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Sundays at Ryan’s hosted by Upshots Design and Goods

Sundays at Ryan’s hosted by Upshots Design and Goods

Event Info

Pro/Am League

StatusTotal Players
Event complete; official ratings processed.48

Official Results

Collapse all divisions

MPO · Open (12)

Colin Grandon #189312
Louisville, Kentucky, United States
Nick “The Lumberjack” Stinson #112610
Louisville, Kentucky, United States
Matthew Roy #142219
Crestwood, Kentucky, United States
Joseph Priest #35109
Columbia, South Carolina, United States
Billy Serapiglia #28730
Lyndon, Kentucky, United States
Kyle Reesor #20723
Nabb, Indiana, United States
Cham Oeun #61600
Louisville, Kentucky, United States
Chheany Mok #61451
Louisville, Kentucky, United States
Tyler Crowe #99583
Louisville, Kentucky, United States
Joshua Catron #38969
Shepherdsville, Kentucky, United States
Lucas Roy #60753
Louisville, Kentucky, United States
Scott Rief #26039
Louisville, Kentucky, United States
Ryan's Course in Red Orchard Park - normal Rd1; 18 holes; Par 64; 8,216 ft.
Ryan's Course in Red Orchard Park - normal; 18 holes; Par 64; 8,216 ft.
Ryan's Course in Red Orchard Park - normal; 18 holes; Par 64; 8,216 ft.
Ryan's Course in Red Orchard Park - normal Rd5; 18 holes; Par 64; 8,216 ft.
Ryan's Course in Red Orchard Park - normal; 18 holes; Par 64; 8,216 ft.
Ryan's Course in Red Orchard Park - normal; 18 holes; Par 64; 8,216 ft.
140.00Colin Grandon1893129466793564939659316297363948
220.00Nick “The Lumberjack” Stinson11261092762976698976793273863
315.00Matthew Roy1422199615799964956
412.50Joseph Priest351099616991666922
412.50Billy Serapiglia287309416692268905
412.50Kyle Reesor2072397959982
77.50Cham Oeun616008766791475846
77.50Chheany Mok6145191872871
77.50Tyler Crowe9958393567914
102.50Joshua Catron3896993175871
102.50Lucas Roy6075396574854
102.50Scott Rief2603990073863

MA1 · Advanced (6)

Andrew Pritchett #143205
La Grange, Kentucky, United States
James Kirkwood #128839
Shelbyville, Kentucky, United States
Ethan Wilborn #192076
Shelbyville, Kentucky, United States
Keaton Walker #75649
Louisville, Kentucky, United States
Christopher Gallagher #68472
Louisville, Kentucky, United States
Austin Rodenberg #158004
La Grange, Kentucky, United States
Ryan's Course in Red Orchard Park - normal Rd1; 18 holes; Par 64; 8,216 ft.
Ryan's Course in Red Orchard Park - normal; 18 holes; Par 64; 8,216 ft.
Ryan's Course in Red Orchard Park - normal; 18 holes; Par 64; 8,216 ft.
Ryan's Course in Red Orchard Park - normal; 18 holes; Par 64; 8,216 ft.
Ryan's Course in Red Orchard Park - normal Rd5; 18 holes; Par 64; 8,216 ft.
Ryan's Course in Red Orchard Park - normal; 18 holes; Par 64; 8,216 ft.
Ryan's Course in Red Orchard Park - normal Rd7; 18 holes; Par 64; 8,216 ft.
Ryan's Course in Red Orchard Park - normal; 18 holes; Par 64; 8,216 ft.
Ryan's Course in Red Orchard Park - normal; 18 holes; Par 64; 8,216 ft.
Ryan's Course in Red Orchard Park - normal; 18 holes; Par 64; 8,216 ft.
130.00Andrew Pritchett14320593365951659316989766922818187188064939
212.50James Kirkwood128839913609746593161965
310.00Ethan Wilborn19207690171880629276791462957
310.00Keaton Walker75649959689276890567932
55.00Christopher Gallagher6847292666922
55.00Austin Rodenberg15800489965931

MA2 · Intermediate (7)

Jared Cordray #113101
Louisville, Kentucky, United States
Andrew Dawson #161605
La Grange, Kentucky, United States
Juan Salas #158662
Waddy, Kentucky, United States
Gerik Tatarzycki #99587
Louisville, Kentucky, United States
Dalton Sturgill #174078
Shelbyville, Kentucky, United States
Matthew Carrier #170564
Louisville, Kentucky, United States
Pete Gargotto #186185
Las Vegas, Nevada, United States
Ryan's Course in Red Orchard Park - normal Rd1; 18 holes; Par 64; 8,216 ft.
Ryan's Course in Red Orchard Park - normal; 18 holes; Par 64; 8,216 ft.
Ryan's Course in Red Orchard Park - normal; 18 holes; Par 64; 8,216 ft.
Ryan's Course in Red Orchard Park - normal; 18 holes; Par 64; 8,216 ft.
Ryan's Course in Red Orchard Park - normal Rd5; 18 holes; Par 64; 8,216 ft.
Ryan's Course in Red Orchard Park - normal; 18 holes; Par 64; 8,216 ft.
Ryan's Course in Red Orchard Park - normal Rd7; 18 holes; Par 64; 8,216 ft.
Ryan's Course in Red Orchard Park - normal; 18 holes; Par 64; 8,216 ft.
Ryan's Course in Red Orchard Park - normal; 18 holes; Par 64; 8,216 ft.
Ryan's Course in Red Orchard Park - normal; 18 holes; Par 64; 8,216 ft.
146.00Jared Cordray113101885709117386367914718996593167881758467485469897
238.00Andrew Dawson16160588173887679147088867914668906692266922
336.00Juan Salas1586628927686267914718807189967881649396890569897
424.00Gerik Tatarzycki995878916694367914748757485475846
522.00Dalton Sturgill174078917679147287163948
66.00Matthew Carrier17056485664939
74.00Pete Gargotto1861858237683778842

MA3 · Recreational (16)

Bob Arnold #161007
Lexington, South Carolina, United States
Scott Corbin #158966
La Grange, Kentucky, United States
Ridge Hovious #201674
Smithfield, Kentucky, United States
George Phillips #164320
Campbellsburg, Kentucky, United States
Brian Swan #140804
La Grange, Kentucky, United States
Mike Dwyer #123489
Prospect, Kentucky, United States
Wade Mason #218856
Helena, Montana, United States
Walter Parker #208451
Louisville, Kentucky, United States
Ken Atkins #32789
Jeffersonville, Indiana, United States
Archie Lawang #173150
Louisville, Kentucky, United States
Matt Hauke #194543
Brooksville, Kentucky, United States
Jeep Quereshi #171180
Louisville, Kentucky, United States
Warren Pendleton #214743
Louisville, Kentucky, United States
Blake Rogers #115890
Lexington, Kentucky, United States
Ryan's Course in Red Orchard Park - normal Rd1; 18 holes; Par 64; 8,216 ft.
Ryan's Course in Red Orchard Park - normal; 18 holes; Par 64; 8,216 ft.
Ryan's Course in Red Orchard Park - normal; 18 holes; Par 64; 8,216 ft.
Ryan's Course in Red Orchard Park - normal; 18 holes; Par 64; 8,216 ft.
Ryan's Course in Red Orchard Park - normal Rd5; 18 holes; Par 64; 8,216 ft.
Ryan's Course in Red Orchard Park - normal; 18 holes; Par 64; 8,216 ft.
Ryan's Course in Red Orchard Park - normal Rd7; 18 holes; Par 64; 8,216 ft.
Ryan's Course in Red Orchard Park - normal; 18 holes; Par 64; 8,216 ft.
Ryan's Course in Red Orchard Park - normal; 18 holes; Par 64; 8,216 ft.
Ryan's Course in Red Orchard Park - normal; 18 holes; Par 64; 8,216 ft.
148.00Bob Arnold16100786980830728717882068905678816493969897
236.00Scott Corbin15896682578820758677683774817718807683779811
331.50Ridge Hovious201674903719037485478820778287882076837
331.50George Phillips16432088774879748547485473863
525.50Brian Swan140804822798387586781794777897981185760
525.50Christian Robinson9372585760798117983475846
716.50Mike Dwyer123489843838067584679834
815.00Wade Mason21885667914
912.00Walter Parker2084518876685760877438975389726
912.00Ken Atkins327897947981176859
912.00Archie Lawang17315086473863
126.00Matt Hauke19454378179834
126.00Jeep Quereshi17118073878820
144.50Clay Harris77828
144.50Warren Pendleton21474374817
161.50Blake Rogers11589080986752

MA4 · Novice (7)

Max Young #222341
Shelbyville, Kentucky, United States
Hayden Hauke #217171
Brooksville, Kentucky, United States
Seth Lorence #208228
Louisville, Kentucky, United States
Hannah Carrier #186411
Louisville, Kentucky, United States
Ryan's Course in Red Orchard Park - normal Rd1; 18 holes; Par 64; 8,216 ft.
Ryan's Course in Red Orchard Park - normal; 18 holes; Par 64; 8,216 ft.
Ryan's Course in Red Orchard Park - normal; 18 holes; Par 64; 8,216 ft.
Ryan's Course in Red Orchard Park - normal; 18 holes; Par 64; 8,216 ft.
Ryan's Course in Red Orchard Park - normal Rd5; 18 holes; Par 64; 8,216 ft.
Ryan's Course in Red Orchard Park - normal; 18 holes; Par 64; 8,216 ft.
Ryan's Course in Red Orchard Park - normal; 18 holes; Par 64; 8,216 ft.
Ryan's Course in Red Orchard Park - normal; 18 holes; Par 64; 8,216 ft.
Ryan's Course in Red Orchard Park - normal; 18 holes; Par 64; 8,216 ft.
115.00Max Young222341758717683771880758466989773863
29.00Hayden Hauke217171847988774378820937207485474854
38.00Micah Krebs857607485474854
42.00Seth Lorence20822878846
42.00Hannah Carrier18641171591709
61.00Josh Carrier96666
61.00Doug Dawson99641