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Bob Harris #2552

  • Hall of Fame Class: 2020
  • PDGA #: 2552
  • Birth Year: 1955
  • Hometown: St Thomas, Ontario, Canada

Bob began his Disc Golf career in 1980 when he started playing in Pinafore Park in St. Thomas, Ontario on a natural object course. Over his 40 years with our sport he has been a builder .... building courses, tournaments, leagues, and educational programs.

In his 20 years of playing competitively, he had 15 tournament wins: 4 Open Titles; 10 Masters titles; and 1 Grandmasters title. Bob was the recipient of the prestigious Jim Olsen Service Award and the Ontario Disc Golf Association Dedication Award!

Bob has been Tournament Director for one to five or six tournaments a year since 1982, including the Flatts Classic; Can-Am series; Canadian Masters; and Waterworks Open; plus, junior tournaments and many more. He continues to do so currently.

Every disc golf player in St. Thomas, Ontario has been taught, coached, or otherwise influenced by Bob Harris! His overriding passion is Disc Golf. He has devoted all his spare time since 1982 to the pursuits of disc golf and other disc activities! Now he gets to continue the journey as a member of the Disc Golf Hall of Fame.

