After reviewing dozens of submissions for the 2018 PDGA Ace Club and Birdie Club logo contest, the winning designs have been chosen. Sweeping the contest this year was Tennessee’s Jason Scott, designer of both the winning Ace Club logo and Birdie Club logo, displayed in the picture above.
It's contest time! The PDGA is soliciting designs for the 2018 Ace Club and Birdie Club logos.
Compensation for the winning Ace Club and Birdie Club design will be a 2018 Ace or Birdie Club membership. (A larger package will be provided if the same person submits more than one winning logo design).
Congratulations to Bruno Heisner #74630 & Brett Stainfield #77991 for submitting the winning designs in the 2017 PDGA Ace and Birdie Club logo contest. Bruno's submission was chosen for the 2017 Birdie Club logo, and Brett's submission was selected for the 2017 Ace Club logo. This is Brett's second year in a row to submit a winning design, after winning last year for both the Birdie Club and Ace Club logos!
Its contest time! The PDGA is soliciting designs for the 2017 Ace Club and Birdie Club logos.
Compensation for the winning Ace Club and Birdie Club design will be a 2017 Ace or Birdie Club membership. (A larger package will be provided if the same person submits more than one winning logo design).
Congratulations to Brett Stainfield for submitting the winning designs in the2016 PDGA Ace and Birdie Club logo contest. Brett's submissions were chosen for both the 2016 Birdie Club and the 2016 Ace Club logo!
Its contest time! The PDGA is soliciting designs for the 2016 Ace Club and Birdie Club logos.
Compensation in kind for the winning design will be a 2016 Ace or Birdie Club membership. (A larger package will be provided if the same person submits more than one winning logo design).
Congratulations to Aaron Gerber and Benjamin Hopwood for submitting the winning designs in the 2015 PDGA Ace and Birdie Club logo contest. Aaron is our Ace Club logo winner and Benjamin is our Birdie club winner.
We received 16 entries for this year's contest. For submitting the winning designs both Aaron and Bemjamin will receive 2015 PDGA memberships. Aaron, our Ace Club designer, will receive an Ace Club package along with his PDGA membership while Benjamin will receive the Birdie Club package with his membership.
Its contest time! The PDGA is soliciting designs for the 2015 Ace Club and Birdie Club logos.
Compensation in kind for the winning design will be a 2015 Ace or Birdie Club membership. (A larger package will be provided if the same person submits more than one winning logo design).
Congratulations to Ricky Normandeau for submitting the winning designs in the 2012 PDGA Ace and Birdie Club logo contest.
We received 25 entries for this year's contest. For submitting the winning designs, Ricky will receive a 2012 PDGA Membership along with an Ace Club package and Birdie Club package. He will also receive additional PDGA merchandise from our online store
The office would like to thank everyone who submitted designs in this annual contest and we look forward to seeing what's in store for next year.
Greetings all disc golfing graphic artists! It’s time to start thinking about the year ahead. The PDGA is now soliciting designs for the 2012 Ace Club and Birdie Club logos.
Congratulations to Jaska Halttunen of Karkkila, Finland for submitting the winning designs in the 2011 PDGA Ace and Birdie Club logo contest. We received artwork from more than 25 people in this year's contest. For submitting the winning designs, Jaska will receive a 2011 PDGA Membership along with an Ace Club package and Birdie Club package. He will also receive a complimentary copy of the 2010 Pro Worlds DVD, which is available from the fulfillment house. The office would like to thank everyone who submitted designs in this annual contest and look forward to seeing what's in store for next year.