You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form. Thank you for your interest in the PDGA Clubs program. Registration costs between $25 and $50 annually depending on the size of your club. You'll receive a unique discount code that club members can use for a $5 discount on PDGA membership. If your club is located in the United States or Canada, please complete form below. All other clubs please see the PDGA International program for more information. Club InformationThe PDGA Clubs program is available in the United States and Canada only. PDGA Club * - Select -- Specify a new club -10,000 Lakes Disc Golf717 Flying Disc Club956discgolfers A3DiscAbilene Disc Golf Association Ace Eagle Disc Golf ClubAir Capital Disc Golf ClubAlamo Community Disc ClubAlbuquerque Disc Golf AssociationAllegany County Disc Golf ClubAloft Disc GolfAnderson Disc Golf Club Inc.ApeX Disc GolfAppalachian Disc GolfArizona AceholesArlington Disc Golf Association / Texas ChainwreckAscended Disc GolfAsian Disc Golf ClubAtariAthens Disc Golf ClubAtlanta Disc Golf Organization Auburn Disc Golf Club Chain ZombiesAugusta Disc Golf AssociationB.A.D. (Burke Association of Disc golf) B.C. Disc SportsB.S. Bochantin Upshot ClubBaltimore County Disc GolfBarrie Womens Disc Golf ClubBarron County Disc Golf ClubBartlesville Disc Golf AssociationBartlesville Disc Golf ClubBasket Cases DGCBaton Rouge Disc Golf AssociationBay County Disc Golf ClubBay St. George Disc Golf AssociationBC Disc Golf AssociationBellamy Park Disc Golf ClubBemidji Disc Golf ClubBi-State Disc Golf GroupBig Disc Golf GuysBig Sky DGCBirdbrain Disc GolfBirdie BabesBirdie Babes San DiegoBlack Ace Disc GolfBlack Hills Disc Golf ClubBlack Zombie Disc Golf Blackford Disc GolfBloomington-Normal Disc Golf ClubBlue Ridge Disc Golf ClubBluegrass Disc Golf Association, IncBluegrass Disc Golf Association, Inc.Bomber Disc GolfBoulder Disc Golf ClubBoulder Ladies Disc Golf ClubBowling Green Disc GolfBoylan Acres Disc AssociationBrant Disc Golf Club Bridge City GunnersBroward Disc Golf AssociationBucks County Dic Golf AllianceBucks County Disc Golf AllianceBuffalo Niagara Disc GolfBull City Disc ClubBurlington Area Disc Golf Club, Inc Cache Valley Disc GolfCadillac Area Disc Golf AssociationCalgary Disc Golf ClubCalhoun County Disc GolfCamber Disc Golf CompanyCape Cod Disc Golf ClubCape Fear Disc Golf Association Capital Area Disc LeagueCapital City Disc GolfCass Benton Disc Golf ClubCass Clay Disc Golf ClubCedar Rapids Metro Disc GolfCenterville DGCCentral Alberta Disc Golf Association Central New York Disc Golf AssociationCentral Oregon Coast Disc Golf ClubCentral Oregon Disc Golf ClubCentre County Disc Golf Association Centre County Disc Golf AssociationChain Brainz Disc Golf ClubChainHoundzChampaign County Disc Golf ClubCharleston Disc Golf CommunityCharlotte County Disc Golf ClubCharlotte Disc Golf ClubChattanooga Flying Disc ClubChautauqua Disc GolfChicks Chasing ChainsChippewa Valley Disc Golf Organization ( CVDGO)Choctaw Creek DGCChuckin' Aces Disc Golf ClubCircle One DGC Circle One Disc Golf ClubClearwater Disc Golf Club Cleveland Disc Golf ClubClub de Disc Golf Vallée-de-l'OrClub Disc FamClub KensingtonCoastal Virginia Disc Golf Club Colonial Disc Golf ClubColumbia Disc Golf ClubColumbus Fire Disc Golf ClubColumbus Flyers Disc Golf ClubColumbus Indiana Disc Golf ClubCoMo Disc Golf ClubConejo Disc Golf ClubConnecticut Women’s Disc GolfCorning 20%ersCossar disc golfCoweta County Disc Golf Club Cowichan Valley Disc Golf ClubCranbrook Disc Golf ClubCrossover Disc Golf Crossroads Disc Golf ClubCrowley Disc Golf ClubDarners Disc Golf at DragonflyDave's Dyes DavidDawn to Dusk Disc ClubDayton Disc GolfDelaware Disc GolfDellwood Disc GolfDelta WindjammersDerby City Disc Golf Des Moines Metro Disc Golf Club Devil Mountain Disc Golf ClubDiamond State Disc Golf AssociationDisc BaronDisc Golf BirminghamDisc Golf ChicagoDisc Golf Con ClubDisc Golf DadsDisc Golf Manitoba Inc.Disc Golf NLDisc Golf Of NorthWest Arkansas (DGONWA)Disc Golf VermontDisc Golf WeirdosDisc Golf'n 4 JesusDisc Lovers UnitedDisc Mafia Disc StoreDisc Store VIPDiscalibur Disc Golf Club DisCapDiscin’ DisciplesDiscontinuum Disc Golf Club DisquébecDisquébec (TPADG)Dragon DGCDROP ZONE DISC STOREDubois County Disc Golf ClubDurand Disc Golf ClubDurango Dic Golf ClubDurant Disc Golf AssociationEast Bay Disc Golf ClubEastern Sierra Disc Golf ClubEDGEEdmonton Disc Golf AssociationEl Dorado Disc SportsElevateUT Disc GolfElite 47 Disc Golf ClubEmerald Coast Disc Golf ClubEssential DiscsEtowah Disc GolfEugene Disc Golf ClubFairfield County Disc ClubFairmont Flyers Disc Golf ClubFairway Disc GolfFayetteville Disc Golf Association Fayetteville/Fort Bragg DGCFeast Disc Golf ClubFiringbirds disc golf clubFirst Available Disc GolfFirst Capital Flight ClubFlagstaff Disc Golf ClubFloppy Discs DGCFlorence Disc Golf AssociationFly Green Disc Golf TagsFlying Flucos Disc Golf ClubFlyin’ Bison DGCFolsom Disc Golf ClubFoothill Flyers Disc Golf ClubForsyth County Disc Golf ClubFort Disc Golf ClubFort Walla Walla Disc Golf ClubFort Washington Disc Golf ClubFountain City FlyersFox Valley Metro Disc Golf ClubFranklin County Disc Golf ClubFredericton Disc GolfFredrock Discgolf Frequent Flyerz Disc GolfFresno County Disc GolfGainesville Chain HawksGAS Disc GolfGem State Disc GolfGentlemen's Club Disc GolfGliders of Gainesville (GOG)Golden Crescent Disc Golf ClubGranbury Disc Golf ClubGrand Rapids Disc Golfers United (GRDGU)Grand River Disc Golf AssociationGrand River Union Disc GolfGrand Valley Disc Golf ClubGrand Valley Underground Granite State Disc Golf AssociationGranite State Disc Golf AssociationGranite State TourGrateful Dudes Disc Golf ClubGrayson County Disc Golf ClubGreater Binghamton Disc Golf ClubGreater Cincinnati Disc Golf AssociationGreater Oconee Disc Golf ClubGreater Rochester Disc Golf Club Greenville Disc Golf (GVDG)Guelph Disc Golf ClubHamilton Disc Golf UnionHammonds Plains Disc Golf ClubHarford County Disc Golf ClubHattiesburg Disc Golf Association Haute GoatHeart of Virginia Disc Golf Club (HOVA)Heartland Disc GolfHeavy Breathing Disc GolfHendricks County Disc Golf ClubHenry County Disc GolfHill Country Hyzers Disc Golf ClubHonolulu Disc Golf AssociationHorry County Disc Golf Club Houston Disc GolfHouston Flying Disc SocietyHowdy Disc GolfHub City Disc Golf ClubHuntington County Disc Golf ClubHyde Park Disc GolfI Fling PlasticInsomniac Disc SyndicateIntown Atlanta Disc Golf ClubJ-Town Disc Golf ClubJacksonville DiscGolf Club of NCJasper Disc GolfJefferson City Disc Golf ClubJewelry City Disc GolfJonesboro Disc GolfJUDGESJUMC Disc Golf ClubJuneau Disc Golf ClubKamloops Disc Golf ClubKanawha Valley Disc Golf ClubKankakee Area Disc Golf Association Kansas City Disc Golf, incKanza Disc Golf ClubKaw Valley Disc Golf Club Keene Disc Golf ClubKinder Farm Disc Golf ClubKnoxville Disc Golf AssociationL. A. NomadsL. A. NomadsLa Pine Disc Golf AssociationLake Erie Disc Golf ClubLake Forest Disc Golf ClubLake Shelbyville Disc Golf ClubLakefront Disc Golf ClubLancaster County Disc Golf ClubLancaster Disc Golf Alliance Las Vegas Disc Golf ClubLawrence County Disc ClubLawrenceburg Disc GolfLebanon Valley Disc GolfLehigh Valley Disc GolfLethbridge Disc Golf AssociationLewisville DGCLimona Disc Golf ClubLincoln Flying Disc ClubLoCo Disc Golf ClubLodi Chain CrushersLong Island Disc GolfLongs Peak Disc Golf ClubLongview Disc Golf AssociationLuna Park Lycoming County Disc Golf Association MA5Mackinaw Disc GolfMad City Disc GolfMarion Disc Golf ClubMaritime Disc Golf AssociationMartin Family Disc GolfMason County Disc Golf Masterminds Memphis Area Disc Golf ClubMenomonie Area Disc Golf Organization (MADGO)Merced Disc Golf ClubMercer County Disc Golf ClubMHK Dis GolfMiami Disc Golf ClubMiddle Tennessee Disc Golf Association Mile High Disc Golf ClubMilitary Disc Golf Tour Mineola Disc Golf ClubMineral Area Disc GolfMineville Disc Golf ClubMinnesota Frisbee AssociationMobile Area Disc Golf AssociationMOCO TuggersModesto Area Disc Golf ClubMorgan County Disc Golf ClubMount Pleasant Disc Golf ClubMTDGAMudBugs of SpringfieldMuletown Disc GolfMuncie Area Disc Golf ClubMurrieta Rattlers Disc Golf ClubMusic City Disc GolfMyrtle Beach Disc Golf ClubNanaimo Disc Golf ClubNapa Disc Golf ClubNew England Flying Disc Association (NEFA)New Hanover County Disc Golf ClubNew River Disc Golf ClubNew Smyrna Beach Disc Golf ClubNew York City Disc Golf AssociationNewton County Disc ClubNice Shot Disc GolfNO Team -- The New Orleans Disc Golf ClubNomads Disc Golf ClubNorTex Disc GolfNorth Landing Disc Golf ClubNortheast Ohio Disc Golf Alliance Northeast Women's Disc GolfNorthern California Disc Golf Hall of Fame SkyCatzNorthern FlightsNorthern Lights Disc Golf ClubNorthern Utah Disc Golf AssociationNorthern Waters SeriesNorthshore Disc Golf Association (NDGA)Northside Chain GangNorthwest Disc Golf AssociationNOVA Disc Golf AssociationNOVA Women's Disc Golf ClubNW Washington Disc Golf ClubOak Grove Disc Golf ClubOak Hollow Disc Golf ClubOklahoma City Disc Golf AssociationOld Crow Disc Golf ClubOmaha Metro Disc Golf Association (OMDGA)Onslow Flying Disc Association Ontario Disc Sports AssociationOrangeville Disc Golf ClubOregon Disc Golf Association Orlando Disc GolfOttawa Disc Golf ClubOyster Bay Disc Golf ClubP.M.A. Disc GolfPagosa Springs Disc Golf ClubPalm Beach Disc GolfPana Disc Golf ClubParKingsPatapsco Valley Disc Golf ClubPearland Disc Golf DegeneratesPennyrile Disc Golf TeamPeoria Frisbee Club Ltd.Phenix Disc Golf ClubPierce County Disc Golf AssociationPikes Peak Flying Disc ClubPinal County Association of Disc GolfPine Run DGCPine View Disc Golf ClubPirate's Ridge Disc GolfPittsburgh Flying Disc Players Giveback FoundationPleasure Island Disc Golf Club 458Plumas Disc GolfPolk County Disc Golf Club, Inc.Poppy SeriesPrice County Disc Golf ClubPutnam County Founding FlyersQuabbin Valley Disc GolfQuaker Hill Disc GolfQuinte Disc Golf AssociationRainbow City Disc Golf Rancho Simi Disc Golf ClubRaptors Knoll,Disc Golf ClubRenegades Disc Golf Club Richmond County Disc Golf GroupRiver City Disc Golf AssociationRiver City Disc Golf ClubRiver City Disc Golf ClubRiverview Disc Golf AssociationRoanoke Disc Golf ClubRoche-A-Cri Disc ClubRock River Disc Golf ClubRocket City Chain GangRockford Disc Golf ClubRocktown Disc Golf ClubRolla Disc Golf ClubRose City Disc ClubRoswell Spicy Roadrunners Ruidoso Disc Golf ClubSalt Lake City Tunnel RunnersSan Diego Aces Disc Golf ClubSan Francisco Disc Golf ClubSan Juan Basin Disc Golf Club Sand Ridge Disc Golf ClubSandy Knoll Disc GolfSarasota Sky PilotsSaskatoon Disc Golf Inc.Savannah Disc Golf AssociationSeaTac Disc Golf AssociationSEMO Disc GolfSheboygan Eagles DGCShelby County Disc GolfShelbyville Disc Golf ClubShoals Frisbee ClubShoot The Breeze Disc Golf Club, Inc.Shore Acres Disc Golf ClubShreveport/Bossier City Disc Golf UnionSilicon Valley Disc Golf ClubSimilkameen Valley Disc Golf Club Simply DiscsSinging River Disc GolfSixty and Hyzer Disc Golf ClubSki-Hi PilotsSkulls Disc GolfSkylands Disc Golf ClubSmoky Mountain DiscsSnake River Rugby Disc Golf ClubSo Cal Disc Golf ClubSo In Disc Golf ClubSouth Fork Disc GolfSouth Island Disc Golf SocietySouth Puget Sound Disc Golf AssociationSoutheast Alabama Disc Golf AssociationSouthern Illinois Disc Golf ClubSouthern Maryland Disc Golf AssociationSouthern Ohio Disc Golf AssociationSouthern Utah Disc Golf AssociationSouthern Vermont Disc Golf AssociationSouthern View Classic CourseSpangdahlem Disc Golf ClubSpokane Ladies Disc GolfSpotsy Disc Golf ClubSpringfield Disc Golf ClubSt. Augustine Disc Golf ClubSt. Catharines Women's Disc Golf ClubSt. Charles County Disc Golf ClubSt. Cloud Disc Golf ClubSt. Joseph Valley Disc Golf ClubSt. Louis Disc Golf ClubStafford Disc Golf ClubStanding Stone Disc Golf Club of Huntingdon CountyStarkville Disc Golf AssociationStateline Disc Golf Association Stone's Throw Disc Golf ClubStoney Hill DGC Strathmore Disc Golf ClubStumptown Disc GolfSummit Disc Golf AssociationSumter City Disc Golf ClubSuperstition Disc Golf ClubTallahassee Disc Golf AssciocationTampa Bay Disc Sports ClubTaylor Park Disc Golf ClubTeam Running It™ Disc GolfTeam StonyTeton Disc Golf ClubThe Birdogie Disc Golf ClubThe Friends of Sedgley WoodsThe Hyzer SozeThe KabalThe Lake County Disc Golf ClubThe Norse GodsThe Rocket City Chain Gang The Troop DGCThe Troop Disc Golf ClubThe Underground Disc Golf ClubThe Whiskey DiscsThird Coast Disc GolfTidewater UnitedTreasure Coast Disc GolfTreasure Valley Disc GolfTree Knockers Disc Golf ClubTree Knockers Disc Golf ClubTri-Fox Disc GolfTriad Disc Golf ClubTucson Disc Golf Association Inc.Tullahoma Disc Golf AssociationTulsa Disc Sports AssociationTuolumne County Disc Golf ClubTupelo Disc Golf Association Tuscaloosa Disc Golf ClubTybee Island Disc Golf ClubTybee Island Disc Golf ClubU.P. Disc Golf Association Unifour Flying Objects (UFO)United Flyers of SonomaUpstate Disc Golf ClubValley Flying DiscsVentura Disc Golf ClubVinenont Disc Golf ClubWabash Disc Golf ClubWaco Disc Golf Association WafdaWaffle StompersWalton disc golf clubWalzy Disc Golf ClubWashtenaw County Glow Disc GolfWaterloo Disc Golf ClubWells Branch Disc Golf ClubWenatchee Disc Golf ClubWest Sound Disc Golf AssociationWestchester Disc Golf EnthusiastsWestern Maryland Disc GolfWestern New York Disc Golf ClubWestern North Carolina Disc Golf AssocationWhatcom Disc Golf ClubWhite River Disc Golf AssociationWhy R TreeWickes Disc Golf ClubWilcox Disc Golf ClubWillamette Disc Golf ClubWilliston Disc Golf Club WingersWolf Pack DiscsWood Buffalo Disc Golf AssociationYellow House Disc Golf ClubYork County Disc ClubYoungstown Disc Golf ClubYucaipa Disc Golf ClubYukon DISC-versity GuildZoo City Disc Golf Club Club Name * Size * How many members are in your club? Please be as accurate as possible. Age How long has your club been active? Enter a zero if less than a year. Website Location (city, town, county, province, etc.) What general area does your club represent? Courses What course(s) does your club help manage or maintain? Please note if they public or private facilities. Is your club a formal business entity? Yes No Entity type Nonprofit or not-for-profit organization Educational Institution Sole proprietorship (non-LLC) Partnership Corporation (for-profit) Limited liability company (LLC) Other Other entity What year was the entity established? Does your club typically require a physical copy of the event insurance certificate for PDGA-sanctioned events? Yes No Contact InformationPlease provide current and valid contact information for the club or a club representative below. Contact Name * PDGA # * Email Address * Phone Number * Address * Country * CanadaUnited States Address 1 * Address 2 City * State * - Select -AlabamaAlaskaArizonaArkansasCaliforniaColoradoConnecticutDelawareDistrict of ColumbiaFloridaGeorgiaHawaiiIdahoIllinoisIndianaIowaKansasKentuckyLouisianaMaineMarylandMassachusettsMichiganMinnesotaMississippiMissouriMontanaNebraskaNevadaNew HampshireNew JerseyNew MexicoNew YorkNorth CarolinaNorth DakotaOhioOklahomaOregonPennsylvaniaRhode IslandSouth CarolinaSouth DakotaTennesseeTexasUtahVermontVirginiaWashingtonWest VirginiaWisconsinWyoming--Armed Forces (Americas)Armed Forces (Europe, Canada, Middle East, Africa)Armed Forces (Pacific)American SamoaFederated States of MicronesiaGuamMarshall IslandsNorthern Mariana IslandsPalauPuerto RicoVirgin Islands ZIP code * Terms and ConditionsThe above named club agrees to abide by all PDGA rules, regulations, policies, and procedures including, but not limited to, the following: Section II.D of the PDGA Bylaws: "DISCRIMINATION PROHIBITED. Membership and all rights of participation in the Corporation, including all tournaments and other events conducted or sanctioned by the Corporation, shall be open to everyone without regard to race, age, religion, sexual orientation, color, marital status, national origin, disability, gender, gender identity, or ancestry. However, the Corporation may limit participation in divisions of tournaments or other events based on relevant characteristics, including gender, age, or skill level.” Signature * By typing my full name in the signature box I certify that the information provided is accurate and agree to the terms and conditions.