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Birds of Summer - Season 1 - Birdie Boys Disc Golf

Birds of Summer - Season 1 - Birdie Boys Disc Golf

Event Info

Pro/Am League

StatusTotal Players
Event complete; official ratings processed.33

Official Results

Collapse all divisions

MPO · Open (9)

Michael Maskley #58257
Newton, New Jersey, United States
Christopher Decker #74029
Vernon, New Jersey, United States
Matt Pappas #23622
Warwick, New York, United States
Robert Veliky #82998
Hewitt, New Jersey, United States
Dan Doyle #310
Warwick, New York, United States
Matt Schultz #76410
Greenwood Lk, New York, United States
Cory de Jong #82158
Rocky Mount, North Carolina, United States
Jason Hannigan #33635
Johnson, New York, United States
The Oasis at Warwick - Birds of Summer; 18 holes; Par 58; 5,250 ft.
The Oasis at Warwick - Birds of Summer; 18 holes; Par 58; 5,250 ft.
The Oasis at Warwick - Birds of Summer; 18 holes; Par 58; 5,250 ft.
The Oasis at Warwick - Birds of Summer; 18 holes; Par 58; 5,250 ft.
The Oasis at Warwick - Birds of Summer; 18 holes; Par 58; 5,250 ft.
The Oasis at Warwick - Birds of Summer; 18 holes; Par 58; 5,250 ft.
The Oasis at Warwick - Birds of Summer; 18 holes; Par 58; 5,250 ft.
The Oasis at Warwick - Birds of Summer; 18 holes; Par 58; 5,250 ft.
192.50Michael Maskley5825791948987499755195250963549164898746101059858
260.00Christopher Decker7402991951952451022529405590553928598585985863811
355.00Matt Pappas2362294856893509635096352940568935491660846
452.50Robert Veliky8299893753928549165294088850963
540.00Dan Doyle310913549165392857881598585392851952
637.50Dan Mccormick61525052
637.50Matt Schultz76410934509635195255905888
812.50Cory de Jong8215887253928
95.00Jason Hannigan3363593656893

MA1 · Advanced (10)

Joe Appaluccio #80655
Ogdensburg, New Jersey, United States
Donald S. Collins #51488
Highland Lakes, New Jersey, United States
Rob Valerie #90610
Hewitt, New Jersey, United States
Scott Spellman #63383
Butler, New Jersey, United States
Jeremy Spielhagen #60247
Warwick, New York, United States
Mike Baglione #28745
Warwick, New York, United States
Bjorn Holm #77225
Middletown, New York, United States
Zachary Adams #76452
Florida, New York, United States
Tony Forder #5592
Maywood, New Jersey, United States
The Oasis at Warwick - Birds of Summer; 18 holes; Par 58; 5,250 ft.
The Oasis at Warwick - Birds of Summer; 18 holes; Par 58; 5,250 ft.
The Oasis at Warwick - Birds of Summer; 18 holes; Par 58; 5,250 ft.
The Oasis at Warwick - Birds of Summer; 18 holes; Par 58; 5,250 ft.
The Oasis at Warwick - Birds of Summer; 18 holes; Par 58; 5,250 ft.
The Oasis at Warwick - Birds of Summer; 18 holes; Par 58; 5,250 ft.
The Oasis at Warwick - Birds of Summer; 18 holes; Par 58; 5,250 ft.
The Oasis at Warwick - Birds of Summer; 18 holes; Par 58; 5,250 ft.
165.00Joe Appaluccio806559055294052940539285590555905
257.50Donald S. Collins514888955689360846549165392863811559055985856893
350.00Rob Valerie90610905539286282254916539285689357881
435.00Scott Spellman63383920529404898756893
525.00Jeremy Spielhagen602479435590552940
525.00Mike Baglione287459336084656893568935788158869
720.00Bjorn Holm772258675788164799559055886964799
817.50Zachary Adams7645251952
912.50Lucas Durland5563
102.50Tony Forder559274671717

MA2 · Intermediate (10)

Ryan Kenney #60293
Hewitt, New Jersey, United States
Mike Morin #98395
Monroe, New York, United States
Michael Craven #48563
Maybrook, New York, United States
Tibor Pilenyi #88182
Greenwood Lk, New York, United States
Zackary Doyle #21441
Warwick, New York, United States
Zach Leblang #78885
Ringwood, New Jersey, United States
The Oasis at Warwick - Birds of Summer; 18 holes; Par 58; 5,250 ft.
The Oasis at Warwick - Birds of Summer; 18 holes; Par 58; 5,250 ft.
The Oasis at Warwick - Birds of Summer; 18 holes; Par 58; 5,250 ft.
The Oasis at Warwick - Birds of Summer; 18 holes; Par 58; 5,250 ft.
The Oasis at Warwick - Birds of Summer; 18 holes; Par 58; 5,250 ft.
The Oasis at Warwick - Birds of Summer; 18 holes; Par 58; 5,250 ft.
The Oasis at Warwick - Birds of Summer; 18 holes; Par 58; 5,250 ft.
The Oasis at Warwick - Birds of Summer; 18 holes; Par 58; 5,250 ft.
192.00Ryan Kenney6029389054916559055491650963568935788156893
280.00Mike Morin983958676084658869657875788159858608465491658869
378.00Michael Craven4856386056893549165985862822618345590558869
460.00Tibor Pilenyi881828456183460846608466084663811559056381162822
550.00Zackary Doyle214418476479965787608466084671717618345985853928
644.00Isiah Rodriguez6457555864
740.00Tom Mythen57595564
830.00Tim Florence6161636362
926.00Isaac Rodriguez616751
1018.00Zach Leblang78885864608466183461834

MA3 · Recreational (4)

Chris Gernat #94298
Lafayette, New Jersey, United States
Andy Yuhas #88726
West Milford, New Jersey, United States
Crystal Weaver #90479
Hewitt, New Jersey, United States
The Oasis at Warwick - Birds of Summer; 18 holes; Par 58; 5,250 ft.
The Oasis at Warwick - Birds of Summer; 18 holes; Par 58; 5,250 ft.
The Oasis at Warwick - Birds of Summer; 18 holes; Par 58; 5,250 ft.
The Oasis at Warwick - Birds of Summer; 18 holes; Par 58; 5,250 ft.
The Oasis at Warwick - Birds of Summer; 18 holes; Par 58; 5,250 ft.
The Oasis at Warwick - Birds of Summer; 18 holes; Par 58; 5,250 ft.
The Oasis at Warwick - Birds of Summer; 18 holes; Par 58; 5,250 ft.
The Oasis at Warwick - Birds of Summer; 18 holes; Par 58; 5,250 ft.
125.50Chris Gernat942988116183465787618346084669740638116282263811
213.50Andy Yuhas8872677364799667766282266776667766479966776
36.00Justin Ruquet64
43.00Crystal Weaver904797766875268752