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2016 NCDGC

2016 NCDGC

Five Doubles and two Singles rounds later, two teams finally emerged from the 2016 National Collegiate Disc Golf Championships (NCDGC) as national collegiate champions.

Championship Flight

In the Championship Flight, Augusta University started with a lead of six and ended with a lead of eight for their third NCDGC title. If that doesn't sound right, it's because this is the first time they've won as "Augusta University". They've won in previous years as both "Georgia Regents-University" and "Augusta State University". That doesn't take away at all from their talent, but let's hope the name change sticks this time, for conveience sake. 

After three days and six rounds across six different courses, two Individual Champions have emerged from the 2016 National Collegiate Disc Golf Championships (NCDGC), as well as true rankings of schools in the Team Doubles Flights.

After 3 rounds of Team Doubles and one round of Singles, the race for the title of National Collegiate Disc Golf Team Champions is far from over. With the wind staying steady from the first throw of the day to the last, there was no way to predict what was going to happen as the teams in the Championship Flight took on two courses on the other side of the Hippodrome Disc Golf Complex property this morning and afternoon.

Photo: North Carolina State during the opening ceremonies.

At the opening ceremony of the 2016 National Collegiate Disc Golf Championships (NCDGC), each university is announced one-by-one, giving the teammates a chance to display their school pride as they make their way towards the mainstage. Some schools did it louder than others, but it was obvious that everyone that had that opportunity was more than happy to be there. The NCDGC is truly a disc golf event like no other.

World's Biggest Basket @ the Hippodrome Disc Golf Complex

After months and months of planning, the 2016 National Collegiate Disc Golf Championships (NCDGC) is finally here. The NCDGC is the first PDGA Major of the year and is without a doubt one of the most unique and most exciting. 51 different universities from around the country will be represented at the Hippodrome Disc Golf Complex in North Augusta, SC, all with the hopes of bringing home the title of Collegiate National Champions.
