On the final day of the 2015 National Collegiate Disc Golf Championship, a PDGA Major, there was an air of excitement as the teams strode out on to the courses at the Hippodrome Disc Golf Complex. Saturday would be a day that carried with it unmeasurable amounts of emotion; the sensation of playing for something larger than one’s self is often inspiring and humbling. The teams at the top and in contention for the title would need to channel the utmost focus, drive and determination in order to see it through. And, just as they had the day before, each Final came down to the wire.
Day two of the National Collegiate Disc Golf Championship, a PDGA Major, is when the tension really begins to mount. As the dream of becoming a national champion begins to become a reality, an overwhelming combination of pressure and passion daunts even the fiercest competitors. As the players began to trickle onto the course on Thursday morning, they were surprised by the unseasonably cool temperatures and fierce winds. The six courses at the Hippodrome Disc Golf Complex are known for having a tendency to be breezy, and with such a demand for deadly accuracy, a deft touch is required to manage your way through the course.
March might have the best alliteration-based nickname in collegiate sports but if you’re more of a disc golf fan than a basketball fan, April is the month to really get excited about. Wednesday, April 15, kicks off the 2015 National Collegiate Disc Golf Championships (NCDGC), a PDGA Major. Hundreds of collegiate disc golfers from over 60 universities will gather at the Hippodrome Disc Golf Complex looking to take home a team and/or an individual championship all while representing their respective schools.