Camping: no
Facilities: yes
Pay to Play: no
Handicap Accessible: no
Private: no
Tee Signs: yes

Course Details

Target Type: Chainstar
Tee Type: Other
Elevation: 50/50 Flat/Hills
Foliage: Mixed - Trees/Open
Cart Friendly: Very
Course Length: 5,542ft
Alternate Length: 7,106ft
Hole Length: Under 300ft: 12 | 300 - 400ft: 5 | Over 400ft: 1
Course Designer: Chuck Custer


Gently rolling hills with a balanced mix of wooded/open and left/right curving holes. Under light construction but open for play.


In Lancaster; take US 33 Bus. Rte. (Memorial Dr) to Fair Ave. Go east 1 mile to a left on SR 37 (N. High St.), 0.35 mile and go straight on N. High (SR37 veers right). Keller-Kirn Nature Park entrance is 1 mile uphill on the left (across from Castaways Restaurant).


Phone: 740-304-3788