A Message to PDGA Members Regarding the Coronavirus Pandemic
To our loyal and passionate members around the world, thank you for your continued support and dedication to the PDGA during these very difficult and uncertain times. The world is experiencing an unprecedented health crisis that impacts the lives of each and every individual. While it seems small by comparison, our global disc golf community has also been significantly affected by this pandemic.
Our Board of Directors and PDGA Staff have been working diligently to stay ahead of daily developments related to the coronavirus pandemic, specifically how it impacts the safety and wellbeing of our members, staff, volunteers, and our communities. We made some very difficult decisions in the past few weeks, including the suspension of all PDGA sanctioning as well as the cancellation of several high-profile events. We want you to know that these decisions were not taken lightly. We know how important the competition and the camaraderie of disc golf are, and that suspending PDGA-sanctioned play – an outlet for many during stressful times – has caused disruption. We deeply appreciate the understanding, flexibility, and support of our members and tournament directors in the face of this global health crisis.
While we know you want to be out playing right now, we need your help to set a good example for communities everywhere. That is why we are asking disc golfers to skip the course and stay home. It is something we all have the power to do in this crisis, and while it may seem like a tall task, we are confident it is the best choice to help slow the spread of the coronavirus. This goes for the young and healthy, as well as those considered more vulnerable. We are all in this together.
The PDGA Staff has transitioned to working remotely throughout the duration of the crisis and will continue to operate with very little disruption as we await a return to normalcy. As always, we remain committed to the promotion, growth and sustainability of the sport, and are placing increased emphasis on keeping the health and safety of our communities as our foremost concern. Please follow the guidance of government health agencies and local authorities, and continue to check in at PDGA.com and on our social media channels to keep up to date with the latest news and information, including any additional postponements or cancellations that may be necessary as the situation continues to unfold.
I know that disc golf will emerge from this better and stronger than ever. It won’t be long before the sound of rattling chains will once again fill the air at a course near you. On behalf of the PDGA Staff and Board of Directors, we thank you for your patience and cooperation.
Justin Menickelli, Ph.D.
PDGA Board of Directors President
Current PDGA Announcements:
- PDGA Statement on COVID-19 Pandemic (Updated March 20, 2020)
- PDGA COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions (Updated March 20, 2020)
- PDGA Competition Manual 1.03: Withdrawals and Refunds Amended Temporarily (Updated March 19, 2020)
- PDGA Women's Global Event Postponed
General resources regarding COVID-19:
PDGA Announcements
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