biography. The Video (less than 3 Mins Duration) provides Candidates the opportunity to introduce themselves and to outline one or more primary goals of their participation on the PDGA Europe Board of Directors. Videos should be PG-rated, keeping in mind that we have voting members of all ages. 

Submitting Your PDGA Europe Board Candidacy 

If you are interested in running for a position on the PDGA Europe Board Of Directors then download and complete a Candidate Biography Questionnaire. This form may also be requested by contacting the PDGA Europe office at +358 406679929. 

Completed Candidate Biography Questionnaires and Candidate Statement must be received at [email protected] no later than 14-Jun-2024. 

State and Provincial Coordinators 

The State and Provincial Coordinators represent more than 50 key PDGA volunteer positions. Each year, 50 percent of U.S. state and Canadian Province Coordinator positions are up for election, with winners receiving two-year terms. Election ballots will display only the Coordinator races for each member’s home state or province, and those states and provinces which are not listed this year will be on the ballot next year. 

State and Provincial Coordinators are key in helping the PDGA operate and serve many functions, including: 

  • Representing the PDGA in a positive light and professional manner to members, clubs, agencies, and communities in their state or province. 
  • Working with tournament directors and clubs within their state or province and in adjoining areas to schedule PDGA Tour and other disc golf events. 
  • Serving as liaison to the PDGA Event Support Team in coordinating the tour schedule and in addressing and resolving tour event issues. 
  • Collecting information, either personally or by delegating to individuals or clubs, for the PDGA Course Directory and the Course Evaluation System. 
  • Promoting PDGA memberships and PDGA programs such as the Affiliate Clubs Program, tournament sanctioning, Disc Golf Foundation, and EDGE to the members and potential members in their state or province. 
  • Providing feedback on the annual Tour Standards to the PDGA Event Support Team. 
  • Coordinating state qualifications for events such as the USDGC, USADGC, and other qualified-entry tournaments. 
  • Recommending candidates and voting for select annual PDGA awards. 
  • Providing local and regional demographic information and feedback to various sports agencies statewide (CVBs, Sports Councils, etc.) upon request. 
  • Other duties as determined by fellow State Coordinators, the PDGA Board, and staff. 

2024 State/Province Elections 

Below is the list of the State and Provincial Coordinator positions up for election. Terms for these positions will be September 1, 2024, through August 31, 2026. 

If your state or province is not listed above, the position is not up for election this year but will be next year. Please join us in extending thanks and appreciation to all the incumbents for their volunteer service to the PDGA and the sport of disc golf. Many of these key contributors will be seeking re-election; many others will be seeking election for the first time. 

  • Alaska 
  • Arizona 
  • British Columbia 
  • California (South) 
  • Connecticut 
  • District of Columbia 
  • Florida 
  • Hawaii 
  • Illinois 
  • Iowa 
  • Kentucky 
  • Maine 
  • Maryland 
  • Massachusetts 
  • Michigan 
  • Mississippi 
  • Montana 
  • Nevada 
  • New Brunswick 
  • New Jersey 
  • New York 
  • Newfoundland & Labrador 
  • North Dakota 
  • Nova Scotia 
  • Oklahoma 
  • Oregon 
  • Prince Edward Island 
  • South Carolina 
  • Tennessee 
  • Texas (North) 
  • Utah 
  • Virginia 
  • West Virginia 
  • Wyoming 
  • Yukon Territory  

Reaching the Voters 

Coordinator candidates have the option to personalize their campaign by providing a video message to voters. Videos are to be produced by the candidates and posted on YouTube, and a link to the video should be included in the candidate biography. The suggested format is three-to-five minutes, in which candidates introduce themselves and outline one or more primary goals of their participation as a PDGA State/Provincial Coordinator. Videos should be PG-rated, keeping in mind that we have voting members of all ages. 

Submitting Your Candidacy 

If you are interested in running for the Coordinator position in your home state or province, download a Candidate Biography Questionnaire. This form may also be requested by contacting the PDGA office or calling +1 (706) 261-6342. The completed form must be emailed to [email protected], along with a candidate statement no later than June 20, 2024.  

Please Vote! 

When you receive your ballot in July, please take a few minutes to vote. In doing so, not only are you exercising one of your basic rights as a PDGA member, but you are also demonstrating your appreciation for the work performed by these core volunteers. 

Thank you very much for participating in the annual PDGA Elections!