2019 PDGA Global Board Of Directors And State/Provincial Coordinators Announced
2019 PDGA Global Board Of Directors And State/Provincial Coordinators Announced
The votes are in!

The votes from the 2019 PDGA Elections are in and have been counted! The elections took place last month, with voting ending on July 31. Ballots were sent to 44,780 eligible members and 5,817 members voted — a participation rate of 12.99% of eligible voters.
PDGA Global Board of Directors
A Board of Directors is a requirement for nonprofit status and is mandated by the PDGA Bylaws. In addition to semi-annual summit meetings, the board and staff conduct monthly teleconference calls and ongoing communication to accomplish required business.
In accordance with the PDGA bylaws, two at-large board member positions were up for election in 2019, currently held by Elaine King #3090 and Trevor Harbolt #26860. The two candidates who obtained the most votes in our annual elections will take office and serve three-year terms from September 1, 2019, through August 31, 2022.
With the votes officially tallied, we are excited to congratulate the following PDGA members on their election to the PDGA Board of Directors!
Full PDGA Global Board of Directors Election Results »
Elaine King #3090 (Incumbent)
- Location: Durham, NC
- Born: 1961
- Gender: Female
- Education: B.SC. biochemistry, Ph.D. analytical chemistry
- Occupation: Consultant, Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Quality
View Elaine King's candidate bio and statement »
Laura Nagtegaal #44969 
- Location: Utrecht, The Netherlands
- Born: 1975
- Gender: Female
- Education: Computer science and psychology
- Occupation: Self-employed
View Laura Nagtegaal's candidate bio and statement »
PDGA Europe Board of Directors
In addition to the PDGA Global Board of Directors, PDGA Europe held its own elections, with a single spot up for grabs. We'd like to congratulate its new board member, as well.
Full PDGA Europe Board of Directors Election Results »
Tiina Riekkola, #79803
- Location: Helsinki, Finland
- Born: 1981
- Gender: Female
- Occupation: Researcher at Neste Oyj
- Education: M.Sc., Chemistry
View Tiina Riekkola's candidate bio and statement »
State/Provincial Coordinators
The State Coordinators and Provincial Coordinators represent more than 50 key PDGA volunteer positions. Each year approximately half of US State and Canadian Province Coordinators are elected for two-year terms. The candidates who obtained the most votes and who will take office September 1st are shown in the table below.
Full State/Province Coordinators Elections Results »
State/Province | Name | PDGA # |
Alabama | Ben Swam | 52875 |
Alberta | Chris McBurney | 50286 |
Arkansas | Matt Loyd | 40462 |
Armed Forces Overseas | Tom Kunneke | 51668 |
California (North) | Michael Guerrero | 10708 |
Colorado | Ray Woodruff | 32728 |
Delaware | Timothy Stevenson | 53575 |
Georgia | Barry Arnson | 28128 |
Idaho | Mike Stradley | 45629 |
Indiana | Steve Boylan | 6542 |
Kansas | Scott Reek | 12824 |
Louisiana | Keith Bodin | 7134 |
Manitoba | Dan Cote | 115422 |
Minnesota | Jason Wilder | 17523 |
Missouri | Jack Lowe | 15316 |
Nebraska | Scott Hoffman | 30092 |
New Hampshire | Kenneth Bovill | 79006 |
New Mexico | Samuel Smith | 48694 |
North Carolina | Philip Lawrence | 38083 |
Ohio | Kenneth Rollins | 7030 |
Ontario | Chris Ozolins | 55049 |
Pennsylvania | Chas Ford | 12850 |
Quebec | Christian Vanier | 67574 |
Rhode Island | Emily Hanson | 111460 |
Saskatchewan | Chris Hoyt | 94581 |
South Dakota | Cary Muilenburg | 60072 |
Texas (South) | Stephanie Vincent | 29947 |
Vermont | Jeff Spring | 43994 |
Washington | John Anderson | 19996 |
Wisconsin | Mike Harrington | 38024 |
The PDGA asks all of our members to join us in thanking outgoing state/provincial coordinators for all of their volunteer time dedicated to the betterment of the association and the sport of disc golf.
Thank you for participating in the 2019 PDGA Elections!
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