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Course Design

Course Design

Wednesday, July 22, 2009 - 17:50

Chuck Kennedy with review and assistance by John Houck have created a new article about making sure your course is appropriate for the intended skill level.  A preview is listed below and the full article is available at:

One of the first steps in disc golf course design process is to establish the skill levels a design will be developed for. One of the last steps is to validate whether that design turned out to be appropriate for those skill levels. Designers have created many courses over the years where the intended skill levels were at least loosely defined before starting – broad terms like pro versus am were considered. It’s gotten even better since ratings came on the scene ten years ago. This made defining skill levels a little more precise using ratings ranges like Gold, Blue, White, Red and Green for different sets of tees and pins.


However, only a small percentage of course designers over the past 30 years have made the effort to validate whether their designs actually provide appropriate challenges for players in specific skill range(s). In all fairness, design validation is a pretty new concept developed in the past 8 years...