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2021 Elections

2021 Elections

Voting results for PDGA State & Provincial Coordinators from the 2023 PDGA Elections

Voting results for PDGA State & Provincial Coordinators from the 2021 PDGA Elections

Voting results for the PDGA Board of Directors from the 2021 PDGA Elections

Participation totals from the 2021 PDGA Elections

All 89,983 ballots have been distributed to PDGA members.

Now, it’s time to let your voice be heard.

We're just over two weeks into the 2021 PDGA Elections and 15,887 ballots – 17.66% – have been cast as we select the next three members of the PDGA Board of Directors as well as several State and Provincial Coordinators.

It’s been a steady climb in participation throughout the 2021 election. A week ago, the percentage of ballots returned was at 15%.

Eight candidates with wide-ranging skillsets, both professionally and within the sport of disc golf, have filed for three open positions on the PDGA Global Board of Directors.

They're all ready to help take disc golf to the next level.

Ballots will be going out in batches for the 2021 PDGA Board of Directors and State/Provincial Coordinators elections starting July 1.

Please check your email inbox for a message titled "Vote Now in the 2021 PDGA Elections" from [email protected]

If you do not receive a ballot by Friday, July 9, we can help. First, please do the following:


Ben Swam, #52875

Biography/Candidate Statement:  I am interested in continuing my service as the PDGA State Coordinator for Alabama. I have strong organizational and communication skills that play an important role in the SC position. I am well versed in problem resolution and have a strong sense of what Tournament Director's agonize over for scheduling. Acting as the SC for Alabama has been a great priveledge and I look forward to extending that role for another 2 years.

Disc golf is booming, that’s no secret.

In every facet —from tournaments to PDGA membership to busy local courses — disc golf is reaching new heights.

Here’s your chance to help grow the sport even more.

The deadline is quickly approaching for PDGA members who wish to take part in the upcoming PDGA Elections for three positions on the PDGA Global Board of Directors, three positions for the PDGA Europe Board of Directors and 30 State and Provincial Coordinators.

You've been a competitive disc golfer for some time, an active member in your local scene who has helped make a difference. You know what it's like to put in the hours for the sport you love, trying to shepherd it into the future while recognizing its rich history. You can connect with other disc golfers and motivate them to succeed, elevating those around you.

Now, comfortable that you've left your imprint on the local level, you want to challenge yourself even further. You want to help disc golf continue its ascent on the national and global levels.