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2021 PDGA Europe Board Member Elections

2021 PDGA Europe Board Member Elections

Candidate submissions due June 14th

Tuesday, May 4, 2021 - 08:45


Since the inaugural PDGA Europe Board of Directors elections were held four years ago, PDGA Europe has been going through the process of formation as our association’s legal and largely self-governing continental body for Europe.

In recent months, registration as a not-for-profit in Finland has been completed and our first permanent staff persons have been hired and trained. Now it is time to move PDGA Europe forward by envisioning, building and managing activities that have the overriding aim of growing disc golf into the future in concert with our individual members, sanctioned events, and national association partners across Europe.

To this end, we are now looking for some of the best and brightest minds in Europe to run for the PDGA Europe Board of Directors. There are three openings on the PDGA Europe Board of Directors to be filled. The competitions for these three seats now also helps establish a staggered cycle for the Board positions.

The elections will take place online between July 1st and July 31st, 2021. The successful candidates will be determined based on the votes of the current PDGA members in the European countries. They will serve three-year terms from September 1, 2021 to August 31, 2024.

The ideal candidates will be inspired by the opportunity to personally play a leading role in the governance and development of the sport at the European continental level, committed to getting the key tasks accomplished, and will bring with them new ideas, proposals, and analyses from their own perspectives, that will strengthen the beautiful game of disc golf and the PDGA Europe brand across the continent.

PDGA Europe Board Member Responsibilities

The PDGA Board, the PDGA Europe Administrator, and/or the PDGA International Director and/or the PDGA Executive Director, will conduct monthly teleconference calls, ongoing communication, and hold annual or semi-annual in person or virtual meetings to accomplish required business.

Some of the Board’s main activities will include: setting PDGA Europe policies; supervision of and support to the PDGA Europe Administrator and ongoing operations; establishment and refinement of issue-focused PDGA Europe Committees such as the EuroTour Series, Competition standards, Women, Media and Sponsorship; relations with the European Disc Golf Federation (EDGF); identification of future Board member candidates; and representation of the countries’ and membership’s visions for the future of the sport and the organization. Individual Board members can also expect to be asked to lead on specific projects. All told Board members can anticipate dedicating between 12 and 15 hours of their time per month.

PDGA Europe Board Member Qualifications

Candidates must hold citizenship or residence status in a European country, be an active PDGA member, and should have some of the following:


  • Professional experience involving management, marketing, financial, strategic planning, entrepreneurship, and/or experience in the non-profit sector.
  • Fluency or semi-fluency in the English language
  • Oral and written communication
  • Listening to and patience in dealing with others
  • A passion for the sport of disc golf
  • Familiarity with and commitment to PDGA Europe

Training and/or Experience in:

  • Competitive Disc Golf
  • Disc Golf Organization
  • Finance
  • Sales and Marketing
  • Tech Management and Development
  • Human Resources Management
  • Journalism
  • Event Production


  • Enthusiasm for the Task
  • Time Availability
  • Collaborative
  • Creative Innovator
  • Vision
  • Flexible/Adaptable
  • Respected

Submitting Your Board Candidacy

If you are interested in running for a position on the PDGA Europe Board of Directors, please download and complete a Candidate Biography Questionnaire. This form must be completed and emailed to – elections@pdga.comThe completed form must be returned to the PDGA along with any other documents no later than June 14, 2021.

Reaching the Voters

A feature of the PDGA Europe Board of Directors election is the option for candidates to personalize their campaign by providing a video message to voters. This innovation is aimed at providing voters with an opportunity to be better informed about each of the candidates, especially those who they may not have met in person. Videos are to be produced by the candidates and posted on YouTube. The link information should be included in the candidate biography. The suggested format is 3-5 minutes in which the candidate introduces him or herself and outlines one or more primary goals of his or her participation on the Board. When developing campaign videos, please consider the wide demographic of the PDGA membership. Provision of the video is, of course, optional.

Thanks very much and good luck to all the candidates!
