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PDGA Policy on Eligibility for Gender-Based Divisions

PDGA Policy on Eligibility for Gender-Based Divisions

Last updated: Friday, January 10, 2025 - 14:02

Effective January 1, 2023 (updates are marked with a strike-through for deletions and underline for insertions)

The PDGA is committed to providing competitive disc golf opportunities for all players by providing divisions based on skill, age, and gender. The definitions of skill and age-based categories are detailed in the PDGA Divisions, Ratings & Points Factors Table. This policy builds upon those definitions by providing clarification regarding eligibility for competition in gender-based divisions.

The gender-based divisions in the PDGA begin with the letter F (female). Divisions which are not gender-based begin with the letter M (mixed). For simplicity, all PDGA members are listed in the PDGA database under one of two gender statuses:

  • Male – Players who are only eligible to play in mixed divisions
  • Female – Players who are eligible to play in both mixed and gender-based divisions

Nothing in this policy supersedes applicable laws regulating participation in sports for a given jurisdiction.

A. Application of Policy

All players who meet the criteria below at birth may participate in gender-based divisions with no further demonstration of eligibility.

  1. chromosomally female; or
  2. intersex and assigned female gender; or
  3. chromosomally male and having Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome, Swyer’s Syndrome, or a similar androgen-blocking syndrome and assigned female gender; and who are not taking hormone treatments to increase testosterone levels 

All other players must consult the guidelines below to determine their eligibility. 

B. Transgender – Female to Male

  1. Players who were assigned female gender at birth under the criteria detailed above and who are taking hormone treatments to increase testosterone levels are no longer eligible to compete in gender-based divisions. 
  2. Players must inform the PDGA immediately when hormone treatments commence.  

C. Transgender – Male to Female

Players who were assigned male gender at birth and are taking hormone replacement therapy and/or testosterone suppression medication related to gender transition or who have undergone gender affirming surgery are eligible to compete in gender-based divisions contested at PDGA-sanctioned events PDGA Amateur Majors, Pro Master Majors and all other PDGA events sanctioned at A-Tier level and below if any one of the three two sets of criteria in C.1 or C.2, or C.3 are met:

  1. Transgender Hormone Therapy

    1. The player has been taking continuous hormone therapy under medical supervision for a period of at least 24 months before competing in a gender-based division; and
    2. The player’s total testosterone level in serum has been below 2.0 nmol/L for at least 24 months prior to the PDGA event, demonstrated by at least three blood tests throughout this time interval; and
    3. The player’s total testosterone level in serum must continue to remain below 2.0 nmol/L in the future. If the player ceases hormone treatment, they are no longer eligible to compete in gender-based divisions and must inform the PDGA immediately; and
    4. The player is required to inform the PDGA if hormone treatment is suspended or if their testosterone level in serum is or was above 2.0 nmol/L as demonstrated by a blood test in the relevant period. In both cases, the 24-month period will restart once the player can demonstrate by a blood test that their testosterone level in serum is again below 2.0 nmol/L.
  2. Gender Affirming Surgery

    1. Successfully completed male-to-female gender affirming surgery declaration from a physician; and
    2. The total testosterone level in serum has been below 2.0 nmol/L for at least 24 months prior to the PDGA event (combination of blood test verified hormone treatment pre-surgery and time post-surgery). 

Players who were assigned male gender at birth are eligible to compete in the gender-based FPO division at PDGA Pro Majors only if the criteria in C.3 is met:

  1. Transition Prior to Puberty

    1. The player began medical transition (for example, by taking puberty-suppressing medication) during Tanner Stage 2 or before age 12, whichever is later; and
    2. The player continuously maintains a total testosterone level in serum below 2.0 nmol/L. 

Organizations which are specifically designated by the PDGA under the terms of an explicit agreement to run Elite Series tours may use any set or subset of the eligibility criteria above in C.1. or C.2 at their events. Application of the chosen criteria must comport with the terms of their agreement with the PDGA.

D. Implementation of Policy

  1. A PDGA member who wishes to change their gender from female to male must submit the completed Application for Gender Reclassification for evaluation.. If the criteria is met, the gender designation of the applicant will be changed to male in the PDGA database.
  2. A PDGA member who wishes to change their gender from male to female must submit the completed Application for Gender Reclassification for evaluation. Additionally, they must submit substantiating documentation regarding their method of qualification.
    1. All applicants must provide a valid form of identification issued by a government entity.
    2. If the applicant is undergoing hormone replacement therapy under section C.1, they must provide a physician statement confirming continued and uninterrupted hormone treatment for at least 24 months to the current date. They must also provide laboratory reports of blood testosterone levels, including at least three test results covering a period of at least 24 months to the current date. They must also sign an attestation that they will inform the PDGA Medical Committee if there is any interruption or discontinuation in hormone treatment.
    3. If the applicant has undergone gender affirming surgery under section C.2, they must provide proof of this procedure through a physician statement. They must also provide laboratory reports of blood testosterone levels, including at least three test results covering a period of at least 24 months to the current date. 
    4. If the applicant began medical transition during Tanner Stage 2 or age 12, whichever is later, under section C.3, they must provide a physician statement confirming this and confirming continued and uninterrupted hormone treatment for at least 24 months to the current date. They must also provide laboratory reports of blood testosterone levels, including at least three test results covering a period of at least 24 months to the current date They must also sign an attestation that they will inform the PDGA Medical Committee if there is any interruption or discontinuation in hormone treatment.
    5. The documentation is reviewed by one of the physicians on the PDGA Medical Committee. The physician will determine if the documentation is sufficient and will direct any questions to the treating physician if required. Upon satisfactory review, the physician will provide a recommendation to change the status of the member from male to female in the PDGA database. 
    6. This medical information is private and highly sensitive. There are international and federal laws that mandate procedures to be followed with such information, which is why it is submitted to a registered physician only.
  3. If a PDGA member is no longer eligible to compete in gender-based divisions because they no longer meet the relevant criteria, they must inform the PDGA by submission of a completed Application for Gender Reclassification.

Please contact the PDGA Medical Committee if you have any further questions about this process.

E. Eligibility Verification

  1. The PDGA provides tools for relevant staff to determine the eligibility of each competitor for each event and division in which they are registered.
  2. New PDGA members who wish to verify their eligibility for participation in gender-based divisions may contact the PDGA Medical Committee for instructions.
  3. Eligibility verification procedures that require documentation from all participants will be implemented for all PDGA Majors.